Some Like It in Handcuffs (27 page)

Read Some Like It in Handcuffs Online

Authors: Christine Warner

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Some Like It in Handcuffs
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Sunny nodded, commiserating with him in silence.

“I tried for years ta win her over, but she could never look beyond what she lost when Benny found Karina. Even after Karina was gone, she hoped Benny would come back ta her. It killed me when she said it. She just wouldn’t understand he didn’t love her.”

“I’m sorry,” Sunny sighed. Slater’s heart had been ripped out piece by piece, and the pain in his voice tore her insides up.

“She was bitter about not being able to have kids, she let hate rule her. Over the years instead of getting better, her hate got worse. It consumed her, then me.” He moved the phone receiver from one shaky hand to the other. “The only things she truly loved were her cats. Ta the day she died she considered it murder when one of her cats was put down from age or sickness.”

Sunny realized the conversation overheard between Slater and Tasha had to do with Vivian’s cat, not a murder plot. Of course she talked to Tasha earlier about any involvement and concluded it was a misunderstanding.

“At least she was able to love something,” Sunny whispered.

“Over time her hate turned ta my mother. I think she was the easiest target, and she knew mother was ’fraid of her. Viv thought mom spied on us. At one point Viv accused her of telling the neighbors stories ’bout her. Paranoia started the day Viv killed Karina, and then took her over bit by bit.”

Slater rubbed his hand vigorously around the side of his neck. His eyes bulged and his words came faster. “I kept my mouth shut most of the time, but I started to get ’fraid for my mother. I knew Viv had it in her to hurt anyone who wronged her. Know what I mean?” His brow furrowed

“I do. If things had gotten to that point, how come you didn’t come into the station and tell your story. Were you afraid since you’d helped cover up the crime you’d have to serve time too?” Inside her boots she flexed her toes. The air in her lungs became motionless.

“No, by then spending time in jail would’ve been a welcome release from my life.”

“You could’ve just come to me directly instead of helping your mom deliver clues?”

He sighed, a long drawn out trail of air that seemed to suck the fluids from his body. His face thinned and the lines became more pronounced. “I was scared, little lady. I never bonded with the cops, ya know?” He grinned, wiping his hand across the top of his head.

Slater’s shoulder’s sagged. Sunny saw him as a sad shadow of a man. He’d taken the wrong path and now paid the price. He’d aged since his weeks in jail, but at the same time he seemed more relaxed. It was an odd combination.

“If I went ta the cops, they’d have held me, questioned me. If Viv guessed what I was up ta, it would’ve given her an excuse ta hurt my mom.”

“But, what—”

“My mom was the one with the idea to send ya the notes. It took her awhile to convince me ta let you have the tape.”

“So Maggie was the mastermind?” Sunny grinned and Slater matched it.

“She’s a smart ole coot for sure. Who would’ve believed me if
gone to the cops with that story?”

Sunny nodded. “Nobody…at first. But your cassette would’ve been the key to point them in the direction you wanted.”

“If I’d understood the stuff cops talked about, that NDA…DNA crap, then things would’ve been different. I didn’t know there was any evidence left after all these years.”

“If we’d known right from the start, it would’ve made this all a lot easier.”

“You know what they say, little lady, coulda, shoulda, woulda…”


The guard opened the door with a curt nod while Sunny moved past him. Craig sat on a bench in the waiting area, flipping through an auto magazine. He glanced up with a raised brow as she approached.

“How’d that go?” Craig stood. He tossed his arm around her shoulders as they moved down the corridor toward the elevators to the main lobby.

“Nothing earth shattering. At least I have some closure, and I think Slater does too. I had him all wrong.” Sunny adjusted the sunglasses on her nose to block out the glare of the hot sun as they stepped outside onto the sidewalk.

Several women passing by gave Craig a slow once over. Their appreciative smiles had her looking at her brother in a new light.

Dressed in his dark blues, shiny badge clipped to his shoulder, tufts of overgrown dark hair peeking out from underneath his cap, and the mirrored sunglasses which led to an air of mystery, he did look good. She glanced around then back at her brother. He didn’t even seem to notice the ogling women.

Men. Sunny shook her head. The only woman she noticed him eyeball was her orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Rigieuro, who hadn’t seemed overly fond of any of her overbearing brothers.

“You have time to talk to Slater, but not Judson?”

Sunny’s jaw clamped tight. When she tried to turn away, Craig held her by the arm.

“You’re not getting out of it this time. I want answers, sis. You said yourself you’re feeling better, so I’m not going to baby you anymore. What gives?” Craig peered at her over the top of his sunglasses. She feared he’d see the mist of tears forming in her eyes, even through her dark tinted sunglasses.

With everything inside of her she missed Judson. Nobody mentioned his name in weeks, and she thought they’d all moved on. Or realized her feelings and wanted to spare her the pain. Fat chance, that wasn’t how her family worked. They accepted her work, finally, but they still refused to stay out of her personal life

Although she was coming to grips with Judson being out of her life, tears still flowed freely when she was home alone.

Just like she berated Mr. DeVito for trying to control who Karina fell in love with all those years ago, she scolded herself for doing the same. Life would’ve been so much easier if she’d only lusted after Judson, instead of losing her heart to him.

“Nothing gives. He’s in Montana. It’s not like we had anything more than a working relationship. When I have some time I’ll make sure to send him a ‘thank you for helping me with the cold case’ card. Okay?” She tugged her arm from his grasp. “Why is everyone all over me about talking to him?”

“Because we know you better.” Craig pulled her out of the center of the sidewalk toward the wall of the gray brick building.

Sunny grumbled, but let him lead the way.

“Listen, my relationships never last longer than a few months, but I’ve watched Mom and Dad and now Dad and Marli. I recognize love.” Craig’s voice jarred her nerves.

She’d been way too transparent. The precautions of her tough talk and hard heart hadn’t kept her feelings secret from her family.

“What do you mean?” Sunny stalled to get her emotions in order.

Craig gave a short laugh. “Don’t even try it, Sun. We all see it, you’ve changed. You know, it’s not a crime to be in love.” He hugged her to his side, then stepped back lifting her glasses onto the top of her head so he could see her eyes.

Sunny sniffed and looked away. “I didn’t think anyone would be able to read me so easily. I’m surprised a mess of goons can even sense feelings.”

“We love you, so that’s a factor in noticing the change. How come you won’t talk to him? He tried everyday while you were in the hospital, and from what I heard a few times since you’ve gotten out. He just wants to talk to you.”

Sunny took a steadying breath, her shoulders sagged. “I can’t. Judson isn’t over Roxanne yet. I’ll never be able to get over him if he’s constantly showing up in my life.”

“What are you talking about? Roxanne?” Craig’s forehead creased, he tugged his sunglasses off and twirled them in one hand as he waited for her answer.

“Yeah, Roxanne. He won’t be able to love me or anybody else until he can get past losing her. He still loves her, misses her. Whenever he talks about her, hears her name, it’s obvious. Hell, he even took a leave of absence after she died. It was the deciding factor in his decision to return to Montana.”

Her eyes narrowed as Craig glared at her with a lopsided grin, the laugh lines around his eyes deepened then spread.

“Where do you get your information, sis? I thought you did investigations for a living.” He smirked and she jabbed him in the shoulder. “You’re way off base on this one.”

“I’m done talking about this. Let’s drop it.” Sunny tried to move past his tall frame, but he blocked her path.

“No. The days of playing
Sunny Says
are over. You’re going to listen to what I have to say and it’s going to sink in if we have to stand here all afternoon.”

Sunny clenched her jaw. “I’ll leave whenever I feel like it.”

“Judson was never in love with Roxanne, they were partners, good friends.”

Sunny glanced around Craig’s body to a group of school children standing across the street. They formed a single line for a head count outside of the city newspaper, before filing through the front entrance. Even so, she still heard her brother’s every word.

“Are you listening to me?”

Her gaze snapped up to meet his and she sighed. “You’re wrong. Even Roxanne’s obit said she was mourned by family, co-workers and her fiancé, another detective from the force.” Her lips compressed. “Sounds like Judson to me.”

“Is Judson the only detective in the precinct?” Craig shook his head and grinned. “She was engaged to a detective, but it wasn’t Judson.”

Sunny blinked several times, her jaw softened. “What…what do you mean it wasn’t Judson?” If she pushed Judson away over a misunderstanding, she’d never forgive herself.

“Have you heard of detective Stephan Giles?”

“Sounds familiar.” Like a rolodex, her mind flipped through names until she recalled the conversation with Judson in his apartment. “That’s the guy who let Judson stay at his apartment.”

“That’s the one. He was a detective on the force for years. After his fiancée, Roxanne DeWitt was killed; he retired and started working as a security consultant for several overseas businesses’. Rumor has it he’s a success.”

“What—” Oh no, she messed up big time. If her assumptions ruined any chance of making it right with Judson…

Craig patted Sunny’s arm. “Makes you rethink a few things doesn’t it, sis?”

This whole time she’d been wrong. What a fool. Her heart started with a jolt. If he had never been involved with Roxanne, then it could only mean one thing. There would be room in his heart for love. Her love. If she hadn’t killed any feelings he might have for her by turning him away time and time again.

The heavy dread filling her chest for so many weeks disappeared. She stood a chance to win his love, and it was a chance she wanted to go for.

A patrol car pulled up to the curb and honked. “Duty calls. Will you be okay walking back to the precinct? Dad or Derek can give you a ride home.” Craig signaled his partner sitting behind the wheel to give him a minute before he turned his attention back to her.

“Yeah…yeah, sounds good. I need to get home. I have a flight to book on the next plane to Montana. Judson’s right, we need to talk.” Sunny smiled at her brother, a new determination filled her from head to foot. Hopefully Judson wouldn’t turn her away like she’d done to him. She shook her head. No way. The state of Montana’s population would increase by one until he agreed to see her.

Craig bent to kiss her cheek at the same time he pulled his cell from his pocket. “Have a good flight, sis.” He dashed to the squad car, took his seat and waved as they shot from the curb.

Her heart crashed against her chest at the thought of seeing Judson again. The possibilities of what the future held not only scared her, but excited her. If she focused enough on the positives, only good would be the end result. Right?

Chapter Seventeen

Sunny’s lighthearted mood put a bounce in her step. Her cheeks grew sore from the ear to ear smile she delivered everyone she passed on the sidewalk. If she wouldn’t come across looking like some silly schoolgirl running down the pavement, she would’ve, just so she could get home and book her flight to Montana sooner. Judson would see her. She wouldn’t take no for an answer.

When she rounded the first corner the wail of sirens from the precinct a couple of blocks away caused her to stop and turn, as did several other pedestrians on the sidewalk. The piercing blare grew closer. Even though the sunlight overhead glared bright, the flash of lights came into sight, growing ever closer. Three police cars barreled down the street in her direction.

Adrenaline thumped through her. Wide eyed she glanced around the downtown district to see if she could tell where they were headed. She swallowed hard as they angled to a stop at the curb in front of her.

With her hand to her throat she sank back against the plate glass window behind her, eyes darting around as the people near her backed away. Her fingers clutched at her throat before she remembered her necklace had been lost during her struggle with Vivian. No more could she rely on its comfort.

A grim faced police officer stepped from the middle patrol car. He fingered the weapon anchored to his hip, and sauntered toward her.

“Sunny Kennedy?”

She cowered at his baritone voice. Unable to speak, she tried a second time to swallow as she bobbed her head up and down.

“Miss, I need you to come with me.”

“What…what’s this about officer?” Finally, her voice flipped on. She gazed at him, trying to stay calm.

“I’m not at liberty to say, miss. Come with me please.”

A sudden burst of cocky confidence gave Sunny the strength she needed to pop her hip then tap the pavement with her foot. “I think,
you might want to call the station and speak with my father. Captain Ray Kennedy.”

The officer standing alongside the other patrol car smirked, and Sunny frowned when the two other officers’ inside the third car ignored what was going on as they sipped their coffee and chatted. This made no sense.

“I don’t know anything about that, miss. I’m sure once you get to the station you can clear it up.”


“Will you come willingly, or do I need to cuff you?”

“I don’t understand what’s going on. Do you know who—”

Officer Straight Face released the handcuffs from his belt loop. Sunny bit her inside cheek to keep quiet. She thrust her wrists forward, frowning when the cuffs clicked over them.

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