Snatched (Coronado Series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Snatched (Coronado Series Book 2)
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“It’s starting to make sense. Max is behaving the same way. I’ve never experienced it before and it’s overwhelming. My life is overwhelming, and you know I don’t like that at all. I like my quiet, regular life. I have none of that right now. All I have is this man who told me he’s leaning in.”

“The thing that Mark did in the beginning was state his intentions clearly and forcefully and he kept stating them until I believed him. Somehow that allowed me to open myself up to him…. and I fell in love with him. Once I allowed myself to fall for him, my desire for him became all encompassing. I want his heart, soul, words, body and thoughts. It feels like it will never be enough with him.”

Rory sat up and poured them each another martini. “I never thought either one of us would end up with an alpha male. We are both bossy and opinionated and like to be in charge. Is this the universe’s joke on us?”

“Probably, good thing they’re so good looking and sexy. Otherwise it would never work out. Mark told me that he’s going to keep me in a sex coma, so that I can’t become irritated with him. So far it’s worked. That man has all kinds of magic and I feel lucky that he’s willing to share it with me.”

“I noticed at your party how he looked at you and I believe the man is all in. He looks like what he is - a hard man with an uncompromising nature. Yet when he looks at you, it’s easy to tell that he would do anything you asked. He would give you the world.”

“Oh Rory… he has to come home to me. This is my first deployment and I have to stay strong.”

“You will. I will do anything to help you through this.”


Derick stood at the French doors looking out over the backyard. “Yes Max, they’re probably getting drunk. They have their heads together and are talking a mile a minute. No, I don’t know what they’re saying. They’re speaking in Italian with shouts coming at strange intervals. No, you know languages were never my thing. I think they’ve had a couple of martinis, but I can’t be sure. Yes, Birdie ordered food and it just arrived. No, I’m not going to suggest they slow down. You get your sorry ass down here and take over. I’m not getting in the middle of that. Give me a dozen tangos and I am fine, but I’m not going to suggest they slow down.”

Derick waved to Birdie, “Foods here. Come and eat.”

They waved at him and didn’t move - they just kept talking.
How could you have that much to talk about?
Rory poured them another drink and they both got up and made their way to the table.

Derick went out and met them half way. They were laughing so hard that they were weaving as they made their way over. Max was going to shit kittens and there was nothing he could do. “OK ladies, time to eat.”

They both looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. It was going to be a long night and he wished Max would hurry up and get here.


Max and Sean walked into Birdie’s house and it was relatively quiet. It was the sort of quiet that made him nervous. They made their way to the back and the volume rose by about 100%. They stepped into the patio and watched the shenanigans that Birdie and Rory had started. He heard Sean laughing in his ear as they watched Birdie trying to get the men’s attention.

Five of his best men were sitting at Birdie’s table eating and laughing. Birdie was apparently a closet matchmaker, and was making it her mission to match up the men. She had a huge piece of paper propped up with diagrams indicating potential matches. Rory was directing the whole thing from the head of the table and was taking her charting duties very seriously. When the girls were not deep in consultation, they were laughing their heads off.

Rory stood at the head of the table, and clapped her hands to try and gain every one’s attention. “I think we can all agree that we have two very real possibilities for David and Ed. I expect the rest of you to support them in their efforts to ask these ladies out. Let’s move on to Chris.” The whole table groaned. “This isn’t an impossible task. I would think a bunch of SEALs wouldn’t shy away from a challenge. But, maybe I am wrong. Apparently it’s up to the woman to solve this…. as usual.”

Max watched Birdie and Rory consult and then they started presenting their candidates to Chris and the rest of the men. It was like watching a demented version of a dating game. “So this is what happens when I’m not around.”

Chris popped up, “Thank god you’re here. It’s about to get ugly. Ladies thanks for dinner, and all the entertainment. But, there is somewhere that I have to be.”

As he made a hasty exit, Birdie called out to him. “You can run but you can’t hide. I’m going to find you the perfect woman and then I expect to be made god mother of your first child.”

The table erupted in laughter and Rory stood up. “Gentleman, this is no laughing matter. Birdie takes this quite seriously. She’s been doing this with mixed success since we were in the sixth grade.” Everyone looked down at their hands and tried to look admonished.

Max walked over to Rory and gave her a kiss. “Sweetheart, you have to give these guys a break. They’re not used to dealing with women who are smarter than them.”

She turned in his arms and replied sweetly, “You seem to be doing ok. My brain doesn’t seem to intimidate you at all.”

“That’s because I’m a smart man and always planned on marrying up.”

Birdie started collecting dishes and the guys helped her take them in. “Rory, make Max and Sean a plate, and we can reheat it in the microwave.”

Rory nodded and made two big plates and carried them in. Derick was helping Birdie do dishes and they were having a quiet conversation as they rinsed. Max watched and wondered if Derrick understood that Birdie was engaged. He didn’t want to take any heat from Mark if one of his men got a little too close to Birdie.

Rory made Max and Sean sit down and eat. She made coffee and dug into the freezer to look for the frozen cookie dough that Birdie always had stashed. She made a quick batch for the guys and then sat down next to Max.

“So, tell me, how many matches did you make tonight, Birdie?”

“I have two solid matches and a possible third. I tell you, I’m going to find someone for Chris if it kills me. I want him to bring someone to my wedding, and I’m not referring to someone he picks up in that bar. I’m talking about a real woman.”

Max didn’t doubt for a second she was going to be completely successful. “I think you should find someone for Sean. He needs a nice woman in his life.” His brother almost choked and then recovered enough to punch him in the arm.

“Leave me out of it. How did I get involved?”

Birdie studied him closely and moved over to sit next to him. There was a definite gleam in her eye. You could see her excitement about discovering another victim…. candidate. “So Sean, tell me about yourself. I want to know all about you.”

Sean groaned and rolled his eyes, “Birdie, please be gentle. I don’t think I’m ready for this.”

“I promise it won’t hurt a bit. I have over 400 friends on face book. I know I can find someone for you. I’m actually pretty good at this.”

Max turned to Rory, “Is she really that good?” Rory looked at her best friend with love in her eyes and shook her head no. “Sean, I really think you should give this a try.” His brother stared at him and he could feel the promise of retribution in his glare. Max shrugged his shoulders and leaned over and kissed Rory. He was damn happy that he never had to worry about dating again. He found his match.


Rory walked out of her bathroom and noticed a very large, bare chested male lying in her bed with the remote control in his hand. “You look good in my pink bed. Do you like my flower sheets?”

He looked up with a sexy smile, “I’m not afraid to admit that I like it. I don’t think that makes me a bad person.”

She came over to the bed, “Why are you in here?”

“Because we’re tired and it’s time for bed.”

“What about the guestroom?”

He started laughing, “Baby, we are not sleeping apart. Once you sleep together, you can’t go back.”

“Is this in some sort of rule book that I am unaware of?”

“Yes, it is. The ‘
I have fallen for you rule book by Max Bishop
.’ I will make sure to get you a copy.”

“Don’t steal the covers.” She slipped under the sheets and started her nightly routine.

“Do you do that every night?”

She was putting on cuticle cream, “Most nights.” She then put on hand cream and lip balm and filed her nails. “Why are you staring at me?”

“Because it’s interesting. I’m trying to learn everything about you.”


“Because I like you and I hope to marry you.”

“I am not getting married Max. I don’t even want a boyfriend.”

“You will and it will be me.”

“It’s good to know you listen. It makes me feel good.”

She slipped down under the covers, “Goodnight. Don’t forget to set the alarm.”

He caught the lights and pulled her into his arms and kissed her head, “Taken care of. When we get married, you will always know that you are taken care of.”

She rested her head on his chest and let out a sigh, “No marriage.”

He ignored her and enjoyed the feeling of having her lying next to him.
I am going to make you fall in love with me Rory, just you wait and see.


Jackson sat as his desk and tried to calm down – he felt like the panic attack was imminent. He knew he was starting to spiral out of control and needed to cut back on the blow.
I’m not ready, I just need another month.
The deal would be done and he could deliver on his promises. He couldn’t believe Rory was quitting…. what a loser. He couldn’t decide if it was going to screw up his plans or make it easier. It was still necessary to monitor what she was doing and saying. For all he knew she was planning on trying to take over his job.

He decided to walk down the hall and see what Gavin was able to pull off of her computer. It might give him a clue as to what she was really up to. He needed to have as much information, so he could close the deal.

He walked into the IT office and noticed Gavin was the last one working, which was good. He was happy to have the conversation here, as he wasn’t always comfortable with the guy. He seemed to be one click off from the rest of the world, which worked out for him, because the guy was willing to do his dirty work and hack into Rory’s computer.
I hope, I picked the right guy for the job.

“Hey Gavin. How’s it going?” He noticed how uncomfortable Gavin became as he made his way into the room. He looked guilty which was weird. What else was the guy up to?

“Hey Jackson. Why did you let Rory quit?”

“I didn’t let her quit. I had no idea she was thinking of leaving. She gave her notice to my father. I heard about it through the company email, just like everyone else. It might have something to do with her new boyfriend. Who knows?”

“I can’t believe you let it happen. You were supposed to make sure she stayed.”

Jackson started to feel uneasy; the guy wasn’t making any sense. “Why do you say that?”

“Because, it’s important that she stays here. She isn’t supposed to leave.”

“Well I can’t do anything about it now. Her last day is next week.”

“You need to do something.”

“What has she been doing on her computer lately? Anything new?”

“No, nothing really. She’s been working on reports for your Dad and updating spreadsheets. You know how she loves her organizational charts and her supply chain spreadsheets. Nothing unusual. There is something wrong with the camera though. It doesn’t work anymore.”

“Why are you looking at her camera? That was never part of it.”

“I did that on my own. I wanted to get as much information as I could for you.”

“I never said anything about the camera. What have you been looking at?” Gavin looked distinctly uncomfortable, but defiant at the same time.

“I just make sure that she is where she says she is.”

“Shit, Gavin. Don’t look at her. If she finds out, that is grounds to press charges. You can’t hijack a camera and get away with it.”

Gavin sat up and looked angry. “What you’re doing is illegal - you have that side business going. Why do you always act like your innocent and none of the rules apply to you?”

“I do what I have to do, this is all part of the plan to keep the hotels profitable. It’s fine.”

“Does your Dad know about it?”

Jackson felt a surge of rage come over him, “None of your business. Don’t do anything else. Just undo whatever you’ve done. She’s going to turn in her laptop next week and I don’t want to take any heat if someone finds out what you’ve done.”

“It’s not me, you were the one who asked me to do it. It’s all you.”

Jackson took a step towards Gavin and pulled him up out of his chair and screamed in his face. “Just undo what you’ve done.”

Gavin pushed him off, “Get control of yourself, how much blow did you have today?”

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