SizzlingInsanity (18 page)

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Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

BOOK: SizzlingInsanity
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Cade shrugged then sat in a chair across from Sam. “I don’t
know what you would have done. That was years ago. What I want to know is what
you’re going to do now.”

Sam ran his fingers over the diary reverently. “A daughter.
I’d given up on ever having a family, you know. I tried to date other women,
even thought I’d found one I might marry, but it didn’t work out. I always
loved Annabeth.”

“She was your mate. You mourned her even though you thought
she was alive.”

“Yes, I suppose so. What’s she like, my daughter?”

Cade grinned. “Fiery, strong, stubborn.”

Sam snorted. “She sounds like her mother.”

“She’s also fragile, caring, and smart.”

Sam cleared his throat. “Do you think she’ll see me?”

Cade sighed, wishing Connor was here. He was better at this
sort of stuff.

“For years she thought you murdered her mother. Her uncle
raised her to hate you. But she knows the truth now.”

“She doesn’t know me though. I’m a stranger, one she has
hated for years. Part of me says I need to give her time, the other part wants
to rush out and find her. To make sure she’s all right, that she has everything
she needs. God, I’ve never met her and yet I feel this connection to her.” Sam
looked at him. “I can’t believe she was here, right under my roof.”

Before he’d given him the diary, Cade had told him
everything, including how they’d met Shelby and that he and Connor were mated
to her.

“So what happens next?”

“I need to get over to her cousins’ house. Connor is with
her at the moment.”

Sam frowned. “Is that where you’re going to stay? The three
of you?”

“For the moment we’ll do whatever Shelby wants. But we may
need to find you some new protection.”

Sam nodded. “I understand. I hope that one day she allows me
to be close, but at least I know the two of you will protect and take care of

“Always,” Cade promised.

* * * * *

Cade found them in the barn. He climbed into the loft area
to find they’d dragged a mattress, blankets, and a battery-powered light up
into the area.

“Now that’s a delightful sight,” he said, his gaze drawn to
the bare buttocks before him. He dropped the small suitcase of clothes and
toiletries he’d brought with him.

Shelby was on her knees, her mouth wrapped around Connor’s

She tried to move, but Connor grabbed hold of her shoulders,
keeping her trapped.

“I didn’t give you permission to move, trouble,” he ordered
in a gruff voice.

Cade stripped off as he moved toward them, folding his
clothes hastily before kneeling on the mattress beside them.

“She was worrying about things,” Connor said to him. “I
decided this was the best way to keep her occupied.”

“I might be able to help with that.” Cade walked over to the
bag he’d brought with him. Reaching in, he drew out a tube of lube.

Moving back, he knelt behind Shelby and placed the lube on
the mattress beside him.

“Widen your legs, darlin’. Don’t stop sucking on Connor
though,” he warned.

With a low whimper, she drew her knees apart. Perfect.

He cupped her mound, her pussy fitting just right against
his palm. He ran a finger through her folds.

“Nice and wet. She’s enjoying herself.”

Pushing her ass cheeks apart, Cade painted her asshole with
her moisture. She stiffened and he ran his free hand over her ass.

“Easy, stay relaxed for me.”

He waited until the tension had drifted from her muscles to
part her cheeks once more dipping his head down to rim her asshole with his

“Cade, no!” she cried out, wriggling as she attempted to
fight their hold on her.

Cade leaned back and gave her five sharp swats to her ass.

“Did I say you could stop sucking Connor?”

He rubbed the slight heat into her buttocks. “I’m in charge
of this body right now, Shelby, not you.”

“But-but that’s not sanitary.”

Connor snorted. “Sex isn’t supposed to be sanitary, trouble.
It’s dirty, nasty, and hot. Now relax and let Cade have a bit of fun. Give it a
chance. If you still don’t like it then he’ll stop.”

He sent Cade a firm look as he went to protest that
statement. Well, of course he’d stop if she didn’t like it, but from the smell
of her arousal, she liked what he’d been doing just fine.

Shelby let out a long breath, taking Connor back into her
mouth. Cade ran his hands up and down her ass cheeks until she’d relaxed. Then
he parted her ass cheeks once more and took a long lick from the bottom of her
slit to the top. He did this three more times before returning his tongue to
her asshole, circling it a few times. He dropped one hand down so he could push
two fingers deep inside her pussy.

Oh yes, she liked what he was doing. She just didn’t think
she should.

He grabbed the lube and poured it over two of his fingers.
He slowly drove first one finger then two into her tight hole.

Connor let out a loud grunt. “Christ, I can’t last that much
longer. Her mouth is fucking amazing.”

Cade grinned. “So is this ass.”

Shelby let out a small whimper filled with need. Damn, she
was perfect for them. Their mate.

“That’s it. Such a good girl.” He gave her butt a soft pat,
grinning as she growled.

He continued to toy with her asshole as he used the fingers
of his other hand to play with her clit, flicking it, squeezing it lightly
until her breath was coming in sharp pants.

“I’m coming,” Connor called out before letting out a low
moan, his eyes closing.

As soon as Shelby pulled back from Connor’s cock, Cade had
her on her back, her legs hooked over his arms as he drove his cock deep inside

“Oh yeah,” he said with satisfaction. She was so tight, so
warm. He rested for a moment, sucking in breath after breath. Christ, he’d
nearly come just from one small thrust.

Shelby wriggled beneath him.

“Stay still, sweetheart,” he told her.

“I can’t. I need more.”

“I’m getting there. Just give me a moment.”

Connor chuckled, lying down beside them. He rolled onto his
side and plucked at Shelby’s nipple. “What’s wrong, brother? No control?”

“Fuck you,” Cade said through gritted teeth. The need to
orgasm was a writhing, furious beast inside him.

He pulled back and drove forward, moving faster, harder,
unable to slow himself down. There was no finesse about how he took her, but
from the way she panted beneath him, her muscles squeezing him tight, he
figured she wasn’t about to complain.

Slipping a hand between them, he found her clit and flicked
it a few times.

“Come with me, baby. Come with me.”

One thrust, two and he came, his muscles contracting, his
balls so tight it bordered on pain as he emptied himself inside her. She
rippled around him, adding to his pleasure as she came.

Cade collapsed forward, his skin slick with sweat. He barely
had the energy to roll over to his side so he didn’t squash her.

“Fuck me,” he muttered.

“I can’t,” she groaned. “You’ve worn me out. I won’t be able
to move for a month.”

Connor chuckled and, leaning over, gave her a kiss. “Guess
it’s up to me to look after the two of you then. I’ll go get us some supper and
something to clean up with.”

He stood and grabbing some clothes, quickly dressed before
disappearing down the ladder.

“How come we’re up here again?” Cade asked, rolling onto his
back and pulling her against him so her head rested on his chest.

“I didn’t feel comfortable sleeping together in my cousins’

“It’s your house too,” he pointed out. “Besides, they’re at
work, aren’t they?”

“Yes, but it still made me feel awkward.”

She ran her fingers over his chest, drawing little patterns.

Cade rolled them so she was lying on her back. He leaned up
on his side, staring down at her.

“I hope you’re not disappointed.”

Shelby frowned. “About what?”

“Having me for a mate. I know I’m not ideal mate material.
I’m socially inept, I say things I shouldn’t, I—”

She placed her hand over his mouth, frowning at him

“You say one more bad thing about yourself Cade, I’m going
to spank your ass until you can’t sit down, understand me?”

He gently removed her hand, amusement and relief filling

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I will not tolerate anyone talking down about the man
I love.”

Leaning down, he kissed her. “I love you too.” He nipped her
lower lip. “But the only person getting spanked around here is you.”

She stuck her tongue out at him and he took that as
invitation to kiss her. When he pulled back, her eyes were glazed, her cheeks

He lay back and cuddled her in close.

“Sam read the diary?” she asked in a quiet voice.


“How was he?”

“Upset. Mad at himself.”

She leaned up on her elbow to look down at him. “It wasn’t
his fault.”

“No, but he blames himself for not going after Annabeth, for
not doing more to find her, for not protecting her better. I’d feel the same
way if it were me.”

She sighed and he tugged her back down to lie beside him.

“He wants to see you.”

She stiffened then nodded, relaxing once more. “I’m not
ready for that yet.”

“You know that you’re both the victims here.”

“I know,” she said defensively. “But I’ve spent so long
thinking of him as the bad guy that I can’t just turn around and welcome him
with open arms right away.”

“Shh,” he told her, running his hand down her back. “Nobody
expects that. He knows you’ll need time. Just know that when you’re ready,
he’ll be there.”

“Cade, come get this stuff,” Connor called out, interrupting

Cade moved to the ladder then reached down and grabbed the
tray of food Connor held up. He placed the tray on the mattress as Connor
climbed the stairs behind him.

“Man, I’m starved,” Connor said, sitting. He looked at them
both. “What’s wrong?”

Shelby sat up but kept her gaze on her lap. “We were just
talking about Sam. He wants to see me.”

“Of course he does. But you can take all the time you need.
No one is going to push you into anything before you’re ready.”

She glanced up, sending Connor a small smile.

“Now, lie back and part your legs, I’ll clean you up.”

Her gaze widened as she took in the washcloth he held. “Ahh,
I can do that.”

Connor grinned. “I know. But I want to.”

Cade watched as she rolled her eyes, a blush covering her
cheeks. But she lay back and let Connor take care of her. He grabbed one of the
other washcloths Connor had brought up and cleaned himself up.

When Connor was done, he stripped then drew Shelby up to sit
on his lap and they took turns feeding her, ignoring her protests. There was
something deeply satisfying about feeding his mate, providing for her.

“We’ll need to find someone to take over Sam’s protection,”
Connor said as they lounged on the blankets, Shelby between them. She lay with
her head on Cade’s chest and Connor spooned her from behind.

“Why?” Shelby asked.

Connor and Cade shared a glance. Cade ran his hand through
her hair.

“What do you mean why?” Cade asked.

“This is your job, I don’t expect you to quit just because
I’m not ready to meet him. I mean, if he’d been the one to murder my mother
then we’d have a problem. But there’s no reason to give up your job.”

“We live at the house, trouble. I think you’ll run into him
if we stay.”

“I wasn’t saying I was going to move in. I thought I could
stay here and you two could come visit.”

Both men shook their heads.

“No way,” Cade said. “You’re our mate, we live with you.”

She bit her lip, looking so cute as she thought things
through. “Well, then, couldn’t you live here and work there?”

Cade looked over at Connor.

“I suppose it could work,” Connor said. “It’s not ideal.”

“I want you guys to keep protecting him,” she said. “There
are some real quacks out there, especially at the moment. I may not be ready to
meet him, I don’t know how long that will take, but when I am ready I want to
make sure he’s in one piece. Please?”

She looked up at him then turned to look at Connor.

Connor leaned in and kissed her then Cade did the same.

“Okay, baby. For you,” Cade said.


Four months later


Shelby walked through her house. Hers. She could scarcely
believe that she was getting a home of her own.

So much had happened since she’d been caught by Connor.
She’d found her mates, learned that she’d blamed the wrong man all her life for
her mother’s death, been kicked out of a pack, and found one of her own.

Cade and Connor had practically moved in with her and her
cousins after they’d mated, something that hadn’t been at all practical. The
house had been bulging at the seams. But they’d refused to leave her and she
hadn’t been ready to meet Sam, let alone move into his house.

Cade and Connor had split their time between her and
protecting Garrison. That was before Jack had found out what was going on. As
soon as he’d discovered she’d mated someone from outside the pack, he’d kicked
her out. Her cousins had been fighting mad, not to mention Cade and Connor. But
Shelby reckoned it couldn’t have worked out better. They’d found a large block
of land for sale about forty miles away. It was mostly forest, but some of it
had been cleared. Connor and Cade had bought it immediately and started
building a house for the three of them. Until it was ready, they were staying
in a motel.

Her cousins and the rest of Cade and Connor’s team were
doing the same. They were forging their own pack. One that accepted her,
despite her blood.

It wouldn’t take long for the house to be finished. Cade and
Connor would get a shock when they saw how much work had been done over the
last few weeks.

They’d only learned the week before that the Werewolf
Registration Bill had failed to get passed after much debate. Frankly, she was
surprised it had happened so quickly—she’d expected it to take years. But the
unrest across the country had probably pushed things along.

Cade and Connor had been in Washington with Sam for the last
few weeks. They didn’t like being away from her at the same time. But she’d
insisted they both go. Sam needed them.

Over the last few months she’d come to terms with the fact
that Sam wasn’t her mother’s killer. She hadn’t met him yet. At first she
hadn’t been ready. Then he’d been away.

Soon though.

She smiled as she heard a car pull up. Two doors slammed.

“Shelby!” a loud voice called out.

Turning, she ran out the front door and leaped from the top
step into Connor’s waiting arms. He grasped her tight, pulling her against him.
She wrapped her legs around his waist as he kissed her fiercely.

“God I missed you,” he whispered.

“Me too.”

“Give her to me,” Cade grumbled. He reached over and plucked
her from Connor’s grasp. His kiss curled her toes and her nipples hardened in
arousal. He drew his mouth back then gave her a sharp slap on her butt.

“Hey, what was that for?”

“No jumping from the top of the steps,” he growled. “What if
you’d tripped and fallen?”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m a werewolf, remember? I don’t
think I was in any danger of hurting myself.”

“Nevertheless, you won’t be doing it again.”

Cade’s overprotectiveness was something she’d come up
against a few times since they’d been mated. Luckily, Connor was usually the
voice of reason, evening him out.


There had been a few times when they’d both taken exception
to something she’d done and she’d often ended up experiencing their discipline.

Not that she was really complaining.

Connor stepped up behind her, surrounding her in their heat.
He leaned in and nibbled on her neck. Shelby tipped her head to one side,
sighing in pleasure.

“Don’t you want to see the house?” she asked as Connor
slipped his hands around her body and cupped her breasts.

“Hmm, I can think of other things I want to see first.”

Connor stripped off her T-shirt.

“Connor! Anyone could come along.”

Each house had been spaced far enough apart so they wouldn’t
be living on top of one another. But that didn’t mean someone wouldn’t stop by.

She wriggled, trying to get free.

Whack! A smack landed on her thigh and Cade gave her a stern
look that had her insides shivering.

“Stay still,” he ordered.

She froze as Connor undid the back clasp of her bra and slid
it off her arms. He pulled her back so she was resting her shoulders against
his chest. Cade leaned in and took one nipple into his mouth, sucking strongly.

“Oh,” she groaned as the pressure built inside her. Connor
pinched her other nipple lightly.

“Have you missed us, trouble?” Connor whispered in her ear.

“Yes.” She closed her eyes, resting back in their embrace as
arousal washed over her.

“Have you been dreaming about us, thinking about us?”

“Yes. Yes.”

God, she wished they’d stop playing around and just lay her
out on the ground and fuck her.

“And did you touch yourself while you were dreaming about
us?” Connor asked.

It had been tempting, so tempting.

“No,” she told them honestly. They’d forbidden her from
touching herself unless they commanded it. And there had been a few spicy Skype
calls made where they’d done just that.

“Good girl, I think that deserves a reward, don’t you,

“I think I need to fuck her. Now.”

Connor snorted and took a step back. “Oh, I totally agree.”

Cade dropped her to her feet and she turned, expecting them
to lead her inside. Instead Connor drew her to face him and undid the buttons
on her jeans before drawing them down her hips.

“Wait!” She grabbed the jeans, holding them up. “We can’t do
this out here!”

“No one would dare interrupt us,” Cade said, taking over the
task and stripping her bare.

“My cousins—”

“Know we’re back. If they’re as smart as I think they are,
they won’t come over.”

Cade and Connor had asked her cousins to join their team and
they’d accepted. While Sawyer and Jonty had stayed behind, Owen had gone with
Cade and Connor to guard Sam.

When she was naked, Connor picked her up, sitting her down
on one of the wide porch steps. He spread her thighs wide as he knelt between

“Lean back on your elbows, thrust your breasts out,” Cade
ordered as he sat beside her.

“Damn, that’s hot,” Connor muttered, running his hands over
her thighs. He dipped his head down to run kisses up her right thigh. He
skipped over her throbbing pussy to kiss his way down her other thigh.

Cade whispered his fingers up her stomach, around her
breasts, and then down again.

“Stop torturing me,” she begged. “Please.”

It had been too long. She didn’t think she could take it.

“What do you need, sweetheart?” Connor asked.

“I need to come. I need both of you.”

Cade cupped one breast and licked her nipple lightly. Connor
parted the lips of her pussy, pressing one finger deep inside her.

“So wet. Poor baby, it’s been so long, hasn’t it?”

“Y-yes,” she groaned as he thrust his finger in and out. It
wasn’t enough. He dropped his mouth to her pussy, flicking her clit. She
wiggled her hips, wanting more, needing to come.

Cade bit down on her nipple sharply enough to make her gasp.
“Stay still,” he commanded.

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Maybe we can help with that,” Connor said, pulling back. He
drew his finger out of her and she whimpered in protest.

“Shh, shh,” Connor said soothingly, patting her hip. “We’re
not going to make you wait any more.”

Good, because she was about ready to explode. They turned
her so she was on her hands and knees. Cade stripped then sat on the top step.
His cock was directly in front of her mouth.

“Take Cade into your mouth, Shelby. This separation has been
just as hard on us. We need you, sweetheart.”

She didn’t need to be asked twice. Leaning in, she licked
her way up his shaft before taking the head of his cock into her mouth. She
sucked on him strongly, delighted to hear him groan. Then she drew him more
deeply into her mouth.

Connor moved in behind her. He’d stripped, his bare skin hot
against her own as he slid his cock between her slick pussy lips.

Shelby moaned around Cade’s cock as Connor thrust in and out
of her pussy, building up speed.

He grasped her hips, pulling her back against him, taking
her hard and fast. Shelby shuddered as he reached around and rubbed her clit.

Cade took hold of her head in his hands, holding her steady
as she cried out, her orgasm nearly blinding her in its intensity. As she came
slowly back to reality, she realized that both of them were still hard.

She took as much of Cade as she could, swallowing around the
head of his cock. Cade let out a loud groan and she slowly pulled up, licking
his thick shaft. Then she quickly took him deep again, sucking strongly.

Connor rammed his cock inside her, moving faster and faster.
She squeezed her muscles around him and he gave out a loud shout as he came.

“I’m coming, darlin’,” Cade told her. “Take me deep.”

Shelby swallowed rapidly as he spilled in her mouth. As he
drew his cock from her mouth, she leaned her head against his thigh in
exhaustion. Cade ran his fingers through her hair.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said. “Damn, I missed you. I don’t
think I can be separated from you this long again.”

“I know I can’t,” Connor said, moving to sit beside Cade.

Cade drew her up to sit on his lap, holding her tight.

“I’ll just have to come with you next time,” she said.

They both frowned and shook their heads.

“Too dangerous,” Cade said.

“Besides, you have school,” Connor added, brushing a lock of
hair behind her ear. “We’ll have to take turns about going away.”

She snuggled in against Cade’s chest, knowing she wouldn’t
win this argument.

“What will you do when Sam no longer needs you?”

“Jonty suggested we start our own security business. He’s
even got us some jobs lined up.”

She shivered.

“Cold, darlin’?” Cade asked.

She nodded.

“Let’s go have a look inside then get you back to the
motel,” Connor said with a wink before grabbing up their clothes. They dressed

Shelby showed them through the house and all the work that
had been done since they’d left. They locked up and walked toward the cars.

“Actually, before we go to the motel, do you think there is
somewhere we could stop first?”

* * * * *

Shelby held her breath as she looked up at the huge house.

Why am I so scared? It’s not like I haven’t been here

But she hadn’t been here to meet her father before.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Connor asked as he
turned off the car. He reached over and clasped her hand. “If you need some
more time then we can turn around and come back another day.”

She shook her head. No, she had to do this now.

Cade walked up to her door and opened it. He’d been driving
ahead of them in Shelby’s car.

He opened the door. “Everything all right?”

“Shelby’s just taking a moment to sort herself out.”

Cade ran his gaze over her. “Why? Did you button yourself up
wrong or something?”

She snorted in laughter, the knot in her stomach unraveling.
“No. Just got a few nerves. I’m ready now though.” She unbuckled her seat belt
with shaking fingers and took the hand Cade offered her.

Connor got out of the car and came around to her other side,
taking hold of her free hand.

The door to the house opened and Sam stepped out. He stopped
at the top of the stairs, just watching them.

With her mates on either side of her, she climbed the stairs
to meet her father.

As she drew closer a blast of warm air blew over her and she
smiled slightly. Fanciful as it sounded, she had a sudden feeling that her
mother was there, watching them. Approving.

She stopped in front of Sam, staring up at him.

“Hello, Shelby,” he said in a deep voice, holding his hand
out to her.

The look on his face held hope and nerves. Some fear.

And suddenly, she didn’t feel nearly as nervous.

She let go of Cade and Connor and took Sam’s hand between
her own.

“Hello, Sam. It’s nice to meet you.”

A smile broke out on his face.

“And you. I’m really pleased to meet you too.”

It wasn’t a heart-wrenching, dramatic reunion scene like you
might find at the end of a movie or novel, but Shelby knew this wasn’t the end.

It was just the beginning.


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