Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Cowboy D-Force (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Brotherhood Protectors Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Cowboy D-Force (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Brotherhood Protectors Book 4)
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“Sweetheart, that message is a threat.”

A shiver of awareness slipped across her skin at his endearment. Not that he’d meant it as such, but on his lips, it sounded kinda sexy. Especially laced with sarcasm as it was. She wondered what the word would sound like if he spoke it in a low, intimate voice. Another shiver of awareness swept across her and culminated low in her belly. She had to get over the strange attraction she was feeling toward the rugged bodyguard.

“Miss Love, whoever wrote that message there intends to continue his little game. To what end result, I don’t know, but it can’t be good.”

“This place is wired for security. How did he get all the way to my bathroom in the short time between when I greeted my guests and when we arrived back up here?”

“I don’t know.” He searched the counter and floor.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“If we could find the tube, we could send it off for latent print analysis. Our trespasser might be in the AFIS system.”

“A hardened criminal?” She forced a fake shiver. “Mmm, how deliciously dangerous.”

Duke straightened, gripped her arms and stared down into her eyes. “You don’t get it. This guy is playing a predatory game with you.”

Oh, she got it all right. She was the bait. But Lena wouldn’t know any better. She thought she was invincible. “He’s just trying to scare me.” She propped a hand on her hip. “I’m not impressed.”

“He’s a predator. Like a cat playing with his food before he kills it. What if that’s his ultimate end game?”

She frowned. “You don’t know that.”

“True. But I’d rather be safe than sorry. I didn’t hire onto this gig to lose my first client because she wouldn’t take her own safety seriously.”

She dipped her lashes low over her eyes. “That’s why I have you, isn’t it? I’m paying you to keep me safe.”

“If you want me to keep you safe, you have to play by my rules.”

“Rules?” She opened her eyes wide and then batted them like she’d seen Lena do on numerous occasions. “Oh, I don’t like following rules.”

He let go of her and backed away a couple of steps. “Then find yourself another puppet to play with.” Duke turned on his heel and started for the door.

Crap. She hadn’t wanted him to quit. She was just playing Lena. Apparently, too well. If not Duke as her bodyguard, who else would she get? Better the one she knew than a gamble on someone else.

Angel lunged for him, grabbed his arm and yanked him around. “Wait. Don’t go. I’ll follow your stupid rules.” She rested her hand on his chest. “Just don’t leave me.” Leaning up on her toes, she brushed her lips across his. “Please.”

He remained stiff and unbending. “My rules?”

She nodded. “Your rules.”

A knock sounded on the bathroom door. “Lena?” Phillip said.

Angel released Duke’s arm. “Yes, Phillip. What do you want?” she asked, her gaze never wavering from Duke’s.

“The camera crew wants you to do a short interview out by the pool. Preferably in one of your designer swimsuits.”

She cringed inwardly. Lena might be used to parading around in next to nothing, but Angel liked to keep her clothes on in mixed company. And she’d never expose her entire body unless it was behind closed doors and they were about to make love.

Her core tingled and her gaze slipped down the angular lines of Duke’s torso and lower to his narrow hips. Yeah, getting naked with someone like him in private…she could do.

Getting naked in front of camera and a dozen members of a production team…not no, but hell no.

“An interview by the pool?” She raised her brows in question. “Would that violate your rules?”

“Not so long as I’m nearby.”

“Then we need to get going.” She started to go around him.

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her body up against his. “One other rule.”

She looked up into his brown eyes, her heartbeat fluttering against her chest. “Rule?” she repeated, her brain misfiring with the electric currents frying her nerve endings.

“No more of this.” He brushed his lips across hers.

Unlike his hard-muscled body, his mouth was soft, his lips full and sensuous. Angel pressed into him, rising up on her toes to get closer to that incredible mouth.

He leaned back just a hair and said, “And never any of this.” Duke claimed her lips, crushing his mouth to hers. He pushed his tongue past her teeth.

Angel opened to him and met him halfway, tangling her tongue with his in a frenzied caress that set her entire body on fire with a need she’d never known existed.

His hands swept down her back and cupped her ass.

She raised her hands to cup the back of his neck, deepening the connection, wishing there weren’t so many barriers between them. She wanted him…naked…in bed…driving deep inside her.

When at last he set her away, she swayed, her knees feeling more jelly than bone. She wiped the back of her hand across her swollen lips and wondered what had just happened. But then she knew.

She’d just experienced a kiss like none she’d had before. The kind that defined souls and knocked off her socks.

He stared down at her, his eyes narrowed. “Am I perfectly clear?”


“The rules?”

She blinked, trying to remember what they’d been talking about. Was he saying they couldn’t kiss like they’d just kissed? Inside, her body wailed at the unfairness of such a rule. How could anyone promise not to kiss like that when surely it was as critical to her life as her next breath?

“You’re kidding right?” she whispered.

“I never kid,” he said. “You’re my client. I’m your bodyguard. Anything sexual between us is strictly off limits.” His mouth firmed into a straight line, and his eyes narrowed.

Anger jolted through her lust-crazed senses, flushing out all thoughts of kissing this man ever again. She forced a smile to her lips and lifted her chin. “That should be no problem whatsoever on my part.” She raised her brows. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, my public awaits.”

He stepped to the side, allowing her to pass him. As she did, he leaned close and whispered, “Liar.” He cleared his throat. By the way, they expect you in a swimsuit.”

Heat burning her cheeks, Angel marched to Lena’s dresser where the actress kept a colorful array of new swimsuits. Grabbing a bright pink one, she faced Duke and cocked her brows. Then she stepped into the suit bottoms and dragged them up her legs rucking the skirt as she pulled them over her thighs and buttocks.

Duke’s face didn’t change, but for the tick in his jaw and the slight narrowing of his eyes.

When she had the bottoms in place, she turned her back and pulled her dress over her head. Slipping her arms into the straps of the suit, she pressed the cups of the bra to her breasts and faced Duke. “Hook me.”

Angel presented her back. Yes, she was playing with fire, but the man needed to suffer, too.

He grabbed the straps and hooked them, his knuckles grazing her skin, sending fire shooting through her veins. Her little ploy to make him hot and bothered had backfired.

Forcing a haughty look to her face, she marched out of the bedroom and down the sweeping staircase to the main level.

Angel couldn’t get away from him fast enough. The arrogant, conceited man thought he could kiss her like that and remain unaffected. Well to hell with him. She’d show him it was no skin off her nose to ignore him and his ruggedly attractive body. Men! Who needed them?

If her knees were weak, it wasn’t because of Duke. If her heart still pounded like a base drum on steroids, maybe she needed to see a doctor. If her core throbbed, aching for more than a single kiss, she’d just have to get out her sex toys and take care of her own needs. She’d be damned if she slept with Duke Morrison. He was strictly O. F. F. limits.

Angel stepped out onto the back patio where the group who’d come to interview Lena was patiently awaiting her reappearance.

She fielded a few pre-approved questions with the canned answers she’d gone over with Phillip. When they’d finished the interview, Phillip handed her a martini, told her to tilt her head toward the sky as if she were enjoying her vacation and the fresh Montana air.

Ready for them to be done, she did what was asked and held the glass in her hand, a martini the last thing on earth she wanted.

As the camera crew filmed, she counted the seconds until she could kick them out and go back to relaxing like she’d been doing before Duke showed up and disturbed her like no other.

She suspected that even if he left the house, he wouldn’t leave her mind or senses nearly as quickly.

“One more pose,” Phillip said. “With the martini glass for the still shot for the Better Living magazine article.”

With a sigh, Angel lifted the glass and pasted a smile on her lips.

The glass exploded in her hand, showering sticky mango martini all over her scantily-clad body.


uke flew
through the air and landed on top of Lena, covering her body with his.

The camera crew scattered, and Phillip hit the deck and crawled beneath a lounger.

Duke wrapped his arms around Lena and rolled off the lounger onto the concrete, taking the brunt of the impact on his right shoulder.

“What are you doing?” Lena asked, writhing in his arms.

“Getting you out of the line of fire.” She elbowed him in the gut, and he grunted. “Woman, stop struggling and let me get you out of range.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me to move? I’m perfectly capable of getting myself wherever it is I need to go.”

“Are you getting this?” Phillip yelled to the cameraman.

“Yes, sir,” the cameraman responded from behind a brick outdoor kitchen. He squatted down on his haunches, his camera trained on Lena.

“Really?” Duke glared at Phillip. “Miss Love could have been killed and you’re still filming?”

“It’s great promo,” Phillip said. “And the public will love it. I can see the film offers rolling in already.”

“Phillip, go to hell,” Lena said, and low-crawled like a veteran soldier across the concrete to the door into the house.

Duke followed, using his body as a shield for hers in case the shooter decided to take another shot.

Once through the door, they weren’t in the clear until they moved past the huge picture window into another room.

Finally, Lena rose to her feet, a frown denting her forehead, scrapes on her knees and elbows from her crawl across the stone and concrete. “How am I supposed to relax and vacation when some redneck stalker is taking potshots at me?”

Phillip crawled through the back door and stood as soon as he entered the huge living area.

The idiot probably didn’t realize he was still silhouetted against the windows.

Duke wasn’t going to tell him. As far as he was concerned, the publicist deserved a bullet to the head. The man was going to get Miss Love killed. “Tell your publicist to take his crew and go away.”

“Phillip, take your crew and go back to the hotel.” Lena wiped her hands together.

“Okay, okay. We’ll leave for now. But we need to come back and get more footage of the outside of the house tomorrow.”

“No.” Duke shook his head. “You’re done. Until we find out who’s leaving threatening messages and shooting at Miss Love, no one will be allowed on the estate who doesn’t already belong here.”

Phillip crossed his arms over his chest. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

Duke took a step toward the man.

The publicist’s eyes widened, and he stepped backward. “Miss Love hired me. She’s the only one who can tell me to leave or stay.” He turned to Lena.

She narrowed her eyes and let the silence stretch between them. “I didn’t agree to an interview in the first place. This was supposed to be a two-week vacation. I can’t get any R&R with all of these people around.” Then she jerked her thumb over her shoulder. “Go.”

Phillip glared at Duke, and then shifted his anger to Lena. “You’re only here because of me.”

“And I’m only alive because of him.” She tilted her head toward Duke. “I plan on staying alive, long after you vacate this house. The sooner you leave with your entourage, the better chance I have, and the better chance Mr. Morrison has of finding the person responsible for the attacks.”

Phillip stalked toward her and paused when he came up along side her. “We’ll discuss this later.”

“There’s nothing to discuss. I’m only here for two weeks. I don’t want this fanatic following her—me back to LA, do you?”

Phillip’s lips pressed together, and his brows descended. Finally, he responded. “No.” He turned to Duke. “Do what you have to do to find out who’s doing this.”

Duke dipped his head briefly. “That’s why I’m here.”

The publicist marched through the house and out the front door, ducking low as he exited into the open.

Lena followed the man, closing the door behind him. Then she peeked through the window, without putting herself in view of anyone who could be targeting her.

Duke had to give her credit for staying out of the line of fire. She might be a diva, but she wasn’t as stupid as he’d originally pegged her.

The parking area outside the house emptied of all of the vehicles, including the cameraman’s van.

Duke walked up beside her. “You did the right thing.”

“He only has the best interests of her—my career in mind.”

“You won’t have a career if you’re dead.”

She snorted. “Good point.” She sighed and glanced around. “What am I supposed to do for the next two weeks if I can’t go outside the house? That’s not much of a vacation.”

“I don’t know. Have you tried reading a book?”

She looked around. “I suppose I could.”

“Do you happen to know where the security system hub is located? Do you store the recordings?”

She shrugged. “I have no idea. You could ask the foreman. He might know.”

“Brandt Lucas?” Duke snorted.

“Oh, right.” Her cheeks flushed a soft pink, making her more adorable and vulnerable than the usual spoiled movie star. “How about the assistant foreman?”

Duke nodded. “I’ll check with him. For now, I need you to come with me as I search the entire house for any intruders.” He pulled his handgun from his side cargo pocket and checked the safety.

Lena frowned. “You think he might be inside?”

“If there is more than one person involved, one could be inside while the other is set up as a sniper.”

“And I need to go with you on this tour because…?”

“I can’t keep an eye on you and protect you if you’re not with me at all times.” He captured her gaze. “Are you going to argue with me every step of the way?”

She smiled. “I might. What would be the fun of having a bodyguard if I can’t argue with him?”

“As long as you follow my instructions implicitly when the shit hits the fan.”

She nodded. “You’ve got it.” Lena waved her hand. “Lead the way.”

“You know, you’re not half bad when you’re not drinking.”

She rolled her eyes. “Then I’m not doing my job as a diva. I’ll be sure to ratchet up the bitch. Now, shut up and search.”

“And she’s back.” Despite himself, he chuckled at her return to the Lena he expected. Somehow, he couldn’t find it in his heart to completely dislike her. Not when he knew how good of a kisser she was, and how sweet her body felt against his. Hell, his lips still tingled from their encounter in the bathroom.

He’d held women to his mother’s high standard for a very long time, thus the reason he hadn’t married or landed in a permanent relationship. And Lena was not the kind of woman he’d write home about.

But she had a body that didn’t quit. If she wasn’t his client, he might consider sleeping with her. He could imagine she would be wild in bed.

His groin tightened at the mental image of her naked, in his bed, calling out his name as he thrust deep inside her.

Duke gave himself a firm mental shake. He really had to pull himself together, or he’d end up another notch on Lena Love’s bedpost.

ngel followed
Duke through the house, getting to know it a little better and getting to know it from the perspective of having to defend herself within its confines.

Someone had entered, trashed the mirror and left without being seen. How could that happen?

Now she followed her bodyguard around, knowing the more she was around him, the more her body responded to his. Sheesh. It wasn’t as if she’d gone a long time without sex or anything.

She paused and thought about it. How long had it been? One month, two? She thought back to her last date and bit down hard on her lip. That poor excuse for a date had been over a year ago. She’d been so busy on movie sets and working directly for Lena that she hadn’t bothered to have a life of her own. No wonder she was so hot for the bodyguard. She was suffering sexual withdrawals of the worst kind. Trying to think of anything but how she wanted to run her fingers across his bare chest and down the highly defined six pack he carried on his abs, she blurted out, “So, what’s your story?”

“What story?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“So, you’re going to play it that way? I’m going to have to pull it out of you?” She nodded. “Fine. Start with how long have you been a bodyguard?”

“Counting today?” he said, tipped his head to the side and squinted into the distance before answering. “Half a day.”

“What?” She stepped back. “You aren’t even a bodyguard? What’s this dude, Hank Patterson, sending out?”

“He hires former military to man his security business.”

“So you’re former military?” She smirked. Yeah, she’d known it. He had the bearing and the discipline. “What branch?”



He stopped in the middle of the study, and turned toward her. “What do you know about military occupational specialty codes?”

She shrugged and glanced away, her cheeks turning red. “I read.” She really had to remember who she was supposed to be. Lena Love wouldn’t have a clue what an MOS was. She would barely know there was a difference between the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines.

“My MOS in the army was 11B, Infantry.”

Throwing on her Lena act, she wrinkled her brow and slid her gaze over his muscular form. “Really?” I would have thought you were a SEAL or Delta Force like in the movies.” She touched his arm.

“SEALs are Navy. Delta Force is the Army’s Special Operations Detachment–Delta. Their primary mission is counter-terrorism.”

Angel digested his words, a thrill of excitement rippling across her skin. “You say that like you know first-hand.”

He nodded. “Maybe I do.” He moved through the study, checking beneath the desk, behind curtains and in the small closet. “Right now, we have the mission of searching this house. I take my work seriously.”

“You were Delta Force.” Angel stared at him with new respect. “Only the best of the best from green beret and rangers are invited to become part of the D-Force team.”

He tested the knobs on the French doors before turning to face her. “Yes. I was Delta Force.”

“What happened? Why are you working as a bodyguard when you should be countering terrorism?”

He shrugged. “Took one too many hits from IEDs. The Medical Review Board retired me as of a week ago.” Duke’s jaw was tight, his lips pressed into a thin line. He hadn’t wanted to leave the military. Angel could see it in every groove etched into his face.

She touched his arm. “I’m sorry.”

“For what? I got to come home for the first time in years. Some guys aren’t that lucky. Some don’t come home until they’re brought home in a body bag.”

Angel could tell leaving the military had been hard for him. She understood. After she’d been injured in a firefight, she too had been processed out, leaving her unit, her brothers and sisters in arms, behind.

To combat her loneliness, she’d returned to her home state of California and had been discovered working at an auto repair shop by a talent agent who’d recognized the startling resemblance she had to the mega-star Lena Love. When he’d discovered she rode a motorcycle and wasn’t afraid of fire, taking a punch, or falling through windows, he’d gotten her the gig of playing Lena’s stunt woman for the action adventure movies she was known for.

“So, how does it feel to be back in Montana?”

He shrugged. “I’ve barely been outside to tell you much. I got in late last night and came straight here after meeting my boss.”

Her heart squeezed in her chest. He had to be missing his team. Being an alpha man, he wouldn’t let on. Hell, she hadn’t, but anyone with eyes would have known her hell-for-leather death-wish wasn’t normal for her.

Another thirty minutes searching the premises brought Angel and Duke to the conclusion only the maid, the chef and the two of them were inside the house. Lyle Sorenson, the assistant foreman let them know the security footage was stored on the provider’s server, and unless someone had the password to log on, they weren’t getting in until the following day during office hours.

The scents of food cooking in the kitchen made Angel’s belly rumble. “Supper will be served shortly and Le—I like to dress for dinner.” She studied him with a critical eye. “I don’t suppose you have anything but jeans with you?”

“I have a pair of trousers and a button-up shirt, why?”

“You will have dinner with me.”

“That’s not necessary. I can wait outside the dining room while you eat.”

“You said it yourself. The only way you can protect me is to be with me at all times.” She lifted her chin and stared down her nose, putting on her full-Lena affect. “I insist.” There were advantages to being a pushy rich bitch. She got her way.

She also presented a target for unwanted attention for the paparazzi and fanatical stalkers. Angel only had to deal with the hassle for two weeks. Lena dealt with it on a daily basis. Yes, she was a pain in the ass, but she never got a minute to herself. That would make Angel nuts, too.

Angel climbed the stairs ahead of Duke and left him at his room to change for dinner. She jumped into the shower, rinsed off the sticky martini and washed her hair.

Quickly blowing it dry, she went to Lena’s closet and picked through the dresses, bypassing the leopard prints, loud colors and sheer fabrics, and opting for a simple, floor-length gown of a butter-soft material Angel couldn’t name, having never owned anything nearly as nice. The French vanilla crème-colored dress dropped down over her body like a sensual caress, firing up her blood and making her want to walk back to Duke’s room and have him run his hand over the incredible fabric and, of course, every part of her body.

Shaking herself out of the thought, she looked through the jewelry in the built-in drawers of the walk-in closet and selected a pearl necklace and matching earrings.

With her hair down around her shoulders, she glanced at her reflection and gasped. The image wasn’t the Angel Carson she knew. What people said about clothes “making the man” was true. She felt like a completely different person. She slipped on a pair of strappy sandals and hurried down the stairs, following the aromas coming from the kitchen.

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