Son of No One (26 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

BOOK: Son of No One
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“Are you breathing?”

He nodded.


Again, he nodded. He dove under, swam to her, and brushed her legs before he finally broke the surface and pulled her against his chest. “I'm an addanc demon. It's one of our powers. Most of my kind are lake dwellers.”

“What else can you do?”

“In the water, I can shapeshift.”

“But not on land?”

He screwed his face up. “Only into me winged demon form and a bird on land. I have many more options in the water.”

“So would we have a baby or a tadpole?”

Cadegan froze at her playful question that slapped him hard.

Children. It wasn't something he'd thought about in over thirteen hundred years. Before Leucious, he'd possessed no knowledge of his demonic origins. No idea of the powers that had lain dormant within him. Back then, he'd thought himself a man, like any other, and had hoped to marry a woman and have a brood of children with her.

After that, he'd been more cautious. Until Æthla. With her, he'd planned to have one to see what sort of child it might be. Fey or human.

And after Leucious had banished him, there had been no hope whatsoever.

Now …

He saw a reality that truly terrified him. No wonder he'd given her the summoning words when, in theory, she shouldn't really be able to use them.

Aye, it made complete sense, and that upper connection with her scared him even more.

“Are you okay, sweetie? I was only kidding.”

His hand trembling, he reached out and touched her flat stomach. Biting his lip, he smiled. “I can think of no greater honor than to have a child with you, me lady. Or a tadpole,” he teased. “Mayhap even a wombat.”

She laughed and handed him the bar of soap she'd found. “You're so silly. I love you.”

“And I, you.”

Jo watched as he returned to frolicking in the water. She wondered if Styxx and the others had known he'd want a pool. Probably. They seemed to know a great deal about him. Much more than she did.

But she was learning. And while he wasn't perfect—at times, he was downright scary—he was perfectly hers.

She wouldn't change anything about him.…

They spent the rest of the day just hanging out and exploring each other's bodies. Their likes and dislikes.

It was the best day of her life. She never wanted it to end. As the sun set, they walked outside to sit on the beach and watch it. Katateros was a strange place. In some ways, it reminded her of Hawaii.

In others, like some of the peculiar creatures who inhabited it, she felt as though she'd fallen down the rabbit hole.

Cadegan ran his fingers through Josette's hair as she lay on the beach with her head in his lap. For the first time in centuries, he felt truly human. Truly alive.

For the first time ever, he felt loved and cherished.

“So what do we do now, Josette?”

“Are you hungry?”

“Famished, but not what I meant. After this day, what's to become of us?”

She took his hand into hers. “I don't know.”

“You can do what Styxx does and work for Acheron.”

Jo sat up with a gasp as Cadegan tensed. A few feet away from them stood a beautiful Egyptian lady dressed in shorts and a tee. Her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she held a sleeping blond toddler in her arms.

With a friendly smile, she approached them slowly. “I'm Bethany. Styxx's wife.” She pulled the boy off her shoulder to cradle him in her arms. “And this precious one is Ari.”

Jo pressed her hand to her chest as she stared into the face of a curly-haired cherub. “He's absolutely adorable! How old?”

“He turned a year old yesterday.”


She nodded. “Would you like to hold him?”

“Oh, I'd love to.”

Bethany handed her son over.

Jo melted at the warmth of the boy in her arms. “He sleeps so soundly!”

“Always. His father is forever trying to wake him from his naps. The most you can get is for him to swat at your hand. But he never wakens when he does it. He just rolls over and returns to sleep.”

His little lips worked as if he were speaking to angels. “I've always been a sucker for children.”

Cadegan watched quietly as Josette cuddled the boy. Whether it was animals or children, she held a very maternal instinct. She deserved her own son. But her earlier words plagued him now.

What kind of child would they have?

Demon, demigod, or human?

“Are you all right?”

He blinked at Bethany's question. “Aye.”

She covered his hand with hers. “I know. I've only been back in the human world and this one for a short time myself. Not quite two years. It's a lot to get used to.” She plucked at her shirt. “The clothes definitely take some time. But you have your Josette and you have us. Friend or family … or irritating acquaintances, whatever you choose to call us. We are here to help you in any way we can.”

“I'm not used to such consideration.”

“Like my Styxx. Never trusting. Even now. But every day, his smile brightens more as he comes to terms with the fact that this is his life now, and that no one will rip it from him.”

Bethany touched the scar on Cadegan's arm. “All wounds take time to heal. But one day, you'll awaken and the pain will plague you no more. You'll go days, maybe even months before you think of it. And one day, if you're lucky, you'll never think of it at all.”

Jo looked up at her. “You're very wise, Bethany.”

She grinned sheepishly. “Sometimes. But I am the goddess of wrath, and as such tend to let my temper get the best of my sense at times. Never want to be near me when that happens. It's truly frightening.”

Ari blinked open his eyes, then widened them as he realized Jo wasn't his mom.

“I'm right here, sweetling.”

“Mama!” He quickly scampered back to Bethany's arms, where he rubbed his eyes and pouted. “Papa?”

“He'll be home soon.” She kissed his plump cheek. Then, she grimaced. “Someone needs his diaper changed. If you'll excuse me…”

Bethany rose to her feet. “It was nice meeting you both.” Rubbing Ari's back, she met Cadegan's gaze. “Don't worry about the morrow. It will come. And you will always have a place here as a member of our motley family.”

“Thank you, me lady.”

Inclining her head to him, she left them.

Jo scooted back toward Cadegan. “You still look … ill.”

He let out a heavy sigh. “Not about you, lass. I will never doubt you, but … I have a feeling deep in me gullet. Something's coming for me. And it's not going to rest until I'm destroyed.”

Shaking her head, she attempted to soothe him. “Don't think that.”

Cadegan tried to smile for her, but the problem was, he didn't think it.

He knew it for a fact.



Cadegan wasn't sure about this new hell. Therapy. Just the word itself sounded awful. Like some kind of small animal pissing on him.

He froze outside the office door and screwed his face up at Josette. “I don't know about this, lass. Not sure anything can help me. Surely, I'm beyond all help, of any kind.” He dropped his gaze down to the deep V of her shirt. “I'd rather go home … with you, and put a smile on your beautiful face.”

Tsking, she dodged his kiss and, to his chagrin, kept him at arm's length. “You're sneaky one, Lord Demon Wombat, but no. You need to talk to Grace. It won't hurt you. I promise. She'll be very gentle and even has toys to play with, if you're good. The time will pass quickly and I'll be back as soon as the session ends.”

A tic started in his jaw as his anger mounted. “I don't want to do this.”

She tugged at the thing called a jacket that she'd put on him. “Just this once. If you really can't stand it, I'll never make you do it again. Promise. But Grace's husband is a demigod, son of Aphrodite, who spent two thousand years cursed in the pages of a scroll before she released him. They have six kids, and live in total marital bliss. That's what I want for us, and you do, too.” Her gaze sharpened. “Now sac up, man, and do this. Two hours. You can handle it.” She glanced around before she dropped her hand to cup him.

His eyes widened at her actions.

She leaned in to whisper in his ear. “And if you behave and cooperate for the good doctor, I promise I'll make it worth your while later, and put a really big smile on
face. I'll even don the lace wedgie you like best.”

His breathing turned ragged as she fingered him through his jeans. It was all he could do not to find a corner and take her, right here and now. “As soon as this ends, I expect you naked in me bed.”

“Willingly.” Jo had just withdrawn her hand before the door opened to show Dr. Grace Alexander.

One of Selena's longtime friends, Grace had all but grown up with Jo and the Devereaux sisters. And gotten into more trouble with them than Jo wanted to think about.

It was a wonder they weren't all cellmates.

Smiling at the adorable brunette, Jo gently pushed Cadegan toward her. “Grace meet Cadegan. Cade, play nice.”

Grace laughed. “It's all right. After treating the Wolves, Panthers, and Bears all these years, nothing can surprise me anymore. I promise, Cadegan, I won't make you do anything you don't want to. We don't even have to talk. Come in and make yourself comfortable.”

With one last miserable glance at Jo, he went inside the office.

Grace patted Jo's arm. “I'll take good care of him. Is there anything that's concerning

Jo glanced around Grace's shoulder before she lowered her voice. “He's been having trouble sleeping. When he does, he wakes up in a sweat and grabs for me, and he won't go near any mirror. I have to keep the one I use covered at all times. And he's really, really overprotective. He can't stand for me to be out of his sight. If I'm gone too long, he panics.”

“All very normal for what he's been through.” She patted Jo's hand. “Have you felt threatened by his behavior, at all?”

“My fear? He's going to coat me in bubble wrap and force me to wear his armor everywhere I go.”

Grace laughed. “I have that same problem with Julian. And you don't want to know how bad Val is with Tabby.” She offered Jo a kind smile. “All right, let me go do my job. We'll get him calm, I promise.”

“Thank you, Gracie.”

“Anytime, sweetie.”

Jo paused and stuck her head in the door. “You have my number, Cade. I'm just down the street with my cousins. I promise not to fall into any mirrors without you.”

“You're not amusing, love.” But he smiled in spite of his words.

Trying not to worry about him, Jo headed toward the mansion where everything had started. They'd never had a chance to finish “cleansing” the place, and Selena and her friends still needed a camerawoman to record it.

Jo had given them two hours. After that, she was all Cadegan's. They had a wedding to plan. And unlike her ex, Cadegan agreed to the June wedding Jo had always wanted.

Of course, a lot of that had to do with the fact the poor man had no idea what a June Cajun wedding entailed. Or the fact that their average June temp was ninety degrees, as opposed to the sixty degrees he'd been used to in Wales and the frigid temps of Terre Derrière le Voile. Never mind the fact that it could easily reach well into the upper nineties by mid-June, but …

He'd said he would do whatever she wanted for the wedding. And she mentally promised herself that she wouldn't abuse his sweetness. Much, she thought impishly.

As she approached her car, she saw Thorn on the street, standing beside it with a horrified look on his face that said she'd just offered him a ride in it.

He gave her a look of supreme admiration. “You really are the bravest woman I've ever known.”

She frowned at him. “Why do I think there's a veiled insult in that statement?”

His gaze slid to the car. “How long have you driven this refugee from hell?”

“Speaking from experience?”

“Speaking my mind.”

She scoffed at his dry tone. “Hey, don't knock it. It still runs. Most of the time, even after I turn it off.”

Thorn laughed and shook his head at her. “You know, I've had my issues with Cadegan in the past. But I do love the little shit, and his dignity has been sorely challenged enough in his lifetime. I really don't want to keep grinding his nose in it.” He tossed something at her.

Jo caught it to realize it was a set of keys. “What's this?”

He jerked his chin to the shiny new black Mercedes SUV behind the Falcon. “Something I think you'll both enjoy a lot more whenever you venture into this realm. I also bought your condo out of foreclosure, and made the landlord an offer he couldn't refuse.”

“Death and destruction?”

An evil glint darkened his eyes. “Let's just say, he saw the advantages of kicking everyone out of the place. The entire building is now yours, and is being renovated to serve as a single house and not multi-units.”


“Relax. They were all well compensated for their troubles. Besides, I did them a favor. That place was a fire hazard, and only one toaster misfire away from tragedy. The contractor works for the Dark-Hunters so we're putting in … protection, shall we say, for you and Cadegan. Consider it a wedding gift.”

Her heart softened at his kindness. “Thank you.”

He inclined his head to her. “Just take care of him for me. Make sure he stays in the light.”

“That I will definitely do.”

He opened the car door for her. “I already put all your equipment in back for you.”

Jo paused by his side. “Can I ask you something?”


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