Snapped (2 page)

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Authors: Tracy Brown

BOOK: Snapped
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Frankie had never really yearned for children, feeling that parenthood would dampen their lifestyle. They wouldn’t be able to travel as often or move around as freely, he always said. Frankie told Camille that he wasn’t ready to change his lifestyle to accommodate fatherhood. Plus, he felt that in his line of work, having children could be a liability. He’d seen his share of ruthless practices in his business, and families weren’t always off-limits when there was beef. But the truth was that the idea of having children scared him. It
reminded him of the misery he’d endured in his own childhood. He reasoned that someday he’d be ready for fatherhood—just not now.

Camille, on the other hand, loved kids and had always envisioned that she would be a mother soon after marriage. But she acquiesced, figuring that her life with Frankie would be enough to fill the void. And it was. Despite the lack of children, Camille was happy in her relationship with her husband. She had the man she wanted and an enviable lifestyle. She wouldn’t have traded her life with any woman in the world.

As she greeted one person after another, a familiar face made its way through the crowd and Camille’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Toya!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around her old friend. Toya and Camille had gone to school together, and once upon a time they’d been inseparable. After high school, Toya had gone off to college in Atlanta while Camille began to pursue acting and modeling in New York City. The two friends had kept in touch at first, calling and sending letters and postcards. Camille landed ad campaigns for retail catalogs as well as print work for a number of high-fashion publications. As she hopscotched from one photo shoot to the next, Toya got acquainted with Atlanta nightlife and began to collect stamps on her passport by traveling from one exotic location to the next. They eventually lost touch with each other. It wasn’t until a Kanye concert six months ago that the two friends had run into each other again. During an intermission at the famed Radio City Music Hall, Toya had spotted Camille, and the rest was history. Toya had just moved back to New York City a year earlier and was living her black
Sex and the City
dream. Now here she was, looking as lovely
as ever in a short black dress. She also had another young lady in tow.

“Camille, this is my friend Dominique Storms,” Toya introduced. “She’s the one I was telling you about.” As they had caught up on each other’s lives during their recent phone conversations, Toya had told Camille all about her new friend.

Camille’s smile broadened. “Hi!” she exclaimed. Dominique looked even more fabulous than she’d expected. She wore a white linen belted safari jacket and matching skirt. Her weave and her makeup were flawless. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

Dominique frowned, wondering what they’d discussed. “What did she tell you about me?” Dominique asked Camille while looking suspiciously at Toya.

Camille laughed. “All she told me was that you were an A&R at Def Jam and that you two do a lot of partying together. It was all good things.”

Dominique’s lips twisted into a look of disbelief. She knew Toya well enough to know that that wasn’t all she’d told Camille. Toya was a very matter-of-fact, no-holds-barred type of person. What she’d probably told Camille was that Dominique was a dumb young girl with potential whom Toya had taken under her wing. That sounded more like something Toya would say. Dominique didn’t really mind, though. She loved Toya for her brash and cynical personality. Toya saw the world in black and white with no gray areas, a stark contrast to Dominique’s sunny and optimistic outlook. It was an interesting friendship.

“Yeah, right. I’m sure she said something crazy, but it’s all good. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you, too.” She winked at Camille and they all laughed.

The party was in full swing. The deejay played one hit after another until the dance floor vibrated from all the people celebrating. Camille mingled and introduced Toya and Dominique to her friends and family. They danced, ate, drank, and let their hair down. It was a great party.

Soon the deejay announced that everyone should gather around the cake table. Camille and her girls made their way over and found Frankie standing with a microphone in his hand, Gillian by his side. Dominique’s face lit up at the sight of Frankie, and she pulled Toya closer to her. “Is that her husband?” Toya nodded. “Damn!” Dominique said. “He’s

“Can I have your attention, please?” Frankie’s baritone voice boomed through the speakers. “I want to pay tribute to my wife.”

“Awwww!” Dominique gave Frankie her full attention.

Toya elbowed her discreetly. “Stop cumming on yourself. He’s already married!”

Dominique shot a wicked glance at her friend and rolled her eyes. She turned her attention back to sexy Frankie.

He held the mic in one hand, the other hand tucked. “I love you, baby,” he said. “I really do. No man could ask for a better wife.” He pulled a large square-shaped box from behind his back, and the crowd got excited, knowing that whatever was inside was bound to make their chins hit the floor. “Happy birthday!” He handed her the box, and Camille opened it to reveal a platinum and diamond spiral necklace. The brilliant carats sparkled in the light, and every woman in the room gasped. Camille jumped up and down and hugged Frankie tightly, kissing him over and over.

“Damn!” Toya said, admiring the stunning piece of jewelry. “That shit must’ve cost a grip!”

Dominique was in awe.

Everyone clapped and crowded around the couple to admire the necklace up close. Frankie helped her slice up her beautiful cake, and the deejay got the party started once again. While Camille attended to her guests, Toya and Dominique found an empty banquette and sat down. They ordered drinks from a passing waitress and watched the party in full swing. It wasn’t long before Camille joined them, feasting on a huge slice of her birthday cake.

“Girl, that necklace is exquisite!” Toya said. “Frankie did a good job picking that out.”

“Thanks!” Camille touched the necklace delicately as it graced her neck. She was so happy to be the envy of all her friends. Camille was going to rock Frankie’s world tonight to express her gratitude. She loved it when her husband spoiled her like this. “You look great, Toya,” Camille said. “You must’ve lost weight or something.” Toya did look wonderful. She had always had a small waist and a big ass, and that hadn’t changed. But her body was much more toned as a result of her crush on her personal trainer at the gym she belonged to.

“Thanks,” she said, noticing that Camille had put on a few pounds since the last time they’d seen each other. She was still a lovely woman, but Toya felt that Camille’s figure couldn’t afford the big hunk of cake she was devouring. Back in the day, the two of them had been the most sought-after girls in their age group. Camille had been a new girl in their circle, since she was from Staten Island and had attended high school in Brooklyn at the illustrious Brooklyn Tech. While Toya had the appeal of being a typical Brooklyn bombshell, Camille’s unique appeal had been that she
was someone unfamiliar to them. All the guys from around the way wanted them, and all the girls wanted to be like them. Toya enjoyed her status as the center of attention and had always ensured that she looked flawless wherever she went. So had Camille. Toya hated to think that Camille might be letting herself go. But she kept her mouth shut. After all, today was Camille’s birthday and she had a right to enjoy her own damn cake.

Toya scanned the room, watching everyone getting liquored up and having a good time. She spotted Frankie across the room standing with a stunning woman with long hair and frowned.

“Camille, who’s the bitch that’s been chilling with your husband all night?” Toya asked, nodding in Frankie’s direction. “Every time I see him, she’s never far away. She ain’t trying to give him no breathing room at all!”

Camille looked over and waved her hand as if it were no big deal. “That’s Frankie’s best friend, Gillian. They work together.” Gillian was Doug Nobles’s daughter—Baron Nobles’s younger sister from a different mother.

Silence shrouded the table as the women digested this information. “Wait a minute,” Toya said. “Your husband’s best friend . . . Gillian, the one you’re always talking about . . . is a female?”

Camille nodded. “Yup. She’s cool.”

hell no
!” Toya bellowed, setting her glass down heavily on the table. “Cool, my ass! I thought Gillian was a guy the way that you talk about him—her. ‘Gillian came and got Frankie and they went golfing.’ Or ‘Frankie and Gillian just got back from out of town.’ You were talking about a female all that time?”

Camille smirked and sipped her drink. She couldn’t help being amused by how worked up Toya was getting. “Yes, Toya. Gillian’s a female.”

Toya shook her head and reached for her own drink. “I would never go for that shit. That woman is beautiful, Camille.”

Camille smiled. “Well, so am I, Toya.”

Toya nodded, agreeing. “Yes. Yes, you are.” Camille
beautiful. She had the type of face that was so flawless people often caught themselves staring at her. Her impeccable style didn’t hurt, either. But Toya couldn’t help noticing that Gillian was
beautiful. She looked like Alicia Keys, with a body like a Coke bottle. Camille’s weight gain seemed even more tragic now that Toya knew that Frankie was keeping time with America’s Next Top Model. Judging from how Frankie was hanging on her every word, Gillian appeared to be a very intoxicating woman. “But what’s the saying? ‘The only thing better than pussy is
pussy.’ As long as you and Frankie have been together, you can’t tell me that he don’t wanna sample something different from time to time. And you’re cool with him being that close with a chick like
?” Toya looked at Gillian’s hourglass figure in a short red jersey dress. Her hair was perfectly coifed, and her shapely legs were accentuated by four-inch Gucci heels.

“I trust my husband,” Camille said simply. She shoveled a forkful of cake in her mouth and washed it down with a swig of champagne. Gillian and Frankie were like brother and sister. Their families were intertwined in a way that Toya could never understand.

“Really? You
trust that he has never sampled that?”

Camille nodded as she struggled to keep her game face
on. Inwardly, she was seething that Toya was making such a big deal of the fact that Gillian had been so close by her husband’s side all night. He never gave Camille any reason to doubt that his relationship with Gillian was anything but platonic. Gillian had been around for as long as Camille could remember, so her presence just sort of came with the territory.

In truth, Camille wasn’t necessarily thrilled about Frankie’s friendship with such an attractive woman. But she didn’t make a fuss over it. Frankie was a good man who didn’t ask for much from his wife. After all, she was the one with his last name, the allure of being married to the hottest hustler in the game. And tonight he had thrown her a lavish party to show the world how much she meant to him. True, she secretly resented Gillian’s presence there; resented the way she had Frankie hanging on her every word even at this moment. But Camille would never let these bitches know that. Camille’s insecurities were her best-kept secret.

Toya looked at her for a long time. “Hmmm!” she muttered. “
probably picked out your necklace.”

“I doubt that, Toya.” Camille sighed, trying not to show her annoyance.

“Look at him over there Chi-town stepping with her. Hmmm! Not me, honey!” Toya shook her head in disbelief as she looked at the stunning woman Frankie was dancing with.

Camille waved her hand at her friend as if to say,
“Gillian has a man. She’s been dating some stockbroker guy for a while now.”

wouldn’t give a damn. She still wouldn’t be two-stepping with my husband!” Toya took another swig of her drink. She was growing agitated the more she thought
about it. She wondered if Camille was naive or just plain dumb.

Dominique was feeling the effects of her Long Island iced tea and she liked it. She, too, thought that Camille was crazy to let her husband gallivant around town with someone like that. But it was Camille’s business. Besides, surely there must be more to the story. “Well, maybe Camille has a male best friend to keep her company when Frankie’s out with his female best friend.” She smiled at Camille. “Do you?”

Camille shook her head vehemently and laughed. “No, nothing like that.”

Toya looked at Camille with mischief in her eyes. “You’ve
cheated on him?”

“Never.” Camille was proud of that. She was committed to her husband.

“Do you think he’s ever cheated on
?” Toya sipped from her glass and looked at Camille over the rim of it. The question was a test to see how dumb Camille really was.

Camille laughed. “No, I don’t. Frankie loves me.” She made up her mind that Toya was just jealous. Camille had learned that women will often try to fill your head with doubt about your man when they wish he was
man instead. She shook her head at Toya and changed the subject. “So where do you live, Dominique?”

Toya noticed the shift in topic and smirked. Camille was the ultimate dumb bitch! But she was her friend, so she dropped it.

“I have the most fabulous apartment on the Upper East Side, thanks to the best real estate agent in the world!” Dominique clinked glasses with Toya, who appreciated the compliment. “That’s how I met Toya. A coworker of mine
told me about her and I gave her a call. We became instant friends.”

Toya waved her hand. “Please. If it wasn’t for me, she’d still be living in small-town Staten Island hanging around with a bunch of chickenheads.”

Dominique laughed. But Toya was right. When the two of them met, Dominique had been surrounded by a bunch of so-called friends who hated on her. She was the single mother of a thirteen-year-old daughter she had given birth to while just a senior in high school. Dominique hadn’t let that deter her. While many had written her off as just another baby having a baby, she had gone to school part-time while interning at radio stations and record labels in order to get her foot in the door of the entertainment industry. With her father’s help she’d made it, graduating with a degree in communications from the College of Staten Island while he babysat her daughter, Octavia. Today she was a top A&R at Def Jam and working her way up the ranks. Octavia was now an eighth-grader at an exclusive prep school scoring straight Bs and playing in the school symphony to boot.

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