Snare (26 page)

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Authors: Gwen Moffat

BOOK: Snare
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Miss Pink didn't answer directly. She said, ‘I can see how Campbell's murder was worked, but if Flora were alive she'd have an alibi for that night – probably a client in the Edinburgh flat, and it would be up to the police to prove he didn't exist. On the other hand, they might unearth a record of a car stolen in Edinburgh that night, which reappeared later with five hundred extra miles on the clock. All the same, those records would be complicated if Flora left the car in a poor part of the city with the keys in the ignition, and it was then stolen by a petty thief.'

‘But there would be a record, even if the car was stolen twice.'

‘And the police are good on these meticulous time-consuming enquiries.' But Miss Pink did not sound convinced.

‘What is the rest of the case against her?'

‘Them. They were in it together. The evidence is circumstantial – and how unusual is that? Campbell saw something, knew something – suspected the worst, being Campbell. I doubt that he was aware of the seriousness of his position until near the end...'

‘He came to me for a gun; if I'd let him have one, he could still be alive.'

‘We're not responsible for other people. You thought he was paranoid, or playing a game. No one knew whether he was harmless or dangerous, but Hamish knew that Campbell could expose them – or thought he could – so he set fire to the cottage and then panicked – or his panic increased – and he sent for Flora, phoning her from Camas Beag. She came and destroyed the people who could expose her, first one then the other.'

‘Could they have sent Campbell an anonymous letter?'

‘No, his reactions were too unpredictable. In any case, they sent only one: to Esme. She was a sitting duck – as you were in a different context: the elderly lady deprived of the protection of a strong man. No wonder you got nasty telephone calls.'

‘You're saying the only motive was to terrorise people.'

‘You need more? It's adequate for all anonymous callers, heavy breathers. There's a sense of power, a flouting of authority, thrills: heady stuff. Geddes understands: “It's how they get their kicks,” he said. Hamish wasn't so bad; he followed, she led – and no man can be as vicious as a woman.'

‘She wasn't a woman. So Hamish was killed because he was weak.'

‘Because he was a threat. His nerve had broken, he forgot to wear gloves when he broke into Campbell's cottage to try to find out once and for all what the man knew. Flora wouldn't have allowed him to do that had she been here, but she'd gone off to Edinburgh after the altercation that I witnessed – when Hamish thundered away and rode down the poodle. With Flora gone, Hamish had lost his anchor, so he tried a spot of villainy on his own – to prove his value perhaps. Could I be right?' Beatrice looked blank. Miss Pink went off on another tack. ‘But how did Flora kill the boy? She had alibis from Sunday breakfast time onwards, and Hamish was alive until late on Sunday night. Pagan might say she had the motive, so never mind the opportunity. Perhaps he'll close the case.'

‘You said a moment ago she destroyed both of them.'

‘She was responsible for their destruction. She meant to kill Hamish. She'd set him up as Campbell's killer. Campbell never returned to the island that night; they killed him on the shore and used his boat to reach the island. The fact that there were no prints on the dixies, the boat sunk in water that was too shallow – those weren't mistakes but pointers, first to foul play and then to the identity of the perpetrator. Hamish was the fall guy, and by the time the police got to him he would be dead: a faked suicide perhaps – by drowning. You look surprised.'

‘I'm amazed – at how you've worked it all out. Why didn't she kill Hamish, then. Immediately after they'd killed Campbell?'

‘He ran away.'

‘But he had his father's gun!'

‘He'd never use it on her; he was terrified, but if he wasn't infatuated with her he was the only male that came within her orbit who wasn't. Flora used sex as a weapon, and Hamish was immature emotionally; he must have been in a fine turmoil – and that would bother her. Like Campbell, Hamish would have become unpredictable; like Campbell, he had to go. He ran too fast that night, and she had to get back to Edinburgh to sustain her alibi. She ran the risk of his talking before she could get back and kill him, but it wasn't much of a risk; they were now partners in murder.'

Miss Pink sighed and stood up. She crossed to the french windows and looked out at the bare birches. After a moment she undid the latch and stepped out on the terrace. Beatrice followed and they stood at the rail while the river talked busily below them.

‘How much did his father suspect?' Miss Pink asked. ‘He knew Hamish was responsible for the prank with the police car, but – more than that? At some point he locked his gun away. The night Hamish was killed, he was defenceless.'

‘He was always defenceless.'

‘Flora was going to return, so he had to find another gun; he was desperate: trying to equalise his position with a firearm. He entered a house with the intention of acquiring one. What I can't understand is how he was persuaded to drink. He was the violator; how did his victim turn the tables?'

Beatrice smiled, ‘It's a neat technical problem. Could it have been a variation on the Stockholm syndrome, where a bond is formed between terrorists and hostages? Hamish could have entered a house armed with some weapon – a knife, perhaps – but instead of killing his victim he was persuaded to talk, and then to drink. According to you he was confused: frightened of Flora, yet obsessed by her, knowing he must kill her or she'd kill him. He could have been aching to talk to someone and it wouldn't matter; he meant to kill the person he was confiding in anyway. He'd talk a lot, he'd get thirsty, he'd drink – anything.'

‘It's a reasonable hypothesis, but why was he suffocated after he'd been hit on the head?'

‘Because the first blow didn't kill him? And a second could have resulted in blood on – what? The furnishings?'

‘You're proposing one of his victims for the role of killer?'

‘Their victims,' Beatrice corrected. ‘But we don't know who those were, do we? There could be any number of people who kept quiet about victimisation. There could have been some motive for killing him that hasn't crossed our minds. Self-defence isn't good enough because, once he'd been knocked unconscious, the police could have been sent for –'

‘His own father?'

‘Why not, if the boy was only unconscious? There is no excuse; there was an intention to kill, and there was no remorse. The body was concealed.'

Miss Pink turned and surveyed the back of the house: grey stone laced with ivy except where a Virginia creeper flamed around the door of the log cellar. ‘He had to be kept close to water,' she said. ‘So Flora was never a double killer.'

Beatrice changed the emphasis. ‘There's no
against her. There's no proof, there isn't even circumstantial evidence, and all those people you approached over the last two days are going to deny everything. You obtained information by methods the police couldn't use – and Geddes didn't even know Flora was dead. If he had known, you wouldn't have got a word out of him.'

‘If Pagan suspected the truth, I wonder what he might do about it.'

‘There's a nip in the air; shall we go in?' They returned to the sitting room and Beatrice closed the french windows. ‘You'll tell him what you discovered?'

‘Of course. What I found out about Flora's activities doesn't exonerate you legally for her death, but morally you're in the clear, and she killed Campbell.'

‘You don't sound convinced.'

‘I know you'd never sleep with your window closed, so what kind of noise did you hear above the sound of the river that woke you and made you get up?'

‘The river doesn't make much sound when the water's low.'

Miss Pink ignored this. ‘And how did you get downstairs and into this room after she broke the glass? She'd have moved too fast. Either she'd have met you in the passage or she'd have hidden herself to wait for you to show up.'

‘Pagan was satisfied with my statement.'

‘You were waiting for her downstairs,' Miss Pink went on. ‘The place was in darkness, the curtains drawn back, a faint glow through the windows from the light on the bridge. You'd have seen her approach the house and you'd picked on this room as the most likely point of entry.'

‘You're making the assumption that I knew an intruder was going to come to my house.'

‘That's what you might say to Pagan, and what policeman would believe that an old lady would use blackmail as a lure and herself as live bait? But Pagan didn't hear you mention a badger and two thousand pounds.'

‘Nor did anyone else.'

They regarded each other without expression. Beatrice said, ‘Before capital punishment was struck off the statute book, we delegated justice to a judge and a jury and the public executioner.'

‘I've lived in states where capital punishment still exists.'

‘I haven't forgotten. So you condoned it.'

‘You can't blame legalised killing on me,' Miss Pink protested. ‘I'm not responsible.'

‘That's your choice,' Beatrice said equably. ‘But someone has to be.'

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