Spiderweb for Two - A Melendy Maze

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For Robin Gillham


Quite often I receive letters from children asking to know if the Melendys are “real.” Are Mona, Rush, Randy, and Oliver really alive? they ask. Or were they ever? Was there once a real Cuffy, or a real Isaac? Or a house called the Four-Story Mistake?

The answers to these questions are mixed. It must be admitted that such a family, made of flesh and blood, whom one could touch, talk to, argue with, and invite to parties, does not actually exist. Yet in other ways, as I shall try to show, each of these people is at least partly real.

Once, when I was a child, I heard of a family named Melendy. I do not know how many children were in this family, or what kind of people they were; but for some reason I liked their name and stored it away in my mind to borrow for the Four-Story children at a much later date. So they began, at least, with a real name.

As I went along I borrowed other things: qualities, habits, remarks, events. I borrowed them from my children, from my own childhood, even from the dogs we have had; and from the conversations and recollections of many of our friends and relatives.

Mona and Randy, for instance, are partly made of things I remember about myself as a child (only the better things, of course), and things that I wish I had been, and that I would like to have had in daughters of my own. In Mona I also recognize my dearest cousin, as well as my roommate in boarding school who was going to be an actress, and who was frequently discovered acting the part of Joan of Arc in front of the bathroom mirror.

In Randy I recognize two of my long-ago best friends, as well as two of my long-ago best wishes: to be a dancer and to be an artist.

In Oliver I have borrowed liberally from the things I know and remember about my sons, and from many other little boys besides. Large patches of him are invented, of course, which is also true of the others. I never knew of a boy of six, for instance, who got away with an adventure like Oliver's Saturday excursion, but on the other hand I have been intimately concerned with a boy who collected moths just as ardently as Oliver did. The whole family was involved in this hobby of his: all of us went through the grief of caterpillars lost, strayed or perished; through the inconvenience of cocoons hung up in the wrong places, and the foragings by flashlight for special leaves to feed ravenous larvae while the forgetful collector slept in deepest calm.

Reminders of my sons' characters also occur in that of Rush, though not so often as in the case of Oliver. In Rush I trace memories of other boys I knew: one who played the piano marvelously well, and one who was a curly-haired rascal with a large vocabulary and a propensity for getting into, and neatly out of, trouble.

Cuffy is someone I knew when I was five years old, and someone else I knew when I was twelve. One of them was rather cross, the other very gentle. Both of them were fat people, elderly, and, in their different ways, knew how to love children so that they felt comfortable and cozy.

Father is composed of several fathers of my acquaintance, all of them kind and hard-working and deeply interested in their children.

As for Isaac, except for the fact that he is a male and not pure-blooded, he is exactly like our own fat freckled cocker spaniel who was gloriously won in a raffle by the father in our family.

The house which is called the Four-Story Mistake is made out of several queer old interesting houses that I have seen and is set in the kind of country which I have enjoyed the most: country with plenty of woods, hills, streams, and valleys.

Wishing has played a large part in these stories too, as you can see. The Melendys have and do all the things I would have liked to have and do as a child. There are plenty of them, for one thing, and I was an only child. They live in the country all year round, for another, and I lived in the city for most of it. They discovered a secret room, built a tree house, found a diamond, escaped from dangers, effected rescues, gave elaborate theatrical performances at the drop of a hat, got lost, and did many other striking things, all of which I would have liked to do.

So the Melendys, you see, are a mixture. They are made out of wishes and memory and fancy. This I am sure is what all the characters in books are made of; yet while I was writing about these children they often seemed to me like people that I knew; and when you are reading the stories of their trials and adventures I hope that you, too, will sometimes feel that they are “real.”

Elizabeth Enright
, 1947


The Shadow's Peak

Randy was certain that this was going to be the worst winter of her life. She said so to Cuffy.

“Cuffy, this is going to be the worst winter of my life,” she said.

“Well, if that's the way you've planned it, I guess that's the way it'll be,” said Cuffy, who was ironing (the whole kitchen smelled warm and scorchy); then she looked at Randy and relented a little. “I know it's pretty hard on you when you're used to having 'em all here. The house seems awful lonesome I'll admit; but there's school and a lot of things to do, and it's not as if you was
alone. There's still Oliver.”

“Oh, Oliver!” said Randy in a tone of withering scorn, glaring at her youngest brother. “All he's interested in is his old planes and his old bugs and his old guns;
no fun.”

Oliver was stung. “Who says
such a bargain?” he inquired.

“Now that will be enough of that,” said Cuffy firmly, setting the iron down with a warm thud. “If you're going to commence bickering and insulting each other the winter will be a bad one for certain sure.”

“She's been a pain in the neck ever since Sunday when they left,” complained Oliver. Since this was only Monday afternoon Randy did not feel that she had been a pain in the neck for an unreasonable length of time, but she disdained to argue. Giving her brother a look which signified disgust not only with him but with the entire world, she left the room.

The house was sadly quiet; she was not used to it like that. She was used to plenty of racket and commotion, for the Melendys were a large family whose favorite activities included music, drama, dancing, and arguing, none of which is silently accomplished. Today there were no sounds at all; not even the typewriter peckings from Father's study. Father was away. As usual, thought Randy bitterly. Why can't he
stay home and just write, the way he used to? Why doesn't he care anything about his family? But this thought was so manifestly unjust, so outrageous, in fact, that she felt slightly better for the moment and started to sing as she went upstairs. She knew as well as anybody else that part of the way her father managed to support his family was by lecturing at various universities. But today she was not interested in justice; she was more interested in sorrow. Why can't he run a little store in Carthage, or print a newspaper, or work in a bank, like other people's fathers, thought Randy, and stopped singing.

In the upstairs hall she hesitated for a moment and then went into her brother Rush's room. It was as empty and as silent as the rest of the house; only a sleepy fly buzzed at the pane; and it was tidy, Randy had never seen it so tidy before. The only untidy thing about it was Isaac, Rush's dog, who was lying in the armchair where he was never supposed to be because he always had fleas and was always shedding. He rolled a guilty eye like a wet licorice drop at Randy, but she only patted his head.

“Stay where you are,” she told him. “Poor thing, you'll have a long wait; it's weeks and weeks just till Thanksgiving, and after that it's weeks till Christmas. You just stay there and enjoy yourself. I won't tell Cuffy.”

Though Isaac was really Rush's dog, he was loved devotedly by all. John Doe, the other dog, was loved too, though it was generally conceded that he had less character and personal charm than Isaac. He also had less heart; instead of mourning for the absent he was at this minute in the kitchen, Randy knew, uttering low growls of pleading, and watching for Cuffy to open the icebox door.

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