Somewhere I'll Find You

BOOK: Somewhere I'll Find You
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What the reviewers and fans are saying about: 
Linda Swain and
Chasing Destiny


Witches, magic, what more could you ask for?
August 14, 2011- 5 Stars

Wistfulskimmies Book Reviews
Buckfastleigh, UK) -

This review is from: Chasing Destiny (ebook edition)

This was a wonderful story. Magic, witches, shape-shifters, curses and at its heart a love story.  The story was well told. I found myself drinking in the images of Avalon and once or twice lost myself in the sheer wonder and beauty of it. There were a couple of tear jerking moments but they were tempered with happiness on the other hand. There was some action in the middle and towards the end and I was willing the good guys to defeat the enemy! I so enjoyed this and I hope anyone who loves witches and magic gets the enjoyment as I did.


4.0 out of 5 stars
A gripping adventure with heart
, August 21, 2011

Stephanie Haddad
This review is
Chasing Destiny (ebook edition)

-Swain's storytelling is graceful and elegant, and perhaps just the way Rusty would tell her own tale. A third person narrative gives the reader insights into the major players, but the author navigates them skillfully, giving us only what we need to know when we need to know it. And, my favorite part, the romance that takes center-stage is a powerful one that seems to jump right off the page, somehow becoming even more magical than all those spells!

The Three R's Rating: R, for some graphic love scenes and very intense moments that will leave you with goose bumps.

Recommendation: Fantasy fans will jump right into this magical world and devour it page by page. Romance lovers might need to make more of a transition, but the love here takes on a life of
own and will see you through to the end.

Re-read: Maybe.
-Swain paints her picture with enough subtle elements to send you back to the beginning again for a re-read.


An excellent read!
5 Stars - August 6, 2011

Florida, USA) -

This review is from: Chasing Destiny (ebook edition)

Chasing Destiny is quite the saga. Not to spoil the book, but it's an excellent blend of fantasy and romance, leading the reader through the world of a young witch whose shoulders are bowed with more responsibility than almost anyone else in her realm before she's even had time to recognize her first love. Follow the fiery path she blazes through her world and ours as she finds love, learns what it is to lose that love and, through it all, discovers that her own powers are amplified beyond compare when they are used to protect the family she loves. It is a rousing tale of adventure and romance from start to finish, and I thoroughly enjoyed coming along for the ride.

What the reviewers and fans are saying about: 
Linda Swain's
Time Heals Everything


Touching and compelling
October 6, 2011



This was a very touching story and beautifully written.

Set in the 1930’s, it centers around three main characters: Nick, who puts his new
over and above everything else. He's a self-deprecating, toughened by life, once streetwise boy who falls in love with his lead act, Katherine, a beautiful - in mind and body - diminutive, golden-voiced singer. Completing the main trio is Ashton, a French aristocrat with name, money, title, class and good-breeding who competes for the love and affection of Katherine. Rugged Nick believes he cannot give Katherine what he believes she deserves - the life she could lead with the sophisticated French count, when all Katherine really wants is the love she knows he has for her, but refuses to admit to. It is Nick's denial and refusal to succumb to his feelings that is the catalyst of the chain of events that leads to unexpected endings for all.

I liked the subtle way in which Linda alludes to the era. There weren't blatant references, yet there was no doubt about the 30’s backdrop. Linda also skillfully endears you to Nick and Kat - for all of Nick's bravado and despite his harsh childhood, he is
and Kat grows from a slightly unworldly young girl to a defiant and assertive woman. There is nothing more that you want for these two than for them to be together. Linda's conception of the pompous Ashton is equally skillful - he is someone you want to hate, but ultimately, you find yourself liking him just a little bit, even harboring the smallest amount of sympathy for him.

There are some harsh, adult scenes in this story, but they serve to embolden and develop the characters with the result that a novel which could verge on mushy or over-sentimental is neither: Linda has very ably conceived a tale that is touching, compelling and poignant with an ending, though not the HEA you might be hoping for, brings just a tiny glimmer of a smile to your lips.


Historical intrigue
October 5, 2011

Leah Banicki

Kindle Edition

I dove into the intrigue and setting immediately. The 1930's smoldered and the characters kept it lively and interesting. Suspenseful and Interesting. Dark and a bit twisted in a romantic slant.


Evocative, Provocative and at times, heart wrenching - but a book you won't ever forget!
April 14, 2012

Elaine Raco Chase

: Kindle
Amazon Verified Purchase

Welcome to the 1940's - and you do arrive there! Author Linda Swain paints such a vivid picture of the era - food, clothes, music and of course the fact that we'd soon be at war.

Kat is a woman with a voice and talent that can't be ignored. And a beauty that Nick and Ashton can't ignore either.

I won't give the story away - but this is a book with such evocative writing you will read it again and again. The star-crossed lovers are so compelling that you feel they were real.

And you know
. . .
they were!

Time Heals Everything is also a song by Bernadette Peters - it might be fun to play that tune while you turn the pages.

Don't hesitate to buy this provocative novel - you won't be disappointed in the characters, the place, the
or the fantastic way Linda Swain has with the written word.





Somewhere I’ll Find You


Linda Swain


I’ll Find You


Copyright © 2012 Linda Swain

Cover art by Rose Marie Olson


With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from author.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

For Elaine, Gary and Mar


Thanks for all the valuable advice. 

Michael never would have made it
alive without you



To Mac

Somewhere I’ll find you, again

Chapter One


A crescent moon reflected against the walls of the large mansion on
Mulholland Drive.
Below those vine-covered walls, a German
hepherd sat watching, his dark eyes reflecting eerily in the moonlight.

He waited
just as the great house seemed to be waiting.

A cloud drifted across the moon, casting a shadow over the dog’s dark coat.  Sharp-tipped ears perked forward while large amber eyes probed the night.  There wasn’t a sound beyond the breeze that ruffled the roses at the house’s base and the soft gurgle from an old fountain.  Water continually moved, just as
the people who had live
and then left
this house over the passing years.

Crouching, a quiet rumble of pleasure came from the dog’s throat.  Raising his head, he sent a low, plaintive cry to the moon, to the night, to the shadow that beckoned from inside.  The dog would obey as he had always obeyed.  Some laws knew no limits or rules.  So was the love between dog and master. Between ghost and friend.

Again, the dog let out a mournful howl.  On that sound, the shadow that had called to the dog stepped out of the portrait hanging in the living room.  Empty space shuddered and gave way to an athletic body and a handsome face, the figure accented by a dark silk shirt and a
pin that held
a perfectly knotted cravat. Erik Fletcher
moved in the place that had once been his home.

BOOK: Somewhere I'll Find You
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