Spiking the Girl (36 page)

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Authors: Gabrielle Lord

Tags: #Australia

BOOK: Spiking the Girl
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‘Scott Brissett’s got a limp. And I think I know what might be causing it.’

She held the back of the halter top away from her as Spinner pulled the wire under the fabric down to its port in the small battery pack tucked under her belt at the back. ‘I’ll tape that in,’ he said. ‘Just so it stays put.’ Gemma waited.

‘Okay,’ he said. ‘How’s that?’

She turned around; by craning her neck she could just see the small battery pack nestled against the back of the belt. ‘You’d hardly know it was there,’ she said.

Spinner started folding up his laptop. ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘What’s the job?’

The waning moon had sunk lower in the west when Gemma climbed into the Fletcher Brothers van clutching her small beaded purse for the drive to Watsons Bay via Baroque Occasions.

‘You sure about this?’ Spinner was worried; she could see it in the furrows of his face. ‘You know what this man is capable of doing. What if he turns nasty? What if he finds the camera?’

‘He’s not going to find the camera,’ she said.

‘You’re no hooker. He’s going to smell a rat.’

‘I’m new to the game,’ she said. ‘My script is simple because it’s the truth. I’m a new girl and Naomi is training me.’

Spinner threw her a look—she could see he was far from convinced. ‘This is Scott Brissett,’ he reminded her. ‘Ugly mug supremo. Murder suspect. Do I have to say more?’

‘Spinner, I’m just doing my job,’ she said, starting to feel angry.

‘But what about the camera? You can’t do the business without getting undressed! That’s okay on the streets but not in an outcall to a private home.’

‘You seem to know a lot about this sort of thing,’ she said.

‘I did what I did before love came to town,’ he said. ‘Does Angie know you’re doing this?’

‘Not exactly.’

‘You mean not at all,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘This is dangerous, Gemma.’

Her mood, elevated by her sense that she was taking action that could put Brissett where he belonged, deflated and she suddenly felt very unsure. She’d based this entire operation on a certain conjecture. What if she was wrong? She might not get the information she needed; and her planned actions would definitely compromise her. If this didn’t come off, if it went bad, her future as a licensed investigator was in great jeopardy. What she planned to do was a breach of boundaries, both professional and personal. She was a licensed investigator, not an unlicensed sex worker. She heard her sister’s voice warning her about the dangerous situations she seemed to seek and was silent all the way to Baroque Occasions.

Naomi, gorgeous in a scrap of a dress, hair in pigtails, white hoop earrings dangling, legs encased in thigh-high pink leather boots despite the heat, carrying a white straw bag, was keeping an eye out for them and ran outside. Spinner averted his eyes as she climbed into the Rodeo. Turning to Gemma, she patted her pigtails. ‘He likes these.’ With her skimpy dress and childish hairstyle, Naomi looked fourteen.

‘But what about me?’ Gemma was alarmed. ‘No way I’ll pass as an adolescent.’

‘That’s okay. Rob’s a lot older than me and he’s cool with that. But you’re a real turn-on, honey, because it’s your first day on the job.’ The way she spoke reminded Gemma of Naomi’s late mother, Shelly.

‘Hey,’ said Naomi. ‘What’s your working name? We all have a working name. Mine’s Carla.’

Gemma thought about the woman who’d humiliated her last year. ‘Lorraine,’ she said. ‘But you’ll have to show me what to do.’

‘Sure,’ said Naomi. ‘Just follow me.’

‘But what do I do?’ Gemma realised she was very nervous.

‘Gemma,’ said Naomi, ‘I’ve already told you. You tell him he’s wonderful, that he’s the best in the world—’

‘It’s not the talking part that worries me,’ said Gemma.

‘Relax,’ giggled Naomi. ‘You’ll get the hang of it.’

Spinner refused to drive any further until they’d put the camera through another test run. ‘We’re not leaving until I’m a thousand per cent sure you’re online,’ he said.

‘But we’ve gotta go,’ said Naomi, concerned. ‘He gets really pissed off if we keep them waiting.’

But Spinner insisted, making Gemma activate the micro camera. She heard the tiny beep that indicated it was functioning and watched the jumbled images of the Rodeo’s interior: looming close-ups of Naomi or her boots and the upholstery depending on how Gemma and the pendant moved.

‘Okay,’ said Spinner, satisfied.

In no time they were driving along the dark laneway that ended with the gateposts Gemma remembered from the previous visit. Spinner pulled up near them.

‘Off you go. But the second I think anything’s going wrong,’ he said, ‘I’ll be bashing on that door.’

His radio crackled and he picked it up, still with the laptop on his knees.

‘Mike,’ he said. ‘Where are you?’

‘You’ve got Mike on this too?’ Gemma felt abashed—she hadn’t wanted this, although she had to admit to the common sense of it.

‘Of course I have,’ said Spinner. ‘You don’t think I’d do this without back-up? I’m not a big bloke. He’s on his way.’

‘Come on,’ said Naomi. ‘Don’t make him any meaner than he already is.’

Gemma gave Spinner a ‘you wait’ glare, turned to Naomi, and together they went to the security buzzer on the gate. Gemma realised she was holding her breath. She told herself to breathe, deeply and steadily, and that had a calming effect.

It was then that the first wave of terror shivered through her. She knew Scott Brissett’s capabilities. She almost jumped when the door opened and there he was, his heavy body concealed in a terry-towelling bath robe, tied around his waist, feet pushed into scuffs. He stood back in silence, a grim expression on his face, perfectly in command of the situation. The big man, used to having his way in all things.

‘Come in, girls,’ he said, peering at Gemma. ‘You’re new,’ he added, looking her up and down as she walked past him. He turned to Naomi. ‘Where’s the other girl who usually works with you?’

Naomi followed Gemma, putting her bag down on a table. ‘She’s away,’ she said. ‘This is my friend, Lorraine.’

Gemma, who’d been wondering if Brissett’s robe was tied in a thief knot, took a quick look around. Sure enough, there were the two huge paintings on either side of the large hood and flu of an oversized heater that fitted the erstwhile open fireplace: the trophy wife and the trophy cruiser. In front of the fireplace spread a large black bearskin.

‘You like boats?’ said Brissett, noticing Gemma’s gaze. ‘We should all go out on her one day. Have some fun.’

‘Where’s your friend, darling?’ Naomi asked. ‘Or is it just you tonight?’

Gemma felt nauseous. She couldn’t imagine how she was going to go through with this.

‘What’s up with the new girl?’ Brissett asked, going to a cabinet, returning with several chilled bottles of beer. ‘Drinks, girls?’

He glanced at Gemma and frowned. ‘You’re nervous,’ he said. ‘You’re scared. Why are you so frightened of me?’

‘This is Lorraine’s first time,’ said Naomi. ‘I guess she’s feeling nervous. You okay, darling?’

Brissett put two bottles down, wrenched the top off one. ‘Come here,’ he said. Gemma walked over. ‘You’re a bit old to be starting a new career, aren’t you?’

He thought that was very funny. Gemma didn’t. Maybe I’ll be doing just that, she was thinking, if word of this gets out to the wrong parties. She smiled, remained silent, thinking that was wisest.

‘It’s just not the same without your nice friend here,’ cooed Naomi, looking around. ‘We can’t play our little rape game. Where is he?’

‘My friend has other commitments,’ Bissett said. ‘So it’s just us—me and you two.’ He lowered himself into his chair, signalling with his beer bottle, like a Roman emperor. ‘How would the new girl feel about being raped?’

Gemma froze. Is he just trying to frighten me, she wondered, or does he know who I am?

‘Let’s sort out the money first,’ said Naomi. ‘We get that out of the way and then we can relax and enjoy ourselves.’

‘Get your gear off first,’ said Brissett. ‘Put me in the mood.’

‘You know the house rules,’ said Naomi the professional, wiggling her nose at him. Brissett pulled a roll of notes out of his pocket and dropped it on the table. Naomi picked it up and peeled notes off, all the time keeping an eye on Brissett.

‘Hey,’ he said, snatching back what was left. ‘That’s more than last time.’

‘You’re getting a virgin,’ said Naomi. ‘Lorraine is fresh. You don’t get that every day.’

Naomi recounted the money, turning away and stashing it in her white bag. ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘Let’s get in the mood, darling.’

She selected a CD from the pile and, as the music started throbbing, walked straight over to Gemma and seized her in a violent kiss. In Gemma’s mind, two ideas collided. The first said, this is Naomi whom I’ve watched grow up, this is practically incest; the second, this is necessary subterfuge, be professional. It took a long second for her to respond.

‘Just pretend it’s Steve,’ Naomi whispered in her ear, curling her tongue around Gemma’s lobe. At those words, Gemma relaxed, closing her eyes, winding her arms around Naomi, trusting that the young woman knew what she was doing, letting her do it, while all the time reminding herself that this was a performance that would put her in the right position to do the job she’d come to do. Imagining and willing it to be Steve in her arms helped to overcome the alien strangeness of a sexual embrace with another woman, of Naomi’s female odours and small soft breasts pressing tightly against her. Memories of Steve vanished as she struggled to relax, pretending a passion that she could not feel, pressing herself into Naomi’s caresses, watching Brissett through half-closed lids as he lounged on the chair with his robe half open, drinking beer. His eyes were on Naomi as she stepped away from Gemma to wriggle out of her dress, swing it a few times like a stripper then kick it away from her.

‘Want some Puss in Boots, darling?’ Naomi said, turning to Gemma. ‘Take some gear off, darling,’ she suggested, ‘or I’ll take it off for you.’

Knowing she needed to keep her halter top on, Gemma loosened her belt, watching as Naomi dragged the bearskin over and positioned herself on it, rolling round a few times, then, for Brissett’s delectation, running her hands up and down her body, her legs in their boots opened wide. It was a gorgeous sight, Gemma thought. If you were a man.

‘Come on down, Lorraine darling,’ breathed Naomi, one hand extended towards Gemma, the other between her legs.

‘Yeah,’ said Brissett. ‘Get on down, new girl.’ He glared at her, one hand holding his beer, the other rubbing his cock. ‘I’ve paid to see you in action with the kid.’

If only the mums and dads who adore you could see you now, Gemma thought—the great legend Scott Brissett, sucking from a bottle with his dick hanging out. She wanted to get this on camera but she needed to get closer, so, with what she hoped was a sexy smile, she stepped out of her skirt, twirling it the same way as Naomi had, balancing on the diamanté sandals, making as if she were about to pull her knickers down.

She could see his penis was only half erect so instead she moved closer and slid to her knees in front of him, running her hands along her neck and shoulders and over her breasts, activating the camera as she did.

‘Let’s get acquainted,’ she whispered, moving closer still, then bending over as if to take his cock in her mouth. It was rubbery, partly erect, and Gemma prayed the light was good enough for what she needed. The shock when he grabbed her head and shoved her face down against his cock made her almost jump away in disgust. It took everything she had to stay there.

He’d seen her revulsion. ‘You want to suck that?’ he said, angry. ‘Do you? Show me what a dirty little whore you are.’ Gemma couldn’t speak she thought she was about to vomit. His words sickened her further; the grip round her neck was so vicious she could hardly breathe. There was no escape. ‘Suck it and then get on the floor with the other slut.’

Gemma struggled, but he was far stronger. Her head spun and she didn’t know if it was because of oxygen deprivation or because of her own nausea. Even the huge strength lent by terror proved useless against him. Suddenly, Naomi’s voice.

‘It’s okay, darling, she’s new. Maybe tonight’s not your night, Lorraine?’

‘You,’ Brissett growled, ‘are nothing but a dirty little whore.’

‘Here’s your money back, darling,’ said Naomi, but Brissett wasn’t listening.

‘She thinks she’s too good to suck my dick,’ said Brissett, tightening his hold around the back of Gemma’s neck, forcing her face against his penis, now fully erect and aroused. ‘So you can damn well suck it good and hard and long!’

Gemma felt revulsion mixed with icy terror rising in her guts. Anything could happen now and there was no way she could stop it. The terror reached her heart. Could she tear herself away and run on legs that threatened to collapse under her? She was finding it difficult to breathe, every cell in her body pulling away from Brissett, tensing and tightening until she thought she’d faint.

Suddenly the painful grip around her neck was released and the tone of Brissett’s voice changed. ‘What the fuck?’

Someone was bashing on the front door. Spinner, thought Gemma. Thank God. Brissett pushed her out of his way, so that she fell. As she did, she executed the best combat roll of her life, ending up as far away from him as possible. She was aware of Naomi slipping her dress back on.

‘Come on,’ she urged. ‘Let’s get out of here! Before he wants his money back!’

Gemma scrambled to her feet, grabbing her skirt, skidding and cursing the diamanté sandals, heading for the door that Brissett was pulling open. On the doorstep stood Mike, looking every inch the cop he’d used to be, and Spinner. ‘I wonder if we could have a word with you, sir,’ said Mike, flashing and closing his ID wallet.

Holding her skirt in front of her, Gemma hurried outside with Naomi. She hobbled around the Rodeo which was idling near the gateposts of the Brissett household and, using it as cover, tugged her skirt back on. She realised she was shaking, that her legs could barely support her as she climbed into the passenger seat with Naomi following her. She prayed the micro camera had worked. It must have, she told herself, for Mike and Spinner to arrive when they did.

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