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“many interesting incidents”: Sherman,

“was an excellent soldier”/“I had heard”/“old and young”: Ibid., 2:244–45.

“a friend and gentleman”/“hundreds or thousands”. Ibid., 2:245–47.

“As they marched”:
New York Herald,

“I am right” (footnote): Howe,
Home Letters,

“temporary provisions”: Sherman,

“My Dear General Sherman”: OR 44:809.



“the active campaign”: Sherman,

“Oh, proud”: quoted in Wheeler,
Sherman’s March,

“soon reached”: Byers, “Some Personal Recollections,” 214.

“You hit it splendidly”: Ibid.

“The importance of the march”:
New York Times,

“will go down in history”: Essington, Diary, ISL.

“march has been”: Capron, “War Diary,” 397.

“This part of Georgia”: Risedorph, Papers, MHS.

“It is terrible to think of”: Buckingham, Papers, AAS.

“As you are aware”: Levings, Papers, WHS.

“Georgia [is] in a helpless”:
National Tribune,

“looks hard to see”/“On the entire route”: Elseffer, Papers, LOC.

“On our march”:
Lancaster Daily Evening Express,

“The Union army”: Taylor,
Lights and Shadows,

“most fortunate”: Howe,
Marching with Sherman,

“gentlemen of singular”: OR 44:14.

“I beg to assure”: Moore,
Kilpatrick and Our Cavalry,

“I am nervous”: Coker, Letters, UGA.

“The people of Georgia”: McWhorter, Letter, UGA.

“Even Georgian soldiers”:
Athens (Georgia) Southern Banner,

“I feel very little inclined”: Quoted in Kennett,
Marching through Georgia,

“because her people”: Ibid.

“what in the hell”: Ibid.

“All around the grove”: Jones, Family Papers, UGA.

“killed, mules taken”: Clark, Papers, EU.

“Where there were no houses”: Quoted in Brannen,
Life in Old Bulloch,

“Many of us”: Quoted in Bryan,
Confederate Georgia,

“What the people”: Hoyle letter, Bomar-Killian Family Papers, AHC.

“was now winter”: Jones,
When Sherman Came,

“kind relatives”: Buttrill, “Experience in the War”, GSA.

“Now I reckon”: Berry, Letter, EU.

“There was a great crop”: Quoted in Brannen,
Life in Old Bulloch,

“time has come”: Quoted in Parks,
Joseph E. Brown,

“I hope that S.C.”: Maguire, Papers, AHC.

“I would rather”: Cunningham, Family Papers, UGA.

“real Union sentiment”: Gatell, “Yankee Views,” 430.

“We fear the negroes”: Hoyle letter, Bomar-Killian Family Papers, AHC.

“When Sherman’s army”: Quoted in Drago, “How Sherman’s March,” 367.

“They thronged the line”: Boyle,
Soldiers True,

“It was very amusing”: Howland, Letters, NYH.

“useless creatures”: Girardi and Cheairs,

“unadulterated miserable”: Edmonds, Papers, MHI.

“The soldiers had no little fun”:
American Tribune,

“The poor Darkies”: Winther,
With Sherman to the Sea,

“We find the colored”: Taylor, Diary, EU.

“When, as often happened”:
Fifty-fifth Regiment,

“that a large Rebel force”: Storrs,
Twentieth Connecticut,

“Two Sergeants”: Morhous,
, 135–36.

“New negro pioneer squads”: Champlin, Diary, WRS.

“Pioneer Corps”: Christie, Family Papers, MHS.

“Rebels have blockaded”: Reed, “Civil War Diaries,” MHS.

“The roads were nothing”: Sherlock,

“I attached much”: Sherman,

“cars now run”: OR 44:1013.

“I only regarded”: Sherman,

“The romantic character”: Badeau, “Sherman’s March to the Sea,” 543.

“We had a gay trip”: Naylor, Letters, OHS.

“this traveling picnic”: Quoted in Stern,
Soldier Life,

“bitter feeling toward the North”: Eaton,
A History,

“by acts of cruelty”:
New York Herald,

“If W. T. Sherman’s face”:
Confederate Veteran,

“I wish I had a dollar”: Quoted in Royster,
Destructive War,

“I did that”:
Confederate Veteran,

“against the use”:
Confederate Veteran,

“probably its worst devastation”/“the most disliked person”: Quoted in Henken, “Taming the Enemy,” 291, 293.

“rash in cutting loose”: Howe,
Home Letters,

“with grim despair”: Potter,
, 108.

“We were the first”: Howland, Letters, NYH.

“some few,” Brush, Letters, ALL.

“I cannot withhold”: Brown, Papers, DU.

“They would kill”: Quoted in Kennett,
Marching through Georgia,

“in favor of Sherman’s plan”: Grant,
Personal Memoirs,

“I will accept no”: Thorndike,
Sherman Letters,

“How few there are”: Simon,
Papers of Ulysses S. Grant,

“the singular friendship”: Howe,
Home Letters,

“The ‘March to the Sea’”:
New York Times,

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