Soul Seers Complete Set (25 page)

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Chapter Six

The dim glow of dawn allowed just enough light for us to see the
facial expressions of our parents. Delphina looked so full of sorrow and pity.
I knew she had her daughter’s best interest at heart through this whole ordeal.
As always, my father wore his poker face like a champ—never giving away
his secrets. It was rare I could ever draw an emotion from his eyes.

They both walked out onto the deck and sat in the patio chairs
directly across from Ella and me. Thankfully, Ella kept her hand on my
knee—a constant reminder to keep calm.

“I know you are upset, Jonah. I am going to try to recollect
everything that happened the day you donated blood. But, you must stay calm. If
all this means you two are somehow connected—well, I just do not want a
repeat of yesterday,” my father explained while he sat with a rigid stance,
squeezing his knees as if they would somehow brace his imminent fall.

“I’m calming him,” Ella blurted out. “I don’t know how, but I am.
So, please, tell us everything?”

“You’re calming him?” Delphina asked, as if she were socked Ella
had the gift of tranquility. Honestly, I had never met a Soul Seer with the
ability to instantly calm another individual. It’s as if they’re able to take
every feeling of turmoil away, leaving only peace and understanding it its

“I’m just as confused as everyone else about what’s going on, but
I don’t want to talk about that at the moment. I want to talk about what the
hell happened. Jonah and I desperately need to know why this has been done to

“Well, the night before your accident, Ella, I had a premonition.
I was not sure when it would happen or even if it would happen, but I knew your
mother was going to need the blood of a Soul Seer. I also knew the rules, but
the vision I had of her was so convincing, I couldn’t sit idly by without at
least being prepared,” he explained, before pausing to squeeze his knees a bit
tighter. I was surprised to see his mannerisms were quite telling, given the
fact his face never showed an ounce of emotion. If I didn’t know any better, I
would say Ella made him nervous. Either that, or he had trouble talking about
Delphina, bringing all kinds of new revelations to his reasoning.

“Since I knew Jonah was a universal donor, I asked him to donate
blood early the following morning. My demeanor told him not to ask questions,
and thankfully, he did not. The accident was later that day, making me
extremely grateful I was prepared. It was not until they wheeled Delphina past
me in the E.R. that I knew what was to be done.”

My father looked over at Delphina before continuing. “In a weak,
almost nonexistent voice, she begged for me to save her daughter. She said she
was so thankful I was the attending that day and that she relied on me to save
her little girl. If my memory serves me right, I believe her thoughts were…”

His words were cut off by Delphina’s soft, feminine voice. “She’s

“Wait, thoughts?” Ella asked, voicing the curiosity I also had
with his choice of words.

“Yes. Your mom was able to project her thoughts to me, even though
I am not a mind reader like yourself,” he explained. Meanwhile, Delphina sat
stone still as she looked down at her hands balled in her lap.

“Why risk it?” Ella asked, voicing more of the many questions
rattling around in my clouded brain.

“There was no way I could say no to your mother, Ella. I’ve known
her for a very long time and I just couldn’t say no—not to her.”

I just sat back and listened to their story. None of it surprised
me much. I already knew my dad asked me to donate. I already knew not to ask
questions. And I already knew he transfused my blood into Ella. I knew all
these things because of her—because of our enigmatic connection.

What I didn’t know is why he felt the need to risk his
safety—his life—all for a woman he met in college. I also couldn’t
understand why he didn’t tell me all of this while I sat there, night after
night, completely fixated on an image.

“Why did you keep all of this from Jonah?” Ella asked. Her calming
technique had kept me quiet thus far and I’m only guessing it is part of her
strategy to continue asking my questions in a composed manner. “When he
suffered with his dreams—each night questioning his sanity—why
didn’t you tell him?”

“I was worried,” my dad quickly answered. “I was worried Jonah’s
connection with you was only because of the transfusion and that it would fade
away after a while. I was worried once he knew you were in a coma, he would
never be able to move on. There was no guarantee you would ever wake up and I
just could not see him suffer the way your mother was. It seemed better for him
to know you in his dreams. I also knew it was frowned upon for two Soul Seers
to be together. I did not want anything bad to happen to either one of you
because of my actions.”

As if a switch had been turned on, Delphina blurted out, “How are
you calming him, Ella? How long have you been able to do this?”

Ella shook her head, never releasing her grip on my leg. A deep
breath drew from her lips before she began to speak.

“I’m not quite sure. All I know is when I touch him, his heart
rate returns to normal. I also feel the need to speak for him in an attempt to
keep him calm.” Just as she said the last word, she lifted her hand from my
knee. I didn’t react with anger or anxiety. The effects of her tranquil touch
continued to course through me, keeping me somewhat sedated.

“Jonah,” Ella whispered. “I didn’t break you, did I?”

“Don’t be silly. I’ve never felt better, to be honest. You took
control of the situation and kept my barbaric emotions at bay.”

A huge smile made its way across her face as she nodded and looked
down for a moment. Such an innocent and sweet expression made my stomach flip
in knots.

“It’s absolutely amazing,” Delphina nearly whispered as she gazed
in her daughter’s direction. “I can’t believe my daughter has the gift of

“I am amazed as well. I wonder how many other gifts she is
hiding,” Divinus added. “Aside from the gifts, we need to keep you two off the
radar—especially if you plan to stay together.”

“What do you mean?” Ella asked, worry clearly laced in her voice.

“The Sideri will see this connection between you two as dangerous.
The last thing we need is trouble with them.”

“It might be too late for that, Dad,” I admitted as I took a
moment to scoot up on the chaise.

“Explain,” he commanded.

“Eve is a dream walker and interrupted our dreams last…” Before I
could finish, Ella chimed in.

“Eve is Jesse! Mom, did you know Jesse is a dream walker?”

Delphina held her hand up to stop Ella from babbling. “Ella, you’ve
lost me. What are you talking about?”

To kindly interrupt Ella, I placed my hand on her arm and began
telling Delphina about our little dream visitor. Both our parents sat there in
stunned silence as I told them about how I knew Eve/Jesse and what the encounter
was like earlier that morning. Delphina gasped when I mentioned the last little
bit about the dream walker holding Ella hostage. I think she knew just how a
situation like that could get out of hand very quickly. The potential dangers
were very real.

“Jonah, I am so sorry,” my dad said with a shake of his head.
Never looking at me directly, he continued defending the decision that changed
all of our lives. “I was worried all this would come back to haunt us, but
without your blood, Ella would not have survived. Human blood would have been
too weak. A Soul Seer’s blood was almost not enough. I was sure we were going
to lose her when she slipped into a coma. In order to help Del, I had to
distance my involvement and myself. None of you asked for this and if this Eve
woman has been assigned by the Sideri, I will let her know I am the only one to

“I would hold off on that,” Ella said. “I got the distinct feeling
from her that she’s still checking us out. I don’t think she has any solid
proof of anything yet. Either that or she’s questioning the motives behind the

We all sat in awkward silence for several moments, wondering what
Ella was able to sense about others, especially a dream walker.

“What about Dr. Jessen, Dad? I saw him briefly before I fell

“Del and I talked to Dr. Jessen about what he saw. We fibbed a bit
and told him you have somewhat of an empathetic side to you, Jonah,” my dad
explained before Delphina interrupted.

“He didn’t really buy it though,” she claimed. “I read his mind as
we were talking to him. He seemed to know what was going on, but didn’t quite
believe it was possible. He doesn’t suspect any blood transfusion, but I think
he understands you two are connected by more than just your attraction to each
other. He seemed to understand why we lied though. I was very thankful for

Ella bolted up and said, “I need to get out of this house for a
bit. Jonah, can we—”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go anywhere, Orella,”
Delphina sternly interrupted.

“I feel fine, Mom. And Jonah will be with me. I just want to go
for a drive.” Ella didn’t wait for a response as she began walking in the house
and to her room. Unsure of what to do, I looked to our parents for some sort of
reaction before I heard Ella project for me to come on—finally adding a
at the end. I just
shrugged and walked inside.

Before I could make it down the hall, my dad grabbed my arm and
asked me to step out front with him.

“I’ll tell Ella you just need to chat with your father before he
leaves,” Delphina said as she made her way past us.

Once the screen door shut and we were on the front porch, my dad
said, “I just wanted to explain something and I do not want you taking it the
wrong way.”

I nodded and leaned myself on one of the railings, waiting for him
to get on with his confession.

“Delphina and I were more than just friends in college. We decided
to go our separate ways because we knew the rules of the Sideri. She is the one
who taught me how to block my thoughts so well.” My dad stood in silence for a
moment, obviously choosing what he would say next. “I love your mother very
much and cannot imagine my life without her. But, when Delphina asked me to
save her daughter, there was no way on Earth I could have—would
have—said no to her. I would do anything for Delphina. Breaking the rules
of the illusive Sideri seemed like a small price to pay for such a dear

“Illusive. What do you mean by that?” I asked, wondering if he
actually believed these so-called Sideri even existed.

“The only reason I chose that word is because I often wonder how
valid the tales of the Sideri are. Yes, we have been raised to believe of their
existence. But, I still cannot help thinking they may be similar to the belief
of Santa Clause. Are the Sideri’s rules just folklore to keep our kind spread
out? To weaken us? Or are they just rumors? These are all things I have
contemplated over my lifetime and hope to someday know the answers.”

“Then who is Eve?” I asked, convinced she was sent by someone to
spy on Ella and me.

“That I do not know. It is possible she is just an evil dream
walker. She might get her kicks from messing with other people’s dreams. I
guess, in time, we will find out that answer.”

With a creak, the screen door opened and out walked Ella.

“Mom, I promise I will be fine. Jonah is with me and we don’t plan
on going far,” Ella said in a seemingly convincing tone.

“I promise I will call you if anything goes wrong, Ms. Hugh. We
may just go to the park or head on over to Lavendine. I’ll be with her at all
times,” I said, trying to console her. I knew she was worried, but I was dying
for some alone time with Ella.

Me too
, Ella thought with
a smile as she grabbed my hand and led me to my car.

Chapter Seven

Ten minutes later, we were pulling up to my apartment. Ella didn’t
want to drive around. She just wanted the same thing as I did—alone time
where her mom couldn’t hear her thoughts.

“I really need to learn how to block things from her,” Ella said
as we got out of the car. “Wait, is your roommate home?”

“No. He’s helping take my shifts at Lavendine. He won’t be back
for a while.”

“Good,” Ella said as she grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a
deliciously vicious kiss. Just as quickly as she started devouring my mouth,
she pulled away and led me to my apartment door.

I couldn’t get that damn door unlocked fast enough. I was dying to
be alone with her, especially considering the touchy-feely mood she was in at
that moment. As soon as my apartment door shut, I grabbed her in my arms and
pressed her up against the wall. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around me,
laced her fingers through my hair, and continued kissing me like I was the only
source of oxygen.

She tasted so sweet and I was jonesing for my sugar high.

Never wanting to waste a moment, I carefully carried her down the
hall and into my room—all while she continued to devour my face. Kicking
the door shut, I nearly knocked over the pole lamp that stood beside me.

Tell me
, Ella projected.

“Tell you what?” I gasped as I pulled my mouth away for some air.
She began teasing my neck with her silky lips—an act that made me moan
out loud with the need to release this sexual tension between us. Slowly, I
walked toward the bed while still holding her against my body.

Ella finally quit her torment long enough to look me in the eye
and said, “Tell me you love me.”

I stopped dead in my tracks. Last time I even thought those words,
she reacted badly. But, now she wanted to hear them—she wanted to hear
just how deep my feelings were for her.

Hesitating to just blurt the heartfelt words out on a whim, I
gradually eased her down my body until she was on her feet near the bed.

“Ella, I—”

Before I could get the words out, she grabbed my face with both
her hands and forced me to look into her beautiful, amethyst eyes.

“Tell me I haven’t ruined this for us,” she whispered as her
worried eyes darted back and forth between mine. “I need you, Jonah. You’re a
part of me. Without you, I’m broken.”

“I know, Ella. But what if that’s just the blood talking? What if
you don’t feel for me the way I feel for you? What if all these feelings you’re
having are because of the blood alone?” All these doubts had been torturing
me—racing through my mind like a constant whirlwind of uncertainty.

Ella’s body shook as she lowered herself onto the bed. Sitting on
the edge, she wrapped her arms around her torso and spoke in a hushed voice.
“It’s more than that. So much more.”

Needing to be on her level and still completely tongue-tied, I
knelt in front of her and placed my hands on her trembling legs. Her eyes were
beginning to glaze over with tears as she looked at me with anxiety and fear.

“I know how I feel, Jonah. The blood connection isn’t the reason
behind my feelings—it just solidifies them even more. The magnetism we
have is proof we’re meant to be together. I want you to love me for who I am.
After the pain I put you through last night, I now feel like you’d do anything
for me—with me.”

“You know I would. You’re my everything,” I said with honesty
seeping through each and every word.

“I love you, Jonah,” Ella whispered as a small tear dripped from
her eye and cascaded down her soft, trembling cheek.

Reaching out, I swiped my thumb over her single tear and held her
face in my hands.

“And I love you, Orella.”

Of course, the natural thing to do was kiss the love of my life
and seal the deal. She was mine now and I was going to let her know of that
fact every minute of every day.

Yes, yours
, Ella thought as
she kissed me tenderly.

Never breaking our hold on each other, I got to my feet and pushed
her down onto the bed, hovering over her in the process. Allowing her legs to
wrap around me once more, I pressed myself into her center to let her know
where this was headed if we didn’t slow down.

“Yes,” she gasped as I devoured her neck. I pulled back to look at
her lying beneath me. The morning sun was shining down on her through my
windows, making her hair shine like a halo of gold.

“Yes what?”

“I want you. I want… this,” she said as she reached down between
us and grazed her hand along my length. The feel of her hand grabbing me sent
immediate shocks through my body. Just the idea of being inside her had me

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. A shaky exhale left my
mouth as I tried to compose myself, for her sake and my own.

Looking down at her again, I couldn’t get over how bright her
amethyst eyes were when she was turned on. She was obviously hearing my
thoughts because she bit her lip with a slight hint of embarrassment. I smiled
to let her know just how happy she made me.

Deciding I wanted to see her, I rose up off the bed and grabbed
her hand, telling her to do the same. We both simultaneously kicked off our
sandals and I sat down on the bed to enjoy the show.

Ella stood in front of me with a cocked eyebrow, slightly confused
and wondering what show I had in mind.

“Take off your shirt, Ella,” I coaxed as I sat back slightly and
nodded in her direction. She hesitated only a moment before finally undoing
each button with a slight flick of her wrist. Slowly, she unveiled a white,
lacy bra that fit each curve of her breasts perfectly.

Allowing the shirt to glide from her shoulders and fall to the
floor, she immediately began to unfasten her bra. I sat back and thoroughly
enjoyed the view as she continued to reveal herself to me in the early morning

After the bra was successfully on my bedroom floor, she unbuttoned
her shorts and let them slide down her legs with a slight shimmy.

Christ, she was beautiful. In front of me stood an angel wrapped
in a little scrap of white. Before she could remove the last garment, I pulled
her near me so I could touch her soft skin. Her perfect breasts were mere
inches from my face and I planned to give them all the attention they deserved.

Pressing my lips to her stomach, I left a trail of kisses up the
center of her body. The thrumming of my heart matched hers as she continued to
breathe heavily every time my lips touched her silky skin.

Digging her fingernails into the fabric of my shirt, she began
tugging at it—giving me the hint she wanted it removed. I pulled away
slightly and allowed her to clumsily remove my shirt for me. Before I could
recover from my tee being thrown across the room, Ella dropped to her knees and
began unbuttoning my jeans.

I was definitely in no mood to argue. Sitting back slightly, I
allowed her to unfasten my pants. Eager to remove them, she began tugging until
I finally lifted my ass enough to let her slide them down.

Thank cripes I’m
wearing a nice pair of boxer briefs… well, I was wearing a nice pair of boxer
briefs before Ella managed to practically rip them off me in two-point-two
seconds flat.

She smiled at me in response to my thoughts. Gliding her hand up
my thigh, she gently touched the soft skin of my erection with her dainty
fingers. The feel of her touching me caused a sharp inhale to hiss through my

Propping myself up on my elbows, I watched her as she inched her
face closer and closer to me. She smiled up at me with the sexiest grin just
before wrapping her lips around the head of my shaft.

Throwing my head back, I couldn’t help but moan loudly as my
length sank further into her warm mouth. The feel of her tongue swirling around
the head of my dick was enough to make me lose control.

You taste so good
, Ella thought as
she removed me from her mouth and seductively licked the tip with her tongue.
Without wasting time, she devoured me again while using her hands in rhythm
with her mouth. She continued to tease me with her tongue—switching
between licking and sucking just to drive me wild.

“Fuck, Ella. You’re driving me crazy,” I growled as I watched her
smile up at me and tease me some more with her tongue.

Knowing I would finish all too quickly and remembering she was
still on her knees, I quickly sat up and rescued her from the hardwood floor.
Guiding her to stand, I was rewarded with the view of her beautiful body. Her
full breasts were at a perfect height for my intentions.

Wrapping one arm around her waist, I used my other hand to cup her
and quickly inhaled her soft nipple into my mouth. The moan that escaped from
her lips told me just how pleased she was with my assault.

Ella’s fingers tugged at my hair as she pushed her chest further
into my touch. Pulling away to switch to her other nipple, she gasped, “Don’t

I just shook my head as I licked and laved at her sensitive bud
and thought,
Never, love

Moments later, Ella pulled at the back of my head enough to force
me to look up at her.

“Make love to me, Jonah,” she whispered as she placed a light peck
on my lips.

Pulling her even closer to me, I smiled and said, “That’s the

Gracefully, she backed out of my hold, hooked her thumbs into the
fabric of her panties, and brought them down her legs to pool at her feet.
Before she had the chance to climb on top of me, I flipped her over and
playfully laid her down in the center of the bed.

Climbing over her, I settled between the juncture of her thighs. I
gently cupped her cheek with my hand and looked into her eyes as I said, “I’ve
dreamed of being with you for so long, Ella. Now that you’re actually here with
me, I’m finding it a little hard to believe.”

“I’m here,” she whispered as she touched my hand and pressed it
against her cheek.

“It’s going to be difficult to take it nice and slow, but I want
to savor every minute of you and how you will feel wrapped around me.” I
actually wanted my words to be more seductive than they sounded. The fact was,
I wanted to be inside her—now.

“Oh, yes, Jonah. Inside me. Now,” she nearly growled as we both
lost all patience and control.

“A little impatient, are we?”

Oh, you’re such an
infuriating tease
, Ella projected.

She thrust her hips and grinded against me before saying, “I need
you, Jonah. Please.”

I let out a low chuckle as I shifted up and backed away to find a

“What? Where are you going?” she questioned, nearly leaping out of
her skin at the feel of my withdrawal.

“Shhh. It’s ok, Ella. I just… damn. I don’t think I have any
condoms,” I said with disappointment. “I wasn’t planning this, so I didn’t take
time to go get any.”

“I’m on birth control. So, don’t worry about that,” Ella stated

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything. Make love to me, Jonah.
I’m begging!” she pleaded as she pulled me down for a soulful kiss.

“Okay, Ella. I don’t want to hurt you. Wrap your legs around me
and relax—look into my eyes.” She did just what I said.

I lost all connections with earth as I buried myself inside her.

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