Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father (17 page)

Read Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father Online

Authors: J.L. McCoy

Tags: #vampires, #steamy adult paranormal romance, #paranormal romance, #fangs, #steamy content, #vampire book series, #urban fantasy

BOOK: Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father
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“Always, Skye,” Jameson said as he turned my
hand and kissed the inside of my wrist.

I downshifted as I drove up a high freeway
overpass and took a deep breath. “How many lived with Treasach in
his estate? And, how many vampires has he made that still live
today? I mean, Ruarc said there were over fifty today that were of
the Original’s bloodline and I’m just trying to gauge how many
vampires are still left in danger of being slaughtered by this

Jameson was thoughtful a moment and then he
answered me. “Treasach lived with his wife and twelve sons, not
counting Callum and has only turned them, no others. By my
estimates, fourteen vampires have been murdered so far in Boston,
Chicago, Houston, and now here. And those are the only ones we know
about. Who knows what this monster has been up to or for how long.
I’m sure Ruarc and The Faithful are busy tracking down every
vampire from Cináed’s lineage and warning them as we speak.
will take care of us, Skye. They have been our protectors
since 544 AD and they have never failed us once. They train for
years before they are allowed out in the field to serve our race.
By the time they finish their training, they are thoroughly skilled
in the art of hand-to-hand combat, are experts at every weapon ever
made, and their divine powers are honed and perfected. If anyone
can catch this monster, it is them.”

“Can I ask you one more question?” I asked
with a small smile. Jameson shook his head, chuckled and nodded. “I
saw a pretty bad ass hot tub in the back yard earlier. Would you be
up for taking a dip with me when we get home?”

Jameson looked over at me and licked his
lips. “I don’t know… Will there be skin involved?”

I looked over at him and winked, biting my
lip. “Lots. I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”

Jameson made a rumbling noise in the back of
his throat and I could tell he was turned on by the thought.

The rest of the drive was quiet on both of
our parts. We may not have said much to each other with our mouths,
but our hands were busy speaking to each other’s bodies the whole



Chapter 10



When we arrived at Archer’s house, Jameson
reached over and hit a button on his key ring. Two of the five
garage doors opened and I slowly pulled in as Trey parked the Audi
beside us. I got out of the Porsche just as another garage door
opened and Archer entered in his Aventador.

“Marcán and I will search the house while
Pádraig does a perimeter check,” Hagan said as he and Marcán moved
to the side door.

“I’ll get the alarm,” Trey said as he
unlocked the door and followed The Faithful in.

The rest of us gathered together in the
Garage and waited for them to be done. Pádraig came back first and
gave the all clear. After another minute, Hagan and Marcán strolled
out of the house. They informed us that everything was safe and we
eagerly followed them into the house.

The Faithful set their bags at the end of the
stairs and I briefly wondered where they would sleep.

“There will be two of us on duty at all
times, Mr. Rhys,” Pádraig said as he looked around the grand foyer.
“Hagan and I will take the first watch while Marcán eats and

“Of course,” Archer said nodding to Marcán.
“All of our bedrooms are taken at the moment, but I may be able to
free one up for you.”

“That is unnecessary, sir,” Marcán said with
a hint of an accent. “All I require is a floor.”

“Nonsense,” Archer said waving his hand at
him dismissively. “If you refuse a room, the least I can allow you
to take is the couch in the formal sitting room.”

Marcán nodded his head in thanks.

“Well, we’re going to get to it,” Hagan said
as he and Pádraig turned for the front door.

“There is blood in the refrigerator in the
kitchen, gentlemen,” Archer said as he turned to walk through the
arch between the double staircase. “Help yourselves to as much as
you want.”

I watched as Hagan and Pádraig nod and walk

Jameson turned to Marcán. “Come, Marcán. Let
us get you something to eat.”

I silently followed them through the archway
and turned off to go to my room. As I passed the kitchen, I saw
that it was packed as everyone got out bags of blood and took turns
warming it up. I smiled at the familial scene as I made my way down
the hall and into my room.

I set my messenger bag on the floor, quickly
got undressed and stepped into the glass shower stall. I bathed and
washed my hair and the gobs of makeup off my face. When I was done,
I got out and wrapped up in the towel I had used earlier that
afternoon. I quickly dried off, brushed my teeth, and headed into
my closet. I threw on a black thong, my Daisy Duke blue jean
cutoffs, and my black ‘Keep Austin Weird’ off-the-shoulder crop
top. I grabbed a new towel and made my way out to the family room
to see if Jameson was ready for our hot tub adventure.

I was surprised to see everyone sitting
around the kitchen table laughing and drinking their glasses of
blood. They were having dinner like a normal family would and I

“Well there you are.” Trey called out when he
saw me walk into the kitchen. “You skedaddled out of here faster
than Aoife can piss off Archer.” A chorus of hearty laughs sounded
as Aoife leaned over and elbowed Trey in the ribs.

“Watch it, little man,” she smiled and teased
as she took a sip from her glass.

“Where’d you run off to?” Trey asked as he
finished his blood and loaded the glass into the dishwasher

I held up a chunk of long wet hair and
smiled. “Shower,” I said with a grin.

Trey turned back to me and crossed his arms
over his chest. “I haven’t seen you eat all day, darling. I bet
you’re hungry, aren’t you?”

I bit my lip and slowly nodded my head. “I’m

Trey hopped into action and grabbed Hunter
who had just gotten up to put his empty glass in the sink. “Come
on, stud muffin. I need an escort into town.”

“What for?” Hunter asked, his brow furrowing.
He looked kind of tired and I bet he had planned on going to

“We have absolutely no suitable food in this
house and that girl is starving. I’m going to go grocery shopping
for her at that 24 hour Randall’s down the road,” Trey said as he
tied his scarf around his neck. “Are you coming or not?”

“I don’t know,” Hunter said reluctantly and
Trey rolled his eyes.

“I’m sure there will be a few lonely, single
women there,” he said in a sing-song voice.

Hunter’s eyes lit up. “You’re driving,” he
said as he headed out to the garage.

Trey shook his head and looked back over at
me. “Gets him every time. We’ll be back in two shakes and I’ll have
something ready for you to eat in no time.”

“Thank you, honey,” I said with a grateful
smile. “But, you don’t have to. I can go tomorrow when I wake up.
One night without food won’t kill me.”

“Nonsense, dear,” Trey said waving his hand
dismissively in my direction. “It’s my pleasure. We’ll be back
soon,” he said and followed Hunter out.

“Well, that was sweet of them,” I said under
my breath.

“Trey adores you,” Aoife said with a genuine
half smile. “Get used to it. I see you have a towel over your
shoulder. Are you planning on going swimming?”

I glanced over at Jameson out of the corner
of my eye and saw him downing his glass in a hurry. I smiled and
turned my attention back to Aoife. “I thought I’d check out the hot
tub tonight.”

Aoife tsked and stood up, taking her glass
over to the sink and washing it out. “Not in that outfit, you’re

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked down
at my hands. “I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

Aoife laughed and beckoned me to follow her.
I took one last look at Quinn, Lochlan, Jameson, and Seamus, and
followed Aoife into the foyer and up the stairs.

We stopped at a door across from the media
room. “Wait here. I’ve got just the thing for you,” she said as she
opened the door and disappeared inside.

I didn’t have to wait long. Aoife reappeared
with a small mass of black string and material in her right hand.
“This is brand new. Still has the tags on and everything,” she said
as she handed me the suit. “Bathroom is around the corner. You can
change in there.”

“Th…thank you, Aoife,” I said in disbelief.
She was being nice to me and I didn’t know how to handle that.

She flicked her wrist in my direction and
pursed her lips. “Think nothing of it. Now, make sure you drag
Jameson with you. Nothing says romance like a moonlit soak in a hot

I nodded my head and gave her the best smile
I could.
So that’s it
That’s why she’s being nice to
She’s thrilled I’m dating Jameson and that Archer is no
longer on my radar
. I stifled the snicker I felt rising and
turned on my heels to go change.

I quickly stepped out of my clothes and took
the tags off the bikini. When I held it up, I almost choked. The
‘bikini’ was little more than three, five inch triangles that were
supposed to cover each of my breasts and my cookie. I bit my bottom
lip and silently cursed Aoife. This had to be the tiniest bikini
ever made. I sighed, said to hell with it, and began putting it on
and tying it securely around me. When I finally had it on and
everything covered, I spun around in the mirror and shook my head.
Oh, hell no
I can’t go out in this thing
! I was
contemplating taking it off when a small knock sounded at the

“Baby, are you about ready?” Jameson asked
through the door.

“I’ll be out in just a sec,” I said as I
grabbed my clothes and put them back on over the suit.
I’ll just
have him turn around when I go to get in the hot tub
never know
. I grabbed my towel and opened the door.

Jameson was standing there wearing nothing
but a towel wrapped around his waist and I swallowed hard at the
sight of his delicious hipbones and chiseled chest.

I sighed as I took in his body. “I’m a lucky
girl,” I whispered with a smile.

Jameson laughed and bent over, throwing me
over his shoulder and flashed down the stairs. I couldn’t help the
squeals and giggles that escaped my mouth as we traveled into the
kitchen and through the back door.

When we got out to the hot tub, Jameson
gently set me down and tested the water with his hand. “Nice and
hot,” he said with a smile. “Are you ready to get in?”

I bit my bottom lip and set my towel down on
a nearby lounge chair. “Yeah, but you have to close your eyes while
I get in, okay?”

“Why?” Jameson asked, his brow furrowing in

“Um,” I said as I felt my cheeks flush hot.
“Aoife leant me a bikini.”

Jameson laughed and nodded his head. “I think
I understand, love. I’ve seen some of Aoife’s bikinis and there
isn’t much to them.”

I nodded my head and took off my shirt.
Jameson’s eyes got wide as they immediately went to my ample chest.
“Wow…” he said and licked his top lip. “That thing is barely
covering your nipples.”

“I know,” I said with a groan as I covered my
chest with my hands and turned away.

Jameson laughed again and I heard him step
into the water. “Come on, my shy Skye,” he said sweetly. “I’ve
already seen you naked, remember?”

I groaned and shrugged one shoulder. “Just
cover your eyes, okay?”

Jameson said he would and I looked over my
shoulder at him. He had both of his hands over his eyes and I
breathed a sigh of relief. I quickly took off my shorts, high
stepped it over to the hot tub, and gingerly got in.

“Oh, God, this feels good,” I said as I
closed my eyes and leaned my body back in one of the built-in
contoured seats. “I could get used to this.”

Jameson chuckled and grabbed my arm, pulling
me up. He took my spot in the seat, pulled me onto his lap and
began massaging my shoulders. I sighed and relaxed into his

Jameson massaged my shoulders, neck, and back
as we talked about our mutual love of music, his band The Manky
Langer, my hobbies, and where he wanted to take me on our first
real date next week.

Before I knew it, my body was boiling from
the temperature of the water and I needed to cool off for a few
minutes. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the hot tub. I
give him points for trying to keep his eyes to himself, but as soon
as he saw my bikini he did a double take and said something in a
language I didn’t understand.

I laughed as I walked the few feet over to
the pool. “What language is that anyway?” I asked as I stepped in.
“All of you guys speak it and I can’t understand a damn word y’all
say when you do.”

Jameson flashed to the diving board across
the pool and dove in. “It’s Gaelic…Irish Gaelic,” he said, popping
up next to me a few seconds later.
They’re fast in
the water, too
! “It’s the language of our father, the original
vampire of our species. Most of us happen to be from Ireland or
Western Europe, so we are pretty much already familiar with the
language when we are turned. Those who don’t know it learn it.”

“Gaelic,” I said, testing the name. “I’ve
never heard anyone speak it here in the States before. It’s a
beautiful language, though.”

“Aye,” Jameson said with a smile.

I stood up in the three feet of water and
reached up, throwing my arms around his neck. “Say something to me
in Gaelic,” I said sweetly.

Jameson smiled, wrapped his arms around my
waist, and looked deeply into my eyes. “
Tá mo chroí istigh
, Skye.
,” he said in a gentle

I recognized that as the same thing he told
me in the stockroom yesterday. It sounded so beautiful coming out
of his perfect mouth. “What does it mean?” I asked, leaning closer
to him.

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