Splendid (37 page)

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Authors: Julia Quinn

BOOK: Splendid
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The result was breathtaking. The cut flattered Emma's small frame, emphasizing her small waist and the elegant line of her throat. But it was the color of the silk that really did the trick. Emma had started out with her heart set on white, but Madame Lambert had refused and insisted on ivory. She was absolutely right; the new material set off Emma's complexion perfectly, and she positively glowed.

Although it might just have been love.

Still, Emma decided, the dress helped.

Finally, the day of the wedding arrived, and Emma awoke with at least three dozen butterflies in her stomach. Then, as if on cue, Belle bounded into her room and without any preamble asked, “Are you nervous?”


“Good. You're supposed to be nervous, you know. Marriage is a very big step, after all. It's probably the biggest event in a woman's life. After being born, of course, and dying, I suppose, but—”

“That's enough!” Emma bit out.

Belle smiled devilishly.

“You fiend,” Emma muttered, swatting her cousin with a pillow.

“I ordered up some morning chocolate,” Belle said. “It should be here any minute. I didn't think you'd want to eat anything more substantial this morning.”

“No,” Emma agreed softly, gazing out the window.

Belle took in her serious expression and immediately asked, “You're not having second thoughts, are you?”

Emma broke out of her reverie. “No, of course not. I love Alex, you know. I don't know if I ever told you, but I do.”

“I knew that you did!”

“I only wish that my father could give me away. I do miss him. And now I'll be living so far away.”

Belle patted Emma's hand consolingly. “I know. But you have us, after all. And Ashbourne's family adores you. And your father will visit you. I know he will. But don't tell my father how much you're missing Uncle John. He's practically bursting with pride at the thought of giving you away.”

A knock on the door sounded, and Sophie entered the room, still in her dressing gown. “I intercepted the maid on the stairs and had her go back to the kitchen for extra chocolate,” she said. “I hope you don't mind. She should be up shortly.”

“Of course not,” Emma said with a smile. “The more the merrier.”

“I cannot believe the sheer amount of activity in this house,” Sophie continued. “Have either of you been downstairs yet?”

Both Emma and Belle shook their heads.

“It's a madhouse. I was nearly run over by a footman. And the guests have already started to arrive!”

“You're joking!” Belle replied. “They must have gotten up at four in the morning to get here now.”

“Well, Alex was positively beastly when Mama suggested that we invite everyone to spend the night. Only a very select few were allowed to come
last night, and he insisted that absolutely
vacate the premises by tonight.”

Emma blushed. “Have you seen him yet?”

“No,” Sophie said, taking a cup of chocolate from the maid who had silently entered the room. “But Dunford was up and about. He said Alex is almost climbing the walls. I imagine he's rather anxious to have this entire wedding over and done with.”

“Yes, well, he's not the only one,” Emma murmured, wondering when her stomach was going to stop turning cartwheels.

The wedding was scheduled to start promptly at noon, and at eleven-thirty Emma peeked out the window at the spectacle that was growing on Westonbirt's south lawn. “Good Lord,” she gasped. “There must be two hundred people out there.”

“Closer to four, I would guess,” Belle said, joining her cousin at the window. “Mama would have liked a guest list of six hundred, but—”

“But there wasn't enough time,” Emma finished. “I know.” Still gazing out at the lawn, she shook her head at the grandness of the affair. Gaily striped tents dotted the lawn, shielding the swarms of guests from the early July sun. As Alex had promised, there were more bouquets of flowers than Emma could count.

“Oh my,” Emma breathed. “I should never have allowed Aunt Caroline to let this get so big. I don't know half of those people.”

“But they know you!” Sophie pointed out enthusiastically.

“Can you believe that you're going to be a duchess?” Belle asked.

“No, I really can't,” Emma said weakly.

And then, before she knew it, it was noon and she was standing just outside the entrance to the tent, so nervous that she could barely hear the
strains of the string quartet playing her favorite Mozart piece.

“Good luck,” Sophie said just before she headed down the aisle. “Sister.”

Belle followed Sophie a few moments later, but not before she gave Emma's hand a reassuring squeeze. “I love you, Emma Dunster.”

“That's the last time anyone will ever say that to me,” Emma whispered.

“Emma Ridgely sounds just fine to me,” Henry said, taking her arm. “Especially when it has Duchess of Ashbourne tacked on to the end of it.”

Emma smiled nervously.

“You'll do just fine,” Henry said. And then he added softly, “I know that you'll be very happy.”

Emma nodded, blinking back tears. “Thank you so much, Uncle Henry. For everything. I do love you, you know.”

Henry touched her cheek. “I know,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “Shall we be on our way? I think your duke is going to march up the aisle and drag you back to the altar if we don't get there soon.”

Taking a deep breath, Emma took that first step into the aisle. And when she saw Alex waiting for her at the altar, all her fears and anxieties slowly began to melt away. With each step, the joy within her grew, and she didn't even notice the hundreds of people who had turned in their seats to watch the radiant bride process down the aisle.

Alex's breath caught in his throat the first moment she stepped into the tent. She looked so lovely, he didn't know how to describe it. It was as if her beauty had accumulated inside of her and was shining out through every pore. Everything about her seemed to glow, from the satin creaminess of her skin to her soft violet eyes to the fiery highlights
of her hair, which shone brightly even underneath her delicate veil.

Finally, Henry and Emma reached Alex, and Emma could not help but smile as her uncle placed her hand in that of her future husband. Looking up into Alex's green eyes, she found an undeniable warmth in his gaze, along with hunger, possessiveness, and, yes, love. He might never have said the words, but Emma saw it clear as day in his eyes. He loved her.

He loved her, and suddenly her life seemed twice as bright as it had just moments earlier.

The rest of the ceremony passed so quickly that later Emma could remember only the barest snatches of it. Charlie standing so proudly as he held the rings on a small pillow, the warmth of Alex's hands as he slipped the ring on her finger, Dunford's and Ned's cocky smiles as they watched Alex kiss her a little too passionately when the vicar finally pronounced them man and wife, and then finally, the sight of Caroline's wet cheeks as the newly married couple breezed back up the aisle when the ceremony was over.

The party lasted for the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening. Emma found herself being congratulated by hundreds of people she didn't know and then by hundreds of people she did. Alex stuck by her side as much as possible, but even when they were forced to socialize separately, she felt his eyes on her, and she could barely contain the dual shivers of love and desire that floated through her.

Finally after hours of dancing and dozens of toasts, Alex sidled up next to Emma and whispered in her ear, “I know it's still early, but could we please get out of here? I want you all to myself.”

“Oh, I thought you'd never ask,” Emma sighed, her smile growing wider by the second.

The pair waved farewell to the crowd and then stopped by Eugenia's side before they left. “I want everyone gone tonight,” Alex said firmly. “I don't care if they don't get home until dawn. They usually don't anyway.”

“May I assume that your stinginess does not extend to members of your immediate family?” Eugenia inquired with an extremely amused expression.

“Of course, but I want the lot of you out of here tomorrow morning.” Alex dropped a kiss onto his mother's cheek. “I'd like a bit of privacy with my new wife, if none of you mind.”

“Rest assured, we'll all be gone by noontime,” Eugenia replied. “I assume that you don't plan to emerge from the bridal chamber before then?”

Emma blushed to the roots of her hair.

“Absolutely not,” Alex said shamelessly. “Although I would appreciate it if you could arrange to have a meal sent up to us tomorrow.”

“Fear not, my dear son, I've taken care of everything.” Eugenia's eyes misted over as she touched his cheek. “I'm very happy for you today.”

Alex and Emma smiled their good-byes to Eugenia and took off down the long hallway that led to the master suite. Emma nearly had to run to keep up with Alex's long strides until finally, as he propelled her up the curving staircase, she had to stop and catch her breath. “Please,” she begged, laughing all the while. “Wait just a moment.”

Alex halted in his tracks and cupped her cheeks in his hands. His eyes were filled with a curious mix of total intensity and humor. “I can't wait,” he said simply.

Emma let out a little yelp as Alex scooped her up into his arms and carried her the rest of the way to their room. “Alone at last,” he said dramatically, kicking the door shut so that he wouldn't have to put her down. “Do you mind if I kiss you?”


“Oh, good.” And by the time he was through, Emma was breathless and warm.

“Are you nervous?” Alex asked.

“No. I was this morning, but I'm not now.”

Alex's eyes glowed as he took in the implications of that statement. Still, he didn't want to rush her. They had all night—all week, actually. He took her hand and led her further into the chamber. “This is your new room,” he said, waving his hand at their surroundings.

Emma looked around. The decor was quite masculine.

“You can redecorate if you want,” Alex said. “Nothing too pink, I hope.”

Emma stifled a grin. “I think we can come up with something suitable.”

Alex caught her hand in his. “There is an adjoining room which is officially the duchess's chamber, but I'd rather you spend more of your time in here.”

“Oh really?” Emma teased.

“We could turn it into a sitting room for you with all of the feminine fripperies you want,” Alex said earnestly. “But I don't think there'll be any need for the bed that is in there. I'm thinking of having it moved to Mrs. Goode's quarters. She has been with us for many years, and I think it would be quite a treat for her. Much more comfortable than what she has now.”

“I think that would be a brilliant idea,” Emma said softly, stepping closer to him.

“Oh, Emma, I'm so glad that you're finally mine.”

“And I am glad that

Alex laughed out loud. “Come a little closer so that we can finally get that gorgeous dress off of you, your grace.”

“My name is Emma,” she replied in a stern voice. “I don't want to hear you calling me ‘your grace. '”

“You are priceless, your grace.” Alex reached his arms around her and started to undo the tiny buttons that marched down the back of her wedding gown. He moved with agonizing slowness, sending hot desire down Emma's spine with each touch.

A small moan tore from Emma's lips as she placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. The entire room seemed to be spinning in a sensual haze, and it was all she could do to remain standing.

Alex's hands stilled about halfway down her back. “Mmm, I think it's time we let down your hair.” With deft fingers, he pulled out the pins that had been used to pile her thick tresses atop her head. “Although I do like these little wispy things that hang down when you do your hair this way.” A few moments later the entire mass came tumbling down, and Alex lifted a few of the soft locks to his face, kissing them first and then breathing in the heady scent.

“I adore your hair,” he murmured, running his ringers through it. “Have I ever told you that I want a little girl with hair this exact color?”

Wordlessly, Emma shook her head. They had never discussed children. She had assumed he wanted an heir—all men did—but she had never dreamed that she would want a little girl just like her. “I my self had been thinking about a little boy with
black hair and green eyes,” she said hesitatingly.

Alex's hands moved back to the buttons on her back. “Well, we'll just have to keep on working on it until we both get our wish, won't we?” This time Alex undid her buttons with great speed, and within seconds the dress fell to the floor, leaving Emma clad only in her thin, silky chemise.

He started to push the sheer garment from her shoulders, but Emma stopped him. “Shh. It's my turn now.” She reached for his cravat and slowly pulled apart its intricate folds. And when she was done she moved to his crisp, white shirt, savoring each inch of flesh that was revealed as she undid each button. Alex could only withstand that sweet torture for a few moments, and with a groan, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the huge four-poster bed.

“Oh, God, you're so beautiful,” he said reverently, touching the side of her cheek. “So beautiful.”

Emma abandoned herself to the passion of the moment, wrapping her arms eagerly around Alex as he came to join her on the bed. Even as he was ridding himself of his clothing, he couldn't stop touching her, and the heat of his hands combined with the sensual rubbing of silk against skin was nearly enough to send her over the edge. She moaned his name over and over, barely aware that she was using her voice.

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