Six Little Sunflowers: Historical Romance Novella (American State Flower) (12 page)

BOOK: Six Little Sunflowers: Historical Romance Novella (American State Flower)
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Unrequited love wasn’t all bad.

The cruel irony of it all! She had finally decided to break free from her parents, to live life on her own, and the antithesis of all she’d become returns. For the rest of the night, as she aided the wounded and ministered to those in need, she would have to do everything she could to avoid the last man she ever wanted to see again.

All because he’d said she meant nothing to him.

All because he’d broken her heart.

All because—

She blinked at the horrid tears in her eyes. Because seeing him made her pine for what could have been
he had loved her. And that, truly, was the most pathetic reason of all.

“Liberty Adele Judd,” she whispered, “it’s time to put aside all childhood dreams and grow up.


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