Sleepless at Midnight (39 page)

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Authors: Jacquie D'Alessandro

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Fiction - Romance, #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Romance: Historical, #Romance & Sagas, #Romance - Historical, #Historical, #Nobility

BOOK: Sleepless at Midnight
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Matthew turned to Sarah and gathered her in his arms, his gaze anxiously scanning her pale face.

“Are you all right?”

Her nod sent her spectacles sliding downward. “I’m fine. Are you hurt?”

“No.” He gave a low whistle, and Danforth trotted over from where he’d been sniffing Berwick’s motionless body. “Stay with Sarah,” he said to the dog, who immediately sat on her shoe. After quickly determining that Berwick was indeed dead, Matthew returned to Sarah and Danforth, the dog a tail-wagging mass of canine bliss from the behind-the-ear scratching he was receiving.

“Good boy,” he said, patting Danforth’s sturdy sides. By God, he really was one damn smart dog.

“You quite saved the day.” He glanced at Sarah. “Biting murderers on the arse I taught him that.”

“Nicely done. And you saved the day as well. Not only do you carry an extra knife, you know how to use it.” She laid her hand on his and smiled. “A very handy talent in a husband.”

He clasped her fingers and marveled at the sight of her. Bloody hell, how he’d ever thought her anything less than stunning, he’d never know. “A handy talent indeed. And one I hope never to have to display again. But I might not have had the chance to use the knife if not for your scream. Very effective. It quite raised the hairs on the back of my neck.”

“Well, I certainly wasn’t going to allow him to shoot you.”

“For which I’m very appreciative.” He rose and held out his hands to help her up. After she stood, he drew her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest and he buried his face in her hair.

“Thank God he didn’t hurt you,” he whispered.

“Or you.” A shudder ran through her, and he gathered her closer.

“You were very brave. Any other woman would have swooned.”

“I nearly did.” She leaned back in the circle of his arms and cradled his face in her palms. “But I wasn’t about to let him hurt you. As you’re one of my great passions, I’d prefer to keep you in one piece.”

“One of your great passions? I believe I’m insulted.”

Her lips twitched. “My greatest passion.”

“Much better,” he murmured just before his mouth covered hers.

“Matthew, Sarah, where are you? Are you all right?”

Daniel’s voice, accompanied by the sound of running feet, had him lifting his head. “Here, by the fountain,” he called.

Seconds later Daniel, along with Hartley and Thurston, as well as Logan Jennsen and Paul, all of whom held either a pistol or a knife, rushed into the small clearing. Daniel scanned the scene, his jaw tight. “What happened?”

Matthew quickly explained, including the fortune supposedly in the base of the fountain, which had motivated Berwick’s behavior, then looked at Hartley and Thurston. “Would you mind returning to the house and instructing Tildon to summon the magistrate?”

“Certainly,” they agreed, appearing relieved to leave the scene. After they left, Matthew turned to Paul. “Can you bring a tarp to cover the body?”

“Yes, my lord,” he replied, then left as well.

“Unless there’s something else you need for me to do, I’ll explain the situation to the ladies,” Logan Jennsen said. “We all heard the scream and the pistol shot, and they’re very worried.”

“Thank you,” said Matthew, his jaw tightening at the lingering look Jennsen gave Sarah before departing.

“You’re certain you’re both all right?” Daniel asked.

“Positive,” Matthew said.

“You’re sure you didn’t hit your head?”

“Of course I’m sure. Why do you ask?”

“Because you seem to have forgotten to look for the money in the base of the fountain.”

Matthew shook his head. “I was so worried about Sarah I did forget.”

Paul returned just then with a tarp and covered Berwick’s body. After he left, Matthew looked at Sarah.



He looked at Daniel. “Wish us luck.”

Together he and Sarah knelt before the small opening. And slid their hands inside. And felt nothing.

“It’s…it’s empty,” Sarah said, her voice ringing with disappointment. Matthew felt around the small space one more time, but there was no doubt it was empty. Daniel laid his hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Matthew. I’ll see you back at the house.”

After Daniel’s footfalls faded, Matthew rose and gently helped Sarah to her feet.

“I’m sorry, Matthew,” she said, her eyes swimming with tears.

“As am I, but if you think about it, even without finding an actual cache of gold, the money has made me rich. Because without it, I never would have met you. And you are worth your weight in gold.”

“No I’m ” She stopped abruptly and stared intently over Matthew’s shoulder.

“What?” he asked, turning.

“The fountain. Berwick’s shot hit Flora’s urn.”

He shook his head at the damage to the lip of the vase. “My mother loved this statue. My father had it made just for her.”

Sarah looked at him. “Like the rose garden.”


“Which would explain why he’d said ‘fleur-de-lis.’”

She leaned forward and dipped her fingers in the water, then grabbed his arm. “Matthew. Look.”

She was staring into the pool of water. Matthew followed her line of vision and froze. Reaching out, he slipped his hand under the water up to his elbow and scooped up the shiny gold disk. Then he pulled his hand from the water and opened his palm.

“A gold sovereign,” Sarah said in an awed and excited voice.

They immediately started searching through the rest of the pool. After a few seconds, however, Matthew looked up. And a slow smile curved his lips.

“Sarah I don’t think my father said ‘fern.’” When she looked up from her search of the water, he nodded toward the broken vase. “I think he said urn.”

With that, he hopped onto the waist-high edge of the pool and hoisted himself to his feet. Grabbing the lip of the urn, he peered inside.

“Well?” came Sarah’s impatient voice. “Is there anything in there?”

Heedless of the trickling water, Matthew stuck his arm inside the deep, slightly tipped vase. As he withdrew his hand he said, “Remember what I said about you being worth your weight in gold? It would appear that we now actually do have your weight in gold.”

He opened his fingers and a handful of gold coins spilled out, falling into the pool below. Sarah gasped, then lifted stunned, shining eyes to him. “There’s more?”

“Sweetheart, this huge urn is full.”

With a whoop of joy, Matthew jumped to the ground, caught her up in his arms and hugged her to him.

“We found it,” he said, punctuating each disbelieving word with a kiss. “I can’t believe we found it.”

“And how ironic that it was Berwick’s wild shot that gave us the final clue,” Sarah said.

“Yes, although I’m certain we would have found it anyway, seeing as how brilliant you are.”

“You’re the one who figured out urn.”

“After you figured out the money was in the fountain.”

“Which shows, I suppose, that we’re very good together.”

“Not just very good, sweetheart. Perfect.”

She smiled. “I’m not surprised, seeing as how I’d already dubbed you the Perfect Man.”

“Well now, I’d have to be pretty close to keep up with you the Perfect Woman.”

She shook her head and laughed. “I cannot fathom a single reason why you would say that.”

He caught her in his arms and with a grin spun her around. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I can think of enough reasons for the both of us.”


Two days after discovering the gold, Sarah hurried from her bedchamber at Langston Manor. Matthew had asked her to meet him in the front of the house at two in the afternoon, an invitation that piqued her curiosity, as he’d refused to offer any hint as to the reason. The last two days had been busy, especially for Matthew. After dealing with the magistrate, he’d traveled to London to settle his father’s debts, which were now not only paid in full, but with a substantial amount left over.

All the house party guests had departed except for Carolyn, who stayed on with Sarah in order to help her plan the small wedding that would take place in one week’s time. When Matthew arrived home from London several hours ago, he’d surprised her with the best gift he could have given her when he opened the carriage door to reveal Desdemona resplendent with a huge lavender bow around her neck. While she and her beloved pet were reunited amidst much laughter and tail wagging, he explained that he’d stopped at her home to pick up the dog. When they introduced Desdemona to Danforth, the two dogs sniffed each other thoroughly. Desdemona then barked once and licked her chops. Danforth barked twice and licked his chops. And then promptly sat on Desdemona’s tail. Desdemona grunted her approval. Matthew laughed and said, “I taught him that.”

And now it seemed he had another surprise for her, although she couldn’t imagine what could be more wonderful than bringing Desdemona to her.

When she stepped outside a moment later, Matthew, holding the reins of his gelding Apollo, smiled in greeting. “Right on time.”

She smiled in return, but eyed the horse warily. “Are you going somewhere, or returning?”

“Going. I was hoping you might join me.”


“The village.” He looked at her through serious eyes. “I thought if you came with me, and we went on horseback, we could help each other face down our bad memories. And make new, happy memories together.”

Her gaze shifted from him to the horse and back. “Rather like killing two birds with one stone.”


She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I haven’t been on a horse in a very long time.”

“I haven’t been to the village in a very long time.” He held out his free hand to her. “My arms will be around you the entire time.”

“That would help.”

“Having you with me would help.”

Sarah drew a deep breath, then slowly reached out her hand. “Let’s make some new, happy memories together.”

His smile warmed her to her soul. He mounted the horse with the ease of an expert rider, then held out his hand to her. After a bracing breath, she cautiously set her foot in the stirrup, and in the next second she was sitting sideways in front of him, one strong, masculine arm wrapped around her waist.

“Are you all right?” His quiet question blew past her ear, and she felt the brush of his lips against her temple.

“I’m…fine.” And she realized she was. A bit nervous, but buoyed with the feel of him surrounding her, confident that she could do this. That he could do this. That they could do this. Together. He set Apollo to a gentle walk, and they headed away from the house. “While we’re in the village we can shop for a wedding gift,” Matthew said.

“For each other?”

“No, for Paul. He’s proposed to one of the upstairs maids, a young woman named Mary.”

Sarah smiled. “Indeed? Mary is the maid who told me which bedchamber was yours the night I pilfered your shirt.”

“Remind me to double her salary. Paul told me today of their plans. Seems I almost caught them together at his cottage the day I ordered all the lavender arrangements. Told me he decided then and there he didn’t want to sneak around any longer.”

“I’m happy for them.” She snuggled closer against him. “You do realize that us traveling to the village on a single horse will set tongues wagging.”

“No doubt we’ll cause quite the stir. We can call it ‘chaos in Kent.’ And when we visit London, we’ll set that town on its ear as well.”

“And call it ‘mayhem in Mayfair.’”

He laughed. “Precisely. You know, there’s a small garden and conservatory at the London town house that have become rather run down due to my previous financial problems. They will require a great deal of tender loving care.”

“I’m delighted to provide it.”

“Excellent.” He leaned forward and lightly nibbled her earlobe, sending a shiver of delight down her spine. “And I too shall require a great deal of tender, loving care.”

She smiled into his beautiful eyes. “I’m delighted to provide it. I take it there are no roses in your London conservatory?”

He made a horrified face and she laughed. “God, no. I feel a sneeze coming on just thinking about it.”

“Those sneezes are a handy way to know where you are,” she teased. His arm tightened around her, and the soft kiss he brushed against her lips made her heart skip a beat. “You never need wonder where I am, sweetheart. I’ll always be right here. Next to you.”

“Which makes you absolutely perfect.”

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