Soul Mate (The Mating Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Soul Mate (The Mating Series)
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“I lost my appetite in the car.”

“That bad?” I asked.

“It was like having needles put in my eyes.”

“Are you angry with Cho?” I asked.

“I understand. I appreciate my parent’s help, really I do.” Jimmy sighed. “It’s just my mom doesn’t let up.”

“What terrible things did she say about me?”

“I’m not talking about it,” Jimmy said, changing the subject. “Let’s make something to eat.”

“Unless you want mac and cheese, there’s nothing else.”

“Plan B,” Jimmy said. “Let’s order pizza.”

,” I said. I loved pizza and could have it every meal. “Does Gino’s deliver here?” Gino’s pizza was a staple for our movie nights.

,” Jimmy answered. He dialed the pizza parlor. Jimmy slipped his arm around me and pulled me close as he ordered. He held me for the duration of the phone call. He seemed afraid to let go. Jimmy ended the call and began kissing me.

He picked me up and sat me up on the kitchen island. Jimmy
positioned his hips between my thighs. He groped and kissed me all over. He slid his hands up my shirt, exploring my breasts. “Oh,” I sighed and pulled him closer.

A voice barked
, “Break it up.” I jumped and turned to see Cho in the doorway with a brown paper sack in his hand and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I straightened at the sight of Cho, but Jimmy kept kissing. I pushed him back.

“Ignore him
,” Jimmy said.

“God, I thought I was gone long enough
,” Cho said.

Jimmy held up two fingers.
“This is round two Bro,” he said.

“Isn’t it bad enough that I had to endure the orgasmic screaming from round one?” Cho

I flushed.
“You heard us?”

“Kiddo, our uncle in
Korea heard you,” Cho said then made mocking moans at me.

Jimmy’s hands continued roaming
under my shirt. I pushed at his upper arms. He refused to let go. “Enough. Let me down now,” I said.

“Mmm, no
,” Jimmy murmured.

“You’re embarrassing me.”

“Why?” Jimmy said. “He doesn’t care.”

Cho made a face and pointed to the living room. “I’ll be in there.”

“Later,” Jimmy said, not taking his eyes off of me.

“Keep it down
,” Cho said. “Oh and wash off the counter. People eat there.”

“Jimmy. Stop!” I
whined. I wasn’t going to do it on the kitchen island with Cho in the next room. It was bad enough that he heard me in the shower. I didn’t want Cho to get the wrong impression. Jimmy finally let go.

“I can’t keep my hands off you
,” Jimmy said, giving me puppy dog eyes.
He’s so damn cute!
Desire surged up my body. I kissed him and hopped off the counter before I changed my mind.

“Come on
,” I said, pulling him by the arm.

slumped on the couch, a beer in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. He watched the Monday night football game that just began.

“Who’s playing?” Jimmy asked.

“Colts and Bears,” Cho answered.

“No smoking in my place
,” Jimmy said. He snatched the cigarette from Cho. Jimmy took it to the bathroom, and flushed it down the toilet.

“Aw man
,” Cho griped. “I have to smoke when I drink.”

“Give me one of those
,” Jimmy said. Cho tossed him a can of Miller Lite.

“Are you allowed to drink?” I asked Jimmy. I knew he wasn’t. If tested for alcohol, Jimmy would go back to jail.   

“No, but I don’t care,” Jimmy said.

“I do

“One beer will be fine, Cassie.” I glared at Cho. “
I’m saying it as attorney, not his brother. It’s fine.” He looked at Jimmy. “Only one.”

Jimmy dropped down on the couch beside his brother. He pulled me in his lap. Jimmy protectively wrapped his arms around my waist.
Jimmy’s arms felt cozy.

The brothers seemed to enjoy themselves. They amiably ribbed each other. They yelled at the game as if the players could hear them. J
immy kissed me after each touchdown. By half time, I grew uncomfortable sitting on Jimmy. I moved between them. “Here put your head on my lap,” Jimmy suggested. I did.

“You can stretch out across me too
,” Cho offered, putting my feet across his lap. Jimmy stiffened. “If you don’t care.” He glanced at his Jimmy.

“Whatever makes Cassie comfortable.” I was comfortable stretched out between them. I felt content. They were my protectors. Actually, Cho protected both of us. I considered the burden we put on Cho
, and felt guilty for being difficult. He took vacation time to be there for us. Cho seemed like a workaholic. I wondered what his life in Chicago was like. He was divorced with no children. He said he worked a lot. I thought about the last few days with him. He acted more like a father to Jimmy than a brother. I imagined him as my brother-in-law and an uncle to our children. I could see him being the fun uncle who spoiled our children. I couldn’t believe I actually thought about a future with Jimmy. I knew it was fantasy, but the idea comforted me.

“Are you alright?” Jimmy asked.


“I thought you might be asleep.”

“No, just thinking.”

“Thinking about what?” Jimmy asked.

“Probably about what a big stud you are,” Cho said and punched him in the arm.

“Shut up
,” Jimmy said. He brushed my hair back. “What were you thinking?”

About us and how happy I am right now.”

Jimmy bent and kissed me on the cheek. “
I’m happy right now too.” He sighed. “I wish it could last forever.”
I do too.

“Hey, don’t get all melancholy
,” Cho said. “This little girl is perfect for you. Don’t fuck it up!” He reached over and playfully pushed Jimmy’s head.

“I don’t plan on it
,” Jimmy said.

“If you do... I’ll kick your ass
,” Cho slurred. I counted the empty cans on the coffee table, twelve. Jimmy had one; I drank half of one. Cho was on his tenth beer. At some point he started smoking again. Ashes covered the top of an empty can. Cho held a cigarette in the air. Jimmy must have conceded to Cho smoking while I daydreamed. The acrid smell of nicotine hung in the air. “If you let her go, I’m waiting to snag her for myself,” Cho said. “…just to piss you off.”

“You’ll be waiting a long time
,” Jimmy said.

“You never know, I may be the soul mate you see.”

“In my vision she’s with a man, not a senior citizen.” I worried the conversation would bring Jimmy’s spirit down. I bugged my eyes at Cho, and tried to quiet him.

“You won’t call me a senior citizen when I kick your ass little boy
,” Cho snarled. He reached over me and smacked his little brother. Around Jimmy, Cho acted completely different.

“Cassie will never be your soul mate. She’s not into perverted old men.”

“I’m not perverted!” Cho bellowed. “I have specific tastes.”

“Remember, I shared an apartment with you.” Jimmy laughed. “You’re messed up man.” He shoved back at Cho.

“You’ll never let me live that down, will you?” Cho asked. “It was consensual,” he said. “Nothing weird.”

“Sounds weird
,” I said. I had no clue what they meant about, but it sounded dirty.

“You don’t know the finer points of pleasure
,” Cho said.

“…and Cassie will never find out
,” Jimmy said, wrapping his arm around me.
I think I found out in the shower.

“You should take some lessons Little Bro.” Cho punched his brother again.

“That’s it!” Jimmy yelled, punching Cho. The two began pushing and shoving like children.

I’m comfortable here. Don’t make me get up.” I whined.

“Enough.” Jimmy said
, before punching Cho in the arm. 

The Colts made another touchdown putting them up by five points.
The men cheered, and rocked me with jubilation. Cho patted my leg in excitement. His hand remained on my leg. He absently circled a finger on my calf. I pulled away from Cho. He gave me an apologetic look.

The Colts won by three
touchdowns. After the game ended, Jimmy flipped channels for a while. “I love this show,” Cho called out. It was a reality show where everyone wanted their ten minutes of fame. I hated reality shows. Two girls cat fought on the screen.

I’m going to bed.” I stretched my back. “Are you coming?” I asked Jimmy.

“In a minute, I want to talk to Cho
,” Jimmy said.

“I’ll be waiting for you.” I purred in Jimmy’s ear and then kissed him.

Jimmy gave me a naughty smile. “mmm!”

“Hey, where’s my good night kiss?” Cho asked.

“Can it!” Jimmy shot him a warning look. I kissed Cho on the top of the head. I winked at Jimmy playfully.

“Watch it, Bro. You’ll be staying at Motel Eight if you aren’t careful
,” Jimmy said.

“You know I’m just playing
,” Cho said, innocently.

“Keep it that way
,” Jimmy said.

“Night boys
,” I said. Together, they acted like boys not men.

Before I went to bed I grabbed my bags from
the guest room and moved them to Jimmy’s bedroom. I dug through one of the bags until I found an oversized night shirt. I pulled it over my head when Jimmy came up behind me. “Oh no you don’t,” he said, pulling the shirt off.

I turned to him. “What if I get cold?”

“I’ll keep you warm,” he said. Jimmy hooked a finger in my under pants. He slid it along my pubic bone teasing me. Chills shot through me. “You feel hot to me,” he said. In one movement he had my panties down around my ankles. I kicked them off.

He turned
the stereo on. It softly played “Angel Eyes”. Jimmy wanted to make sure Cho didn’t hear us. I giggled as he came up behind me. I could feel his hardness against my back. I tried to turn, but he stopped me. “I want to go slow this time,” he said.

“Yes, but it’s unfair. I’m naked and you’re not.”

He wrapped his arms around me and swayed to the music. “
What you’re doing with a clown like me, is surely one or life’s little mysteries...
” He sung in my ear.
“What did I do? What did I say
...” He turned me in his arms. “
She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me...”

Jimmy and I danced as he sung. “
How did I ever earn your love…?”
Jimmy sang wonderful, his voice a little husky and sexy as hell.

When the song ended
, I undressed Jimmy. I pulled his shirt over his head and ran my nails down the rippled muscles of his abdomen. “Oh God!” Jimmy cried.

I knelt down and kissed his belly. I began to undo his jeans. I freed the stiff organ in his pants and held it in my hand. I stroked it gently. “Faster.” He begged.

“No, we’re going slowly, remember,” I said. He groaned in frustration. I took the shaft in my mouth. Jimmy whimpered. I went slowly up and down, making circles with my tongue. I took all of him in my mouth, and buried my face in his soft hair. I inhaled. He throbbed in my mouth, ready to explode. I stopped.

He threw me on the bed. I waited expectantly, but
Jimmy didn’t plunge into me. Instead, he yanked open a drawer, and fumbled through it. A condom wrapper crinkled open. I trembled with anticipation. Finally, I leaned up and stared at him. He smiled, teasingly. “Patience,” he said, standing over me. “Do you want me?”

“Yes!” I begged.

Jimmy still didn’t penetrate me. Instead he pulled my legs apart. He slowly circled my sex with his tongue. He nipped and teased me until I could take it any longer. I arched my back and cried out. Jimmy pushed into me. He went deep. I convulsed in ecstasy. He pushed up on his arms and moved in and out slowly. We moaned in unison. Another wave of ecstasy over took my body. Jimmy let out a long roar of pleasure and then dropped on me. He pulled out slowly which caused me to shudder. Jimmy rested in my arms. We didn’t speak. I thought Jimmy went to sleep on me.

“Are you still there?” I asked
, in the silence.

“Hmm.” He grunted.

“That was awesome.” I breathed. I thought about the cigarette I had with Cho in the morning. I wanted another.

“Where’d you learn to do that thing with your tongue?” Jimmy asked.

“Summer camp,” I answered.

“I should’
ve gone to summer camp.” Jimmy chuckled. “I missed out.”

“I didn’t learn on a boy.”

“A girl?”

“No popsicles
,” I said. “The older girls told us to practice on popsicles.” I rolled over. “You’re the first guy I tried it on.”

BOOK: Soul Mate (The Mating Series)
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