Spirit Walker (10 page)

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Authors: Michelle Paver

Tags: #Prehistory, #Animals, #Action & Adventure, #Wolves & Coyotes, #Juvenile Fiction, #Prehistoric peoples, #Fantasy & Magic, #General, #Fiction, #Voyages and travels, #Historical, #Wolves, #Demoniac possession

BOOK: Spirit Walker
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There's so much I've got to tell him. About Wolf and Renn and Fin-Kedinn
. . .
Then it would hit him all over again. He was never going to tell Fa anything.
think about it, he told himself.
But that hadn't worked in the past, and it didn't now.

Leaving the trees, he found himself on a narrow, curving beach of gray sand. At his feet, purple mounds of seaweed gave off a salty stink. To his left, great slabs of rock lay in chaos, as if shattered by a giant hammer. To his right, the Widewater flowed into the shimmering Sea.

Torak's spirits quailed. He didn't know this world. Seagulls screamed overhead, utterly unlike the tuneful singing of Forest birds. He saw unfamiliar tracks in the sand: a broad furrow flanked by five-clawed prints like half-eaten moons. He guessed they'd been made by some large, heavy creature dragging itself toward the water. But he didn't even know if it was hunter or prey.



He climbed onto the rocks, and tiny white shells crunched under his boots. They looked like some kind of snail, but he didn't know their name, or the name of the fleshy plants that grew in the cracks, their yellow flowers trembling in the breeze.


A few paces away, a black-and-white bird like a magpie, but with a long red beak, pecked at a shell stuck to the rock. The bird struck suddenly and hard, prized off the shell, and ate the innards. Then it flew off with a loud, piping call.

Torak watched it go. Then he knelt at the water's edge and peered into a strange, swaying world. He saw golden-brown fronds and threadlike green weeds. When he put in his hand, the fronds felt slimy as wet buckskin, and the weeds clung to his fingers like hair. A creature with a warty orange shell felt his shadow, and slid beneath a stone.

The salt stink was making his head throb, and the glare hurt his eyes. He was gripped by an overpowering urge to run back into the Forest: to hide, and never come out.

Then he thought of the clans battling the sickness. If he didn't find the cure . . .
He forced himself to stay--and went in search of food.
He didn't know what was good to eat on the shore, but to his relief he found a clump of goosefoot at the

edge of the Forest, and picked handfuls of the succulent shoots. He made a driftwood fire, and heated some large pebbles in the embers. Then he half filled his cooking-skin with seawater, hung it from a tripod of driftwood, and with a forked stick added the hot pebbles--followed by the goosefoot, and the remains of a hare he'd snared the night before. Soon he had a tasty, if very salty, stew.

He was tired, although too on edge to sleep. Instead he took off his clothes and had a wash. The seawater left him clean, but a bit sticky. He pulled on his leggings, and laid his boots and jerkin to air on the rocks.

At the bottom of his pack he found the boar's tusks.
Maybe the Forest Horse Leader had been right. Maybe he should make an amulet of the tusks, in memory of the friend he'd had to kill. Taking them to a rock pool, he cleaned them, scraping the flesh from the insides with a stick. Then he put them on the rocks to dry.

Next he strung a line of bramble-thorn fishing hooks across an inlet where he guessed the fish might come to feed among the weeds. For bait he used the flesh from the tusks; but to keep the hooks below the surface, he would need sink-stones.

There were pebbles on the beach, but no more rawhide cords in his pack for tying them to the lines.
He didn't like the idea of cutting strips from the slimy brown seaweed. There might be Hidden People in the water: maybe those weeds belonged to them. A couple of split pine roots would do. Which meant going back into the Forest.

He felt safer among the trees, and he wanted a reason to stay. Maybe he should cut more pine roots; always useful to have some to spare. And that meant going farther in, because you must never cut more than two roots from the same tree.

The sun was getting low by the time he got back to the Sea. His things lay on the rocks where he'd left them.

Whoever had searched his gear had gone to some lengths to replace it, but Torak knew instantly that it had been moved. A patch of yellow flowers by his pack was slightly crushed: that was where he'd set down the pack in the first place. The boar tusks, too, had been rearranged: he made out the faint crescents of damp where they'd originally lain.

Noiselessly he slipped back into the Forest. Crouched low. Wished the undergrowth were higher.
Voices on the sand, thirty paces away. Two boys were climbing out from behind the rocks. Walking slowly, searching for tracks.
Both were bigger than Torak, and looked about a summer older than him. They had sun-darkened faces
and long yellow hair beaded with shells. Bands of slitted gray hide tied across their eyes gave them a blank, masklike look.

Torak didn't need to see their eyes to know that they meant him harm. Their weapons told him that: sturdy harpoons with barbed bone heads, and knives of blue flint. The smaller one carried a slingshot stuck in his belt.


They were barefoot, in knee-length breeches of some kind of supple gray hide, and sleeveless jerkins that revealed wavy blue clan-tattoos all over their arms. Their jerkins bore a strip of clan-creature skin: glossy gray fur marked with small dark rings. Whale? Seal? Torak didn't know.


But the oddest thing about them was that he could see their tattoos and their clan-creature skins at all, because over their jerkins each boy wore a long-sleeved parka of very light, yellowish hide: so light that Torak could see right through it. He wondered what kind of creature had skin that you could see through.

"He can't have gone far," said the shorter of the two, his voice carrying in the evening air.
"He must have slunk back into the trees," said the other. "Like one of those--what d'you call them? Horses?"
His companion sniggered. "Detlan, I don't think horses slink."
"How would you know, Asrif?" said Detlan. "You've ever seen one either."
"I've heard about them," said Asrif. "Come on, let's go. He's not coming back."
"He'd better not," said Detlan. "Tainting the Sea with his filthy Forest gear . . ."
Holding his breath, Torak watched them make their way down to the rocks.

From beneath an overhang they pulled two long, slender hide canoes. The canoes were utterly different from those Torak was used to: extremely shallow in the draft, and covered at prow and stern with tight-stretched gray hide. And they must be extraordinarily light, because each boy hoisted his boat on his head without difficulty, and carried it down to the water.

Torak watched them set the canoes in the shallows, then leap aboard. With narrow double-bladed paddles they began to row, and soon disappeared, gliding silently out of sight beyond the rocks.


But he knew that it was too soon to feel relieved. This felt like a trap. He would wait them out. And like all hunters, he knew how to wait. The breeze fell to nothing, and the water became as smooth as polished slate. The only sounds were the suck and slap of wavelets, and a duck nibbling seaweed in the shallows.

The sun sank lower. The duck spread its wings and
flew off. Dusk came on--although as it was the middle of the Moon of No Dark, night would be merely a brief interval of deep blue twilight. Still Torak waited.
It was nearly dawn when he judged it safe to go out. Stiff from crouching so long, he made his way onto the rocks.
The dew had dampened his pack, but when he checked its contents, he found to his relief that nothing had been taken.
Hungry, he went to check the fishhooks. Stooping to draw in the line, he brushed away piles of seaweed that the wind had blown across it. Except--there had been no wind. So how had that seaweed got there?
He leaped back just as the rope snapped taut around his ankle and yanked him off his feet.
Torak fell, knocking his head on a rock. A tall figure blotted out the sun.
Against the glare, Torak glimpsed a dark face and a blaze of yellow hair; a knife in one hand and a rope in the other, pulled tight on the noose around his ankle. "I've got him," said his captor to someone Torak couldn't see. Then to Torak, "Come quietly or I'll hurt you." He spoke without malice, but clearly meant what he said. Torak, however, was not about to come quietly. He didn't know many fighting tricks, but he knew about
They'd blundered into the bog.
"Filthy Forest tricks!" yelled one.
"You're not getting away with this!" howled another.
But it sounded as if only two of them were down there. Where was the third one, the tall boy from the rocks?
No time to think about that. He reached the top of the slope--and would have tumbled off the cliff if he hadn't grabbed a sapling just in time. He stifled a cry of frustration. He hadn't come nearly as far as he'd thought.

The bog wouldn't slow his pursuers for long; and even if he could scramble down the cliff, the river was too wide to swim, and in those canoes they'd easily catch him. He'd have to follow the Widewater upstream, and hope he could lose them in the Forest. Which would mean leaving his gear behind on the rocks; although at least he still had his knife. . . .

His knife . . .
What he held in his hand was the knife Fin-Kedinn had made for him, but Fa's knife--his most precious possession--was in his pack.

Above him there was a tearing sound--and he glanced up to see a large branch rushing toward him. He leaped aside--but not far enough. The branch caught him painfully on the elbow, and he cried out.

"Up there!" bayed his pursuers.
He heard a ripple of laughter--and looked up to see a face of leaves disappearing into the trees.
A stone struck him on the cheekbone, and he fell against the sapling.
"We've got him," said a voice close by.

Through a blur of pain, Torak saw the tall boy from the rocks moving calmly toward him through the pines. "Asrif," he said to his companion, "I've told you before, not the head. You could have killed him."


Asrif tucked his slingshot in his belt and grinned. "And then wouldn't I have been sorry."

They were back on the rocks: Torak with his hands bound behind him, his captors prowling up and down. They no longer wore the strips of hide across their eyes, but it wasn't an improvement. He could see the violence in them; their fingers flexing on the hilts of their knives. Strange knives, with hilts made of something that was neither wood, antler nor bone.

The tall boy who'd caught him on the rocks came close. He had a clever, watchful face, and eyes as cold as blue flint. "You shouldn't have run," he said quietly. "That's what a coward does."

"I'm not a coward," said Torak, meeting his gaze. His cheek was throbbing, his feet and shins burning with scratches.
They'd blundered into the bog.
"Filthy Forest tricks!" yelled one.
"You're not getting away with this!" howled another.
But it sounded as if only two of them were down there. Where was the third one, the tall boy from the rocks?
No time to think about that. He reached the top of the slope--and would have tumbled off the cliff if he hadn't grabbed a sapling just in time. He stifled a cry of frustration. He hadn't come nearly as far as he'd thought.

The bog wouldn't slow his pursuers for long; and even if he could scramble down the cliff, the river was too wide to swim, and in those canoes they'd easily catch him. He'd have to follow the Widewater upstream, and hope he could lose them in the Forest. Which would mean leaving his gear behind on the rocks; although at least he still had his knife. . . .

His knife . . .
What he held in his hand was the knife Fin-Kedinn had made for him, but Fa's knife--his most precious possession--was in his pack.

Above him there was a tearing sound--and he glanced up to see a large branch rushing toward him. He leaped aside--but not far enough. The branch caught him painfully on the elbow, and he cried out.

"Up there!" bayed his pursuers.
He heard a ripple of laughter--and looked up to see a face of leaves disappearing into the trees.
A stone struck him on the cheekbone, and he fell against the sapling.
"We've got him," said a voice close by.

Through a blur of pain, Torak saw the tall boy from the rocks moving calmly toward him through the pines. "Asrif," he said to his companion, "I've told you before, not the head. You could have killed him."


Asrif tucked his slingshot in his belt and grinned. "And then wouldn't I have been sorry."

They were back on the rocks: Torak with his hands bound behind him, his captors prowling up and down. They no longer wore the strips of hide across their eyes, but it wasn't an improvement. He could see the violence in them; their fingers flexing on the hilts of their knives. Strange knives, with hilts made of something that was neither wood, antler nor bone.

The tall boy who'd caught him on the rocks came close. He had a clever, watchful face, and eyes as cold as blue flint. "You shouldn't have run," he said quietly. "That's what a coward does."

"I'm not a coward," said Torak, meeting his gaze. His cheek was throbbing, his feet and shins burning with scratches.

Asrif gave a gleeful laugh. "Oh, you're in trouble, Forest Boy!" He had a weaselly look, and kept baring his teeth in an edgy grin. "He is, isn't he, Bale?" he said to the tall boy.


The boy called Bale did not reply.


"I don't understand," said Detlan, shaking his head. "To taint the Sea with the Forest! Why would he do it?" His heavy brows made a deep crease on the bridge of his nose, and Torak guessed that he wasn't too bright, but very good at following orders.

Torak turned to Bale, who seemed to be the leader. "I don't know what you think I've done, but I never--"
"Deerskin," spat Bale, pacing up and down. "Reindeer hide. Forest wood. Have you no respect?"
said Torak.
Detlan's jaw dropped.
Asrif tapped his forehead. "He's mad. He must be."

Bale narrowed his eyes. "No. He knew what he was doing." Then to Torak, "Bringing your unclean Forest skins right onto the shore! Setting your cowardly traps to snare our skinboats--trailing them in the Sea herself!"

"I was fishing," said Torak.
"You broke the law!" roared Bale.
"You tainted the Sea with the Forest!"
Torak took a breath. "My name is Torak," he said. "I'm Wolf Clan. What clan are you?"
"Seal, of course." Bale tapped the strip of gray fur on
his chest. "Don't you know sealskin when you see it?"
Torak shook his head. "No, I've never seen one."
"Never seen a seal?"
said Detlan, aghast.
Asrif hooted. "Told you he was mad!"
Torak's face grew hot. "I'm Wolf Clan," he said again. "But I'm also--"
"Is that what this is?" sneered Asrif. With a piece of driftwood he jabbed at the strip of wolfskin on Torak's jerkin.
Bale's lip curled in scorn. "So that's wolf hide. Looks a poor sort of creature to me."

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