Somewhere to Call Home (Love Inspired Historical) (5 page)

BOOK: Somewhere to Call Home (Love Inspired Historical)
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Violet looked at the couple. Lila was leaning toward Michael and talking to him in earnest. Maybe there was more between them than she’d first thought. “Oh? Are they courting? I mean—”

“Not that I know of.” Julia chuckled. “Lila might wish for that, but as far as I know Michael has never given her any reason to think that he might want to court her. He is very conscious of the fact that his mother runs this boardinghouse, and he behaves with the utmost propriety toward all of us.”

Violet felt a relief she didn’t quite understand. She had no claim on Michael Heaton. And she was determined not to let herself care about any man. Although Michael didn’t know it, she’d had a childhood crush on him and he
broken her young heart when he got engaged to Amanda Cabot before his sister disappeared. Then there was Nick—she’d really thought he might become a beau, but when her mother had her stroke, he took off in a hurry, leaving her alone when she needed someone to turn to the most. Then there was Harlan, who tried to blackmail her into marriage. She saw no reason to trust any man with her heart.

Still, she was glad Michael wasn’t considered taken by anyone. Especially Lila. But as she watched Lila bat those eyelashes at him from across the room, she knew the girl was trying as hard as she could to change that status.

“I just wondered.”

Julia laughed. “It’s quite understandable. We’ve all wondered the same thing.”

“It is none of my business, really.” And she wasn’t sure why it seemed to matter so much, but it did.

Julia shrugged. “One can’t help but wonder these things. Michael would be quite a catch. I don’t think many women would turn his attentions aside.”

“No. I don’t think they would. He’s very nice.”

“Has he always been that way?”

Violet thought back to before he and his mother had left Ashland. Because Michael was older than her, they hadn’t traveled in the same circles, but she had seen him and talked to him on many occasions. Although she’d been infatuated with him, he’d always been kind in a big-brotherly, teasing way, and if she were totally honest she’d missed running into him after he’d moved away. “Yes, I believe he always has.”

“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. I think I’ll call it a night. I hope you find a position you’ll love tomorrow. And I’ll say a prayer that you do.”

“Thank you, Julia. I hope to have good news tomorrow evening.”

“I look forward to hearing it.” Julia stood and left the room after saying good-night to everyone.

Violet decided it was time to turn in, too. She wanted to be fresh for her interviews the next morning. She thought to slip out of the room unnoticed, but Michael called to her just as she got to the foyer.

She turned to him. “Yes?”

He quickly joined her in the foyer. “I hope you have a better feel for the city after yesterday and today.”

“Oh, I do. And I thank you again for taking the time to show me around and the delicious dinner.”

“It was my pleasure. I’ll have a hack here to take you and Mother around to Butterick and the other places you’d like to apply at in the morning. What time do you wish to leave here?”

“Butterick’s advertisement said to apply from eight to four. I’d like to be there by around nine anyway, if it isn’t too much trouble and if the time is all right with your mother.”

“If what is all right with me?” Mrs. Heaton joined them at the bottom of the stairs.

“To leave here about eight-thirty so that Violet can apply at Butterick first thing.”

“Of course. I’ll be ready.”

“I’m sure that if I can hire a driver, I’ll be fine. You don’t have to go with me, Mrs.—”

“Oh, I want to. If we have time, maybe we can stop at a shop or two along Ladies’ Mile after you make your applications. Besides, I want to celebrate with you when you get a position.”

“I’d be glad to have someone to celebrate with, Mrs. Heaton, and I hope we’ll be able to. I can’t thank you and Michael enough for all the help you’re giving me.”

“Oh, my dear, seeing this city through your eyes is enough, thank you. It’s like seeing it again for the first time. I can’t remember when I’ve had a better time than I’ve had today. It has been a very long time.”

Violet’s heart swelled with gratitude that this woman had invited her to New York City and that she and her son had been so kind and willing to help her. Much as she missed her mother and her home, she felt blessed to have friends like these.


“Violet, wait.” Lila caught her attention as she sashayed across the foyer and joined her and the Heatons. “I just wanted to wish you well tomorrow. You’ll probably be meeting with Mr. Pollard or Mr. Wilder. They are both very nice men and I’m sure either of them will give your application good consideration. You can give me as a reference if you like.”

Violet wondered if she looked as surprised as she felt at Lila’s sudden change in attitude. “Why, thank you, Lila. That is very nice of you.”

“Yes, well, I hope you come home with good news tomorrow.”

“Thank you. So do I.”

“I think I’ll turn in now,” Lila said with a big smile. “Good night.”

“Good night.” Violet watched Lila head up the stairs. She couldn’t help but wonder if Lila was putting on an act for Michael and his mother. Then she felt guilty for thinking such a thought. She shouldn’t be so judgmental.

“Well, I—that Lila never fails to surprise me,” Mrs. Heaton said as Lila disappeared at the landing.

Violet felt a little better that Mrs. Heaton seemed as surprised as she was at Lila’s change in attitude. But Michael’s expression was unreadable, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking about the other woman.

Chapter Five

he next morning, Violet dressed to apply for work in a blue serge skirt and white shirtwaist. She thought back over the evening before as she twisted her hair up into a knot and pinned it at the back of her head. She was still a little stunned at Lila’s offer to help her get a position. The young woman’s whole attitude toward her seemed to have changed so suddenly. One moment Violet thought Lila was glaring at her, and the next she was wishing Violet well and acting as if she would be pleased if they were coworkers. Acting. That’s what it all seemed like. For, deep down, Violet still felt that the other woman didn’t like her at all.

She pinned her mother’s cameo to her shirtwaist. But what if she was wrong? Perhaps she had misjudged Lila. If so, she needed to pray about it and ask the Lord’s forgiveness. It would be nice if she and Lila could become friends, perhaps not best friends, but good enough that Violet could think the other girl didn’t dislike her as she’d been doing the past few days.

She took one last look in the mirror and said a silent prayer that she’d get a position today—and asking for forgiveness if she’d been wrong about Lila. Leaving it in the Lord’s hands, she left her room and hurried downstairs. Most of the boarders had left for work, and Mr. Talbot was just getting up from his place at the table when Violet entered the dining room.

“Good morning, Miss Burton. I hope you have good results from your job hunt this morning.”

“Thank you, Mr. Talbot. I hope so, too.” Violet smiled at the man. “I hope you have a good day.”

“Thank you.” He slid his chair back under the table and left the room.

Violet fixed herself a plate of strawberries and pancakes, with a small slice of ham on the side. Just as she set her plate on the table, Gretchen came in the room.

“Good morning, Miss Burton. Did you have a good weekend?”

“I did, Gretchen. I hope you did, also.”

“May I get you some juice or tea or coffee?”

“Tea, please.”

“Mrs. Heaton said she’d be taking you around to put in applications today and that you’ll be eating lunch out. I wish you well with your interviews.” Gretchen poured her tea and brought it to her.

“Thank you. I am hopeful that I’ll have good news to share this evening.”

Gretchen bobbed her head up and down, her curls bouncing out from under her cap. “I’ll pray that you do.”

“I appreciate your prayers on my behalf. I know that is the best help I can have.”

Just as Gretchen left the room, Mrs. Heaton entered from the foyer. “Violet, dear, I trust you slept well.”

“I did, thank you. I didn’t think I would, thinking about today. But the Lord saw to it that I slept like a baby and I didn’t lie awake worrying about what today would bring.”

“I’m hopeful it’s going to bring you a job.” Mrs. Heaton laid the folded paper down beside Violet’s plate. “The Butterick position is still open, and there are a few more I’ve circled that might be of interest to you.”

Violet skimmed the classifieds while Mrs. Heaton filled her plate and brought it to the table. Along with the Butterick opening, there was also a new opening for a typist that Mrs. Heaton had circled and one for a receptionist at a bank.

The older woman poured her tea and brought the pot to the table, warming up Violet’s cup. “What do you think?”

“Well, I don’t know how to type—”

“Oh, that might make a difference. But should you wish to learn, typing, along with other clerical skills, is offered at the YWCA and several business schools in the area.”

“Really? That’s very good to know.”

“Yes. There are so many positions opening up in that field of work that the YWCA felt it was a need they could fill.”

“Should I not be able to find employment this week, that might be something I’ll consider looking into.”

“Hopefully you’ll find something today. But if not, we can find out more about what the YWCA offers.” Mrs. Heaton pulled an envelope out of her pocket and slid it to Violet. “This is a letter of recommendation, Violet. It may not be needed, but just in case.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Heaton. I—”

Mrs. Heaton held up her hand in a manner that Violet had come to realize meant “say no more.” “You’re more than welcome, dear. I just want to help in any way I can. But we must hurry with our breakfast. The hack driver will be here soon.”

Violet took Mrs. Heaton’s suggestion and they finished their breakfast in a companionable silence until Michael surprised her by entering the dinning room.

“Mother, I took a call for you. Mrs. Wentworth wanted to remind you of the meeting today.”

Mrs. Heaton gasped. “Oh, dear, I forgot all about that meeting. And it is important I be there. Oh, Violet—”

“It’s fine, Mrs. Heaton. I’m sure the hack driver will take me wherever I ask him to and back home. Please don’t miss your meeting on my account.”

“Oh, but I—”

“Mother, there is no need to miss your meeting. I’ll be glad to accompany Violet on her job search.”

“Michael, you gave up a day of work last week, I can’t let you—”

“Violet, Mother will miss the meeting if you don’t let me. Besides, I’ve been working much too hard lately and it will be good for me to take another day off.”

Mrs. Heaton chuckled. “He’s right on both accounts, Violet. So, what’s it to be? Do I miss my meeting and deprive Michael of a much-needed day off?”

Violet shook her head at the two of them. “You two are a pair for sure. Thank you for the offer, Michael. I believe I’ll take you up on it.”

“Good. The hack should be here any minute now.”

The hack he’d hired did show up right at eight-thirty, and Violet couldn’t deny that she was a bit relieved not to have to find the places she’d be applying to alone. Nor could she deny that she was happy to have Michael’s company once more.

He helped her into the hack and sat down beside her. “Where would you like me to tell the driver to go first?”

In spite of Lila’s offer to help the night before, Violet still had a feeling that she did not want her working at the same company—no matter what she said around the Heatons. Because of that, she asked Michael to have the driver stop at the bank that’d advertised for a receptionist first.

“I thought you wanted to start with Butterick first.”

“Well, I have no real experience, and surely being a receptionist won’t take a lot of training. I believe I could handle greeting people without too much trouble.”

“I’m sure you can do anything you set your mind to, Violet. If you want to start with the bank, that is what we will do.” He gave instructions to the driver and it seemed no time before they pulled up in front of a very imposing building.

“Would you like me to accompany you?” Michael asked.

“I think I’ll be fine, but thank you for the offer.”

“I’ll just wait here, then. Good luck, Violet.”

“Thank you.” Violet hurried inside, but her confidence quickly deflated once she found that they were only looking for someone with several years’ experience.

“I’m sorry, Violet. Didn’t they state that in the advertisement?” Michael asked when Violet returned and told him what happened.

“No. But I suppose I should have known.”

“I don’t know how you would have without them saying so.”

“Thank you for being so kind, Michael.”

The next stop along the way was at Hearns Department Store, where she was treated much more kindly and told that they would get back to her, as did Macy’s when she put in her application there.

“I’m sure both places will be ringing you up on the telephone by the time we get back home, Violet,” Michael said. “But why don’t you try Butterick next?”

Violet agreed. She couldn’t very well tell him that Lila didn’t seem too happy about them possibly working together...not after she’d acted as though she’d love it just the night before. Her hopes starting out this morning had been dashed, but she might as well get it over with. If her earlier interviews were any indication of how this one would go, Lila wouldn’t have to worry about it.

By the time the hack arrived at Butterick and Company, Violet was so nervous she wished she hadn’t eaten that morning. Her stomach felt as if a hundred butterflies had been taken captive and were all trying to escape at the same time.

“I’ll wait here for you, Violet,” Michael said. “You’ll do fine, I’m sure.”

“If this is like the others, you won’t have to wait too long,” Violet said as Michael helped her out of the hack.

“I’ll say a prayer all goes well.”

“Thank you, Michael,” Violet said. “It helps to know that I have you and your mother praying for me. Gretchen said she would be praying, also.”

The knowledge that she had people talking to the Lord on her behalf suddenly calmed the flutters in her stomach, and Violet felt at peace as she entered the building.

A young woman about Violet’s age was sitting at a desk and looked up as she entered. Violet assumed she was the receptionist and walked up to her.

The young woman smiled. “Good morning, miss. What may I help you with today?”

“I’d like to apply for the position advertised in the paper, please.”

“Of course. Your name, please?” The young lady motioned to another young woman and had her come forward.

“Violet Burton.”

“Miss Rogers, this is Miss Burton. She would like to apply for employment. Mr. Wilder is taking interviews today. Would you take her to his office, please?”

“Of course. Come this way, Miss Burton.”

Miss Rogers led her up a staircase to the second floor. “Don’t be too nervous, Miss Burton. Mr. Wilder is very nice and we do need help.”

Her kind words helped keep Violet calm as she followed the woman down the wide hall. At the end of the hall, Miss Rogers knocked briskly on a door.

“Enter,” a male voice said.

Miss Rogers opened the door and led Violet inside a room that was paneled in beautiful hardwood, with windows that looked out onto Broadway. There were two people there, a man and a woman. The man sat behind the desk and the woman in one of two chairs in front of the desk. “Mr. Wilder, Miss Carter, this is Miss Burton and she’s come to apply for the cutting/folding position.”

Mr. Wilder stood as Violet and Miss Rogers came farther into the room. “Pleased to meet you, Miss Burton. Take a seat and we’ll talk.”

Violet wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it wasn’t a talk. Still, she took the seat Mr. Wilder motioned to, and was encouraged a little by the smile Miss Carter gave her as Violet took the chair beside her and Mr. Wilder sat back down.

“You may go, Miss Rogers. Miss Carter will show Miss Burton out when we are finished.”

“Yes, sir.” Miss Rogers smiled at Violet before taking her leave.

“Now, Miss Burton, what makes you want to work at Butterick?” Mr. Wilder asked.

What to tell him? How much should she tell him? Violet set up straighter in her chair and cleared her throat. “Well, sir, I’m new to the city and I need work.”

“Where are you from, Miss Burton?” Miss Carter asked, her pencil poised above a stenographer’s pad.

“I’m from Ashland, Virginia.”

“And why did you decide to move here?” It was Mr. Wilder asking this time. Perhaps they were going to take turns.

“My mother passed away recently and, to be honest, I have family debts to pay and there was no work to be found in my small hometown.” Violet grasped her shaking fingers together. Her nervousness was threatening to come back much quicker than it went away.

Miss Carter looked at her in a sympathetic manner. “And why did you decide that Butterick is a place you wanted to apply to?”

Violet laughed and she wondered if she sounded as anxious as she felt. “Butterick is a familiar name to me. I love the patterns and
The Delineator
magazine. My mother and I spent many an hour poring over the pages of it, looking at the patterns and—”

“You are a seamstress, Miss Burton?” Mr. Wilder asked.

“Not a professional one. Just a home seamstress who loves your patterns because they make it possible for the everyday woman to make clothing for her family that actually fits them well.”

Mr. Wilder leaned back in his chair, placed his fingertips together over his chest and rocked back and forth. He had a huge smile on his face. “That is music to our ears, Miss Burton.”

“Indeed, it is,” a voice from behind Violet said. She turned to find an older man sitting in a chair in one corner of the room. He was dressed in a black suit and sported a long white beard. He stood and walked toward them. “I’m Ebenezer Butterick, and I believe you’ve just found yourself a position at Butterick and Company, Miss Burton.”

Violet looked from Mr. Butterick to Mr. Wilder and then to Miss Carter. All three were nodding and smiling. “But...but I don’t know if I am qualified for the work and—”

“Most everything we do here can be learned, Miss Burton,” Mr. Wilder said. “And I have a feeling you already know what you need to, to work here.”

A wave of relief washed over her at his words.

“And we do like to help those who need work, and we love to hire those who understand what it is my wife and I started out to do when this company was formed in ’68,” Mr. Butterick said. “You are hired, Miss Burton. Miss Carter will help you fill out all the information we need from you and you can start tomorrow at eight o’clock sharp. You’ll be shown how our operation works and then we’ll start you working.”

“Oh, I—” She remembered the letter Mrs. Heaton had given her and pulled it out of her reticule. “I do have a letter of recommendation from my landlady. She used to be a neighbor of ours and—”

“The fact that you are willing to give us a letter of recommendation and are concerned that we might want one is enough, Miss Burton.” Mr. Wilder waved away the letter. “You are hired.”

“Oh...thank you so much!” Violet didn’t know what else to say. She’d never thought to be hired so quickly—especially after her earlier interviews. She could only give credit to the prayers that Mrs. Heaton and Gretchen were saying on her behalf, for she knew she did nothing to get hired on her own.
Thank You, Lord, for answered prayers.

“You are quite welcome, Miss Burton,” Mr. Butterick said. “I’ve pretty much retired from the daily overseeing of things. But Mr. Wilder and Mr. Pollard are doing a fine job of taking care of the business. However, I’m glad I was here today, to be in on your interview.”

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