Spanish Nights (9 page)

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Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Spanish Nights
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are you all right?” Armand lifted himself and peered into her eyes.

She curled her lips and wondered if the smile covered her entire face. “Never better.” She palmed his cheek and he closed his eyes nuzzling into her until his eyes flew open and she saw panic residing in their blue depths.

“Son of a bitch!” Armand pulled free from her and jumped to his feet.

She sat up. “What's wrong?
Armand?” Kayla stood and approached him, his body visibly shaking. “Armand, what do you need me to do? Shall I get help?” She'd never felt more helpless in her life.

“Kayla. Stand back.”

Hearing the desperation in his voice, she obeyed.

“I promise I'll never hurt you.” He jerked his head back and yelled as if in pain.

Kayla reached for her clothes. “Armand, you're scaring the hell out of me.”

His body contorted and black smoked swirled around him until it reached the ceiling, where it snaked back down and headed for the fireplace. It twisted into a thin stream and shot up the chimney. Kayla's heart pounded and she turned around to where Armand had been engulfed in the smoke.



She grabbed her top and slipped it over her head then pulled on her jeans, running through the house while she buttoned them. “Armand?”

No answer, just eerie silence. Even the storms had passed, but the house remained in darkness. She checked every room before heading back to where she started. Still no sign of him. It was like he'd never been there. She plunked down in a chair, dropped her head into her hands and tried to push her panic aside.

“I have no idea what to do.”


Armand could see the panic on Kayla's face, but was unable to respond or assure her everything would be fine. At least, he hoped like hell it was. He'd felt the fire ignite deep in his gut and knew the shift was coming but he couldn't stop it. Instead, the vortex overtook him and he turned into his smoke element. The only thing he could think to do was make a hasty exit up the chimney before anything else went awry.

Currently, he floated high above his home trying to regain control. He'd not shifted in over a thousand years and it was both frightening and exhilarating. He feared for Kayla, though, and fought to get back to her. His instinct was to stay in the shift, but his urges were to reunite with her and find out just who the hell she really was and make sure she was safe.

He wrestled for control and reigned in his Jinn. Focusing on the chimney, he shot back through and into the house. He found Kayla sitting on the couch, gulping a glass of wine. Tears stained her face.

are you harmed?”

“Me? No, but what the hell just happened?” The panic still resided in her voice. He sensed her struggled to remain calm.

“It would seem you have broken the curse. Well, partially anyway,” he replied.

She raised a brow. “Care to explain more?” She poured another glass of wine.

Armand took a seat next to her, not bothering to cover his naked body. He tried to focus on her eyes but found it difficult. His gaze kept wandering to her lips. He realized he was desperate to kiss her and wanted the flavor of strawberries to coat his tongue.

“What are you?”

“I am Jinn and I've been cursed to this realm for over a thousand years.

She sucked in a breath. “Jinn? I thought you were only a figment of my nana's imagination.” She rubbed her temple. “How were you cursed?”

Armand raised a brow. “Your nana? What was it she told you about us?”

“My great grandmother used to tell me stories of the Jinn. Said there were those who were friend and those who were foe. Which are you?”

He noticed her hands shaking, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. He brought his lips to her temple and kissed the pulse that raced beneath them. The woman who shook in his arms was somehow the key to his release, yet he didn't have the heart to make demands of her. “
haven't I already proved which I am? I vow to our gods I would never harm you. I must know, however, how is it your grandmother knew about us?”

She shifted. “I don't really know. I always thought she was crazy. She used to tell me I would one day find a man who would ignite my flame. I never knew what it meant until I met you.” She tipped her head to look up at him, licked her lips. “Armand, I have been cold all my life. Even in the middle of a ninety-degree day my hands were like ice. For some reason, when I touch you it warms me. Do you know why that is?”

“I'm not really sure.” He had his suspicions and would have Crone check into it on his next visit.

She gave a slight nod. “Tell me about the curse.”

He settled back in his seat with her tucked in beside him. “I was young and impressionable and Cyndel was a beautiful genie who seduced me.” Kayla's body tensed beside him. “She was a good time, but when she wanted to get serious and marry … I said no.”

“So you used her and she got back at you is pretty much what I'm hearing.”

He tipped her chin and looked into her eyes. There was a mix of fear and hunger gazing back at him. He needed this woman and had to make sure he sated both. “I refused to marry her because I didn't love her. Don't pity Cyndel. She only wanted my power and wealth. She was a greedy bitch.”

“What about me, Armand. What am I?”

He leaned closer. “You are my salvation.” His lips grazed hers. Gentle at first, then demanding. He hungered for every part of her and ran his tongue along the seam of her mouth, which she parted to allow him entry. A burst of strawberries coated his tongue and sent his senses reeling. He broke off and stared into her pools of brown.

“I need you. Do you still trust me,

He waited for her to answer. Fought the urge to kiss her again, to drink in her coolness. She had to need him as well, but most of all he desired her trust.

She placed a hand on his cheek. “Some would think I'm crazy, but I do trust you and God knows I need you as well.”





Makayla was fast asleep with her head on Armand's chest and her arm flung across his waist. He'd taken her three more times before they'd finally come to bed. She'd fallen asleep as soon as he laid her on the mattress, and he felt a little guilty for having worn her out. He stared up at the ceiling recalling every moment of the evening.

Making love to her had done something to him. Not since his curse had his magic stirred, but tonight when he had entered her for the first time it had beat at him like a caged animal. He'd lost control and shifted in front of her.

This unsettled him.

Tomorrow, Crone would be coming for his allowed visit and he would have to make sure to tell him what had happened. It meant something, but what he had no clue. Was the curse wearing off? Armand tried to conjure his magic but to no avail. He thought of his internal fire and prayed to shift into smoke, but again nothing happened. He stroked Kayla's hair, enjoying the softness against his hand. His cock came to life, but he pushed back his desire. He had to remind himself she was mortal—another thing that perplexed him. He had never fucked the same human more than once, didn't want to chance getting attached to one. Yet he had made love to her four times and still desired more. He wondered if it was her coolness that soothed him. Could that have been what freed him last night? There was definitely a connection between her and his shifting. She'd also said something about being cold and how he warmed her.

He could have mentioned his thoughts, but for some reason kept them to himself. Somehow he had to figure out how she fit into breaking his curse while still maintaining his emotional distance. The last thing he needed was to fall in love with her.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but realized dawn was approaching. Crone would be here as soon as the sun rose above the horizon. Armand tossed the covers aside then slipped from Kayla's grip.

She stirred, her eyes fluttered open. “Where are you going?”

He leaned over and kissed her head. “I need to shower. I have a meeting in a couple of hours that will keep me all day. You're welcome to stay or I can see you home.” He wasn't ready to tell her about his brother coming.

She sat up and stretched. “Mmm. I should go home, I have some things I need to get done.” She rolled out of bed. “Do I have time for coffee?”

“Help yourself to anything you find, and please don't rush on my account.” Gazing at her naked body had him all jacked up. “
the things going through my mind right now. If—” He almost slipped and said if she wasn't human. “If I had more time I'd … ”

She strolled around the bed and came up beside him. “I know exactly what I'd do, but the day brings things that need to be done.” She touched his cheek and her lips twisted into a smile that lit the entire room. “We have time later. I'll find my clothes then make some coffee.” She was out the door before he could say another word. He raced to the shower to hurry and wash up so he had time to join her before they had to part for the day.


Kayla had insisted she walk home, stating the fresh air would help clear her mind and get the creative gears turning. She was positive there was a story brewing in her head and after last night, Armand was sure she'd have no trouble with her muse.

“She's a pretty thing.”

Armand turned from the window where he watched Kayla walk away and faced his brother, Crone. “Yes she is.”

“I wouldn't mind having a go with her myself. Think she'd—”

Armand flew at his brother and pinned him to the wall. “You fucking touch her and I will kill you.”

Crone arched a brow. “Really? Have you forgotten you are powerless?” To prove his point, he flicked his wrist and his magic sent Armand flying into the air, stopping his descent inches from crashing into an expensive wooden table. “I'd hate to destroy the furniture.” He lowered Armand to his feet.

Armand growled. His arms pinned to his side and his feet firmly planted on the floor. “Release me!”

Crone crossed his arms over his chest. Amusement danced in his eyes. “Not until you behave. I was only joking, but it would seem you are infatuated with this human.” Crone gave a sigh. “You have been on earth too long.” He released Armand from his magical hold.

Armand crossed back to the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of Kayla descending the hill into town. Her small form could be seen in the distance. He turned around. “Something peculiar happened last night.”

Crone picked up a billiard from the table and tossed it in the air. “Such as?”

“While having sex I felt my magic stir. I shifted right in front of Kayla. I had no control over it.”

His brother left the pool ball hanging mid-air.

“Have you tried calling it again?” Crone tapped his foot on the floor.

Armand moved to the bar, deciding he needed something stronger than coffee. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two glasses then headed for the chair. Crone joined him.

“I have and nothing.”

Crone scratched his chin. “Hmm, perhaps the curse is wearing off?”

Armand filled both glasses to half-full and handed one to his brother before sipping from his own. “I wondered the same thing. However, there is more to it.” He went on to retell how Kayla had cooled him and it seemed she was warmed by him.

“This is interesting. How do you feel right now?” Crone asked.

“Same as I have my entire existence on earth. Powerless.”

His brother's gaze moved to the window across the room. “So the only difference now is the girl.”

Armand had racked his brain all night looking for anything he had done differently down to the food he'd eaten. He concluded it had to be Makayla, had known she was somehow special the first time he laid eyes on her, but how he had no idea. “It's beginning to look that way.”

“Well then, I can see why she makes you testy. I'll dive into the scripts when I get home.”

Armand nodded then tipped his glass back and drained it. Somehow, he had to keep Kayla close to him. Maybe he could get his Jinn to release. “There's only one problem.”

Crone arched a brow. “That is?”

“Kayla will be gone from here and back home before you return again.”

Crone swirled the liquid in his glass then took a swig. “I don't see that as a problem. If I discover she is the key, then I will find her and bring her back to you. Well, as close as I can anyway.” He smiled. “However, it might be to your benefit to try and keep her here. Turn up your charm and make her fall in love with you.”

That was the problem. He didn't want to break Kayla's heart. The old Armand, who had been left here a thousand years ago, wouldn't care. That Armand would have taken whatever he wanted. However, time had taught him many things. He'd watched so many people he had come to love pass on to the next world. Then he'd watched their children die. Generation after generation of people he tried not to care for had left him with a gaping hole in his heart.

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