Soul Mate (The Mating Series) (44 page)

BOOK: Soul Mate (The Mating Series)
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“Modern medicine
,” Z said and handed me the little cup of pills. “I love this new age.”

I had only two days to come up with a plan. I had to think, and think fast. I had no idea where I was. I had no idea if Jimmy was really alive. I
gambled my mother’s soul on. Too much was at stake. I felt sick. I eyed the door as Z left. I had to find a way out of the room.

As soon as
the door closed, I stripped off the soiled bed cover. I got into the bed and pulled the sheet over my head. A phone on the bedside table rang. I hadn’t noticed it before. “Hello,” I answered.

“Hello, love
,” Z said. “Don’t go to bed without taking your pills.” His voice was sweet. It made me cringe.

“I will.”

“Now!” He growled, then his voice smoothed. “We made a deal remember?”

I’m doing it now.”

m watching you on the surveillance camera,” Z said. “I can see you haven’t moved.”
! A surveillance camera added more problems to escaping.

ll take the pills as soon as I hang up,” I said. I hung up, and walked over to the table. I made a big gesture of taking the pills. I put them in my mouth. It occurred to me that if I didn’t actually swallow them, they wouldn’t work. I forced the two pills between my upper gums and cheek. I drank water, and opened my mouth for the camera. At least that would buy me a day maybe. Eventually I would have to take the pills. Z and his medical staff would surely figure out if I didn’t. I’d be completely screwed if they sedated me. I had to keep that from happening. I didn’t want Z’s burning dick inside me no matter if I remembered it or not. The thought gave me chills.

I turned out all of the lights and went to bed. I didn’t know if it was day or night, but my head throbbed and I was tired. I
assumed the camera had night vision on it. Therefore, I didn’t attempt to spit the pills out until I was safely under the sheet. What to do with the pills became my first concern. I felt around the bed for a place to hide them. If I put them under the mattress, the cleaning people would find them. I considered the toilet, but assumed a camera hung there too. I checked. I found a camera in the corner.

I sat on the toilet thinking. I pul
led a strip of toilet paper off. I discretely wadded the pills in the paper. I wiped myself and flushed the pills down. It was an ingenious idea. Anyone watching would think I peed and flushed. No way could the camera have seen the pills in my hand.

I went back to bed. I began to think of solutions. I tried to summons Mom. I closed my eyes and focused on her. I tried several times to no avail. I checked that off my mental list of solutions. I thought about Jimmy. Maybe he could tap into me. He tried it with the Kittheridge boy,
but the kid wasn’t sending strong enough signals. If I intentionally sent a signal to Jimmy, he might get a clear picture of where I was. I closed my eyes and focused on Jimmy. I visualized myself as a lighthouse sending out a beacon light. I visualized the Indianapolis skyline, and my light sweeping every part of the city. My concentration broke. I realized that I didn’t know if I was in Indy or not. For all I knew, I could be in another country.

Trisha walked in. She looked disheveled.
Her beautiful Blond hair tangled in knots. Her clothes were wrinkled, and she was not as perky. “I’m cleaning up dinner,” she said.

“Trisha?” I
asked with sweetness in my voice.


“Where am I?” I asked.

re here with us.”

“No I mean what country?”

“Since you’ve agreed to stay, I guess I can tell you,” Trisha said. “We’re in the US.”

“Where?” I asked.


“Are we still in Indy?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “Indy is too populated.” Trisha faced me and smiled. “We are in the most magical place on earth.”

“Disney World isn’t in the
Midwest,” I said. Cho’s sarcasm wore off on me.

“Not Disney World.” Trisha laughed. “French Lick Springs.”

“How appropriate.” French Lick Springs was a natural hot spring. The water came up rich in minerals, and heated from a crack in the earth’s core. Minerals were said to work like a conductor for the supernatural, along with the heat, and molten lava it was a perfect breeding ground for demons. No wonder Z’s breath tasted like brimstone. The water was full of it. “Can you get me some of that spring water stuff?” I asked.

“Sure we have tons of it.” Trisha left and came back immediately with a cold bottle of mineral water. “This will be good for you and the baby
,” she said. When she handed me the bottle, I noticed what looked like burned hand prints on each wrist.

“What are those?” I asked
, pointing to her wrists.

Trisha looked at me sheepishly. “I know he’s yours, but when Z left you he was kind of horny. I was honored to be your surrogate.”

“Trisha, you let Z screw you?”
What an idiot
. “Did he hurt you?” I asked.

“No it was wonderful.” She gloated. “The best. I promise it didn’t hurt, the burns showed up after, but they don’t hurt. I hope you don’t mind.”

I held up my hands in indifference. “Whatever he needs to do.”
I’m glad it’s her and not me.

“I know yo
u want it to be special so you’re waiting. It will be worth it.
What a man

“He’s not a man
,” I said. “He’s a demon.”
Z is an unholy beast… a terrible thing
. Trisha made me sick. How could she enjoy that monster’s touch?

“He’s an incredible demon
,” Trisha said. “He’s like nothing you know.” I hoped I would never find out. It grossed me out thinking about that nasty thing with the steaming sperm. I choked back the bile rising in my throat.

I chugged the bottle of mineral water to get the acid taste out of my mouth. “How many people are here besides us?” I asked.

“I’m in charge of the security team. There are four of us.” She tapped her mouth thinking. “The there are five on the medical team, three in the kitchen, and one shaman. That makes thirteen.”

“Fifteen people including
me and Z,” I said.

“You don’t count. It takes thirteen members to perform The Great Rite
,” Trisha said.

“The Great Rite?”

“The Great Rite between man and woman?”

“You mean conception?”

“Yes, but more. It’s like a wedding ceremony that binds you to Z forever.” Z failed to mention that I would be bound to him forever. “Even in the afterlife, you two will be together. Isn’t it great?”

Really? When Jimmy told me about a soul mate, he never mentioned my soul mate was a power hungry demon!
It would be a cold day in hell before I allowed myself to be bound to Z.

I contemplated suicide, but I wasn’t sure that would protect me from Z. The best chance I had would be to stay living. I didn’t know enough about the afterlife. If Z could claim Mom’s soul, it was a possibility that he could claim mine too. I had to be cunning when dealing with Z and his staff, and get the most out of them.

Now that I knew where I was located, I began visualizing the lighthouse again. This time I pictured the light sweeping Indianapolis from the south. I pictured the state map and placed a pin in French Lick Springs. I started to give up hope when I felt something. It was a barely noticeable tingling in my head. I connected with Jimmy. The sensation grew as I focused on it. I hoped Jimmy was honing in on me. I began to cry. The cry grew to hysteria. I finally cried myself out and feel asleep.

When I awoke the sensation was still there. It made me happy
, and gave me something to think about. Trisha came into administer my meds and give me food. I was starved, and knowing that I had Jimmy’s attention made my mood better. I ate a little. I spent most of the day lying in bed.

Z and two doctors, were a man and woman
, came in. “You need to take this test,” Z said.

s it for?” I asked.

“It’s to test your fertility.” The female doctor explained. She was a mousy looking woman. She had a small nose that made the big glasses she wore sit low. She kind of looked like the Pat character from Saturday Night Live.

The female accompanied me into the bathroom to assist. “I can’t pee in front of you.” I told the woman.

“I need to make sure you don’t try to fake the test.”

“How do you fake a fertility test?” I asked.

The woman shrugged. “I’
m following orders.”

It took a long time for me to muster enough urine to take the test.
I took the test holding the stick into my stream of urine. I never needed to take a pregnancy test, but I knew how to do it.

“She’s not ready.”

Z growled in frustration. “It’s only been fifteen hours since she began the meds.” The other doctor said. “We told you it usually works within forty-eight to seventy-two hours.”

Z stroked my face. “
I’m sorry for my anger, but I can’t wait for us to be together.” I pulled away from the heat. “Don’t be that way.” Z warned. “You made the choice. I can have these doctors sedate you at any time.” I didn’t respond to him, not even when he kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Z said. “Make sure you’re taking all of the dosages.”

I am.” I said, but I was only taking half of the pills that Trisha brought in. I decided to start taking all of the drugs. I hoped someone was working to find me. Each hour, the feeling in my head got stronger.

When I started taking the drugs properly, it took no time for me to start ovulation.
I’m not sure how long I had been in the room. I had no concept of day or night. I assumed that I was taking the tests in the mornings. On the third test the mousy woman announced that we were ready to proceed with the ritual. Elated, Z danced around. He kissed me over and over again. “I wish I didn’t have to go through with this ritual, but it’s the only way,” Z said. “I could I take you now, but I made a promise.” He laughed. I stayed quiet. “Fuck it,” Z said and forced me to the bed. Z held my arms over my head with one hand. His body held me to the bed.

“Quit!” I screamed. “We had a deal.”

“You can’t trust demons.” Z laughed. “Didn’t your boyfriend teach you anything?” I fought against him.

“Stop.” I tried to brea
k free. “If you don’t stop, I’ll kill myself.” Z only laughed.

“Excuse me, master.” A man interrupted.
Z looked over his shoulder at the man. I seized the opportunity to break my arms free of his grip. “You can’t impregnate this woman now.”

I’m not trying to get her pregnant.” Z argued. “I’m going to enjoy her.”

“Yes, but if she would happen to conceived from your pleasure, it wouldn’t work
,” the man said. “The child would be no more than a human child.”


“The Great Rite ritual is what will give this child your true essence.”

Z hopped off the bed. “That is why I have you as my shaman, Felipe
,” Z said. I took a mental note, this man was the shaman. I sent a mental picture to Jimmy.  “Get her ready.” I want to do this as soon as possible.”

“You have to wait until the proper hour
,” Felipe said. “We’ve been over this several times.”

“Get Trisha to prepare her
,” Z said.

I waited around for
about an hour before Trisha came in to prepare me. I noticed Trisha had several new burn marks on her. I assumed that Z took his frustration out on her. I thought about how Jimmy and I made love. I couldn’t imagine how Trisha could give her body to an animal for him to use and abuse.

Trisha spent several hours preparing me for the ritual. She bathed me, combed my hair and put make up on. “You look beautiful.” She announced when I was finished. Trisha
opened a red satin robe. “You’ll wear this until it’s time.” She helped me into the robe. “I’m so jealous,” she said. “You’re such a lucky woman.” I wanted to punch Trisha in the face. How could she be led so far astray?

“How did you meet Z?” I asked.

“I’ve known him all of my life,” Trisha said. “He began coming to me when I was a child.”

“Didn’t he scare you?”

“No, I had a really tough childhood,” Trisha said. “Z came to me when I was afraid and alone. He guided me and comforted me. I don’t know what would have happened to me if Z hadn’t have found me.”

That was wh
at most cult members said.
It’s just like a demon to move into someone’s life when they were vulnerable
. Jimmy was five when his father took ill. Mom said Jimmy was five when he brought the demon through for the first time. Z tried to take advantage of Jimmy in a low point in his life. I thought of Jimmy as a child in a new home, with a sick father. It was a perfect storm for a child with his abilities. I found a new respect for Park Min for immediately trying to banish Z from her child’s life. I understood her concern for her son. He walked a fine line between our world and Z’s world, and it wouldn’t take much for Z to take over.

BOOK: Soul Mate (The Mating Series)
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