Spell-Weaver (5 page)

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Authors: Angela Addams

Tags: #werewolf;shapeshifter;rock star;Hunter;Huntress;tattoos

BOOK: Spell-Weaver
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Chapter Nine

She was sitting on his face. A scene that would rival any porn he'd ever watched, mainly because it was happening to him. His lips were on her pussy, his tongue lapping inside, swallowing her cream as he played with her perfect, perky little tits with both his hands. He didn't care that he couldn't exactly breathe, or that his cock felt like it was ready to explode from neglect—he wouldn't trade this for anything. She rocked her hips as he nipped on her clit, her juice running down his chin. She leaned forward slightly, lifting her pussy from his face and smiled down at him, the wickedest grin he'd ever seen just before she knocked his hands away and lifted her leg, flipping around so quickly he didn't have a chance to mourn the loss. She was ass up, pussy wet, glistening and on display as she straddled his body once again. He jolted as her fingers circled his cock. His back arched of its own volition when she slid her hand down in one blissful stroke.

When her lips touched the head of his dick, his hissed out a long breath, her tongue licking his slit made him cry out. Sweet fucking god, she was going to make him beg, wasn't she?

“Summer,” he moaned.

She giggled as she slipped her hand back up, circling his cock with a fingernail. “You want me to touch you, baby?” She was using his words from earlier, touching her lips on his head, kissing him there, taunting him with her closed mouth.

“Yes.” He shuddered. “Please.”

As she slipped his cock into her mouth, he couldn't help the jolt of come from jetting into her, a little surprise that made her moan. By no means the final show—just a warm up of what was to come. She didn't pull away, instead she took him in as far as she could, stretching her lips over his dick to create the most intense suction he'd ever felt. She wrapped her fingers around his base, stroking him with her saliva, her other hand cupping, kneading his balls. The only thing that could make this scene better was laying in wait right before him.

He spread her pussy lips open with his fingers, splaying her to his tongue. He captured her clit between his lips, tugging roughly as he slipped his fingers into her sheath, loving the warm cushion as he searched for the sweet spot that would make her squirt.

She was fucking good and he loved how she held nothing back, her moans of abandon making his cock ache all the more. She was wanton. She was glorious. She was his.

He found her g-spot, a little bump that grew ever so slightly under his finger, letting him know he was in the right place. When he was done with her, they would both need another shower.

She rolled her body down, rubbing her tits along his stomach as she licked him from base to tip. She rocked her hips back as he stroked her relentlessly, sucking on her clit as much as he could.

His orgasm rocketed quickly, pumping him up to the highest point of intensity before cascading through him, his come shooting into Summer's mouth as a roar ripped from his chest. His wolf was present at that moment, urging him to bite her again, mark her properly.

As she lifted her head, he flipped her on her back, then dug his fingers in as he latched on her clit with his lips. He pumped her until she was screaming, her body gushing her release in jets of clear liquid that pulsed with each spasm of her orgasm, coating him in a shower of sexy.

“Holy shit.” She sounded breathless, her legs falling open, her arms across her chest.

Dyami grinned. Now that was how it was done. He pushed himself up, ran his hand through his wet hair, loving that he was covered in her scent. He hovered over her, knees spread around her waist, his cock hard and ready for another round. And then someone knocked at the door.


Summer craned her head around, looking at the door like she forgot what it was for.

Dyami jumped from the bed, fists clenched, nostrils flaring. Internally, he was calling for his wolf, head swiveling in search of a weapon, forgetting that his wolf wouldn't come.

Another round of pounding had Dy ready to whip the door open and launch himself out, using his body as a bulldozer.


“Fuck!” Dyami had forgotten he'd ordered food on his way back from his scouting mission. He looked over at Summer, who still lay on the bed, propped up on her elbows. Her skin was flushed, eyes glazed, lips puffy, startled and ready for a hard kiss.

Summer's stomach rumbled, instantly dissolving any thoughts of ravishing her.

His woman was hungry. “We need to eat.”

He grabbed his boxers from the floor and threw them on. Summer yanked a sheet to cover herself. She struggled to sit up completely, her body moving slowly. Dyami smiled. He'd done her good and there was plenty more
to come.

Ten minutes later and they were picking at the rest of their fries, the remnants of a picnic spread out on the little table beside the window. She wore a T-shirt and panties, nothing more. Sexy as fuck.

“I don't usually do that,” she said, her cheeks blushing a lovely shade of pink as she motioned to the bed. “I mean, I don't typically fool around with men I hardly know.”

Dyami nodded, crushing down the urge to growl. The thought of Summer having sex with anyone but him was enough to incite total and complete rage.

“I feel like I've known you for a long time. It doesn't make sense, I know, and I'm not trying to freak you out or anything.” She shrugged. “I mean, it's not like I'm in love with you and I'm totally not a clinger, so you don't have to worry about an obsessed fan.”

“Summer, I—”

“I just wanted to tell you that…that I'm not expecting anything from you.” She grimaced, ran her hand through her hair. “I'm sure you're used to that happening, right? Fans getting out of control. Expecting more from you than you want to give?”

“What I was going to say was I know what you mean.” He reached across the table and stroked the back of her hand. “I feel really comfortable with you too and there's a reason for that.”

“A reason?” She frowned but didn't move her hand away.

“Do you believe in destiny?”

“What, like your path is all predetermined kinda stuff?” She shrugged, picked up another fry. “I don't know. I think some coincidences seem pretty damn coincidental. Like the day I met Vic.” She cringed. “Sorry, you probably don't want to know that story.”

Dyami battled back a flash of jealousy once again. “No, go on. Tell me.”

Summer hesitated for another minute, then shrugged. “I was on the boardwalk heading to work and this homeless lady stops me for change. So I give her what I've got and try to walk around her, but she grabs my wrist and says something weird about meeting the love of my life that day, but only if I stay at work all day. What did she say?” She paused for a moment, frowned. “Oh yeah. ‘You are hunted by your love—he will come for you today.' Later that afternoon, I got this massive headache and was thinking about begging off, but I stuck around, kinda wanted to see if what she said was true. And sure enough, Vic comes walking into the shop and it kinda felt like I got a jolt when I saw him. Not love at first sight, but there was something about him that made me take notice. We started chatting about his wolf tattoo—the one on his forearm—and he asked if I would draw something up for his other arm. He asked me on a date after I tattooed him and I said sure.”

Dy grunted.

“Come to think of it, it's kinda like what happened when I first saw you.” Her frown deepened. “And you know what else was weird? That homeless lady, she had the nicest manicured nails I'd ever seen. It didn't fit.”

Dyami's wolf nudged him, something about Summer's words giving him pause.

“Vic,” she whispered. “If he was part of my destiny, then I guess fate is a practical joker. Here, have a psycho for a boyfriend. True love. Yeah, right.”

“Perhaps you were meant to meet him so that you would have a chance to get to know me.”

Summer smiled. “I guess we could look at it that way.”

“There's something I need to tell you, something that's going to sound really weird. More than weird, probably. Maybe even a little unbelievable.”

“Like magic symbols and psychopathic boyfriends?” She chuckled.

Dyami smiled and shook his head. “Maybe even stranger than that.”

“I'm sure there's not much you could tell me at this point that I wouldn't believe.” She smiled. “Let's hear it.”

Here goes.
“What that homeless woman told you was true. You were meant to meet Vic. Destiny demands it. Just as we were meant to meet.” He cleared his throat. “There's no other way to say it, so I'm just going to come right out with it. I'm not what I appear to be.”

Summer giggled. “That sounds like a line from a corny horror flick.”

Dy chucked nervously as he ran his fingers through his hair. “It does, doesn't it?” He clasped her hand again, entwining his fingers with hers. “Your magic, the symbols you see? They're part of this. Vic? He is too. Your boyfriend is a werewolf hunter.”

Summer's eyes flashed wide, an uncertain smile playing on her lips. “And who's the wolf?”

“I am.”

Summer's smile faded, the color draining from her face. She was processing. Her eyes shifted from him to the door. She was probably getting ready to bolt. He wanted to squeeze her hand tighter, pull her toward him. Instead, he let her go.


“Just hear me out.”

She started shaking her head, cutting him off before he could finish.

“I think we're running out of time. Vic is getting closer.” Her gaze flicked to the window. “You said to trust my gut right?”

Dyami nodded, swallowing hard. “Yeah, I did. What's it telling you now?”

“It's telling me to run, Dy.” When she looked back at him, her eyes were wide with fear. “It's telling me to get the hell out of here now.”

Chapter Ten

Summer scrambled to find the rest of her discarded clothes. She rushed into the bathroom to retrieve her jeans, abandoning her bra as she fought to get her pants on. Her heart hammered as the pull of Vic's presence became increasingly more profound. There was no time to think about what Dy had just said. Hunters. Werewolves. Nope, not ready for that.

Dyami was checking the window, his clothes already on. “I don't see anyone yet.”

“I can feel him getting closer.” Part of her wanted to hole up in the room, load the place with her magical symbols. Another part was screaming to get the hell out of there, knowing that getting caught in that room was eventual death for Dyami. “Are your friends coming soon?”

Once dressed, she came up to Dyami's side, peering out the small slit he'd made in the curtains. The bright midday sun stung her eyes, preventing her from seeing more than blazing dots.

“No. They won't be here until nightfall.”

She pulled his arm, forcing him to look at her. “We don't have that much time. What are we going to do?”

He frowned. “Make a run for it, I guess.” Car doors slamming drew his gaze back to the window. “Fuck!”

Summer's heart felt like it had thudded to a stop.
He's here.
“I can feel him.”
Why can I feel him?

“Shit, shit, shit!” Dy glanced behind her. “Think you could squeeze out of the window in the bathroom?”

She followed his gaze, spotting the tiny rectangular window near the top of the bathroom wall. There was no way Dy would fit through there. It was barely big enough to accommodate her. She looked back at him, dread soaking through her. “I'm not leaving without you.”

“There may be no choice.” He checked the front window one more time. “They're at the far end. Maybe we can slip out without being noticed, make a run for it to the back. See if we can catch a ride.”

Summer shook her head. It was a foolish plan—they would be spotted for sure, but she had no alternative. Her magic instinct wasn't offering anything. No symbols floating to awareness. “I've got nothing.” And slipping out that tiny bathroom window to leave Dy on his own with Vic was unacceptable.

Dyami kissed her on the lips—tender, sweet, full of promise. She tasted the poison, knew that whatever she had done was wearing off. When he pulled away, he was smiling in a way that reeked of false hope. “We'll get out of this. Don't the good guys always win?”

Summer frowned. “Yeah, in fairytales.”

“Ready?” He gripped her hand and pulled her to his side, his muscles tense, his body shaking ever so slightly, like he was reining himself in again, fighting something. She guessed it was the poison and knew, by what she'd felt the night before, it was winning. “I'm going to open the door and we're going to run to the right, got it?”

She nodded, fear clogging her throat. She knew they had little chance. How could Dy run when his body was weakening?

“One…two…” Dy whispered, his eyes locked with hers.

“They're in this room.” Vic's voice boomed from the other side of the door.

“Fuck.” Dy pulled Summer back, steering her toward the center of the room. “You need to go out the bathroom window.” He attempted to shift her toward the only other exit.

She gave a firm shake of her head as she dug in her heels, momentarily yanking back against his pull. “I said I'm not leaving without you, Dy.”

“Summer!” Vic thumped on the door—with his fist, with his body, she wasn't sure. The door seemed to be shifting off its hinges with each thud. “I know you're in there.”

The symbol she'd etched on the door pulsed, giving off the faintest of power. She'd meant to do that again, make it stronger so that it didn't degrade, but she'd been too distracted. Vic was going to get in.

“You're mine, Summer. Come out now!”

“You have to come with me,” she whispered as she tugged Dy's arm.

“It's too late for that.” He stood firm, his jaw set, eyes hard and glaring, fists clenched at his sides. Something in his stance told her that she was getting a glimpse of another side of Dy. One that was used to fighting battles. “No more running. It's time to face these fuckers once and for all.”

“Dy!” Summer begged. “Please don't do this!”

He glanced down at her, his eyes softening for her. “There's no way I'm going to give you up without a fight.”

“You're sick, Dy, the poison…”

He shook his head, frowning, “I'm fine. I can hold them off while you run, give you time to get away.” He nodded toward the bathroom. “Go, Summer, get out of here.”

“She's got the door etched.” Vic was talking as he rattled the doorknob then pounded on the door. “Summer, let me in!”

They both looked at the door and she knew it was only a matter of time. Her protective symbol was fading fast, Vic's thumping on the door having more of an impact. She could see him now—each time he hit, the door came open by a fraction of an inch more.

“I'm not fucking leaving without you.” She scurried around Dy, intent on getting to the door quickly, fingers leading her with purpose. “I've got to use that symbol again.”

Dyami grabbed her by the waist, hauling her back just as the glass from the big window beside the door shattered, sending shards everywhere. She raised her arms to ward it off, felt the slice as it cut into her exposed skin.

The first one through the window was not Vic, but another huge man with a shaved head and goatee. A wolf tattoo marked his neck, making him look all the more dangerous, even to Summer. Dyami pulled her into him, his arms caging her from the threat. She immediately traced a symbol on his forearm, giving him whatever small protection she could—knowing it was too little too late, wishing she could bolster his energy as she had before, help him fight the poison as it ravaged his body.

“Let my woman go, beast,” Vic said as he climbed through the window.

As in…

Dyami's arms tightened around her. She felt a growl rumble through his chest.


There were two men inside—Vic and the one with the shaved head—another outside seemingly standing guard. Why wasn't anyone taking notice of this? Where was the hotel employee? Were the police being called?

“You're going to make this hard on yourself. Make this hard on Summer.” Vic pulled a gun from his back. “I won't hurt you, love, but I do need you to move away from the beast.”

Summer shook her head. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Vic? Are you fucking insane?” She tried to break from Dy's arms, but found that she was encased in the equivalent of steel. “The only beast in here is you!”

Vic moved closer, leveling the gun just above her head as he glanced behind him. “Where's Talia?”

“She's just finishing with the clerk. She'll be here in moments,” the man outside said as he withdrew his own gun.

Who the fuck are these people?

Dy's words echoed in her head.

She felt like she was being hunted. A cornered animal. She shivered. What did hunters do? They killed.

“Remove yourself from my woman and I'll make your death fast.”

“Back up, Hunter.” Dy loosened his grip and quickly maneuvered Summer so that she was behind him, trapped between his massive back and the wall. “You want her, you're going to have to go through me!”

“Not a problem,” Vic growled.

“Don't you dare!” Summer screamed as she tried to force her way around Dy, her small body powerless against his wall of muscle.

“Let's show Summer just what kind of vile creature you are.” A woman stepped into the room through the window, brandishing two-pronged swords, one in each hand, folded back to rest against her forearms.

“Talia, don't hurt Summer,” Vic said.

Talia laughed. “One wolf pelt coming up.” And in a flash, she flipped one of her weapons from her forearm and launched it.

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