Skinny Dipping (29 page)

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Authors: Alicia M Kaye

Tags: #Romance, #romantic comedy, #chic lit, #chick lit

BOOK: Skinny Dipping
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Carol revealed a cheeky smile. “I forgot to mention how hot you look. Blonde hair, lovely. Gorgeous makeup and that dress looks amazing. Whoever owns that has impeccable taste. Now go get him. I want to hear some interesting details later on.” Carol winked and Sophie almost cried with happiness hearing her words. Carol was acting better. She’d be fine.

“I’ll see you after the show. Now...

Carol laughed, and Sophie found herself laughing, too. “And remember it’s not a date!”

“Isn’t it?” Carol mused, back to her normal self.

Sophie left the dressing room, feeling relief as the door closed. Date or not, she’d better go find Matthew.


Sophie stood on the steps outside the theatre waiting for the group to arrive. She hated being the first at an event, so was relieved when she noticed Mickey walking toward the theatre. She looked tall and confident, hand in hand with a very handsome man, presumably Artie. Mickey was talking and laughing animatedly. She was wearing high heels and a flowing dress, a change from her usual flats and trousers. Her red hair hung softly around her shoulders. Her face was slightly flushed as she looked up at the man. He slung an arm around her shoulders, and Mickey smiled at him.

Sophie tried to catch up with them. “Hello,” she said, feeling awkward, like she was interrupting an intimate moment.

“My God, I didn’t recognise you!” Mickey enthused, stepping back to study Sophie, her expression curious. “You look totally wow. I love this look.”

“Same to you,” Sophie said, scanning Mickey’s black dress which showed off her friend’s excellent figure. The style was understated, but it was still a dress, which was huge for Mickey. She was even wearing makeup, her green eyes brilliant and shining, and accentuated with dark eyeliner.

“Do you remember Artie?”

“I do, from university.” Sophie was kissed on the cheek. “Great to see you again. Have you always worked in London, Artie?”

“Yes, I’ve been in London ever since graduating. I’m a partner in a law firm.”

Sophie nodded, and realising the time, she wondered where Matthew was. Maybe he wouldn’t come? Had he cancelled or was he just running late? The theatre was getting busier by the minute.

“You go on inside,” she said as the three of them reached the doorway. “I’m going to wait here for Matthew.” Mickey and Artie went inside, and Sophie stepped to one side of the doorway, watching the crowd, looking for Matthew’s tall frame. As she paced, she kept brushing down the fabric of her fairy floss dress.

Then she saw him, and was about to call his name when the lady selling ‘Swan Lake’ programs thrust a booklet in his face. Forgetting the price, the sales girl became tongue-tied when speaking to him. He looked so handsome, his cheeky grin flashing.

Sophie threw her hand above her head, waving frantically, realising her voice was caught in her throat. Did she like him? Did she want this to be a date? She suddenly felt nervous.

She finally caught his attention and his face lit up. He rushed forward to meet her as she raced down the staircase, hoping she wouldn’t fall and face plant in front of him.

Matthew reached her, leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “Sorry if I kept you waiting.” He brushed down the front of his shirt, running his hand through his blond hair. “You look fantastic. I love the new look. Stunning.” Her skin tingled from where he’d rested his lips. She touched her cheek which still burnt.

“So do you.” He always looked dashing in suits, since the first time she’d seen him outside the hotel for the gala night. “I already have a programme.”

“Great,” he said, smiling in admiration.

She pulled something out of her bag. “This is for you. I wanted to give it to you now, not in front of the others.” She felt the tips of her ears going pink as she placed a small package in his hands.

“What is it?” He asked, his head cocked to the side.

“It’s a Christmas gift and a thank you, all bunched into one.” She didn’t dare look at his face, feeling completely embarrassed.


“I just wanted to thank you about the swimming lessons and everything. But you’re not to open it until Christmas.”

“Is that right?” He was curious.

“Yup, so you can put it in your pocket.”

He turned the package over in his hands, and slipped it into his pocket. “You’re always so mysterious. Thank you. Thank you very much.” He was looking at her oddly, and a thrill went up her spine.

“We better get to the others.” She led him toward where Mickey and Artie were waiting in the foyer.

“This is Artie, and of course you’ve met Mickey.”

“Hi.” He kissed Mickey’s cheek and shook Artie’s hand.

“I’ve ordered some champagne to our seats. We have a box don’t we?” Artie said.

“Yes, excellent idea,” Sophie enthused.

“A drink would be great,” Matthew said, raising his eyebrows knowingly.

“A drink might help fight off the boredom,” Artie suggested.

Mickey shot him in glare. “It’s Carol’s night, so behave.”

“How did you get roped into this?” Artie asked Matthew pointedly.

“How would you tell Carol you’re not seeing her show?” Matthew smiled.

“I’ve never met this formidable Carol. I’m curious too. She sounds like a hoot.”

“There’s one other reason why I’m seeing the ballet,” Matthew continued. “Sophie asked me. I’ve never gone to the ballet, and thought why not.”

“Sophie.” Mickey’s voice was still. “Sophie. Don’t turn around.”

“Why not?” Now she wanted to turn around.

“Why don’t we go to our seats?” Mickey continued.

Sophie saw Matthew’s face, suddenly pale.

“What is it?” What was wrong with Matthew?

“Do you trust me?” he said softly.


“You can turn around if you want to, but you might be very upset.”

“Oh but now I do. What can possibly go wrong?”

He shook his head in annoyance as she turned around. Derek, tall and handsome, was there, holding a girl’s hand. Georgina from the shopping centre.

Her heart raced. “Fuck, what’s he doing here?” Panic starting soared through her. “He’s coming this way.” She wanted to run, exit the building; her heart was galloping, a horse race in her chest. “I haven’t spoken to him for ages.” She looked for the exits, but knew she couldn’t leave; Carol’s bloody performance.

“Matthew, Mickey, what am I to do?” Run. She should run. But if she did, he’d be sure to see her, darting away and she’d look like a coward.

“I’ve got it.” Matthew said. “Would it help if you had a boyfriend at your side? I could pretend, you know.”

“Yes. Yes. That would help.” This was an excellent idea. A boyfriend. That would make Derek wildly jealous.

She was already facing him; Matthew put his arm around her.

“Keep talking to me. He’s coming this way; I think he’s seen Mickey,” Matthew whispered, bringing his arms around her neck, his head resting on her forehead.

She could feel his breath on her face. Behind her, she heard the familiar voice. Derek.

“Mickey,” Derek’s voice exclaimed. “I can’t believe that’s you. What are the chances?”

“Yeah,” Mickey muttered.

“Swine,” Sophie said under her breath.

“Have you met Artie?” Mickey continued.

Sophie whispered to Matthew, her words inaudible. “So what do you think about Jamie Oliver?” she asked.

“He’s pretty cool,” Matthew answered, a bewildered look on his face. “I know you asked me earlier but I didn’t think that it was so important to you.”

“No, but it is kind of important.”

“Well okay then. I like Jamie Oliver,” he whispered. “Great chef. Amazing.”

That settled it for Sophie. “Kiss me,” she said.

“You sure?” Matthew asked.

She nodded. “That’s what boyfriends do, isn’t it?” He stared deeply into her eyes, checking whether she was okay. His lips were suddenly on hers, and for a moment, she lost all sense of time. She felt a tingly sensation ripple, her breathing quickened as his tongue probed gently, softly.

She didn’t know how long the kiss went for. The kiss eventually stopped, after all they were at the theatre. Pashing at the theatre! Her heart was beating impossibly fast, maybe because Derek was there, right behind her, and hadn’t even noticed it, or possibly because since she broke the kiss, she and Matthew were staring at each other, like she’d never seen him clearly before. There was a strong possibility, that behind his gaze there was an unmistakable longing, and this night, maybe, just maybe actually
a date.

“See, I told you, one day I’d have you falling at my feet,” he muttered under his breath.

She couldn’t help but smile, and gently swatted him with her palm. “Cheeky,” she said, turning around.

Derek was in mid-conversation with Mickey, and glanced in her direction. He did a double take. He froze.

“Oh my God,” Sophie said, with fake surprise. “Derek?”

“Sophie?” His voice was stiff. “I didn’t recognise you. The blonde hair, that’s new. The dress. I’ve never seen it before.”
Why would you, when you have a new girlfriend?
Sophie wanted to scream, but managed to hold her calm.

Sophie smiled. “Thanks. Oh, this is Matthew.” She introduced him.

“Your boyfriend?” Derek asked casually. Almost too casually.

“We’re …” She looked up at Matthew, how did she answer that?

“Dating,” Matthew piped up, beaming, like he’d won some sort of prize.

“Exclusively?” Derek asked, as if he wasn’t able to help himself.

“Derek. Don’t be rude,” Georgina interjected.

“Yeah, exclusively, I’d say,” Matthew continued, sliding his arm around Sophie’s waist. He kissed the top of her head, very naturally, like he’d done it all the time.

“This is Georgina. Georgina, this is Sophie and Matthew.” Derek made the introductions.

Sophie smiled, tightly at the girl next to Derek, extending her hand politely.
Manners were important.

“It’s great to meet some of Derek’s friends,” Georgina gushed. She was nice, and Sophie wanted to hate her, to say something spiteful. “Haven’t we met before?”

“Yes, I think so, at Selfridge’s, shopping, I’m not sure if you remember but I ran into the two of you. Had you two started dating then? I didn’t want to intrude,” Sophie asked, slowly, probing for facts.

Derek’s face suddenly looked stricken.

“No, we’ve been together for well over a year,” Georgina smiled.

“Oh, I see.” Something inside her wanted to scream that she had been living with Derek during that same year.

A hand circled her waist and she sank into what could only be Matthew’s firm body. “My flatmate, Carol, is the lead in the show tonight,” Sophie continued, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “She would be thrilled that more people she knows will watch her. You met her, too, I think.”

“We’d better go to our seats,” Mickey said, eyes darting between the frozen Derek and Sophie’s icy glare. “Don’t want to miss anything.”

“Well we might see you at intermission,” Georgina said with enthusiasm.

Sophie blanked her expression. There was no way they were seeing each other at intermission. “Maybe, if it’s not too crowded.”


It took some time for Sophie’s heart to stop racing, for her breathing to calm, and for her to be more natural. She let herself become mesmerised by the music, and, of course Carol’s dancing. Carol floated effortlessly over the stage. She was sensational.

There was a standing ovation at the end of the show, and Sophie couldn’t help the tears welling in her eyes as the crowd applauded Carol.

“She was absolutely brilliant,” Sophie gushed to Matthew as they walked out of the theatre. Oddly, as if they were actually together, his fingers entwined with hers.

“She was phenomenal,” Mickey admitted as they all exited the theatre, caught in the crowd. They were all suddenly ballet experts, commenting on what she did and how she did it. Even though, none of them really know what they were talking about, they all agreed, Carol was magnificent on stage. And surely, she was much better than the usual principal dancer.

“Do you think she’d be good on camera, like in a commercial? She’s skinny and very pretty.”

“God, I wish she would be in my commercial; she’s so graceful,” Matthew agreed.

“Why don’t we see her after the show? Tell her how fab she was.”



Chapter 23



Backstage, Sophie pushed open the dressing room door. “Where’s the superstar?” she called. Matthew, Mickey, and Artie followed her into the room.

Carol swivelled in her chair in front of her dressing room mirror. “She’s here.” Her voice was loud, confident and clear. Her hand was behind her head, pulling out the bun which had sat rigidly in place for her whole performance. She released her hair, letting lengths of blonde fall down her back. Wisps of hair created a halo around her face. She stood, her back straight, proud like a movie star on the red carpet. She looked stylish, in a short, tight, chic dress which showed off her muscular frame. Her ultra high platform shoes emphasised her lean legs.

Josh was already in the dressing room, sitting on one of the benches, a smug expression on his face. “Wasn’t she fabulous?” he nodded, proudly, his gaze following Carol hungrily round the room.

“Thanks for coming to see me after the show. Have a glass of champagne.” She indicated to a bottle sitting next to Josh. “I don’t have glasses for you all. Maybe swig out of the bottle?”

“Classy,” Mickey commented, then barked with laughter.

“Not to worry,” Sophie said, taking the champagne bottle. She wasn’t sure whether it would create the right impression to drink from the bottle in front of Matthew, so she gave it to Josh who didn’t seem to mind at all. “You were amazing. Just incredible. So great.”

Carol folded over, bending from the waist into an elaborate bow. “Thank you very much. Autographs later,” she joked, her voice musical and breathy, releasing air as she spoke. She blew kisses to each person in the room, the effect stilling Matthew and Artie by the doorway. Carol’s eyes settled on Matthew, waiting for some type of reaction.

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