Skinbound (11 page)

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Authors: Anna Kittrell

Tags: #romance,suspense,sensual

BOOK: Skinbound
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He pulled away, breathing hard. “I brought you something.” Reaching into his back jeans pocket, he retrieved a rectangular box. “I want to give you more than just my word. Something tangible to remind you of my feelings, of how I adore you.” He placed the box into her hand.

Biting her lip, she opened it. “It’s gorgeous!” she gasped. The diamond glittered with a brilliant light. “It’s the most beautiful necklace I’ve ever seen.” She pulled it gently from the box, and offered it to him.

Cabin threaded the chain onto his fingers as she lifted her hair. He circled her, then stood behind, his breath caressing the back of her neck as he fastened the clasp, sealing it with a kiss that melted her knees.

She smiled up at him. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I’ll treasure it always.” She lowered her gaze to the shimmering stone.

He sat on the sofa and pulled her to his lap, holding her tight. She looked down at the bandages peeking from his slippers. “What happened?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I carelessly stepped on some broken glass.”

“Did you need stitches?”

“Only a few. Luckily, I know a good doctor.”

“You don’t mean...” She swept her gaze to his face. “Don’t tell me you gave yourself stitches!” She half-smiled, awaiting his answer.

He chuckled. “No. I’m not
tough. Dr. Fourman was kind enough to oblige.” He cradled her in his arms, tucking her to his chest. “It’s okay. I’ll be walking on air from now on.”


Moonlight turned the red lakeshore to black satin. Darcy reclined against Cabin as he twirled a marshmallow in the campfire. He pulled the stick from the flames, blowing on the tip before offering it to her.

She bit lightly, the melted insides sticking to her lips.

“Let me help you with that.” He nibbled her mouth.

In the dark, a fish jumped, disturbing the still water. Cabin swept his gaze to the lake, amazed at the host of fireflies glowing in the night sky. He returned his gaze to Darcy, bathed in firelight, her green eyes sparkling.

She kissed him, snuggling close. “There’s no place I’d rather be than right where I am now.” She sighed, her body relaxing fully into him, rushing him with heat.

“You’re so beautiful,” Cabin said, leaning forward, breathing kisses onto her collarbone. Her flesh warmed beneath his mouth, intensifying his yearning. His hands trembled with desire, longing to explore her body. He held back, caressing her shoulder instead. She raked her fingers through his hair, arching her back as he lightly bit her neck. His hand slid from shoulder to breast, caressing the flesh beneath her gauzy top.,”
she whispered, placing a hand on his, halting his movements.

He closed his eyes, reminding himself of her tender heart. Taking a shaky breath, he willed himself to stop before he went too far. His hand returned to her shoulder.

“Cabin, I’m sorry. I just need a little more time—”

He hushed her, covering her mouth with his. Pulling back slightly, he looked into her eyes. “As long as I can penetrate your heart...I’m satisfied.”

She blushed. “I don‘t have a problem with that.”

He chuckled. “I hope you don’t have a problem with this either. I want you to be my guest at a formal gala next Sunday evening.”

“Formal? Oh, Cabin. I don’t know…”

“It’s very important to me.”

“What’s the occasion?”

He looked at the stars. “’s a fundraising event, to help raise awareness for the pregnancy support center in Chickasha.”

“Sounds like a good cause.”

“It is. There’s also a silent auction. I’m hoping to raise a few dollars to help with clinic repairs. I want the place in good shape for the teen pregnancy clinic’s grand opening next month.” Cabin cut his eyes to her, waiting for a reaction.

“Cabin! You got the grant!” She knocked him back onto the shoreline, covering his body with hers. “I’m so happy for you!” She peppered kisses over his face.

“You never answered my question. Will you accompany me to the gala?” he asked, as they sat up.

“Of course I will! Scarlett has at least a dozen formal gowns.”

He cringed at her sister’s name.

“I’m sure she’ll loan one to me. It’s amazing how well we’ve been getting along lately. It’s like she’s a different person. She’s taking her medication, and she’s even seeing a therapist.”

He held his tongue, not willing to slash Darcy’s hopes, the way Scarlett had slashed his feet.

“You have your clinic for young mothers, and I have my sister. It seems both our dreams are coming true. And the sweetest dream-come-true of all is that we have each other.”

Cabin nodded, pulling her to him. He stroked her hair as she rested her head on his chest under a canopy of stars.


“That’s definitely the one.” Scarlett prodded Darcy’s thighs as she circled her. “It looks perfect on you.”

Darcy stared in her sister’s full-length mirror. “Don’t you think it’s a bit...revealing?”

“Of course I do, that’s why I bought it.” Scarlett tugged at the strapless black bodice, exposing even more cleavage. “It is a formal affair, this is a formal gown.” She knelt, adjusting the fitted skirt. “And, of course, you’ll need these shoes.” She rose, a pair of black patent peep-toes with spiked silver heels looped over her finger.

Darcy clutched her chest. The dress squeezed her ribs as she chuckled. “I’ll break my neck! Or puncture someone’s foot!”

“Nonsense. It just takes a little practice. I’ll show you.” Scarlett strapped the shoes to her ankles, then strutted around the room, as if on the catwalk. “Now you try.” She removed the shoes, handing them to Darcy.

“I can barely walk in this dress barefoot, let alone wearing these ankle-twisters!” She sat on the bed, wiggled her feet into the sleek stilettos and fumbled with the tiny silver buckles. She stood, steadied herself against the bed and squealed, nearly toppling over. “I can’t do this.”

“Of course you can.” Scarlett took her by the arm, guiding her around the room as her ankles wobbled threateningly. “See there, you’re doing fine.” They paused in front of the mirror. Darcy flinched, stricken by the reflection of herself in the strapless gown alongside Scarlett in her bathrobe, as if they’d reversed roles.

“You look younger than me,” Scarlett said, her voice strained.

“Yeah, right. Your face is perfect.”

“My face is
.” Scarlett jerked from the reflection, crossing the room. “And plasticizing myself hasn’t made me look younger. It’s merely made people aware that I’m aging.” She tossed her head. “So when did you say this...shindig is going to transpire?”

“Well, I wouldn’t really call it a ‘shindig,’” Darcy said. “The gala is scheduled for the thirteenth. Not this Sunday, but next.” She unbuckled the dangerous shoes from her ankles.

“Ah, yes, that’s right.” Scarlett returned to Darcy and unzipped the back of the formal. “I’ll get this to the drycleaner early next week and pick it up for you on Friday.”

“But it looks fine. The tags are still on it.” Darcy carefully stepped out of the black satin.

“It needs freshening up.” Scarlett lifted the garment to Darcy’s face. “Smells a tad like cigarette smoke.”

Darcy sniffed and shrugged.

“I want to polish the shoes too.” Scarlett replaced the dress on its hanger, hooking it over her closet door as Darcy gathered up the various dresses and shoes littering Scarlett’s bedroom.

Darcy eyed her wristwatch. “Wow, it’s getting late.” She glanced at the window, dark behind the sheer curtains. “Thanks a lot, Scarlett. I really appreciate this.”

“You’re welcome.” Scarlett kissed Darcy on the cheek. “After all, that’s what sisters are for.”

Chapter Nine

Scarlett screwed the lid onto the silver flask with one burgundy-tipped thumb. “I told you I would pick the dress up for you.” She stirred her coffee, spoon clinking noisily against the oversized mug.

“I ran an errand in downtown Chickasha Friday after school. The drycleaner was right next door.” Darcy slid from the stool and crossed the kitchen. “Plus, I dropped by the clinic on the way home. I couldn’t wait to show Cabin.” Unhooking the metal hanger from the cabinet knob, she cradled the plastic-shrouded gown and walked it to her bedroom. “Did you bring the shoes?” she called, nudging the formal between two sundresses.

“No...I’ll bring them over shortly. And don’t squeeze that freshly pressed gown into that ridiculously cramped closet of yours. You’ll absolutely ruin it!” Scarlett’s voice rang through the open doorway.

Darcy reopened the closet and removed the dress, then bent the hanger over the closet door.

“Here, sister dear. I hope it’s white enough for you.” Scarlett handed her a mug as she stepped into the kitchen. The liquid swirled like a whirlpool.

“Thank you.” She took a sip. “It’s perfect.”

Scarlett smiled. “So, what time is Cabin picking you up?”

Darcy returned the mug to her lips, taking a healthy swallow. “This is delicious. Oh...sorry, you asked me a question. Cabin isn’t picking me up tonight. I’m meeting him at the Chickasha country club. He has to arrive early, around five, because he’s on the pregnancy support center’s board of directors. Plus, he needs to organize and display the art pieces for the silent auction.” She drained the coffee, then looked at the empty mug, amazed. “I’d better slow down before I get the jitters.”

“Nonsense,” Scarlett said, pouring another cup for her sister. “Run into the living room and grab the magazine I left on the sofa. I want you to see how amazing your hair is going to look tonight. It’s an up-do. Your appointment is at three o’clock with Larry. He’s fabulous. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

“But it’s Sunday—the salons are closed.”

“Closed for everyone else. Larry’s opening exclusively for you, because you’re my sister.”

Darcy skidded from the stool, her head light. She grasped the countertop for support. “I’m a little dizzy for some reason.”

“Whoa, slow down. You jumped off that stool like it bucked you.” Scarlett chuckled.

Darcy walked to the living room and searched the sofa for the magazine.

“Do you see it?” Scarlett called over her clanging spoon.

“It’s not here.” She shifted the pillows, peering under them.

Scarlett entered the room carrying Darcy’s mug. “Huh. I must’ve forgotten it. I could have sworn I brought it.” She searched under the same pillows. “Oh well, no worries, I’ll bring it over with the shoes in a sec.” She handed Darcy the mug.

Darcy held her hand up. “No thanks. I think I’ll stop.”

“Oh, come on, Cinderella, have just one more little cup with me. Tell your sister all about the ball you’re attending as she grows positively green with envy.” She guided Darcy by the arm, sitting her on the sofa, placing the mug into her hand. “I’ll be right back to join you.”

Darcy sighed and took a drink of coffee, relaxing into the soft cushions. She listened to Scarlett click around the kitchen tile in her Gucci slides, the footfalls seeming to fade, then grow unbearably loud, only to fade again. It seemed the living room light was dimming and brightening as well. She took another sip, aware of a strange tingle on her mouth. Rubbing her lips, she laughed loudly—they’d turned to rubber. Tugging them, she called her sister. “Scar! Hey, Scar, check this out!” She pulled her bottom lip and squealed. “My lips are Silly Putty!”

Scarlett returned and laughed with her. “They certainly are. How are you feeling, dear?”

Darcy closed her eyes, a comfortable hum filling her head. “Fantabulous!” She swigged her coffee, dribbling it down her chin, sloshing it onto her pajamas. “Ouch! It’s hot.”

Scarlett took the mug from her trembling hand.

“It’s just a little warm. You’re fine.” She guided her from the sofa.

“Hey! Wait! Guess what! I wasn’t going to tell you this, but...” Darcy swayed, holding to her sister’s elbow. “We’re Siamese twins! Separated at birth.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Scarlett frowned.

“Maybe not
exactly…but conjoined.” Attempting to lift her right foot, she lost balance and puddled to the floor, eye level with her sister’s feet. “See! See! There it is! You have a scar.
has a
” Darcy drummed her fists on the hardwood in a fit of laughter. “I’m going to pee my pants!”

“Come with me. I think you need to lie down for a moment.” Pulling her up, wrapping an arm around her waist, Scarlett led her sister to the bedroom.

“No. I can’t! I have to meet Prince Charming!”

“You have plenty of time, dear, it’s still morning.” Scarlett led her to the bedroom, then helped her into bed. “Just rest.” She lifted Darcy’s head, smoothing her hair down around her neck before fluffing her pillow.

“I don’t feel right. I’m scared. Maybe we should call a doctor.
is a doctor!” She alternated giggles with sobs.

“Now, now, you’ll be fine. It’s just all the excitement.” Scarlett patted Darcy’s thigh, a little too hard.

“Don’t leave me! I don’t want to be alone.” Darcy’s lip trembled.

Scarlett rummaged around on the headboard shelf. “Here, let this god-awful thing keep you company.” She shoved Gigi’s doll roughly under Darcy’s arm. It was
. Goosebumps pimpled Darcy’s skin beneath its cold bones.

Scarlett took the phone from the nightstand. “I don’t want anyone disturbing you. I’ll check on you later.” She smiled, her eyes distant, and shut the door.


Darcy feared her skin would wither and peel from her body, leaving nothing but bones scattered over the bed. She cried out, eyes burning as she blinked her swollen lids. Underneath Darcy’s hair the doll glowed, searing her flesh like hot coal. Clawing the doll from her neck, she frantically checked for blisters.

She shook with terror as an invisible finger scrawled words into the air inches from her eyes, in Gigi’s longhand.
That which bonds the skin, binds the bones.

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