Spellsinger (Avalon: Web of Magic #5) (14 page)

BOOK: Spellsinger (Avalon: Web of Magic #5)
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Kara was stunned.

Suddenly, a spotlight splashed onto the wood floor at one end of the room. From the dark shadows, Adriane stepped into the center of it. She was decked out in shiny silver pants, black crop top emblazoned with the words
Rock ‘N Roll Warrior
, silver boots, and sunglasses. Her hair was layered in streaks of red, gold, and pink. She had a sparkling purple metal-flake guitar strapped across her back. With a swift martial arts move, she swung the guitar in position and strummed a loud chord.

The chord filled the room, resonating with power. Kara stood in total shock as Adriane began to sing.

One, two—take a look at you

You’re standing there, you think I care

But don’t you know

Anything you can do

I can do better

The spotlight followed Adriane as she moved around the room, singing and dancing like a superstar.

Three, four—you’re such a bore

It’s all about me, can’t you see

That in the end

Anything you can do

I can do better

“That’s enough!” Kara yelled in fury.

Adriane strummed the guitar one more time, then swung it back over her shoulder. “And that’s just my warm up number,” she said coolly.

“You look totally…
!” Kara announced.

Adriane laughed. “You’re funny.”

Kara crossed her arms. “We had a deal! You said you weren’t going to sing in the show.”

“I said I wasn’t going to sing in the contest! You’re the one sneaking around getting your own spot! Why shouldn’t I get
own spot? I’m so much better than you’ll ever be!” Adriane taunted her.

“Are not!” Kara yelled.

“Am, too!” Adriane retorted.



“You think all this magic is going to make you a star?” Kara waved her arm around the room.

“Hey, you started it,” Adriane said, cruel glimmers of dark delight dancing in her eyes. “You’re the one who cheated. You stole the horn.”

Kara’s face flushed. How had Adriane discovered that?

“So don’t lecture me about magic, cheater!” Adriane snickered.

Kara shook her head. “This can’t be happening.”

“But it is,” Adriane said, walking to the table and taking a swig from a water bottle. She chucked the plastic bottle against the wall and swung her guitar into position. “You know what you are? You’re a blazing
I’m the one who’s going to shine tonight!”

“That’s my spot and no one’s going to take it from me!” Kara shot back angrily.

Adriane spun around and played a fast series of notes, fingers running up the guitar neck, sending out sounds so loud Kara thought they’d make her head explode. Adriane played faster and jumped, doing a split in the air. She landed, stomping her boots on the floor. A fiery crimson streak of energy ripped from the instrument and slammed into the wall, missing Kara by inches.

“Hey! This is my new jacket!”

Adriane strolled to the table and tasted a piece of cake while Kara struggled to her feet.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you,” Kara said quickly, “but there’s only one spot open in the show. And that spot is for me!”

Adriane giggled. She gripped her guitar again. “Really? You think you’re gonna be up for that, Miss Clueless, or should I say, Miss Jewel-less?”

Kara saw Adriane's lips begin to move, and a soft song rose into the air. Was Adriane
? Then, whirling, Adriane jammed on her guitar, letting loose another volley of crimson bolts at Kara.

But this time, Kara was ready for her. She leaped out of the way, holding up the unicorn horn like a light saber.

Desperately, she tried to remember the spellsongs she had seen. The “Spell of Silence” came to her—but the words were all scrambled. For some reason, she just couldn’t remember it right. Other spellsongs flashed in her mind. All she needed was a chance, a few seconds to deliver one of the songs—

“Look at you!” Adriane sneered. “You’re magically impaired!”

Kara gripped the horn tight. “Be
... quiet

Power rippled through Kara, and Adriane darted back, her fingers moving over the frets in a blur. A crackling red shield appeared around her. The shield buckled in a half dozen places as the magic from the unicorn horn crashed into it—but it didn’t yield.

“What’s the problem, Kara?” Adriane asked, her guitar wailing again, crimson sparkles of energy surrounding her. “Can’t take the heat? You gonna wimp out onstage, too?”

“Stop it!” Kara commanded. The table rattled with energy. A chocolate layer cake lifted and smashed into Adriane’s face, making her gasp in surprise.

Kara laughed.

Wiping off the chocolate, Adriane walked to the table and eyed the row of pastries. “Messy, huh?”

Kara’s eyes went wide. “Oh no! Don’t even think it!”

Adriane strummed the guitar again. Kara dove into the corner, waving the horn about, expertly defending her clothes from flying fruit, cookies, pretzels, and dip.

Kara stood up triumphantly. Then she looked down. There was a big stain right on the front pocket of her jacket! “That’s it!” she screamed.

Holding up the horn, Kara sent a blazing arc of blue fire hurtling across the room, exploding into the table, sending food, dishes, and Adriane flying. Adriane landed with a graceless
as her crimson shield faded away.

“The truth is, you don’t have what it takes,” Adriane shot back, rising on wobbly legs. “
the one Johnny really wants to sing with.”

“You are, like,
deluded!” Kara said, raising the horn again. “I’m glad I took the horn!” She tingled with delight—and felt matching warmth against her heart from Johnny’s locket—as Adriane’s face went pale.

“So I can teach you a lesson,” Kara said, advancing on the other girl. “Lesson one: You have no... taste!”

Kara waved the horn in a circle like a wand, releasing sparkles of magic. The posters glowed with light, and suddenly the pictures of Adriane were all replaced by images of Kara. She was dressed in the coolest outfits, singing and dancing like a star. A blazing star!

Kara smiled in satisfaction. She was ready to rock!

the green Explorer through the gates of Ravenswood. Emily sat in the passenger seat, nervously looking out the window. Cars were parked along the driveway backing up past the gate and all the way down Tioga Road. Crowds of people were walking toward the back of the preserve, some carrying picnic baskets.

“Look at all these cars,” Carolyn commented. “This is really incredible, Em. And all the people! I can’t wait to see Mrs. Windor’s face when she—”


Emily jumped against the shoulder strap. “Storm?”

“It’s a beautiful day, hon,” Carolyn said to her. “No chance of a storm.”

“Come quickly!

“What is it?” Emily frantically scanned the grounds.

“It’s just a bit of traffic. Emily, are you all right?”

Adriane has been hurt! We’re at the cottage.

“Mom! Stop the car!”


“Let me out! I have to… fix something!”

Carolyn pulled the car to the side as Emily bolted out the door. “I’ll catch up to you later!” she yelled as she ran across the front lawn to the far side of the manor.

Storm practically bowled her over as she rounded the cobblestone path to Adriane’s cottage. The mistwolf’s fur bristled with distress.

Something’s happened to her,
” Stormbringer said.

Emily burst through the front door. Adriane was on the floor. Gran lay on the couch. Emily ran to Adriane and checked her pulse. Then she moved to check Gran.


Emily swung around at the scream. Ozzie stood in the doorway, mouth open. He was flanked by Lyra, Ronif, and a few other quiffles. Four pegasii stood behind him along with brimbees, wommels, and pooxim, all peering into the cottage.

Ozzie ran over and looked into Adriane’s face. “She’s dead!”

“No, Ozzie,” Emily said calmly. “She’s sleeping. So is Gran.”

Ozzie flopped to the floor. “Thank goodness.”

“Adriane. Adriane, wake up!” Emily called. “Storm, what happened?”

I felt her distress, her fear... then nothing.

“Come on, Adriane, rise and shine!” Ozzie patted the side of Adriane’s face.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t bring Adriane around. Gran was in the exact same state.

“Something is not right here,” Emily said. She turned to all the animals that had gathered outside of the cottage.

“Everyone! Inside! Quickly!” Emily commanded. “You’re supposed to be in the glade!”

The animals barreled into the cottage. Although it wasn’t a small house, it was soon overstuffed with fur, beaks, flippers, and wings.

“Gather round me,” Emily said.

That shouldn’t be hard!” Ozzie’s muffled voice said.

Emily looked around for Ozzie and found him stuck between a wommel and a hard place.

Pulling him free, she settled next to Adriane and held out her wrist. Ozzie stood close as the rainbow jewel pulsed with blue-green light. Emily concentrated and sent out her healing magic to her sleeping friend. She sensed no physical injury, just a deep blackness. Adriane stirred but did not awaken

“She’s in some kind of deep trance,” Ozzie realized.

“A spell,” Ronif said.

“Yes… a spell,” Emily mused. “Everyone concentrate with me. Send healing strength to break the sleeping spell.”

She focused her jewel and reached out again.

The wolf stone on Adriane’s wrist flashed with light. Emily quickly placed her gem next to the wolf stone, willing the healing magic to flow into Adriane. Both gems flared with magic and Adriane’s eyes fluttered opened. “Hey,” she said groggily. “Is that a ferret in my face?”


no idea what was happening. Not at first. He was wearing Adriane’s form and had Kara fighting to give it all up onstage, just as he had planned.

Then, he’d suddenly started to feel weak. His entire body trembled, his flesh crawled, and it was hard to keep posing as Adriane.

He was beginning to change. That meant his victim had awakened, which should have been impossible! The only way that spell could be broken was with… magic.

The other mages would know what was going on—and so would the real Adriane!

Hissing, the Skultum threw down the guitar and stumbled back, his stolen “Adriane” form losing its shape as he looked for a way out.

Kara gasped. Adriane’s face was
... no, not just her face, it was the girl’s entire form! For a shocking, mind-splintering instant, Kara saw—or
she saw—Adriane morph into Johnny and
the singer. His hands danced, fingers moving in complex patterns as a strange song left his lips. Then, in a heartbeat, the figure before her shimmered and transformed into a monstrous creature covered in green scales. Slivered reptile eyes shone from its hideous face. Then it was gone.

“What... what just happened?” Kara began, attempting to wrap her thoughts around the horrific thing she had just seen... or
she had just seen...

” Johnny’s locket flared red hot against her skin. She flinched and looked away. Her thoughts grew hazy, her head throbbed. Then the locket cooled and Kara felt a deep sense of triumph and exhilaration. So what if Adriane had gotten away? Kara had proved to Adriane that she was the blazing star, and now she would prove it to the world! Nothing would stand in the way of her singing the big number with Johnny! She
a star, baby!

Suddenly, something flew by Kara, flapping down the corridor where Adriane had disappeared.
A bat! A few seconds later, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see Johnny entering the ballroom from the entrance across the room.

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