Souls ReAligned (26 page)

Read Souls ReAligned Online

Authors: Tricia Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Souls ReAligned
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“White shirt. Red silk tie,” she decides.

“Good choice.” Turning to arrange them on the hanger, he’s unaware of what’s about to hit him.

Anxiety wraps around her like a tightly bound rope, restricting her blood flow, making her feel like she’s about to split wide open. “Who was the blonde you slept with the night your friends flew into Canada?”

Shocked, Ethan’s muscles lock tightly. Feeling like he’s just been struck by lightening, he takes a deep breath, keeping his composure in check. Closing his eyes tightly, he curses.
. Turning to see the hurt look on her face, he moves to stand in front of her.

“I didn’t sleep with her, Olivia.” Unease makes his voice raspy, “Nothing happened.” His sincerity does little to convince her that he’s telling the truth. Insecurity, keeps her on high alert.

“Liv?” His jaw tightens, as he looks down at her hands twisting and fidgeting in her lap. When she refuses to look up and acknowledge him, he crouches in front of her. Looking up into her eyes, he reaches over and stills her hands. “Would you look at me please?” his confident Irish brogue starts to sound shaky, worried.

Wanting so desperately to believe him, she looks down into his eyes.

Relieved, he takes a small breath as he searches her expression. “Trust me. Nothing happened. She was just a girl, who had too much to drink. I was worried about her safety so I escorted her up to her room. I left her there alone.”

A hesitant sigh escapes her as she averts her eyes. Needing a moment to collect her thoughts, she tries to pull her hands out from under his.

Fear starts to course through his veins, “Fuck! Olivia, please tell me you believe me. I didn’t touch her. I had no desire to touch her.” Trepidation, hits him hard. Getting to his feet, he tugs firmly on her hand, pulling her off the edge of the bed and into his arms, “Do you remember? Do you remember what I told you that night with Stacey?” Despite his carefully restrained anger, there’s a bite to his words.

Nervously, Olivia answers, “Yes. You told me, if I ever doubted how you felt about me, that I should remember that kiss.” There have been many kisses since that night, but the emotion; the integrity behind that kiss is unforgettable.

Olivia’s heart races as she’s pulled against the rigidity of his body. Slanting his mouth over hers, he pauses. His breathing becomes shallow, his warm breath lingering on her lips. Taut muscles relax, as he brings his hand up to her neck. Holding her gently, he lowers his mouth the rest of the way. A teasing brush of his lips makes her sigh. Anticipation builds, making her lean forward, searching for more. Returning to her, he bites her lower lip making her gasp.

Pressing her chest against his, her body responds to his possession. Heat roars like fire through her. She can’t fight it. She doesn’t want to. Lips part, a hungry passion deepens, as tongues meet. Fear and distrust are washed away with his slow, soulful kiss. He owns her, and his kisses are a constant reminder that he always has.

Pulling away, he leans back to look into her eyes, “You’re the only woman I want.
are the one that I need.”

Innocence is conveyed in his eyes, assuring her that his words are the unquestionable truth. Nodding her head, she runs her fingers through his hair, “I believe you.”

“The only thought in my mind, every minute of those two days, was how I was going to get you back,” Surrounding her with his large body, he tucks her in under his chin. Stroking her hair, he holds her against his chest.

Melting into him, she accepts his words. They echo through her soul, making her want to believe. She holds on to him tightly, willing away the challenges in this life. She longs for the times when love was pure and innocent. Where trust and loyalty were never tested. Those memories help her fight. They force her to acknowledge that the key to their love is in her dreams.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The following days don’t bring Olivia any further success on her project. Even though she believes that Ethan didn’t sleep with that girl, she knows that he’s still hiding something. He has secrets that he’s locked away in his desk drawer. Sitting only a few feet away, curiosity calls to her, tempting her to seek out the truth.


“Huh?” looking up she’s drawn into Ethan’s green eyes.

“I asked, how was Krav Maga last night?”

“Oh,” she hesitates, biting at her lip. “Well,” she says, fidgeting uncomfortably, “I didn’t go.”

Ethan raises an unimpressed eyebrow, “And why not?”

“Because I hated it.”

Ethan sighs, scratching his head. “Where were you last night then, while I was at my meeting?” He glances toward the door, as it swings open.

Hearing Ethan’s question when he enters the room, John looks between them nervously. With his hand still on the doorknob, he backs up, pulling it closed as he goes out.

“John,” Ethan says, crossing his arms and shifting his weight.

Stopping, John sticks his head back in the door.

“Why didn’t I hear about this from you last night?”

John growls and steps back into the room. Giving Olivia an exasperated look on his way past, he ignores her apologetic grin and fluttering eyelashes. “I meant to. It must have slipped my mind.”

Ethan glances over at the surprised look on Olivia’s face.
Did John McCabe just cover her ass?
Now, that’s a first.

“Wait,” Olivia interrupts, walking toward them. “He didn’t forget. I promised him that I would talk to you about it.”

“I see. So where were you then?” Clenching his jaw, he gives John a dismissive look, nodding toward the door. Taking his cue, John leaves them alone, flashing a worried look in Olivia’s direction before closing the door.

“Don’t get all pissy with me, Ireland,” she says boldly. “I was still there, but I had John change the class to Jiu-Jitsu.”

Taking a deep breath, his jaw relaxes. “Why didn’t you just say so?” He pauses, shaking his head. “So how was Jiu-Jitsu?”

Olivia wrinkles up her nose and makes a face. “I hated it, too. I’m not going back.”

“Olivia,” Ethan starts, feeling frustrated.

“Why do I have to learn self defense, anyway?”

“You know why.” Rolling up the cuffs of his sleeves, he smoothes the folds with each turn, and looks up at her with discontent. “Is there anything else you’ve neglected to tell me?” he asks, calmly.

“Well, since you’ve asked. I cancelled dancing next week to meet with Dr. Cameron to discuss Artemis. I accepted a dinner invitation at your parents’ for Sunday.” She continues as she heads toward the door, “We’ve just established that I’m not going back to Jiu-Jitsu. Oh, and we’re having pizza for dinner tonight. The thought of sushi isn’t sitting very well with me.”

Ethan remains quiet as she addresses him with confidence. She delivers her intentions with poise and tenacity. She has no fear of his reaction. Jesus, what that does to him. It jump-starts the dominant side of him that makes him need to rein her in and bring her to her knees. He won’t force her there. He doesn’t have to. He knows how to make her weak in the knees, making her want to surrender to him. He struggles to calm his thundering pulse at the thought of her submission. His heart races even faster at the image of her looking up at him, with those fawn like eyes; eagerly awaiting his command, prepared to do exactly as he says.

Staring at the sensual curves of her body and those high heels, Ethan’s primal instincts kicks in as he follows her. “Miss James,” he says, in a calm, professional voice. Placing his hand on the door, he pushes it closed tightly, preventing her from leaving.

“Seems to me that you’ve forgotten who’s in charge here.”

Olivia laughs once. As if she could forget who’s in control, while his growing erection presses into her back.

“Apparently, you need a reminder,” he growls, leaning into the side of her neck.

“Is that so?” Olivia’s protest is stalled when his strong hand glides down the side of her body and across her stomach.

“Yes, that’s so. Here, and at home, I’ll decide what’s best,” he breathes heavily into her ear, “and just in case you’re unsure, I’ll also clarify that this body belongs to me.” Edging his hand down between her legs, he skims it across her, making her inhale deeply. “You’ll do what I say. In fact, you’re going to prove to me that you can follow instructions. If you want to explore some of the things we’ve talked about, I need to know that you can do that. Do you understand?”

Olivia faces the door saying nothing, afraid that if she speaks, he’ll hear the arousal in her voice. Ethan senses it anyway. He always does. Standing behind her, he slowly caresses her body. “Do as I say. No witty comebacks. No cheeky banter. I’ll make sure that you’re rewarded.” He grasps both breasts firmly in his strong hands, and gives them a tight squeeze. “Am I being clear on that?” The words roll off his tongue, crowned with authority; the sound of his Irish brogue, strengthening his rule over her.

Nodding her head, she acknowledges his command.

Nipping at the tender skin below her earlobe, he pulls her back against his muscular body. “Make sure your phone is on. Follow instructions.”


Sitting in the research room, Olivia reads over the same paragraph in a manual, at least five times. Ethan’s voice roams around in her brain, distracting her with the thoughts of what he might demand. He’s a master of seduction, when it suits him. Leading her mind into a lustful playground, he then leaves her alone with her own thoughts. Before long, they develop into a dire need. Ethan knows that seducing her mind is the key to ravaging her body.

Her phone chimes, making her jump. Practically holding her breath, she looks at the display.


Ethan: Go to the stairwell. In between the second and third floor, there is a door to the left marked fire exit. The alarm is disabled. Meet me on the other side. Don’t keep me waiting I have a meeting in ten minutes.


Getting to her feet, she quickly peruses the room.

Looking up from his work, one of the engineers gives her a curious look.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she assures him.

Making her way toward the door to the stairwell, she stops to check her reflection in the glass doors of one of the offices. The anticipation is driving her crazy. Heading back to her desk, she grabs her purse, and freshens up before she goes.


With her heart fluttering, she turns the handle and pushes open the door to the fire exit. Standing on the other side, unimpressed, Ethan looks at his watch. “I told you not to make me wait. I’m almost out of time.”

“I’m sorry. I only stopped to…”

Ethan shakes his head and sighs, “Stop! Clearly you don’t understand the concept of doing what you’re told.” Stepping forward Ethan molds his hand over her breast, squeezing it firmly. “Now, I don’t have time for what I had planned to do to you.” Unbuttoning her blouse, he exposes her breasts and helps himself. Cupping them in his strong hands, he kneads the flesh beneath them, driving her into a state of growing need.

Sounds in the stairwell alert her to the presence of someone on the other side of the door. “Ethan,” she begins,

“Shh. Don’t say a word.”

The lust in his eyes grips her, making her obey.

Surrounding her sensitive nipples, he makes her body keen when he pinches them. Holding them tightly between thumb and index finger, he watches her reaction. He twists and pulls, knowing just how rough she needs it, to bring her pleasure.

Twitching, her body begins to ache, as he slowly pinches harder, bringing her to the edge of pain then easing off and beginning again. Letting her head fall back, she closes her eyes, taking a few deep breaths.

When she whimpers, it evokes a hunger deep inside him. Releasing her, he watches as her breasts, pink and swollen from his assault, disappear behind the material of her blouse.

“Had you done what I asked, I could have looked after you right now. But I’m out of time.” Crouching in front of her, he runs his hands up her thighs and under her skirt. Grasping the waistband of her pantyhose, he slides them down, pulling them over her hips and down her thighs. Leaning in, he nuzzles his chin between her legs and presses his lips against her clit. She can feel the warmth of his mouth through her panties as he places a kiss there.

Olivia reaches down and runs her hands through his hair. Wanting to desperately twist her fingers in it and hold him there, she pushes herself forward.

Grasping her by the hips, Ethan holds her back, preventing her from searching for more of his mouth. “Out of time, Sweetheart. You need to follow orders to get what you want.” Grasping the top of her panties, he yanks them down.

Lifting her foot, he removes her shoe and slides pantyhose and panties down over her calf. Repeating his action on the other side, he completely rids her of them. As she slides her feet back into her heels, he gets to his feet. “I’m going to keep these,” he says, rolling them into a ball and stuffing them into his pocket. “You won’t need them for what you’ll be doing next.”

Olivia’s body thrums with excitement as he leans in, once again skimming his hands over her sensitive nipples. “Straighten yourself up, Love. Then go back to your work. Wait for your next instructions and follow them this time.”

Biting at her lip, Olivia says nothing. Locked to his lustful gaze, she gives him her ascent. Nodding, he turns and leaves.

Standing on the fire escape, she exhales a long breath and fans her face. The man is like a drug. No matter how hard she tries to resist him, fighting him for control, she always surrenders to him. When she gives her body over to him, he consumes her like no other, making pleasure wash over her like the most glorious of highs. She wonders what he has in store today. She’ll prove to him that she can follow orders. Just wait and see.


The research room is buzzing with activity when she gets back. James, the youngest engineer rushes to the door to greet her excitedly, “I’ve been looking for you. We tested out that new configuration we talked about yesterday and it looks promising. We still have one problem we’re trying to work through but we’re getting closer!”

“That’s fabulous!” Olivia walks over to the prototype and watches as they run it through a second test. All is well until a certain point, and then red lights begin to flash. Everyone frowns at each other. “Well… okay. At least I know where the flaw is in the logic now. I’ll start working on it.” Olivia sits at the metal desk and opens an extremely thick hard covered book. The wooden chair feels cool against her legs, reminding her that she’s not wearing any panties.

Hours pass, it seems. The room grows very quiet. Olivia sits with several thick intensive looking textbooks open in front of her. Thumbing through them, she marks the pages of interest and makes notes.

Her phone vibrates on the desk but she barely notices. When it vibrates again, a few moments later, she looks at the display. ETHAN!


Ethan: Hello? Where are you?

Olivia: I’m here, sorry.

Ethan: While I’m in my next meeting, I want you to go to the private bathroom in the finance department. Lock the door. I want you to slide your hand between your legs and rub.

Olivia: Gasp! r u kidding me? I’m not doing that.

Ethan: No, I’m not kidding. Do it now. Make sure you’ve made yourself orgasm by the time my meeting is finished.

Olivia: I can’t believe you’re making me do that.

Ethan: Follow instructions. Let me know when you get there.


Olivia looks at the pile of books in front of her and down at the messages on her phone. She’s on the right track with this software logic. She doesn’t want to leave in the middle of her research. She needs to figure out this problem. One of the engineers puts his notes down in front of her. “Do you think this might work?” he asks.

Picking up his papers, she begins to read. Several minutes pass as they discuss his theory before Olivia’s phone chirps again. “Excuse me, just a moment,” she says, as she picks up her phone, guarding it from being seen.


Ethan: Are you there?


Gah! Looking at the pile of books on her desk and the notes in her hands, she struggles with a decision. A small smirk curls at her lips. He’s in a meeting right? He’ll never know the difference.


Olivia: Yes, I’m here. In the bathroom. Door locked.

Ethan: Good. Have you started?

Olivia: Oh yes, I’m doing it right now.


When the engineer gives her an odd look, her face turns a crimson shade of red. “It’s Ethan,” she explains, “checking on our progress.” Continuing to work with her teammate, she stops every few moments to answer Ethan’s texts.


Ethan: Are you wet?

Olivia: Yes, Baby. Very wet.

Ethan: Does it feel good when you touch yourself?

Olivia: I like it better when you touch me. I’m pretending you’re here touching my dripping pussy.

Ethan: You’re making my dick hard

Olivia: Your dick is always hard

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