Sodom and Detroit (12 page)

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Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #bisexual, #erotic romance, #detroit, #anal sex, #mm, #virtual reality, #oral sex, #contemporary romance, #bikers, #highwaymen, #harem, #shiek, #sexual fantasy, #sexual exploration, #bisexual female, #meange a trois, #meange, #bisexual character

BOOK: Sodom and Detroit
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Maeve watched Carla closely. “Speaking of owners,
did you know that one of the men from last night’s fantasy was

Carla spun in her chair. “No shit?” She looked
genuinely shocked.

“Yep. And I figured if you know Luke, then you must
know his best friend.”

Carla opened and then closed her mouth with a snap.
“I’m not at liberty to discuss this.” Her cheeks grew red under
Maeve’s intense stare.

“What?” Maeve stared at her. “You do know, don’t

Carla shook her head. “I’m not going to say another
word about it.” She turned to her computer screen and clicked
through some windows. “If he promised to tell you, he will.”

“He’s hideous, isn’t he?”

Carla’s lips twitched. “I can assure you he is
anything but. That is all you’re getting out of me.”

“Well, at least I know he has a good imagination.”
Maeve tried to fish for more information, but Carla wasn’t letting
anything slip.

“So, what’s the plan for you crazy kids

Maeve’s grin stretched from ear to ear as she
outlined what she and Luke wanted tonight. She added one last
detail. “Can you ask my mystery man to have long, black hair

Carla grinned. “Wish I wasn’t working. This fantasy
sounds like a lot of fun.”

With the hiss of the seal shutting on the tube,
Maeve closed her eyes and hoped for a successful hunt.

* * *

Angel shifted on the side of the desert road and
leaned against his broken-down Harley-Davidson. His long black hair
blew in the wind, and for a moment, he regretted cutting it in real
life. Had Maeve requested this because it was how his hair had been
when they were teenagers? Did she sense on some level who he really

Questions like that had been driving him crazy,
along with the memory of watching Luke spank and fuck her. He had
observed them on the monitors in his office and had jerked off
twice while they’d played. If it had been anyone but Luke with her,
he would have been madly jealous. As it was, he did feel some envy
that Luke had made her scream, but he didn’t know if he was jealous
of Maeve or Luke.

A glint began to resolve itself on the horizon, and
he cupped his hand over his eyes, trying to see past the glare of
the desert sun. The battered black leather jacket he wore creaked
as he shifted to rearrange his suddenly hard cock. He couldn’t wait
to see what kind of fantasy she had planned for all three of them.
All he knew was that he was now Raven, head of the biker group who
was Maeve’s rival.

And he was about to be captured for her

Colors sprang out from the shimmering black of the
pavement cutting a stripe through the barren region. At least a
dozen big bikes roared toward him, their thunder shaking the earth
beneath his feet. In the lead, Maeve rode a big shiny red chopper
and yelled something over her shoulder as she saw him.

He stood straighter and tossed his hair back over
his shoulder. He wore no shirt beneath the leather jacket, and his
black leather pants fit him like a second skin. Luke was going to
love it, and he hoped Maeve did too. She had to love it, love
, if there was any chance of this working out. Luke had
made him promise to tell her the truth tonight. He feared her

The object of his love and lust screeched to a halt
in front of him, and her eyes grew dark with desire. This was how
it had always been between them, an instant attraction that hadn’t
dimmed over time. Instead of a leather jacket, she wore some type
of chainmail mesh top that hugged her generous breasts. Black
leather pants cupped her ass, and her long black hair hung free
down her tanned back. So beautiful his heart skipped a beat as she
smiled at him.

“Hello, Raven.” She gave him a pleased look and
inspected his body from top to bottom with a hungry sheen in her
dark eyes.

The rest of the biker club roared around him. Women
of all different ages hooped and hollered, yelling out suggestive
and outright lewd things about his body. Maeve turned off her big
bike and swung her leg over the side. The leather clung to her full
hips, and she worked her body as she strolled over to him. The
saliva in his mouth dried up. It was all he could do to keep from
bending her over and taking her right there.

“What do you want, Maeve?” His bass voice made the
women around her sigh.

“Just stopped by to see if you needed a ride home.”
The women of her club laughed and suggested all the ways she could
ride him.

He narrowed his eyes then grinned at her. The flash
of uncertainty in her gaze at his smile fueled his desire. “You
want to take me back to my club?”

A blush heated her cheeks, and her gaze skittered
down to his chest. “No. You’re coming with me as my new pleasure
slave. Luke will be very pleased to see you again.” She tried to
sound bold and carefree, but he could feel her hesitation. Guilt
panged through him as he realized she was nervous about her
afternoon with Luke.

His lips twitched. “You really think you can keep me
as a pleasure slave? I enjoyed my time with your old man when he
was my pleasure slave. Maybe I need to return the favor. I can make
both of you come so hard you’ll pass out and I’ll escape.”

Maeve gaped and almost reached for him before
clenching her hands into fists. That reaction pleased him, and the
little knot of worry eased. At least the thought of him and Luke
together aroused her. Now to see if she could deal with the real

She mounted that big bike of hers and gestured for
him to join her. Instead he jumped on the back of Ma Berry’s bike,
the oldest woman in the motorcycle club. She grinned at him,
missing a few teeth, and revved her motorcycle.

* * *

Back at the clubhouse, the women celebrated his
capture by throwing a party. The other pleasure slaves were brought
out, and the room was soon filled with the sounds of sex. Maeve
strolled through the open door and licked her lips. Dressed in a
pink leather corset with matching chaps and nothing else, she
closed the door behind her and approached him. The sight of that
beautiful pussy displayed for him made his cock jump in his

Her room at the club stood in stark contrast to the
gritty main room outside. The floor was made of pale cream wood,
and the walls were painted a soft blue. Elegant and feminine, if
having him chained to the ceiling counted as part of that

His arms were held above his head, and his shirt and
pants were long gone. His hair flowed down his back and lay across
the top of his black silk boxers.

His gaze followed her every movement, watching her
tits sway as she stalked over to stand in front of him. The tips of
her nipples tightened to points beneath his gaze. He wanted to suck
them into his mouth and work them until they were sensitive to the
slightest breath.

“It won’t be long until my brothers arrive to rescue
me,” he growled out, switching his attention between her face and
her body.

“I know.” She trailed a nail over his chest and
brushed the tips of her breasts over him. Her voice dropped an
octave, and he could smell her desire. “I have a business
proposition for you.”

He tried to appear uninterested, but his cock
throbbed when her tongue flicked over his nipple. “And what would
that be?”

She leaned up on her tiptoes and traced the head of
his prick through the silk. “I would like to suggest a club
merger.” The sound of a door opening made them both look up. Luke
strode in wearing a pair of lace-up brown leather pants and nothing
else. He and Maeve both sighed at the sight of Luke, and Angel had
to fight a grin. Maybe Luke was right about them being alike in
their passions. They certainly reacted to Luke in the same manner:
instant lust.

Luke locked his gaze on them, and his lips curled
into a cruel grin that made Maeve shiver against Angel. “Woman,
have you gotten him to agree to the merger yet?”

Angel gasped as her hand cupped him through the silk
of his boxers. “What kind of merger?”

“Our clubs have been at war for too long.” She kept
her attention focused on his chest, and Luke watched them. He
love you
as Maeve said in a hesitant voice, “If you
and Luke were to become co-leaders…”

He rattled his chains. “Keeping me hanging like this
is hardly the fair way to talk about a joining of forces.”

Luke stepped up behind Maeve and ran his hands over
her breasts. She glanced up at him, and Angel tried to look like he
enjoyed watching Luke touch her. He must have done a good job,
because she relaxed and gave him a very naughty smile.

He narrowed his eyes at Luke and snarled, “What
makes you think I would make a deal with you, however sweet your
old lady is?”

Luke reached into a carved wooden box and pulled out
a black leather flogger. Locking eyes with Angel, he smacked it
against his thigh in a rustle of leather meeting leather. “Because
you know you can trust me, and you know how good it can be.” Every
once in a while, he would ask Luke to flog him. The pain added a
delicious spice, but it was too rich for him on a regular basis.
Tonight, however, all holds were off, and he was theirs to do
whatever they wanted with.

Luke moved behind Maeve and trailed the tips of the
flogger over her breasts. He leaned down and said in a low voice,
“Show him how nice you can be, my love.” Something about his words
turned her on, because she leaned back into him with a moan and
rubbed her backside against his cock. Angel watched them both, and
the chains rattled as he shifted.

She tapped her lips. “You’re right. I need to show
him how…accommodating we can be.” A trickle of cream wet the pink
lips of her cunt, and Angel wanted to lick her clean.

Her small hands held on to Angel’s hips, and she
lowered herself until his silk-covered cock was nose level. The
fabric moved over her lips as she sucked him through it. He made a
pleading groan and rubbed his cock against her. Luke answered his
groan and walked behind him, holding his hips still as Maeve worked
him with her lips and tongue.

Angel’s nerves stretched taut as Luke slowly placed
his lips against the side of his neck. Below him, Maeve sat back on
her heels to watch them. He studied her carefully, and his tension
lessened a bit as her pupils expanded with desire. She traced her
nails up the insides of his thighs just as Luke bit the side of his
neck. The fact that she wasn’t running away from their display
brought such a profound surge of relief he momentarily sagged in
his chains. Up until this point, he had been hiding how desperate
he was for this to work out and how afraid he was that she wouldn’t
be interested.

Her hot mouth closed over his wet erection again and
chased all thoughts from his mind except the sensation of touch.
The combination of their attention made him thrust his hips forward
as his balls began to ache. Luke pressed his erection against his
ass, grinding himself there. With a low snarl, he then he claimed
Angel’s lips with a passion that had him straining against the
chains. No matter what else happened, he would never get enough of
Luke’s kisses. He had to make this work, had to make Maeve see that
she couldn’t live without them.

She continued to tease him, nibbling and sucking on
his cock, never releasing it from the silk. One hand stole up the
leg of his boxers to stroke his heavy sac. The chains rattled as he
strained against them. Ignoring his silent demands, she ran her
hand over his sac and traced a fingernail back to his anus.

He froze and slowly spread his legs for her. The rip
of silk sounded loud as she tore his boxers from his hips. He
sucked in a breath while her hot, talented mouth engulfed his cock.
He rocked in time with her powerful sucks and leaned back into
Luke’s arms.

Luke ran his hands over Angel’s ass, stroking his
sensitive skin with a wicked smile at Maeve. “Handsome, isn’t he?
All this wonderful muscle. Ours to play with.”

She gave his cock a long, slow suck while holding
Angel’s gaze before stroking just the tip of his erection with her
hand. His shaft throbbed in her grip.

With her other hand, she licked her finger until it
was shiny with spit. She gave Luke a wicked grin, and she slid it
between the hard cheeks of Angel’s ass. Her attention turned solely
to him as she pressed gently on his anus. Luke made a low sound of
approval and ran his hands through Angel’s long hair.

His eyes fluttered shut, and he spread his legs
further, giving her greater access. She licked along his shaft
while her finger pressed into his ass. He shuddered and groaned at
the invasion. His cock slid in and out of her mouth in rhythm with
her finger. Too good. He was going to come before he was ready if
he wasn’t careful.

Luke stepped back and began to flog his back with a
circular motion of his wrist. The leather kissed the broad muscles,
and each flick made him thrust into her mouth and hand. She leaned
down and licked his sac, sucking gently on the soft skin. Slowly
now, she eased her finger in and out of his tight ass, teasing his

The pain of the flogger kept him from losing
control, but the sight of Maeve watching her finger work in and out
of his ass pushed him back to the edge. God, how he wanted to just
shoot himself all over her face, into her hair. He imagined Maeve
and Luke kissing, sharing his seed.

“I’m going to come,” he groaned out and fought
against it.

She leaned back on her heels and removed her finger,
watching his face. He shuddered again, and the chains rattled with
his movements. His cock was painfully hard, and she stood in front
of him, rubbing her belly against him.

“Luke,” she said in a rough voice and opened her
thighs. The scent of her pussy filled his nostrils, and he rubbed
against the softness of her body.

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