Sodom and Detroit (4 page)

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Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #bisexual, #erotic romance, #detroit, #anal sex, #mm, #virtual reality, #oral sex, #contemporary romance, #bikers, #highwaymen, #harem, #shiek, #sexual fantasy, #sexual exploration, #bisexual female, #meange a trois, #meange, #bisexual character

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“I think I’ll stick to myself for now,” Maeve
replied in a faint voice.

Carla’s grin deepened, and she continued. “Much of
the VR world is based on perception and expectation. We trick your
mind into believing what it’s experiencing is real, and it supplies
stimulus such as scent and taste.” Twirling back to face the
screen, Carla leaned forward and typed something into the computer.
“The human mind is amazing. It will even make up smells and tastes.
One of my favorite fantasies is on an alien planet, and my mind
invented a flavor for alien cum.” Carla’s expression turned soft
and dreamy. “It’s like Granny Smith apples and musk.”

“Wow” was the best response Maeve could come up
with. Obviously giving an alien a BJ was Carla’s idea of a good
time. Weird. Then again, who was she to judge considering her
fantasy revolved around her man and an entire harem of women
watching her get it on with another woman?

“Would you like it to be an open or closed

“What’s the difference?”

“Open fantasies are advertised, and other guests can
sign on to join in on your fantasy. In your case, we would be
looking for a sheik and a harem girl. You still choose what they
look like, but there is an actual person interacting with you.”
Carla clicked through the screen on the computer. “Closed you would
be working totally with the computer’s AI characters.”

Maeve debated this and clenched her thighs as her
pussy ached. “Open fantasy, please.” Feeling bold, she added, “And
I would like a petite Asian woman as my harem girl.” She’d rather
have her fantasy be occupied by living people than dream creations
for once.

“Any preference for the male?”

“Dark eyes, full lips, and”—she blushed and twisted
her hands together—“and a thick cock please. I like girth more than

“Got it.” Carla’s eyes moved rapidly back and forth
as she looked at the screen. “My, your fantasy is popular. It got
snatched up right away by two different guests.”

“Who took it?”

“I can’t say, but they are both experienced. You’re
the only one with a novice rating. They are both adepts, which
means they have used our VR system before and are popular with the
other guests. Perfect for your first time.” Carla grabbed a handful
of wires from a box over the desk and slid Maeve’s heels off. She
didn’t bat an eye as Maeve’s skirt rode up to reveal her sassy
little panties, then helped her lie back in the pod.

Maeve’s heart thrummed in her chest, and she wiped
her damp palms against her dress. This was so out of the norm for
her. Truth be told, she hadn’t been this excited in ages. It made
her feel almost as alive as the high she got from pulling a failing
business back from the brink of ruin and reworking it into a
successful moneymaker.

Carla glanced at the heart rate monitor and said,
“I’m going to close the top and put some music on for you. All you
have to do is relax while I finish your program.” Maeve tried to
smile, and Carla continued, “If at any time you want out, just say
the word ‘pizzariffic.’”

“Pizzariffic?” Maeve asked and scrunched her nose at
the cold jelly sensation of the electrodes being placed on her

“It will boot you out of the program.” Carla
smoothed the last pad on Maeve’s chest. “I have yet to have someone
accidentally use that word in a fantasy.”

Before Carla lowered the top, she gave Maeve’s hand
a squeeze. “Remember, once inside the fantasy, you need to stay in
character. You’re going to have a wonderful time.”

The lid slid shut with a pneumatic
, and
Maeve rubbed her legs against the silk sheets. A soft strain of
classical music filled the air from the speakers by her head, and
she closed her eyes. The air smelled faintly of the tang of ozone
and her perfume. She drifted in the darkness, trying to identify
the exotic instruments of the music.

“Mistress, wake up!” a soft feminine voice said.

Maeve opened her eyes and gasped. She reclined in
the middle of a sumptuous sunlit room filled with exquisite women
reclining on silken pillows or low jewel toned couches. The walls
and floor were white marble chased by complex patterns done in blue
lapis and pink coral. The scent of jasmine hung heavy in the air,
and stout eunuchs guarded giant the brass-bound doors leading out
into the rest of the palace.

She looked down and smiled in delight. A tight white
jacket with gold embroidery opened over a bold bikini top that
barely contained her breasts. Her pants were nothing more than
strips of sheer golden cloth that revealed more than they
concealed. There was even a little diamond pasted into the soft
curve of her naval.

“Mistress!” Maeve looked up and found a beautiful
Indian woman watching her with anxious eyes. She suddenly knew this
was her personal maid, Junta. All she could do was gape as the rest
of the story for her fantasy filtered into her memory. It was
totally awesome.

“Um, yes?” She tried to pay attention to what the
woman was saying, but the glittering collection of exotic women
kept distracting her. From dusky to fair, plump to thin, they
displayed every form of female beauty without a scrap of

“The sheik is coming today to choose his first wife.
We must prepare.” Junta’s soft hands pulled her from her pillow,
and she began to brush Maeve’s long black hair. Throughout the
harem, the concubines were being primped and pampered for the
sheik’s arrival. Her gaze was drawn across the room to a willowy,
dark-haired woman on a massive blue silk pillow.

Maeve narrowed her eyes at the newcomer to the
harem. Sula was an exotic creature dressed in green and silver,
with tilted, dark eyes and black hair like silk. She stood out from
the rest of the women with her shy manners and soft demeanor. Maeve
was delighted to find she had memories of interacting with Sula.
She let herself fall completely into the role and concentrated on
the moment of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Junta whispered into her ear as she adorned Maeve’s
hair with garnet clips. “Rumor has it the sheik has displayed an
interest in Sula.”

Maeve tightened her lips, then whispered back, “She
is not right for him. Her passion is soft and delightful, but he
would soon tire of such a shy flower. He needs a woman with heat
and desire to match his own.”

She loved a good competition, and winning the
attention of a man other women desired really turned her on.
Shallow and petty, yes, but she was old enough to accept that part
of herself.

Junta nodded. “You would be perfect together. What
are you going to do, mistress?”

“I’m going to make sure he knows who the right match
for him is.” Maeve stood and ran her hands down her stomach. The
feeling was remarkable, no different from touching her real body.
She squeezed her thighs together in experiment, and her body
rewarded her with a flash of pleasure. Amazing.

A gong rang from deeper in the palace. The women’s
preparations gained momentum, and Maeve went into action. She
stalked across the room, her full hips rolling with each step, the
bells around her waist tinkling. Her gaze locked with Sula’s, and
the other woman flushed. Sula watched her with parted lips and
rubbed the silk of her giant pillow with her fingertips.

Maeve smiled to herself. She knew Sula wanted her.
Whenever they bathed, Sula would always offer to help her wash.
When she was having pleasure with the other women of the harem,
Sula would watch. Sula hadn’t worked up the nerve to approach her
yet, and Maeve was about to use Sula’s attraction to her

Maeve licked her lips and wondered briefly who was
inside that lovely little body virtual body. “Sula, do you have a

Sula dismissed her maid with a flutter of her hand
and examined Maeve from the tips of her toes to the top of her
head. Her breath came out in a soft sigh. “I have been waiting for
you, Maeve.”

She reached out and gently removed the veil from
Sula’s head, undoing the careful perpetrations of her servant. Sula
shuddered and turned her head into Maeve’s hand, licking Maeve’s
wrist with her little pink tongue.

The reaction surprised Maeve, and her body tightened
as she imagined her tongue licking other parts. She knelt on the
cushion with Sula and cupped her cheeks. The concubine had skin
softer and smoother than anything she had ever imagined. Sula
trembled beneath her fingertips as Maeve looked into her eyes.
Their lips touched in a butterfly-soft kiss. Memories of months
spent teasing Sula flitted through her mind and gave the kiss an
emotional depth she had not expected.

Sula closed her eyes and kissed Maeve with all her
pent-up passion and desire. Dimly Maeve heard the gong outside of
the harem’s doors sound, but the awareness was swept away by Sula’s

Maeve groaned into Sula’s mouth as soft fingers
parted the silk of her skirts and stroked the bare flesh of her hot
pussy. The sheik would be here soon, and she didn’t have much time.
In an effort to keep Sula distracted, Maeve took control of the
kiss and turned it fierce and demanding. She was delighted to find
Sula’s nipples hard against her palm as she slipped her hand into
the other woman’s top. Running the tip of her nail over each
swollen tip had Sula making little pleading sounds deep in her

Sula moaned, and her fingers, slick with Maeve’s
cream, caressed Maeve’s clit. The sensation was luscious. Not the
rough male fingers she was used to, but soft fingers similar to and
so deliciously different than her own. She rocked her hips on
Sula’s hand and wanted more.

Though she’d fantasized about being with a woman,
she had never found the nerve in real life to actually approach
one. Certainly not anyone as exotically beautiful as Sula. And yet
now here she was, immersed in a world that felt so real, doing what
she had always wanted. There were no rules here, no right and
wrong, only pleasure.

Maeve tore her lips from Sula’s and pushed her back
onto the cushion. She wanted to see the other woman’s breasts and
swiftly unlaced her top. Sula had tiny dark nipples that tightened
further under her gaze. Sula arched her back toward Maeve in a
silent plea. Unable to resist Sula’s need, she captured one in her
mouth and bit and sucked on the pebbled tip. Sula whispered
something in a foreign language and stroked her hand down Maeve’s
arm in a soothing motion.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the sheik and
his guards. A shudder ripped through her body, and she released
Sula’s nipple with a slow lick. He was so handsome, a strong hawk
nose and high cheekbones with full, sensual lips. His dark eyes
were entirely focused on her and Sula, ignoring the other
concubines as they strove to gain his attention. She was shaken by
the emotion and intensity of his gaze.

Her movements took on a new grace as she lifted
aside the silken strands of her skirt. He was watching her—the
entire harem was—and she loved the attention. She straddled Sula’s
face and watched the sheik as Sula latched on to her clit in a
strong suck that bowed Maeve’s back and tore a gasp from her.
Movement came from behind her, and she turned to watch a lovely
blonde concubine kneeling between Sula’s legs and lapping at her
bare cleft. Maeve was glad Sula was fulfilling her fantasy too, and
the thought made her grip the woman’s silken hair and ride her

The sheik sported a very impressive erection behind
his white cotton trousers, and a brunette concubine coiled herself
about his feet. He ignored her and continued to watch Maeve have
her pleasure. The two guards with him stared as well and licked
their lips. She loved it, knowing they wished to be the ones
licking her cream, knowing she was the object of their desires.

Below her, Sula worked a finger into her tight pussy
and began to stroke her in time with her tongue.

“Harder,” Maeve groaned, and Sula obliged, sucking
on her clit and lashing it with her tongue. Small cries fell from
Maeve’s lips as she returned the sheik’s hungry stare, followed by
a scream as she began to orgasm. Sula’s fingers stroked in time
with the contractions of her delicate inner muscles, milking the
orgasm and drawing it out almost to the point of pain.

She fell off to the side and lay there panting,
holding Sula and licking the side of her neck as Sula ground her
pussy into the blonde’s eager mouth. Maeve nuzzled Sula’s cheek,
and they shared a long kiss as Sula’s orgasm shook her. While
Maeve’s tremors subsided, she stroked Sula’s long dark hair back
from her face and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

A rough male voice cut through the haze of her
bliss. Strong arms picked her up from the pillow as if she weighed
nothing. The sheik stood next to her while one of his guards now
held her in his arms. The sheik’s dark eyes examined her with such
desire that her recently sated need stirred back to life. A small
smile quirked the edges of his full lips as she returned his gaze
with open curiosity. Handsome, strong, and powerful, he was her
walking wet dream in his turban and white robe. They left the harem
and moved into the main section of the lavish palace. A sense of
victory accompanied her desire as she realized the sultan had
chosen her out of all those women.

Her pussy still throbbed, tender and swollen, as she
was carried down the hall. She glanced up and found the guard
staring at the tip of her nipple that peeked out of her top. It was
flushed and rose-colored against the golden fabric. Frowning at
him, she shook off the hazy pleasure that suffused her after her
orgasm with Sula and pulled at the bikini top. She belonged to the
sheik. Her body was for his pleasure alone. The guard’s hold on her
body tightened, but he looked away.

They reached the sheik’s opulent bedroom, and the
guard lowered her to the silk-covered bed. Before he stepped away,
he gave her a look filled with longing, but her attention was
totally focused on the sheik, who stood beneath a pair of arches
leading to the private garden festooned with flowering plants. The
sound of a splashing fountain filled the air.

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