spies and spells 01 - spies and spells (16 page)

Read spies and spells 01 - spies and spells Online

Authors: tonya kappes

Tags: #Mystery & Suspense, #International Mystery & Crime, #Paranormal, #Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Cozy, #Animals, #Witches & Wizards, #Romance, #Supernatural

BOOK: spies and spells 01 - spies and spells
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I had arrived. I didn’t care how I got there and why, but I was in with Mystic Couture. Good for SKUL and great for me.

“So, you are Maggie Park?” The young brunette had a bob just like Tawny’s, but had blunt bangs. “I’m Tessa Fawn, Tessa Suley. Tawny’s daughter. Mom has been raving about how you have outdone yourself on sales.”

I nodded politely. I wasn’t sure who knew the reasons I was there, so I kept my mouth shut.

“This is my husband, Bo Suley.” She ran her hands down the handsome gentleman with the brown khakis, pin-striped shirt, and blue blazer on. He looked like he was going to Churchill Downs for a little bet. Typical outfit. His dirty blond hair was a little unkempt, but that was a typical rich kid feature in Kentucky. He had blue eyes that put the bluest of skies to shame.

“Nice to meet you both.” I shook their hands.

“Can I get you a glass of wine or a cocktail?” Bo asked.

“Bourbon on the rocks?”

“A true Kentucky girl.” Amusement danced in Bo’s eyes. “See here, Tessa. She likes a little bourbon, maybe you should try it.”

“No dear, I’ll keep with the wine.” She shoved Bo off toward the bar before returning her attention to me. “Tell me what your favorite product has been so far?”

“Definitely the Jockey Red.” I glanced around the area, trying to seem as though I knew what I was talking about. I might have done my research on how I needed to dress but I didn’t do my research on all the products. I had never been able to afford them so I didn’t want to put myself through the agony of coveting something I couldn’t have. Tonight, all that changed.

“You like the new line?” she asked, giving a few people walking by the “nod.” “I mean you do if you like Jockey Red. It’s very popular, don’t you think?”

“It is.” I smiled, thankful I saw Bo walking over with my bourbon. “All my clients love it.”

“What do you have on tonight?” she asked taking her glass of wine from her husband.

“I have on a mix of two colors.” I grabbed the glass taking a gulp. “I bet you had a great childhood growing up in this big house.” I pointed to the mansion nestled behind the tent.

“I didn’t grow up in that house.” Her lips thinned. “I lived with my dad. Mom didn’t want to be a mom. She only wanted to mother the women you see here today. Some of them have been around since the beginning.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I had no idea. I wish all of this had been in the file.

“You wouldn’t know. In fact, no one here knows. Mom did a great job on her promotional material with me in a cute dress all done up in her makeup. I actually hate the makeup.” She laughed. “Bo and I actually live in the trailer park just on the outskirts of town.”

“Shrimp cocktail?” A server busted between Tessa and me.

“No thank you.” I tried not to smile too big when I saw it was Mick. I couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say about his ride in Vinnie. “Do you know where the bathroom is?” I asked him.

“Yes, ma’am. If you would like to follow me.” He turned and I excused myself from Tessa and Bo.

When we got a safe distance away from the tent, he started in.

“What in the hell is up with your car? It’s got a mind of its own.” Mick’s hair was not as neatly gelled as it was when I first came to the party. “It was like I had no control. It swung me around like I was in one of those bouncy houses.”

“Maybe you aren’t used to a car with that much power. It’s an AC Cobra. Duh.” I laughed it off and took another big swig of my bourbon.

“That’s what you are going to go with. Just like the black outfit and the camera. The car has so much power that when I took my foot off the gas and hands off the wheel because I was holding on for my life, I was able to drive it with my mind.”

“You know Mick, this job might be getting to you.” I held the glass in the air pointing at him. “Maybe you need to tell Burt you need a vacation.”

“I’m not crazy, Maggie.” Anger oozed out of his pores. “There is something about you and that car I have yet to put my finger on. But when I do. . .”

“Gotta go do my job, partner.” I winked and headed toward Tawny Fawn as she entered the tent for her big grand approach.

I held back as the lights in the tent swirled and twirled in circles until they finally focused on Tawny in the back of the tent. The crowd erupted into cheers and cat whistles. Tawny, in true Kentucky southern charm, made her way through the crowd giving a little wink and wave. The lucky women who got the southern “hello” nearly fainted.

My eyes drew to the front; Mick was standing near my table with a tray. Someone exchanged his tray for a tray full of champagne, letting Tawny sweep one off and hold it up in the air.

Leonard dear held a microphone up to her lips. Everyone waited with baited breath to hear what wisdom was going to cross Tawny Fawn’s lips.

“Cheers.” She smiled. The crowd toasted her. She sat down.

That was it? My eyes darted back and forth, around the tent taking in the crowd who seemed to be happy with her one word toast. I made my way back to my table.

“Maggie,” Tawny whispered with a smile on her face. She and I both knew all eyes were on her. “I know you are here to play the part, so play the part. Don’t make me look like a fool in front of my real employees. People who love me.” She held the champagne glass in front of her lips as she continued to spout, “I’m doubtful anyone is doing what SKUL believes is going on around here. So I’m sure this will be the only time I will see you.”

“Mom?” Tessa sat across the table from us. There was an awkward smile on her face, her eyes slid between her mother and me. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, lovely.” Tawny lifted her hand, Leonard dear rushed over to refill her flute.

“Are you sure?” Tessa was the spitting image of her mother. She stared at me.

“Yes.” Her mother lifted her chin and looked around the room.

“I’m going back to the bar.” Bo stood up and adjusted his khakis. “Can I get you another wine?” He looked at Tessa who agreed. “Another bourbon?” He pointed to me.

I nodded.

When he was out of hearing, Tessa leaned in.

“It’s not good manners for a Mystic Couture sales girl to get all drunk.” She was now glaring at me.

I ran my finger under my nose, giving sweet Tessa a little stomachache and a bad case of the irritable bowel syndrome.

“Tessa,” Tawny scolded her daughter when a loud belch come out of Tessa’s mouth.

“Excuse me.” Tessa stood up. She held her hand on her stomach. Sweat beaded up on her forehead. A line of sweat on her upper lip. “I’ve.” She heaved. “Got.” She heaved again before she ran off.

“Leonard dear,” Tawny threw her hand in the air yet again. Leonard dear came running. “Please stay with Tessa and make sure she’s okay,” she ordered him.

Like a good employee, he did what she asked.

“Where did my lovely wife run off to?” Bo asked sliding my drink across the table.

“She wasn’t feeling well.” Tawny and Bo continued their conversation while I got lost in my drink.

People continued to mingle, waiting on the dinner portion of the meeting. My stomach was growling. It was time for Tawny to take the stage. Bo had gone into the mansion to take care of Tessa. Mick continued his post as a waiter, walking around the tent with an empty tray most of the time.

“Welcome to Mystic Couture!” Tawny Fawn’s voice echoed throughout the tent. Her talking was better magic on these people than I could have performed. “I’m thrilled to have everyone here to launch the special limited edition of Mystic Couture. You will find the samples in your take-home goodie bags on your way out. But tonight is filled with magic and color.”

The crowd roared, exploded in cheers and chanted, “Mystic Couture.” Tawny stood with her hands out to her side, taking it all in.

“Mystic Couture,” I chanted, clapping because it was infectious. I was getting drawn into the whole cult-like atmosphere.

Mick walked over and whispered, “Nice job fitting in.”

“What exactly am I looking for?” I asked him. All I knew was I was supposed to infiltrate the system but once in there I had no idea what I was looking for.

“Congratulations Maggie Park!” My name echoed into the crowd from the speakers. “You are this year’s Mystic Girl!”

“Mystic Girl?” I looked over at Mick, who was smiling ear-to-ear. “Mystic Girl.” I could get use to that name.

I was sort of proud of myself since I hadn’t sold even a smear of lipstick. Granted, it had to do with the agency getting me in, but no one here but Mick, Tawny and me knew.

The crowd was hooting and hollering. I looked down at my lap and ran my fingers over my face to touch up any makeup flaws before I stood up and made my way to the front where Tawny was motioning me to come.

“Look at this flawless Mystic Couture face!” Tawny clapped. She leaned over and whispered, “Brilliant on taking your sample and putting it on.”

I had no idea what makeup my magic had chosen, but apparently it was the new limited edition colors.

“Look at these colors.” Someone gave Tawny a box with Mystic Couture scrolled on top. “Maggie is gorgeous, but the limited edition really brings out her natural features.”

I felt like I was on display, and a little uncomfortable. It would only take a little whip of my finger to get this night over and done with, but that wasn’t what I had signed up for. I had to keep my family safe and sound. The thought of the informant leaving a cat collar at the house sent chills up my legs. I couldn’t help but feel like someone else in the informant’s little circle knew about me.

After Tawny’s little introduction and pinning the MC diamond pin on my shirt, we sat down for dinner. No wonder Tawny was so skinny; she excused herself from the prime rib dinner to go check on her daughter.

“I’ve never heard of you.” One of the Mystic Couture sales girls sat on the other side of me. “I mean, I don’t know all of the girls, but I do most since I’ve been around for about ten years.”

“Ten years?” I asked. “That’s great.”

“Now that you will be selling international as a Platinum member, I just might take you under my wing.” She slid her knife through the prime rib like it was butter. Drea Philpot was on her nametag and she must’ve been someone, sitting at the big table.

“That would be great, Drea.” I took a bite of the roll and continued to watch out for Tawny.

“This is Dan.” Drea ran her long red fingernail down the arm of the man next to her. He was bald. His jaw was set. He had a dimple in the middle of his chin. “He’s so supportive. In fact, he has now retired since I’ve moved up in the Mystic Couture ranks. I was top saleswoman two years in a row.” She tapped the two pins on her black suit coat.

“Nice to meet you.” I nodded politely at Dan. “That’s wonderful.” My
oh shit
meter went off. Was Drea not happy that I had knocked her off the throne? Little did she realize I had never even sold a bit of Mystic Couture.

“That’s why I was surprised when Tawny called to tell me I wasn’t going to be the Mystic Girl. I mean,” she cleared her throat, “I’d never seen you in the Mystic Couture Magazine as a top seller or even at the events. But I guess I don’t know it all. Tawny does.”

“I’m not really sure how the Platinum membership works,” I groaned under my breath. This whole mortal thing without magic was hard.

“It allows you to travel internationally and sell to our biggest clients overseas,” Drea had said the magic word. International. Wasn’t that what Mick was trying to find out? “Don’t worry,” She waved me off. “The Platinum package you get will have your list of international clients in there.”

“Would you like a refill?” Dan asked holding his glass in the air.

“Yes, thank you.” I smiled and looked at Drea. “Do you need a drink?”

“She doesn’t drink.” Dan kissed Drea on the top of her head and he disappeared into the crowd.

“He hates to discuss the business, but he loves the fact he was able to retire.” Drea picked up her glass of water and took a drink. “Don’t get me wrong. He loves not working like he used to. I keep him busy.” She winked.

“How so?” I asked.

“You will find that you will be so very busy being a Platinum member since there are so few of us and we are the only ones who have international clients. Getting the shipments to the airport in a timely manner can be hard, so Dan does a lot of the mailings for me.” She pointed to the large banner hanging behind me with Tawny’s larger-than-life portrait. “You are going to find out that being a Platinum member is your golden ticket in life.” She reached into her sequin handbag and pulled out her phone. “Let’s exchange numbers so I can help you out with all the international stuff. It can be tricky for a first timer.”

We exchanged our numbers. I was glad to have someone from the inside willing to help me because Mick wasn’t.

“Tell me,” Drea sat back in her chair. “What is the market you are selling to? I mean, you have to be selling way more than me and I know that’s a lot.”

“I have a little niche market who love Mystic Couture. I’m very blessed.” I picked up my bourbon wishing Bo or Dan would come back to the table and bring me another one. “If you will excuse me.”

I stood up and placed the napkin on the table and excused myself. Mick wasn’t too far behind.

“Where are you going?” Mick asked.

“I’m going in to find Tawny, who by the way doesn’t believe something is going on.” I stopped once inside the screened porch, away from the tent. Twisting my finger, I made a little secret, invisible bubble around us so we could talk openly.

“Maggie,” he said in a brittle voice. He frantically looked around us. “You are undercover. You cannot go around talking openly.”

“No one is around.” I gestured, wanting to let him in on the little spell bubble, but didn’t. “Tell me what am I looking for now that I’m in?”

“We believe there is an insider smuggling drugs internationally and we aren’t sure where the leak is.” He sucked in a deep breath. “As a Mystic Girl, you get insider information to who ships internationally.”

“How are they smuggling drugs when the airport has all sorts of drug dogs and cops around?” I questioned him.

“Money. It all boils down to money.” Mick darted back out the door when we heard footsteps coming closer. My little spell time must’ve been up.

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