Sold To The Bears (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Sold To The Bears (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1)
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His words and the tone of his voice let me know he was very, very serious. I knew I shouldn't say anything more. So, I didn't. However, just after we'd entered the city, Grant surprised me by speaking himself.


"Lila, what
that? Just what in the holy hell...." He trailed off, taking a hand off the steering wheel and raking it through his thick, dark hair. "Never mind. Please don't answer. Silence is best right now."


I certainly didn't argue. He clenched his jaw again, and I turned my face to the window and watched the lights from homes and businesses whizzing past just beyond.


When we got to the family cabin-mansion on the northern borders of the town, he marched me in through the vacant ground floor and up to my rooms on the third floor. Then, without a word, without a single brief goodnight kiss, without anything, he began leaving the foyer.


But before he could clear the door, I took his arm to stop him. "Grant, please. Just wait. Just talk to me. I don't even care what about. You can tell me how stupid I was; you can tell me how angry you are at me. Just, anything but this silence."


He slowly turned around to face me. "I'm extremely angry. So angry that I still can't talk to you right now. Though, at the same time, I'm extremely grateful. Grateful that you weren't harmed tonight, and also that fate saw fit to give me another chance to save you from the wolves."


I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that. He'd purchased me from them, yes, but that wasn't exactly the same thing as
me. Or, at least, it didn't seem like the exact same thing to me. When Malachi and his men had been about to kill me after I'd made a run for it the morning of the auction, they'd already decided not to kill me when Grant, Adrian, and Samuel had joined the scene. So, I wasn't exactly sure what Grant had meant when he'd said he was grateful to have had another chance to
me from the wolves.


"What did you mean by that, Grant? When you just said-"


"Tomorrow. I can't talk to you any more tonight. I need to deal with removal of the wolf carcasses. Goodnight." He turned and left the foyer, shutting the door behind him, without another word.


My chest ached. My leg, where one of the wolves had clamped his jaws on me, ached. I knew I'd royally messed up. Right then, not being able to have Grant's arms around me, like I was used to having every night, seemed too severe a punishment for my crime.


I wondered if Grant would allow Adrian to come to my rooms. Suddenly a bit misty for some reason, I got undressed and took a nice long bath, periodically sniffling while the warm water lapped at my skin. I'd just gotten out and hadn't even dressed yet when a knock sounded at my door.

Chapter 3-


Wrapped in a towel, my skin and hair still dripping wet from my bath, I dashed out to the foyer door and flung it open. Grant immediately pulled me into his arms and began kissing me so fiercely that the very firm pressure of his mouth on mine made me whimper. Though not in pain. I wanted him. Suddenly wanted him so desperately that the feminine folds between my thighs immediately became slick. Now I was wet in every possible way.


With one hand, I pulled off my towel and let it fall to the floor; I ran my other hand along Grant's back, feeling every hard ridge and muscle. His clean, woodsy scent filled my nostrils, and I kissed him back, hard, reveling in his potency, his masculinity, and his strength.


I was hungry for him. Starved. I felt as if I couldn't get enough of him. No matter if he was mad at me or not. Or maybe
he was mad at me. I wanted him close, wanted to feel his bare skin against mine and his manhood inside of me. I wanted to know he still cared about me and found me desirable and attractive, despite my completely stupid actions earlier. Despite him being so angry at me he couldn't even speak to me.


Grant continued communicating in other non-verbal ways, though. With his tongue now plundering my mouth, claiming me, he moved his strong, long-fingered hands to my naked rear and began kneading the two full globes. That he still found me desirable and attractive was evident, and not just by the touch of his hands.


His manhood had grown extremely hard and thick. I could feel it through his jeans, pressing against the soft curve of my belly, tempting me and teasing me. Torturing me. When I could stand it no longer, I hiked a leg up on one of Grant's slim hips, pressing myself against him.


He responded by breaking our kiss with a sharp intake of breath, eyes closed. "Gosh, Lila."


All strong, square jaw, chiseled cheekbones, and heavy-lidded, dark-lashed eyes, his face was the very picture of masculine beauty. It made me want him even more than I already did, and I developed an intense, frustrating ache low in my belly. An ache that cried out for satisfaction. An ache that cried out for complete fulfillment.


I felt as if I might die if I didn't feel him inside me soon, though I knew that was a bit of a dramatic thought. I would at least
if I didn't feel him inside me soon, and that was no exaggeration.


Seeming to read my mind, Grant scooped me up in his strong arms and began slowly carrying me toward the bedroom. If he'd been going to say anything else after breaking our kiss, he didn't finish the thought; he just began planting a line of slow, tender kisses down my throat with his mouth firm and warm. I sighed, going limp in his arms.


Before we'd made it to the bedroom, or we'd even cleared the foyer hallway, in fact, there was a knock at the door. I mentally swore, cringing, guessing it was maybe Mil or Fiona, wanting to see if I was okay after my little run-in with the wolves.


Grant paused and turned toward the door, frowning. "Go away!"


Very to-the-point with what he wanted, that was Grant. A man of few words. Most of the time, like this time, I liked that.


But whoever was on the other side of the door knocked again.

Grant swore under his breath, narrowing his pale blue eyes. The two of us were turning out to make a pretty swear-y pair. When he spoke again, there was a definite edge of menace in his voice.


"Did you hear me? Go away!"


The person on the other side of the door paid him no attention. The door opened, and in walked Adrian.


He shut the door behind him, locked it, and turned to face Grant and me with a little glint in his green eyes. "Not so fast, big brother. Lila hasn't made a formal choice yet as to who she wants to be mated to for life. And until then...well, the way I see it, we both have rights to visit her."


The faintest of low growls rumbled in Grant's broad chest, but after a long moment, he moved his head in a fraction of a nod.


"All right. I can't argue with that. You may follow us into the bedroom if you'd like."


With that, Grant turned and began carrying me to the bedroom once again. Adrian followed, his dark green eyes already revealing a few sparks of lust. While Grant had been speaking to him, he hadn't even had his gaze on Grant. He'd had his gaze on me, and he'd been raking it over every inch of my naked body.


Once in the bedroom, Grant set me down on my massive bed and began just about ripping his clothes off, as did Adrian. The overhead lights and lamps in my room were all off, though a half-dozen tall red pillar candles on my dresser filled the room with a soft glow.


I'd lit the candles before getting into my bath, not because I'd really been anticipating an intimate visit afterward, though maybe I'd been hoping for one; but I'd lit them more because I simply loved stepping into a room scented with the sweetness of cinnamon and vanilla.


Now, breathing in the sweet scents, I was doubly glad I'd lit the candles ahead of time. Grant or Adrian usually did the task, but now they wouldn't have to waste precious seconds doing so. Seconds when they could be taking steps to satisfy my desperate longing.


While they flung the last of their clothes off, I addressed both of them at once.


"I'm not going to lie. I'm a little too...too worked up right now to wait very long. I want you both to take me. I want you both to make love to me, one right after the other. Grant, you first, since you got here first. And during...during, Adrian, I want you to touch me. Maybe my breasts, and my stomach, and...maybe even more sensitive areas."


I had a tendency to be a little take-charge and bossy in the bedroom, and I knew it. But as Grant and Adrian never seemed to mind, and in fact, even seemed to enjoy it at times, I didn't care and never saw any reason to change my possibly-somewhat-demanding ways. However, Grant, now completely naked, seemed like he wasn't going to stand for them tonight.


With candlelight illuminating his long, muscular body and his fully erect manhood, he shook his head, then climbed into bed beside me and spoke in a low, husky voice. "Normally, I love your little directives and suggestions. It's a turn-on. But tonight, you don't get to have everything your way. Tonight, you're not in charge. I am. I'll be calling all the shots. And if you have a problem with this, now would be the time to say so."


As long as he was soon going to make love to me, I didn't have a problem with anything. And just judging by how large and stiff his erection had become, I didn't think I'd have to wait long for my satisfaction. I knew Grant was just as hungry and desperate for release as I was.


I gave my head a little shake. "I don't have a problem with you taking charge." Pausing, I chose my next words carefully. "As long as you know what you're doing."


I'd teased Grant like this a few times before, and I was always pretty pleased with his reaction. Which was invariably a low growl rumbling deep in his chest followed by a sharp swat to my rear. This time was no exception.


Growling, he pulled me close, hiked my leg up on his hip, and delivered one very sharp, stinging swat to my left rear cheek. "Naughty little thing."


I sighed with pleasure, the sound tapering off into a whimper. He had no idea just how "naughty" I was beginning to feel. His little chastisement and display of masculinity had only intensified my desire. As had the feel of his rock-hard shaft bumping against my feminine parts when he'd hiked my leg up on his hip.


"Grant, please. Make love to me now. Be in charge or do whatever you want, but please. Just take me now."

He suddenly released me and rolled me onto my back. "No. I'll take you when I'm ready to."


Adrian had finished undressing and crawled into bed beside me.


With his pale blue eyes glinting in the candlelight, Grant looked over me to him. "Pin her wrists up above her head. And don't let them go."


Within half a second, Adrian had done just that. I didn't protest, because for one thing, I figured Grant was finally about to make love to me. For another thing, I figured that it was only fair to let him call the shots for one night.


I had to admit, having my wrists pinned up above my head, rendering me pretty helpless and immobile, felt deliciously good for some reason. Even while at the same time, I already had an urge to struggle to break free.


At any rate, I was going to go along with whatever Grant had in mind, and I wasn't going to ask for my wrists to be unpinned. I couldn't promise, even to myself, that I wasn't going to try to struggle, though. Especially if Grant didn't proceed to make love to me within seconds. The ache low in my belly was becoming almost unbearable. The desperation and need was beginning to feel like some wild, living thing taking over my body.


To my great relief, Grant began moving from beside me to between my legs. At the same time, Adrian rose up on his knees beside me in order to pin my wrists up better. However, my relief and expectation of impending release soon turned to disappointment. Instead of immediately climbing on top of me like I'd thought he would, Grant stretched out more or less on his stomach on the enormous bed, hooked his well-muscled arms around my rear and legs, and began planting soft, slow kisses along my inner thighs.


That was fine. I knew where Grant was headed. Release by way of pleasure from his mouth would be just fine. I just needed release, period. Especially since the erotic sight of Adrian's rock-hard manhood bobbing mere inches away from my face was now making me pant with desire. With complete and total desperation on a level I'd never experienced before.

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