Sons of Amber (4 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Human-Alien Encounters, #Adventure

BOOK: Sons of Amber
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That look. If he could just keep that happy, sexy look on her face forever, he would die a happy man. She felt so right in his arms, so precious, not to mention precocious as she played with his body. He felt her delight in the curve of her lips, the soft stroke of her fingers and the sparkling light in her eyes. How he adored her!

Many women had used their mouths on him in prelude to fucking, but Angela seemed to just want to suck and suck him. Never mind her pleasure, her focus seemed to be totally on his enjoyment. That wasn't quite what he wanted, but he was too weak to pull back. He wanted her in every possible way. He wanted her surrender, her care, her intimate attention. Why? He wasn't sure. But he wasn't up to questioning the driving instincts inside him.

"Ease up, honey. I'm coming." He tried to pull away, to spare her the force of the eruption he could feel building, but she stayed firm, her gaze challenging him saucily.

In a blinding rush, he came in her mouth, spurting long and hard. She swallowed repeatedly, but still some of his thick cum trickled out the sides of her mouth, so much did he give her. Looking down into her sparkling eyes, his heart lifted as she smiled back at him, licking and swallowing as she cleaned him thoroughly like a well-satisfied kitten.




"You like that?" He couldn't help the teasing tone in his voice or the smile that lit his lips. This small woman was so special to him. No woman of his experience had ever given him so much or so freely.

She moaned her agreement, licking the tip of him that still leaked the last of his cum.

"I like the taste of you, Ezekiel. Salty and sweet at the same time."

He could tell her that the Sons of Amber had been created to have pleasant tasting body fluids, but this moment was more than just well-designed parts fitting into place.

This moment was magic, if a practical man like him believed in such things. He dragged her up for a kiss, loving the taste of his cum on her lips, like it belonged there.

When he drew back, he laved licking kisses all down her throat to her breasts, sucking them lightly, playing with the tips until he felt her shiver.

"Now it's your turn."

She pulled back with a question in her eyes. "Don't you need a moment to recover?"

Zeke laughed as he switched their positions, moving her easily beneath him on the couch. When he was sure she was settled comfortably, he knelt up, positioning himself between her thighs as he arranged them to his liking—spread wide apart on either side of his hips. As it should be.

He noticed when she looked down and gave a little start of surprise. His dick was hard again, ready, willing, and able. He couldn't help but grin as his gaze roved up the length of her luscious body, finally meeting her lovely eyes as he moved over her.

"One of the benefits of being genetically designed to repopulate the human race is that unlike most males, I don't need much downtime. I'm always ready. Especially for you, sweetheart." He leaned down and kissed her sweetly, meaning every word and every lick of his adoring tongue.

"Oh, my!" She gasped as he raised his lips just slightly, holding her gaze as he found his way inside her for the first time. She was slick and warm—more than ready for him.

He slid within her tight hole, going slowly so as not to hurt her. It was torture of the sweetest kind. She was wet and excited, but he could tell from the tight confines of her pussy that she hadn't done this in a while.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable, Angel. I don't want to hurt you."

She held his gaze as he moved in further. "No. I'm okay." She was panting now, and it was music to his ears. "It's just that I've only done this once before."

He moved slightly, working his way inside her until he was settled, all the way home in her core. He stilled and looked deep into her eyes. He was glad that this meant something to her, that this was more than just a casual fuck. He knew it meant more than that to him. Never before in his life had anything felt remotely like this. This mattered. It touched his heart to know she might feel the same.

"I'm honored beyond words."

She blushed so prettily, he had to kiss her. Then as he kissed her, he decided he had to move within her. The hot center of her was heaven itself and oh, so tempting. Slowly at first, he began to rock in and out of her, watching her face and keeping his senses open to her responses. She was so precious, so perfect, so trusting of what he was doing and so open to the experience. He could hardly ask for anything more in a partner. He was fast realizing that she was his ideal woman.

Increasing his pace, he laid claim to her fully, his thrusts harder and more powerful.

Her hands roved over his back, the short nails digging in when he went deep, searching for that magic spot he knew would send her into orbit.

"There?" he asked as her nails raked him yet again, the finest of tortures.

"Yes!" She nodded against his chest as he grinned and stayed deep within, rocking slowly to rub her sweet spot. "Yes, Ezekiel. Yes!"




He felt a profound satisfaction within him as her tight sheath spasmed around him.

She climaxed hard, but it was only the first of many he would give her. He let her come down only a little before stroking deep and fast once more. Increasing his thrusts and his rhythm, he changed position slightly until he heard her gasp in pleasure.

"Ready for more, Angel?"


After that it took little to bring her to peak after peak. Zeke smiled all through the waves of her pleasure, feeling his own passion multiplied by her obvious enjoyment of his attentions. He thrust faster and harder, following the sway of her hips as she shattered in a frenzy around him yet again.

Eventually, Zeke let go, bathing her womb in his cum, planting his seed firmly within the woman he prized above all others. She came again as his hot cum shot into her, setting off waves of orgasm that took them both on a wild ride.

When Zeke could think again, he levered himself upwards, unwilling to leave her body. He kept himself planted within her, supporting her with his arms as he stood from the couch, carrying her slowly toward the hatch that led to the main corridor of the ship.

His dick lengthened once more as Angela's eyes shot open. He could read the flames of passion there, banked but coming back to life even as he moved them both slowly along the corridor toward his private chamber.

He got her to the wide bed before they both climaxed again, then they dozed for a bit, wrapped in each other's arms. Waking later, they made love again and again until neither had the energy to resist sleep's call. Zeke set the alarm to wake him two hours before sunrise. He still had work to do on the ship, but it would have to wait until later.

For now, he had to take care of his woman.* * *

Several hours later, Angela woke, disoriented at first until she felt the hard, male arms wrapped tightly around her waist.


She savored his name in her mind as his arms tightened on her bare body. He slept still, but his strong yet tender hold never slackened. Even lost in the netherwold of sleep, he kept her close.

It had to mean something, but she feared she might be putting too much stock in dreams. She wanted this man from the stars with a passion unknown to her before. Since she'd found him under the burning midday suns, her life had changed in irreversible ways. Her heart had come alive and her body pulsated with yearnings she didn't fully understand, but knew he had the cure.

The cure for her woeful condition was him. His love, his passion, his cum filling her body. She wanted it all. Especially his heart.

But there were so many obstacles, not the least of which was the role he had been designed and bred to perform. If she understood him correctly, he was some kind of intergalactic super stud, sent out among the remnants of humanity to service any and all females who wanted his sperm. In one way, the thought disgusted her, but in another more perverse part of her psyche, the thought was tantalizing. To think that she held him—this man whom so many women desired—and he was with her. Not normally given to vanity, the feeling of pride sat uncomfortably in her mind, as did the jealousy.

Angela felt like scratching the eyes out of any woman who'd had him before. She wanted to mark him, to stake her claim and let all other females know that while they might bear his children, they would never have his heart. His heart was hers alone.

Or so she dreamed.

Her dreams spoke of love everlasting, but she had yet to discover whether these were prophetic dreams so common to many of her people, or just dreams of what her 19



inner self wished could be. She prayed the dreams would come to pass. She prayed mightily that she could keep Ezekiel in her life—and in her bed—where he belonged.

Never before had she felt such a strong, deep, and instant connection in her soul for any other person, male or female.

She knew the moment she saw him, baking under the sun and close to death, that he was simply hers. Just as she was his. They were fated to be together, their hearts and souls entwined. Now she just had to see if her thoughts and hopes could truly be reality or if they were just foolish dreams.

Then there was his duty as a Son of Amber to contend with. How could she claim the sole attentions of a male so important to the survival of the entire human species?

Was it fair of her to want to keep him for herself? Was it even possible? Only time would tell, and those whose authority would make the decision to separate them and send him away, or let him stay and be with her.

There was also the all-important question too of whether he would want to stay.

Could she be misreading his responses? She had little experience of men, but she thought she felt possessiveness and care in his every movement against her, his every embrace.

Still he had yet to say the words. Did he want her in his life on a long-term basis or was this just another pleasant interlude for him in his never-ending duties to fuck every woman he met?

She thought not, but still the uncertainty lingered.

Pushing the dreadful questions from her mind, she sighed as he woke behind her, his large body rubbing against her as he stretched.

"What are you doing awake?" His deep voice rumbled sexily in her ear, making her shiver.

Turning in his arms, she insinuated one of her legs between his, rubbing his reviving cock with her thigh. Her eyes teased him as a smile played about her lips.

"I was waiting for you to wake up, Ezekiel. I was getting lonely without you inside me. I feel so empty."

He grinned as he pulled her even more intimately against him. "That can be easily remedied, my little angel. You'll never be empty if I have anything to say about it."

With a tender shove, he filled her, rocking them both gently this time to an explosive climax. They basked in the glow for long, long moments, staring deep into each other's eyes. Angela reveled in his soft caresses as he held her close and snuggled deep in her heart and soul. It was more than just a physical thing, she would stake her life on it.



* * *



Sometime later, they dressed and made their way back up to the cockpit. Zeke ran a few more checks while introducing Angela to the various features of his ship. She browsed around while he worked, looking at the equipment and asking a few questions here and there that he enjoyed answering. She was bright and sharp as a tack. He liked her quick wit almost as much as he loved her supple body and giving, passionate nature. He schooled his thoughts back to the task at hand. He had work to do after all, and though she was a gorgeous distraction, her safety and the safety of her people depended on him. That thought in mind, he settled down to formulate his next moves.

"I think we can fly this ship over closer to the entrance to your settlement."

"Is that safe?" Angela's voice echoed her hesitation.

"Well, I wouldn't trust the seals to hard vacuum, but it should be sound enough for a short atmospheric hop."

"No," she shook her head softly, setting her lovely hair to swaying, distracting him momentarily. "I mean won't the Jits see your ship faster if it's out in the open near our entrance rather than among these rocks?"




"Actually, they've already pinged it twice with their mapping gear, but the camo unit is still online and sending out false readings. The Jits wouldn't be able to tell if we're a ship or just another large rock formation unless they do a visual inspection. We'll see them long before that, if they head downplanet."

"How?" Her beautiful eyes scrunched up in concern. "We don't have any scanners to detect incoming ships, or we would have seen you long before I went searching after your smoke trail on the horizon."

He thought about that a moment. This young woman had set out in the middle of the blindingly bright day after an unknown smoke trail, all on her own. Her courage amazed him. She had saved his life, without a doubt. Now he would protect her and her people to the best of his ability. He'd be damned if he let the Jits bring their deadly virus to these peaceful folk.

"This ship has scanners capable of alerting me to any movement within three hundred and sixty degrees. Luckily they're still working. I can rig them to signal my handcomp when I'm not aboard if something comes near enough to be a problem and I can always fire up the engines and evade if necessary. The weapons systems are also still online, so we have some offensive as well as defensive capabilities."

"Sounds like you have all the angles covered." Her smile was complimentary and it warmed him.

"Honey, it's in my nature to take risks, but I also know and examine all the probabilities before I choose a course of action. Dr. Waithe designed it that way so our risk taking tendencies wouldn't get us killed too easily. My mind works a little differently than most humans. I can calculate probabilities almost like a computer, but with the emotional component that even the best Artificial Intelligence units can't duplicate." He stood and ushered her over to a secondary co-pilot position that was tucked up into the bulkhead. He hadn't needed the extra seat, flying solo before he crashed, but it came in handy now. "Trust me when I say I've examined all our options and come up with the best available plan of action."

She seemed to consider his words carefully before she spoke. "Okay, Ezekiel." Her eyes brightened as she turned to look up at him. "I think I'd enjoy taking a little ride in your ship. I've never been in a space worthy vessel before."

He chuckled. "Well, this one isn't space worthy at the moment, but I get your meaning. We'll just hop over to the settlement and park it among the small hills that hide the entrance. I have a map of where the Jits have already pinged this side of the planet since I crashed so we can set down somewhere they haven't already mapped."

"Good idea." She settled into the small seat he drew out from the bulkhead for her.

"Strap in and we'll fire up the engines."



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