Soul Seers Complete Set (19 page)

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“Of course. You’re the only person
I would trust with such a treasured possession of mine,” he answered with a
smile, holding his hand out for me to take.

Jonah led me out into his living
area where it was rather dark. The only light within the small space was the
faint glow of the streetlamp outside the front window.

Without warning, we saw movement
coming from the other side of the room.

Chapter Three

“Oh, hey guys. I didn’t know you
two were here,” a gruff voice said, startling me and making both of us stop in
our tracks.

“What the hell, Jay! You scared
the shit out of us. What are you doing in the dark?” Jonah responded, tugging
on my hand lightly and pulling me over to the kitchen. Feeling the wall for the
switch, he finally flicked it on. The faint buzzing of the florescent light in
the kitchen began to hum as a muted glow was cast across the room.

And now we knew why Jay was in the

Sitting beside him was a cute
little brunette with short, straight hair and practically no clothes on. I
mean, she was wearing a tank top and a mini skirt, but the tank barely covered
her belly and her nipples poked out like it was twenty degrees in the
apartment. Her lips were red and swollen like they had just been ravished by an
animalistic mauling. I still couldn’t see Jay’s face. Jonah’s shadow seemed to
be blocking most of his features from my view. But I could hear his thoughts as
he tried to imagine what Jonah and I were doing back in his bedroom. His
thoughts were becoming pretty vivid about me and I was surprised Jonah hadn’t
reacted already. Not that I needed a man getting all worked up over me. But, it
was odd he didn’t seem to mind the somewhat detailed envisions that were going
through Jay’s mind. The girl? She must’ve been brainless because the only
thoughts going on in her mind were about her appearance. Jay’s thoughts
startled me a bit when he began thinking of joining Jonah and me in bed. If he
didn’t stop, I was about to say something and it wouldn’t be nice.

Finally, he spoke.

“Sorry, Jonah. I didn’t mean to
startle you guys,” Jay said with a hint of pride in his tone. “Pam and I were
just spending some quiet time together is all. We can go back to my room if it
will make you two more comfortable.”
Ella, I would love to take you back to my room instead. Or maybe you could join
us? I know Pam wouldn’t mind.

Did I seriously just hear him
right? “Um, no. That’s so not going to happen.”

“What?” Jay asked, completely
startled by my rejection.

“Why the hell does she care what
the fuck we do together?” asked this new Pam girl with anger seeping from her

“What she means is—we’re
leaving anyway. So, you two have the house to yourself. Don’t have too much
fun,” Jonah said with a wink in Jay’s direction as he grabbed my elbow and
quickly ushered me out the door.

“What was that all about, Ella?”
Jonah asked as we dodged the now sprinkling raindrops and headed for the car.

“I should ask you the same thing!”
I asked with anger. I was now livid.
could he let his friend talk to me like that?

“What are you talking about? Jay
said he was going to his room and then it’s as if you snapped at him over it.
Do you know that girl?” Jonah asked, pointing his thumb over his shoulder
toward the apartment as he opened my car door.

“No, I could care less about the
chick he was with. And obviously he could care less about her too,” I defended
while climbing into the Charger’s passenger seat.

“Then why did you get upset with
him about the whole bedroom comment?” Jonah pressed as he leaned into the
passenger doorway and stared right into my eyes. It was just barely sprinkling
and a light mist started coating his hair and shoulders.

“You mean to tell me you’re ok
with your friend making comments like that about me?” I screeched, sitting up
straight in the seat and wanting desperately to be on the same level as Jonah
rather than beneath him like I was now.

“About you? He didn’t say… wait.
Did you hear him
Jonah asked as he pieced together the chaos that was this conversation. Me? I
was just getting flat-out irritated with this mess.

You really mean to tell me you didn’t hear him?
I projected. Jonah just shook his head.

“So, if he truly did think it
instead of say it, then how come you can hear me but you couldn’t hear him?” I
asked with a hint of skepticism.

“I don’t know. I couldn’t read
either one of them just now, but I can read you clear as day,” he said as he
backed away slightly and scratched his head.

“Can you get in please, Jonah?
You’re getting all wet. I’ll tell you what he said once we’re on the road.” I
knew that there was a very good chance Jonah would be upset with the thoughts
going through Jay’s mind.

Once we were several blocks away,
I heard Jonah think,

Well, I thought he said it out loud, but it may have been
projected very clearly instead, but…

“Come on, Ella. He’s my best
friend. Just tell me,” he said out loud, getting frustrated with my hesitation.

“He said he would like to take me
back to his room instead of that girl or that he would like me to join them,” I
mumbled as I looked down at my hands nervously. Maybe Jonah wouldn’t give a
shit. Maybe he did read him and didn’t think it was such a big deal. I thought
it was pretty twisted of Jay to think about his best friend’s girl… well, in
reality, I guess I wasn’t his girlfriend. Not yet anyway. I only hoped to be.

With an abrupt jerk, the car came
to a complete stop. The occasional swipe of the windshield wipers and the light
patter of raindrops were suddenly magnified.

What the hell?
murmured in his mind. Jonah turned his body so he was facing me and reached out
with his hand. Worried he would be upset, and out of pure instinct, I flinched
away from his touch.

“Ella, look at me,” he said with
strength, demanding my attention, although not in a callous way.

Realizing how stupid it was to be
afraid of Jonah, but still on the cautious side that I had just upset him, I
peeked around the messy curls that framed my face and met a pair of emeralds
glistening in the glow of the moonlit night.

“I’m sorry, Jonah,” I murmured
back. “I sincerely thought he said it out loud. It was dark and I couldn’t see
him. I didn’t mean…”

His lips pressing against mine cut
me off, effectively drowning out my whiny voice. God, he tasted heavenly. The
way his mouth molded to mine and his warm tongue probed at me hungrily was
nothing short of ecstasy. It was all the confirmation I needed in order to
realize he wasn’t mad at me for my outburst.

Mad at you. You think I’m mad at you?
he projected, never breaking our hold on each other. A few
drops of moisture trickled from his hair and onto my face.

I couldn’t think. Christ, his kiss
was mind-numbing. A desperate, almost painful moan emanated from my mouth as I
quickly gasped for air and dove into him for more. The feeling of respect and
adoration I received from him with every touch was agonizingly exquisite.

Jonah suddenly broke our lip-lock,
causing every inch of my body to protest the separation. Keeping his hands
around my head and fingers threaded through my hair, he backed away a few
inches, closed his eyes, and took several deep gasps, obviously attempting to
calm himself and catch his breath.

Me? I was panting like an excited
little puppy just itching for more playtime. My eyes were wide-open, alert, and
glued on his face. I absorbed every strong feature, especially enjoying the
slow, methodical breaths making their way in and out of those lips that once
touched mine.

“I’m sorry if I came across as
angry with you,” he said, without opening his eyes and still clutching my head,
rubbing his thumbs lightly on my cheeks. “I’m actually pissed with him, not
you. He knows how important you are to me. He’s seen some of my drawings. He is
actually the one who forced me to come out of my hole and take a look at you because,
as far as he knew, I was fascinated with purple eyes. It comforts me a little
that he didn’t voice his opinion out loud though.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered,
confirming that my voice definitely malfunctions when he leaves me so damn
breathless. “I swear, I thought he said it right in front of us and his girl.
It was dark, I couldn’t see his face, and it sounded so… direct,” I said with
an apologetic tone.

“I know how that feels. I can’t
tell you how many times I thought someone spoke directly to me. It’s very
difficult trying to explain why you just answered someone’s thoughts,” he

“Does Jay know about… us? Does he
know about our abilities?” I asked.

“No. I would be in deep shit if I
let any normal know about me. Although, if he did know, his thoughts would make
me a hell of a lot angrier because it would be like him saying it out loud in
front of my face,” he said, reiterating my thoughts exactly. “Of course, I
can’t blame him for his good tastes.”

“What? Why?” I gasped, perplexed
by his statement.

His eyes found mine and explored
the depths of my reaction. “Because, you’re stunning. A man would be a fool not
to want you when he looks at you. I mean… look at you.” The last three words
were almost a whisper as he stared directly into my bewildered stare.

Feeling a little awkward from his
compliments, I tried to look down, away from his gaze. But he held onto my face
with a steady, yet gentle, grip.

Dipping his face down to try and
get my attention, he said, “Ella, I’m going to tell you you’re beautiful so
often, one day you’ll actually start believing it. So, you better get used to
the compliments, darling. ‘Cause they’re not stopping anytime soon.”

Looking into his eyes, I said the
only thing that came to me. “Okay.”

Even though my response was weak,
inside, my heart couldn’t help but jump at the idea I would have Jonah for more
than just one night. So far, it hadn’t happened yet. We’re still on our first
night. We’re still on our first date. Things could still go south just like
they did several weeks ago with my unconscious visions of him. But, I had
hopes. And the only way us dreamers survive through existence is to keep those
hopes alive.

“You’re such a walking, talking
distraction, Orella. I love it. But, we better head over to Lavendine if I plan
to meet any of my deadlines,” he said, letting go of me and put the car in

And, by the way, you
my girl.
He projected, pushing his
thoughts into my head and causing a proud smirk to spread across my face.

The engine of the muscle car roared
to life as we headed in the direction of the studio; the tires splashed against
the sea of black pavement and left a mist of water in our wake.

Moments before stepping into the
doors at Lavendine, the sky began to fall and pelted the earth with heavy globs
of water, causing us to run for cover. After the glass door clicked shut behind
us, a flicker of lightning illuminated Jonah’s dripping hair and wild eyes.

“Come. I have a few towels in the
storage closet we can dry off with,” he said as he grabbed my hand and led me
further into the studio.

Standing in the darkened hallway
with a towel in hand, he slowly dried my face and dabbed at my hair, which I’m
sure looked absolutely stunning all matted down with rain… not. Continuing with
his unhurried pace, he gently ran the towel down my arms and back up before
heading to my neck and chest. He hesitated as his eyes guided over the curves
of my breasts.

Boldly, Jonah brought his head
down and pressed his warm lips against my cold skin, right on the swell of my
left breast. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pressed me against him with
force. The abrupt and passionate movement caused several drops of rain water to
fall from his hair and cascade between my cleavage. Lifting me slightly,
Jonah’s scorching tongue began to lick the water from my skin.

“Oh, Jonah,” I whimpered as I
grasped the back of his head, tangling my fingers in his silky, wet hair, and
wrapping my legs around his waist. He responded vigorously, supporting the back
of my legs as I practically climbed him like a tree.

I could feel how hard he was
between my legs as he pressed my back up against the cold concrete wall,
hooking his hands below my ass, holding me up and continuing to kiss my chest
while making his way to my neck. I tilted my head to the side and allowed his
delicious scruff to take me away, my eyes fluttering shut and my mouth gasping
for air like a fish out of water.

My insides clenched with
excitement and I could feel liquid pooling down low. I knew I was just as
turned on as he was. Yet, I still wasn’t sure I was ready for this. If I had to
be honest, this intimacy, regardless of how mother-loving hot it was, scared
the shit out of me.

“Fuck. Ella. I can’t – keep
– my lips – off – of your – delicious – skin,”
Jonah managed to say between kisses as he continued to ravage my neck and

My wits were wearing thin. I was
about to give in to this sexy man. Yes, I knew it was too soon. But it would be
good, right? Oh, God, yes. I was certain making love to Jonah would be more
than words.

Jonah devoured my lips and I knew
at that point he had done me in.

“Jonah, please,” I begged between
gasps of air.

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