South Row (7 page)

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Authors: Ghiselle St. James

BOOK: South Row
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Operation: Get Collin to see me as a hot babe
, in three, two…

I spin away from him and sidle over to the nearest guy, who surprisingly, is Luke. I dance sultrily over to him and his eyes widen before morphing into the horn dog I suspect him to be. He pulls me close to him and I caress his firm chest before throwing my arms around his neck and twisting my hips further into him. He slips his jean-clad knee in between my legs and I proceed to, once again, do as the song says and put it down on him.

The song changes and the excitement in my veins warms my skin.
by The New Kids on the Block starts playing, and my body kicks into a more sultry rhythm all on its own. God, I love this song.

No sooner have I b
egun dancing than I feel Collin’s presence behind me. Luke looks up and he stiffens, no doubt wilting under Collin’s hard stare. Luke moves away from me, but not before slapping my ass and smirking at Collin. He shoots away from us laughing when Collin rounds on him with a growl.

I smile to myself.
Worked like a charm.

I am pulled hard against Collin’
s front. His hands run down the length of my body and I shiver with delight when he whispers in my ear, low and gruff.

If you want to dance, you’ll dance with me.”

Our bodies meld together as the song progresses. His hands meander down my torso, to my waist, to my hips, making me shiver. My hips do slow, sexy twists and dips that he follows with torturous thrusts. Sweat is dotting my skin from this highly sexual moment.

The song changes yet again, this time to a sexy Chris Brown that calls for a lot of bumping and grinding. This is a song that I’ve given some lap dances to. A mischievous smile plays upon my lips. This is just the song I wanted. I get to do what I’ve always wanted to do:
dance with Collin Danes. No bullshit.

Collin grips my hips and dips his knees so that I am almost sitting in his lap. Perfect. With hands on my knees, I lean forward, poking my ass into his crotch and slowly grind into him. His hands leave my hips to travel up my back and down again. He leaves one hand on my waist then runs his other hand up my back and presses me down so that I am bent over.

Behind me, Collin is rotating his hips, meeting my grinding and twisting waist. It feels like we’re the only two people on this aquamarine dance floor. The sexual tension has flared between us again and I am going to take every advantage of it.

I drop to the floor and slowly grind my ass my back up to his crotch. Now I am fully bent over, legs spread and clutching my ankles. I am throwing my ass back and into him and he is clutching my hips and thrusting behind me. If this is not sex – with clothes on – I don
’t know what sex is. That being said, I am bursting with glee. Collin wants to have sex with me! Inside I’m doing pirouettes, somersaults, the running man, the sprinkler and the funky chicken. Hell yeah! Let’s get on with the sex!

But it seems I
’ve drank too much.

With me bent over like this, all the alcohol comes rushing to my head and I suddenly feel light-headed. So light-headed, that I face plant into the dance floor.

Ground, swallow me up…now!

m on the floor waiting for the pretty floor to open up beneath me when I am hoisted into strong arms. These strong arms stride with me across the dance floor and are now bringing me up some steps. Collin.

I close my eyes and bury my very embarra
ssed face into his chest. He smells so good. Before I can stop myself, I am inhaling his very sexy, spicy and all-man scent, further intoxicating myself. Like the ditz that I am, I reach up and caress his face. He shudders and then I move my fingers to his lips, tracing their fullness.

You smell like great sex,” I murmur, my eyes landing on the exposed skin of his chest.

My bout with drunken stupidity is not over. I poke my tongue out and taste his sweaty skin. Collin jolts to a stop, his body shaking, and before I know it, I am slammed against a wall with Collin
’s very hard erection poking me in the gut.

Is he going to fuck me right here?
I’m game!

South,” he chokes out, arousal thick in his voice.

He runs his nose from my jaw line to my neck and inhales. Then I feel soft lips brushing against the spot between my neck and shoulder and I almost come. Oh. My. God!

Wetness coats my inner thighs and my thong is soaked. I can’t believe this is happening! Collin Danes is kissing my neck, my shoulders and my jawline and rubbing his very impressive cock into me. And if his groans are any indication, he is enjoying this.

My hands find their way into his hair and I grasp it tightly. A growling moan erupts from Collin's throat, so I do it again, earning the same response. He finds his way down to the tops of my breasts and traces his tongue along the path. I feel so wanton right now, wanting him to pop those babies out of their confines and take them in his mouth.

He shifts so that his leg is in between my legs and grinds my center onto him, giving the right amount of friction to my hyper-sensitive nub. God, that feels good!

I whimper, gripping his hair tighter, feeling my nipples growing harder. Should I be doing something else with my hands? Should I be reaching for his belt or something? What is the proper protocol for sex in a club? Do I just stand there and take it? Or do I make my own moves?

I am so confused right now, but instead of letting him see my obvious inexperience, I start grinding on his leg. Collin uses his teeth to pull my dress down, exposing my breasts. The cool air blasts my chest and my nipples get infinitely harder.

He bites, kisses and sucks his way to my nipple, taking it into his mouth and sucking hard. With the friction on my clit and his attention on my nipple, I dissolve into a puddle, screaming through the quickest orgasm of my life
. My fingers or my vibrator don’t work that kind of magic.
Holy shit!

My legs have turned to
Jell-O but still Collin insists on sucking my nipple. Bright, exploding lights refuse to clear from my vision and I am swimming in ecstasy right now. My head is discombobulated and I feel dizzy. Wait a minute…should I be feeling like puking after the best come of my life?

Move!” I shove Collin away and slap a hand over my mouth.

He looks at me like I’
ve grown two heads, confusion wrinkling his brows.

Bathroom!” I demand before slapping my hand over my mouth again and gagging.

His brows shoot up to his hairline in understanding and he quickly shuffles me to an office with a bathroom in it. I slam the door behind me and proceed to em
pty the contents of my stomach.

As I’
m retching and feeling like shit, the door opens and Collin walks over to where I am doubled over the toilet. I fan him away, embarrassed twice now in front of him. But Collin doesn’t pay attention to my protests. He pulls some escaped tendrils out of my face and wipes my forehead with a damp cloth. I want to swoon, but I’m busy at the moment.

When the dry heaves stop, I slump over the toilet, groaning. Collin lifts me up and places me on the counter where he proceeds to clean me up. He disappears and returns with a glass of water that I gulp down quickly. Then, he digs in his pockets and resurfaces with a tin of Altoids, popping one in
my mouth. I look at him like he’s crazy and he pops one more in. Glad to know he understands me.

Collin has his hands on my knees and his thumbs are drawing circles on my exposed thighs. He rests his forehead against mine, his breathing strong.

“Are you okay?” he asks softly.

Yeah,” I answer on a whisper. My throat is a little raw from vomiting.

Let’s get you home,” he says.

Disappointment rushes through me, but I guess I can
’t blame him. Who would want to sleep with a drunk who pukes all over the place and probably looks a hot mess – without the hot part? I’m a bigger buzzkill than Buzz Killington right now. Ha-ha…Family Guy.

All I can do is nod. I don
’t trust myself to speak, fearing that I might beg him to take me, thus further embarrassing myself. I think I’ve filled my quota where that is concerned. Twice for the night and once in the day? Yup, filled.




In one night, I manage to complete two of my goals on my
Get Collin to see me as a hot babe
list, and totally embarrass myself in front of him. So, I’m back at square one.

I was seen home by Scott and Lydia per the instructions of Collin. I felt like such a goddamn baby. He didn
’t even offer to get me home safe himself. He was probably beating himself over the head thinking he made a mistake.

As I d
rove home, I blubbered in Scott’s lap, sobbing that I wasn’t a hot babe. He tried to reassure me that I was. Lydia even spoke about how great my ass looked in my super sexy dress, which would usually cheer me up, but failed to hit the spot.

Even when the cab driver casted a leery gaze at me and said,
“Of course you’re a hottie, baby. I’d fuck ya,” I didn’t feel the least bit better.

I just cried harder and said, “See, the creepy cabbie thinks I’m hot, why can’t he? He thinks I’m a stupid kid!”

Needless to say, it was a depressing journey home. Now here I am, nursing a hangover from drinking two too many Red-headed sluts and
like a red-headed slut.

After downing aspirin for the headache, I take a shower trying not to think about the horrifically embarrassing moments of last night.
Toweling off, I change into grey sweats that hang off my waist and a white tank top, showing way too much cleavage and my belly button. I throw my hair into a pile on top of my head and head into the kitchen for some OJ.

My broken doorbell buzzes then pings and I make a detour for the door. Peering through the peephole, my stomach drops to my toes. Standing outside in all his manly glory is Collin, looking
absolutely sinful in fitted jeans, vintage Henley’s and sneakers. He is leaning against the railing in front of my door and staring at it with a cocked eyebrow and a ghost of a smile on his lips.

I want to eat him.

“I know you’re there, Red,” he says. “I can hear you breathing.”

Hear me what?

It’s then I realize how hard I’m breathing. Seeing him, all sexified and hot, is making me hyperventilate.

With shaking hands, I unlatch my locks and crack the door open. He pushes off the railing
and approaches. That’s when I remember what I’m wearing. I squeak and slam the door in his face and dash for my room. I hear his deep chuckle as I go.

No time for makeup, I throw off my tank top and peel off my pants. With my lack of coordination right now, I fall face first
onto my bed, half naked and ass up. God, I’m a clutz. How I became such a good dancer is beyond me.

I am digging into my drawer for something to put on, throwing things in the air behind me as my hand touches them. My hands freeze on a pair of hot pants with the word
written across the ass and I spin to put it on. And freeze.

I go red from head to toe. Collin is standing in my doorway, covered in my clothes, while I stand like a deer in headlights, clutching my shorts to my naked upper body.
This is not going well at all.

Collin picks the clothes from his head and shoulders and steps toward me. He is trying his hardest not
to look down at my chest, but I want him to. I want him to see my breasts. I’ve grown into them. They’re nice and supple, fucking juicy.

Collin th
rows his head back and laughs…at me! The fucker! I realize that I’d said everything out loud and a flush of embarrassment creeps over my cheeks, heating them. Mortified and a little pissed off, I scowl at his laughing form and like the little hellion I am, I punch him in the stomach. He wheezes out a breath and coughs, clutching his stomach. Serves him right.

I drop my hands, raise my chin, and stomp
past him. At least I try.

His hand snakes out and he pulls me into him.

“That hurt, Red,” he wheezes.

You deserved it!” I protest, huffing in annoyance.

Fuck, you’re a mean little thing,” he mutters.

I’m not little!” I stomp on his toes and he releases me.

Not caring anymore, I take up one of the t-shirts that fell on the floor and throw it on, dropping the shorts from my hands. I realize it
’s one of my favorite shirts, my ratty Guns ’n’ Roses t-shirt. I convince myself every time I put it on that it smells like Axl. Yes, I’m delusionally in love with Axl and will have his spawn one day.

In the kitchen/living room, I throw the fridge door open in search of orange juice. Collin strolls in and sits on one of the stools at the small i
sland, silent. He looks so much larger than life in my tiny apartment, which looks even smaller with him in it.

Huffing and cursing to myself, I
close the fridge, placing orange juice, eggs, bacon and bagels on the counter. Silently, I make us both breakfast. Sitting on the other end of the island, Collin and I eat in silence. I don’t even know why I’m pissed at him.

I ask a question that has pu
zzled me, “How do you know where I live?”

He takes a
deep breath before answering, “I took Scott’s number before you guys left last night. I asked him this morning.”

He looks at me long and hard then says,
“Remind me never to wake a gay dude up before he finishes his beauty rest.”

I chuckle knowing full well that he got the
full on Scott bitch-out treatment. Scott loves to get a full eight hours of sleep on weekends. He is fully functional when he gets it. You want to be around a fully functional Scott who’s had his eight hours. Anything under that, even half an hour under, you get a crabby, mean Scott. You don’t want to be around crabby, mean Scott. Crabby, mean Scott is a bitch.

You deserved it,” I mumble sullenly.

Collin quirks his eyebrow at me and a smile tugs at his lips, making him look so pretty. Well, pretty in a hunky way. His hair is mussed
like he’s been running his hand through it and I want to beg him that the next time he has the itch to run his fingers through it, that he gives me the honors. I’m pathetic.

“Why are you here, Collin?”

“I…” Collin pauses and sighs.

He looks miserable.

“I wanted to see if you were okay,” he finally answers.

Not what I wanted to hear.

“So you came by to see if I choked on my own vomit?” I ask, pissed off.

“South…” he hedges.

“Well, as you can see, I didn’t.” I get up from the stool and head for the door, throwing it open. “You can leave n–”

The door is slammed and towering over me is a very pissed off Collin. I should be scared, but my coochie has different ideas, because angry Collin is fucking hot
when he’s roused up like this!

Are you trying to be intimidating? Because it’s not working,” I utter suddenly.
Because I can’t keep my mouth shut.

Collin c
urses and shoves away from me. “I must be crazy coming here,” he mumbles to himself.

He spins on me and I draw back from him.

“You wanna know why I’m here?” he barks, inching toward me. “I’m here because I can’t get you out of my goddamn head! I’m here because last night I fucking touched you when I promised myself I wouldn’t!”

My heart cracks. That hurt.

“I’m here because I feel like a fucking junkie. One taste and it’s not enough. It’s not enough, South.”

Collin grasps me to him and crushes
his lips to mine. My coochie flips in excitement, clapping her hands together and screaming like an overly-excited Valley girl.
Oh, my gawd, I want him!

I grant his probing tongue access and it is like fireworks. People say sparks fly wh
en they kiss each other, but it’s like the fourth of July right now! Butterflies break free in my belly and I can’t help squirming, pressing my legs together because my greedy little pussy wants more than a kiss.

I pull
away from Collin and gasp out, “Touch me,” before getting lost in his kisses again.

He groans and runs his hands over my panty-clad bottom, gripping it. Taking things a step further, I s
hove my hands underneath Collin’s shirt and place them on his hot body. He’s blazing. No, seriously, he’s on fire. Argh! Not like that. I mean, yeah, he’s got a hot body, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.

Collin, are you sick? You’re burning up.” I break away from the kiss with concern.

He chuckles at my concern and it makes me want to twist his nipples. Tempting.

“No, babe,” he responds. “Just so fucking hot and bothered. I see you in my favorite band’s t-shirt, looking like a fucking wet dream and I’m on fire.”

I blush scarlet, because I swear to God, that dirty mouth is getting me in the same condition.

“Can I keep kissing you now?” he requests.

I answer shyly.

“Thank fuck.”


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