Souls of Aredyrah 3 - The Taking of the Dawn (52 page)

Read Souls of Aredyrah 3 - The Taking of the Dawn Online

Authors: Tracy A. Akers

Tags: #teen, #sword sorcery, #young adult, #epic, #slavery, #labeling, #superstition, #coming of age, #fantasy, #royalty, #romance, #quest, #adventure, #social conflict, #mysticism, #prejudice, #prophecy, #mythology

BOOK: Souls of Aredyrah 3 - The Taking of the Dawn
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Gair (GARE)—
Jecta. Blacksmith of


Gem (JIM)—
Jecta. Daughter of Mya and
Eben. Sister of Nely and Farris.


Gitta (JIT-uh)—
Reiv’s horse.


Gorman (GOR-mun)—
Of the Aerie clan.
Deceased. Adopted father of Dayn. Father of Alicine. Husband of


Haskel (HASS-kuhl)—
of the Aerie clan.
Brother of Mahon. Husband of Vania. Father of Eyan.


Ionhar (EYE-o-nar)—
Chieftain of the
Crests clan.


Isola (Iss-O-luh)—
Tearian. Deceased.
Wife of King Sedric. Mother of Ruairi and Whyn. Sister of


Jecta (JEK-tuh)—
The name given by the
Tearians to anyone considered “impure.” The Jecta primarily live in
the city of Pobu, but many work within the walls of Tearia as
slaves or servants. Their impurities include (but are not limited
to) dark coloring, scars or other bodily imperfections, tainted
blood, family ties, and criminal activity.


Jensa (JEN-suh)—
Shell Seeker. Sister
of Torin and Kerrik.


Jorge (JORGE)—
Kiradyn. Blacksmith in
the city of Kiradyn.


Keefe (KEEF)—
Dayn’s Tearian birth


Kerrik (KARE-ik)—
Shell Seeker. Adopted
younger brother of Jensa and Torin.


Kirador (KEER-uh-dore)—
northwest of the mountains on the island of Aredyrah. Home of four
clan regions and the city of Kiradyn.

Kiradyn (KEER-uh-din)—
Primary city in
the region of Kirador. Also refers to any person living in


Konyl (KON-ul)—
a hero of ancient clan
lore; believed to have saved Kirador from demonic invaders.


Labhras (LAB-russ)—
Tearian. Wealthy
land owner. Father of Cinnia. Best friend of King Sedric.


Lorcan (LORE-kun)—
Kiradyn; father of
Falyn and Sheireadan; Head of the Vestry, the governing board of


Lyal (Lile)—
Shell Seeker; former love
interest of Jensa.


Mahon (MAN)—
Tearian. Deceased. Former
husband of Brina. Uncle of Ruairi and Whyn. Birth father of Dayn
(Keefe). Was Commander of the Guard.


Meirla (MEER-luh)—
Shell Seeker village
on the southern coast of Aredyrah.


Memory Keeper—
A historian. The term
generally refers to members of a covert group that came into being
after the Purge which banned all documents belonging to the Jecta.
The Memory Keepers are dedicated to preserving all forms of


Morna (MORE-nuh)—
of the Aerie clan.
Dayn’s adopted mother. Alicine’s birth mother. Wife of Gorman.


Mya (MY-uh)—
Jecta. Widow of Eben.
Friend of Jensa and Torin. Mother of Farris, Gem, and Nely.


Nannaven (NAN-uh-vin)—
Jecta. Elderly
Spirit Keeper of Pobu. Was the daughter of a Memory Keeper.


Nely (NELL-ee)—
Jecta. Youngest
daughter of Mya and Eben. Sister of Gem and Farris.


of the Aerie clan; brother of
Gorman and Haskel.


Olwyn (ALL-win)—
of the Sandrights
clan; daughter of Uaine (chieftain of the clan.)


Oonayei (EW-nie-ay)—
promised land
spoken of in the Jecta prophecy of Kalei.


Peadar (PAY-uh-dar)—
Chieftain of the
Aerie clan.


Plenum of Four—
the official gathering
of the four clan Chieftains for the purpose of business.


Pobu (PO-boo)—
Jecta city to the south
of Tearia.


Title of the supreme leader
of the Temple. Known by no other name. The Priestess is the true
power of Tearia.


Quillan (KWILL-un)—
of the Crests clan;
courting Olwyn.


Reiv (REEV)—
Jecta. Name given to
Ruairi when he was disowned by his family.


Ruairi (Rue-AW-ree)—
Tearian. Reiv’s
birth name. Means “Red King.” Was believed to be the second coming
of a king of old who carried out the first Purge. Ruairi’s name was
taken from him when he was disinherited.


Sandrights (SAND-rites)—
Clan located
in the west-central region of Kirador. Clan color is burnt sienna.
Chieftain is Uaine.


Sedric (SED-rik)—
Deceased King of
Tearia. Husband of Isola. Father of Ruairi and Whyn.


The term used for hunting shells
beneath the waters.


Seela (SEE-luh)—
of the Aerie clan;
Nort’s common-law wife; mother of Ben.


Seirgotha (Seer-GOTH-uh)—
Legendary sea
serpent. The Shell Seekers believe the slayer of Seirgotha will
gain great knowledge from the gods.


formerly known as the Priestess;
an evil parasitic entity that has been in control of Tearia since
the reign of the Red King.


Sheireadan (SHARE-uh-den)—
Dayn’s nemesis in Kirador. Son of Lorcan. Brother of Falyn.


Shell Seekers—
A community of Jecta who
live in the coastal village of Meirla. The Shell Seekers are known
for their skills at diving and hunting the waters for food and
shells. They are also excellent craftsman, using shells to make
jewelry and decorative vessels.


Spirit Keeper—
Title given to a healer
and spiritual advisor. This title is consistently used by all the
residents of Aredyrah.


Taubastets (TOUW-bas-tets)—
a tribe of
“cat people” driven out of the mountains during the War of


Tearia (Tee-AIR-ee-uh)—
city-state to the south of the mountain range of Aredyrah. All
navigable land on this side of the island is known as Tearia. The
city itself is a walled metropolis of elegant architecture,
fountains, colorful gardens, and art. It is home to a race of
people who strive for purity, as dictated by their gods and defined
by Temple law.


Tenzy (TIN-zee)—
Jecta. Deceased. Was
the daughter of a Memory Keeper and the sister of Nannaven. Was
imprisoned by the Priestess to interpret forbidden texts.


Torin (TORE-un)—
Shell Seeker. Older
brother of Jensa and Kerrik.


Uaine (EW-ane)—
Chieftain of the
Sandrights Clan; Olwyn’s father.


Unnamed One—
Person spoken of in the
Prophecy. Depending on the interpretation, he can be either savior
or threat. Once believed to be Reiv. Now believed to be Dayn.


Vania (VAN-yuh)—
of the Aerie clan;
wife of Haskel; mother of Eyan.


the political and religious
council of Kiradyn.


Whyn (Win)—
Tearian. Fraternal twin
brother of Ruairi. King of Tearia. Son of King Sedric and Queen
Isola (deceased.) Former husband of Cinnia (deceased.)


Will of Agneis—
The Tearian term that
refers to the custom of killing infants who are not considered


Yustes (YOU-stus)—
Religious Elder of
the Shell Seekers.


Zared (ZARE-ud)—
Kiradyn; member of the
Vestry who has been promised the hand of Falyn.


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About the

racy A. Akers is
both a teacher and an author. She grew up in Arlington, Texas, but
currently lives in the rolling hills of Pasco County, Florida. She
graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in
Education, and has taught in both public and private schools. She
currently divides her time between teaching, writing, lecturing,
and spending time with her family.

Ms. Akers has won numerous awards for her
Souls of Aredyrah Series, and was acknowledged for her contribution
to young adult literature by the Governor of Florida during the
2008 Florida Heritage Month Awards Ceremony. Books One and Two of
the Aredyrah Series are included in the Florida Department of
Education’s 2008 Just Read Families Recommended Summer Reading
List. In addition, Ms. Akers has been an invited guest author at
major book events and writers’ conferences, a panelist at fantasy
and science fiction conventions, and was a member of the steering
committee for Celebration of the Story, a literary event held at
Saint Leo University.

As an active participant in the Florida
Writers Association, Ms. Akers helped develop and lead writers
groups for both adults and young writers. She is frequently invited
to speak at middle schools and high schools, and works every day to
incorporate her passion for story telling into the classroom

The Souls of Aredyrah Series
is Ms.
Akers’ first series of novels for young adults.

For character illustrations and additional
information about the series, please visit her website at


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