Some Like It Spicy (25 page)

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Authors: Robbie Terman

Tags: #Perfect Recipe#1

BOOK: Some Like It Spicy
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She lifted her gaze to meet his.

“I’ve never met another woman like you. You’re headstrong and stubborn and one of the best damn cooks I’ve ever met. I think I fell in love with you the first time we met. Or at the latest, when you threw up on my shoes.”

She laughed as tears welled in her eyes. She didn’t try to stop them from falling down her cheeks.

“The last few days, I’ve realized a lot of things about my life. Most importantly, I don’t want to live it without you. Ashton, will you marry me?”

The audience cheered so loudly, she nearly missed his proposal. Her heart thumped like a jackrabbit. Love swelled within her, bursting to scream free.

The winner hadn’t been announced, and she had no way of knowing if Ty planned to fix the competition. But as she stared down at him, as she stared at her love reflected back in his eyes, she knew she had to trust him.


He slipped the ring on her finger, and she threw her arms around him.

The noise in the small studio was deafening, but Ashton barely heard it. “I love you,” she said in his ear.

“I love you more,” he said back, and then kissed her.

She could have gone on kissing him forever, but Andrea interrupted them. “Congratulations, chefs,” she said, although her voice didn’t hold much excitement. “But we do still have the winner to announce.”

Reluctantly, Ashton untangled her arms from Ty’s neck.

Ty winked at her as he stood. “Because of my engagement to Chef Grey, I don’t feel it is appropriate for me to read the winner. To do the honors, I’d like to invite famed chef Emeril Lagasse to the stage.”

The audience went wild. Emeril waved to the crowd as he stepped on stage. He stopped beside Ty and shook his hand. “Congratulations. And to you, Chef Grey.”

“Th-thank you,” Ashton stuttered, still caught in a world of disbelief.

Emeril held up an envelope. “The winner’s name is right in here. And just to let you all know, the accounting firm of Moore and Erikson handed me this. No one, other than the accountant who tabulated the votes, has seen the results.”

He ripped open the envelope. “The winner, and your next celebrity chef is…”

Ashton’s lids closed as she held her breath.

“Jolene Johnston!”

Jolene jumped from the couch, screaming.

Ashton stood, hugging her. The competitive part of her was disappointed, but the part that wanted nothing more than to go home with Ty and live their lives overrode it.

“Congratulations,” she said to Jolene.

“Thanks.” Tears of happiness shone in Jolene’s eyes. Her family jumped to the stage and she rushed into their arms.

Ashton felt Ty’s arms fold around her and pull her close. “Upset you didn’t win?” he asked, his lips soft and warm against her ear.

She turned in her arms and shook her head. “What are you talking about? I did win.”

And then she kissed her fiancé.


“Order up! Come on, people. We’ve got a full house tonight, let’s get a move on.” Ashton stared at the other cooks head on.

“Yes, Chef,” came a unison reply.

Nana would have been so proud. Two months had passed since the finale and the restaurant was busier than ever.

Despite the increasingly hectic schedule it caused, Ashton and Ty had managed to sneak away to Vegas three weeks ago and elope. The ceremony, at the House of Burning Love,
with an Elvis impersonator presiding and “Wayne Newton” as a witness, had been perfect. Chloe and Jenna, although disappointed to have missed it, understood why she and Ty wanted to do things their way. But they’d made her promise she’d let them throw her and Ty a reception in the next few weeks.

Ashton sent a tray full of food out the door and grabbed the next ticket, only to look up again when the door swung back and Jenna walked through. She had a plate in one hand that was full of food.

“The customer says her ahi tuna isn’t cooked,” Jenna told her.

“Did you explain that ahi tuna is seared?” Ashton asked. “Or perhaps show her the description under the menu that says ‘served rare’?” She started untying her apron. “I’ll explain it to her.”

Jenna threw her head back. “Ashton, just cook it.”

Ashton crossed her arms and stared at her friend, while Jenna returned the glare.

A hearty laugh interrupted their standoff.

“Some things never change,” Ty said, taking the plate from Jenna’s hand. “Pierre, take care of this.”

Ashton turned on her heel, ready to read him the riot act. But whenever she looked at her husband, all she could do was grin, which sort of ruined the effect. “Today’s my turn to rule the kitchen.”

“Oh, right.” Ty raised an eyebrow. “Like that stops you on my days?”

She couldn’t argue with that. After the finale of the show, Ty had left his New York apartment, passing the keys to a realtor, and moved to Chicago with her. She, Chloe, and Jenna had unanimously voted to let Ty invest in the restaurant. To keep the peace in the kitchen, they’d agreed to split responsibilities by day.

They still had a few kinks to work out, but she’d never been happier.

“What are you still doing here, anyway?” Ashton stepped into his outstretched arms. “I thought you had your bowling league tonight?”

“My driver’s bringing around the car,” Ty said, his lips muffled against the side of her neck. “Besides, I needed a little sugar before I left.” His lips met hers.

Their public displays of affection had been a joke among the staff for a few weeks, but now they took it in stride, not even glancing up from their dishes to hoot.

Ashton could hear the printer spitting tickets, but she couldn’t make her lips separate from Ty’s.

“Hey, Ash.” Jenna popped her head back through the kitchen door. “Your parents are here.”

“Again? They were here last week.”

Jenna grinned. “Your dad likes the lobster mac.”

“Go,” she said to Ty, kissing him once more before pushing him away. “I need to get back to work.”

“I’ll see you tonight,” he said. He turned to the group standing in the corner. “’Bye, Sally, guys.”

The film crew of
Ty and Ashton: Cooking from the Heart
waved good-bye.

“I love you,” Ashton called to him as he reached the door.

“I love you, too.” A twinkle lit his eyes. “By the way, your risotto needs a little salt.”


About the Author

Robbie Terman began her journey as a writer in third grade, when she completed her first (twenty-four-page) “novel.” Many years later, she is published in contemporary romance. Her heroines are feisty, her heroes Hot (yup, that’s with a capital H!). And, when you read her books, if you tear up a little and laugh a lot, that’s just the reaction she was hoping for.

Robbie lives in Michigan and spends her time wishing she lived somewhere warmer. When she’s not writing, Robbie can often be found at Nordstrom, shopping for shoes and handbags. She’s also a wannabe foodie, who’s always looking for a new restaurant to try or a recipe she’ll inevitably screw up. She invites you to visit her at

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