Soul Sweet (2 page)

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Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Soul Sweet
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“I’m going to change your mind about that.”

Misha remained silent when Darius winked at her. He’d charmed his way into more than one wide-eyed woman’s bed, bowling them over with his good looks and his talents in the kitchen. “I can’t stop you from trying, but no more surprise kisses.”

Darius held up his hands. “Got it.”

Misha left him in his office, discombobulated by his confession. She made her way to the front of the darkened restaurant and smiled the instant she saw Serene waving at her through the glass. Unlocking the deadbolt, Misha barely had the door open before her sister began talking.

“So, you know that cooking competition show?” Serene stepped inside, radiant in a burnt orange dress that showed off her toned body. “The one we watch on Friday nights?”

Misha closed the door behind her sister. “
Celeb Chef

They were practically obsessed with the show. Every Friday, they’d pop popcorn, pour a bottle of wine and make wagers on which cook was going to get chopped from the competition first.

Serene nodded excitedly. “Yep. Auditions are being held next week for next season’s show and I think you should go try out.”


Serene gave her an exasperated sigh. “You need to have your butt down there to audition. You’d be perfect for the show.”

Misha scoffed. “I don’t have time to be trying out for some crazy reality show.”

“You could win fifty thousand dollars on that
and that’s just if you’re runner-up.” Serene grabbed hold of her arm. “Mish, you could take the whole thing. You want your own restaurant… Being on the show would almost guarantee you that.”

Misha frowned, a little overwhelmed by her sister’s enthusiasm. “I don’t know, Serene.” She walked towards the office and Serene followed.

“Tell me that’s not what you’ve dreamt about, sis. Tell me you wouldn’t love the chance to show whatcha got on television.
Celeb Chef
could be your ticket to the big time. Preliminary auditions are being held downtown. There’s no excuse for you not to be there.”

A sliver of excitement raced through Misha despite her misgivings. “Serene—”

Celeb Chef

Both women looked at Darius as he came out of his office.

“Don’t tell me you are seriously considering auditioning for that ridiculous reality show.”

Misha shrugged, annoyed by his condescending tone. “It’s a good show.”

Darius snorted. “The celeb chefs judging are just in it to make a bigger name for themselves. The show is nothing more than a popularity contest… Not a true test for awesome chefs.”

“I disagree.” Serene gave Darius a tired look. “The last two winners of
Celeb Chef
have gone on to have very successful restaurants. The benefits of participating in this competition can’t be ignored.”

“Real chefs don’t need a television show to pat them on the back.” Darius glanced at both sisters who simply stared at him. “Well, I’m out of here. Don’t forget to set the alarm.”

“I won’t.” Misha rolled her eyes at Serene when Darius walked past them.

“Goodnight, ladies.”

“Goodnight,” the sisters said in unison.

Serene waited until he pushed through the back door to speak. “He should’ve been supportive of the idea. Don’t listen to him and don’t try to act like you aren’t excited about this.
Celeb Chef
is your chance to prove to yourself and the world that you are indeed the bomb-diggity chef I already know you are. You’ll breeze through the audition here in town and then I’ll go with you to Seattle, Mish.”


“Yup. That’s where the show is being filmed this season.” Serene clapped her hands together. “I’ve always wanted to visit the Emerald City. It’s such a health-conscious state.”

“Wow.” Misha tried to picture herself boarding a plane for Seattle. “This is crazy. Darius would be super pissed with me if I went. There’s a very important catering event this weekend.”

Serene grabbed hold of her arm. “You never ask for time off, but if you’re worried about leaving him in a bind we could fly out late Sunday morning if you want. Honestly, you need to stop thinking about him. This is about you. Your career. Your chance to do something amazing.”

Misha leaned against the wall, thinking about the high octane show she was addicted to, trying to imagine herself being one of the frazzled contestants competing for the ultimate title of Celeb Chef.

“C’mon, Misha.” Serene released her hold on her to twirl one of her braids. “Dad, Mom and Kaden all agree you should try out for the show.”

“Our big brother gave his stamp of approval?” Misha chuckled. “That’s surprising. The last time we talked he was encouraging me to become partners with Darius.”

Serene waved her hand. ”He knows you’re too talented and driven to be happy working for Darius in his restaurant when your dream is to have your own. Being on
Celeb Chef

Celeb Chef
could give you the start-up cash and recognition you need to get your own place up and running. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t love to be on that show.”

“No, I can’t. I would love nothing better than to compete on that crazy programme.”

Serene grinned. “So, what’s stopping you?”

“I don’t know.” Misha paused. “Fear?”

“Remember what Dad always tells us?”

Misha smiled. “You’ll never get anywhere being afraid.”

Serene nodded, excitement making her radiant face even more beautiful. “That’s right. So?”

“So, I guess I’m going to try out for
Celeb Chef
.” Misha cringed when her sister squealed.

“You’re going to win!” Serene hugged her. “I just know it! Let’s go to dinner and celebrate you making the best decision of your life. I’m not kidding, Misha, I have a feeling your life will never be the same after this.”

Misha laughed as she pulled away from her sister. “You are so dramatic. Let’s go. I can just whip us up something to eat at my place.” She went into Darius’ office, grabbed her purse and keys before shutting off the light and joining her sister back in the hallway. “I’ve got all the ingredients to make chicken parmigiana.”

“Mmm… I love it when you make that, but I’m hungry now.” Serene walked with her towards the back door. “That takes at least an hour. Besides, you cook all the time.” She snapped her fingers as Misha set the alarm. “No, we’re going to go somewhere, have some drinks, relax and talk about possible names for your own restaurant when you win this competition.”

Misha opened the door, let Serene pass then stepped outside with a grin. “You do realise I’ll be up against some of the finest up-and-coming chefs in the country.”

Serene shrugged. “I know and I’m still confident.”

“Those judges can be brutal. I wonder who they’ll get to judge for this season.”

“Doesn’t matter. You
take the heat in the kitchen. You’ll be fine.”

Misha giggled. “I can’t believe you never wanted to be a cheerleader. All you need are some pom-poms right now.”

“Ha! Follow me to the restaurant. I’ll try not to drive too fast.” Serene unlocked her car door. “I know how crazy that makes you.”

“I’ll be right behind you.”

“Mish, I’m so excited for you!”

Misha smiled, unlocking and getting into her own vehicle as her sister got into hers. She started the car then followed Serene out of the parking lot, thinking about what they’d talked about.

Celeb Chef
could very well change her life. All of the past winners had gained some measure of notoriety and professional success. Winning would open doors and catapult her career, but a bad run on the show could have the exact opposite effect.

Serene was right… Good or bad, competing on
Celeb Chef
would change everything.

* * * *

Sunday morning, Misha parked in front of Serene’s condo, a ball of nerves. She still couldn’t believe she’d snagged a spot on
Celeb Chef
. If she didn’t go any further on the show, she would be proud to have been chosen out of a group of four local chefs. Serene had invited her over for breakfast to celebrate before they headed to the airport, but she was too anxious to eat. She got out of her car, her stomach in knots as she walked up to her sister’s door. After taking in a few deep breaths, she rang the doorbell. When it flew open, her eyes widened in surprise as she saw her best friends, Ava and Josie.

“Surprise!” Ava and Josie said in unison. They pulled her inside and hugged her.

Misha laughed. “This
a surprise. You both managed not to tell me you’d be here when I talked to you guys last night.”

Ava tossed her dark tresses over her shoulder as she brought her hand up to her heart. “
I know. It was very tough not spilling the beans.”

Josie giggled. “Serene made us promise not to tell.”

Misha wagged her finger at her sister who’d come to the door with a satisfied grin on her face. “You’re always up to something.”

“Hey, I couldn’t let you go to Seattle without getting your girls together.” Serene waved the spatula in her hand. “Come into the kitchen and get these heavy-ass pancakes before they’re cold.”

“I keep telling you not to over-whip the batter.” Misha followed the ladies through the living room to the kitchen. “Don’t you two look snazzy?” She admired the long-sleeved teal dress and the way it accentuated Josie’s pale skin and blonde hair. Ava was characteristically stunning in a ruby skirt, black sweater, matching black tights and boots that highlighted her long dancer legs and olive skin.

“Snazzy?” Ava pouted prettily. “I was going for sexy.”

Misha smiled, always amused by her sassy friend. “You already know you’re that. Josie, I love that colour on you.”

Josie smoothed her hand over the dress. “Ava convinced me to buy it. I thought it was too bold.”

“I told you it was rockin’. I’m more determined than ever to help you jazz up that boring wardrobe of yours.” Ava set her phone on the counter. “We’re going shopping on the Magnificent Mile after we see you guys off.”

“Not fair. You guys get to shop while we get to enjoy the joys of airport security.” Misha breathed in the delicious scents of cinnamon and bacon filling the air as she washed her hands. She took a knife, cut a piece of one pancake and sampled it while the other ladies watched. “These
need extra syrup.”

“I’ve got plenty.” Serene brushed past her, donned an oven mitt then opened the oven door as Ava and Josie snickered. “I don’t know why I didn’t get any of those fabulous cooking genes like you did.” She took out a pan of sizzling bacon and placed it on the stove top with a big grin. “At least I didn’t burn the bacon. Ava, will you take out the pitcher of orange in the fridge? Josie, grab the plates on the counter and let’s eat.”

“Where’s the champagne?” Ava asked, retrieving the juice from the fridge. “You know we’ve gotta have a mimosa toast before you two leave.”

“But of course,” her sister said in a terrible Italian accent that got all of the ladies giggling again as they took a seat around Serene’s kitchen table.

Misha blinked back tears as her closest friends continued to joke and laugh with one another while serving themselves breakfast, moved by her sister’s thoughtfulness to bring them all together before they left for Seattle.

“Okay”—Ava passed flutes to everyone—“let’s join our glasses and toast Misha on what is sure to be an amazing experience!”

Josie and Serene clinked their glasses with her and Ava.

“Here’s to the newest Celeb Chef.” Josie took a sip, “Remember us when, girl.”

“Ha! If I win, I’ll thank you all for always being there for me.” Misha paused to take a deep breath as her emotions almost got the best of her. “I truly have the best friends and sister. I may not win this competition, but knowing I have all of your support means the world to me.”

Ava placed her glass down to wave her hand. “Now, you know you’re gonna have to keep those tears under wraps on the show.”

Misha chuckled. “I promise to be a strong chef. Never let ‘em see you sweat or burn something, right?”

“I wish we knew who the judges are.” Serene set her flute down. “Remember that judge with the wild red hair last season? She was brutal.”

“She was, but she knew her stuff.” Misha picked up a piece of bacon. “I can handle brutal if it’ll make me a better cook.”

“How did Darius take the news about you doing the show?” Josie asked, reaching for the pitcher of spiked orange juice. “I know he can’t be happy about you being away from Savoury for an indefinite amount of time.”

Serene rolled her eyes. “Darius and Savoury will be fine. You guys, he tried to talk her out of it.”

Misha finished her bite of bacon, recalling the uncomfortable conversation she’d had with Darius after the Calhoun’s successful catering event. “He wished me well, but I know he’d rather I’d stay.”

“He doesn’t want to lose you.”

Misha ignored Ava’s knowing smile, continuing to nibble her bacon without another word on the subject. She hadn’t told her sister about Darius’ impromptu kiss. He’d been disappointed about her leaving and refusing to talk more about the possibility of the two of them being together in the future.

“Maybe while you’re gone, Darius will finally realise what a fool he was to let you go.” Serene topped off all of their glasses.

He already has.

“Maybe.” Misha shifted in her seat as her friends and sister looked at her.

“Would you give him another chance?” Josie swirled her pancake-laden fork in the pure maple syrup on her plate.

“No,” Ava answered for her and Serene laughed. “Darius isn’t a match for you, Misha, I said that when you first went out with him, remember?”

“I remember.”

Ava waved her bacon at them. “I’ve told you guys this before, but I can sense these kinda things. You two may be good in the kitchen, but that’s the only place.”

“Well, why didn’t you speak up about Robert?” Josie frowned. “You didn’t say one thing about him not being my match.”

“I told you to take things really slow.” Ava dipped her bacon in her syrup as Josie glared at her.

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