Siren Song (32 page)

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Authors: A C Warneke

BOOK: Siren Song
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He gently nudged her chin up with his fingers until she met his laughing silver eyes, “We raced, Lexi; a whole pack of us. Look.”

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw ten or twelve others saunter in, just as disheveled as Duncan had been, if not more so. Confused, she looked up at him, “Do you run naked?”

He chuckled and pulled her into a powerful hug, until the steady rhythm of his heart worked its magic and she sighed. Relaxing against him, her arms slipped around his waist and she returned the hug.

He never answered the question.

Chapter 16




Wearing one of Duncan’s robes late Sunday night, Lexi rummaged through his state-of-the-art kitchen, searching for something to eat. Even though tomorrow was Monday, they had agreed to one more night. Since their time together was so short they figured they should steal one more day and one more night. Being with Duncan was amazing, even the time spent together when they weren’t making love. He had her laughing so hard she thought her stomach would burst; and then he would feed her ice cream and get more ice cream on her breasts than in her mouth, which he proceeded to clean with his tongue. It was a very messy Sunday.

They showered and then climbed back into the bed, exhausted after a day of being together and he made love to her, slowly and wholeheartedly. After yet another explosive orgasm – one of many over the too-short, very gratifying weekend – she fell asleep on top of him with the feel of his warm hands rubbing her back.

But that was hours ago and she woke up starving. Climbing out of bed without waking Duncan was surprisingly easy; he was apparently a very sound sleeper. Just like every other aspect of his life, he slept hard. And if she weren’t so darn hungry, she would have enjoyed watching him sleep; he looked younger, less troubled, but every bit as sexy. Like the hotel, she felt his eyes on her but the rumble of a snore convinced her he was still asleep.

His kitchen was packed with so much food, which was good because during their time together, he ate. A lot. She was amazed that he was so fit, considering the vast quantities of food he could put away. He said that he had an extremely high metabolism and she believed him; there wasn’t a spare ounce of fat anywhere on his hard, lean body. Pulling a cupboard open she glanced inside to find a breakfast bar or something; just something light to quiet the ravenous beast in her belly.

Without finding anything, she closed the cupboard and nearly had a heart attack when she saw Duncan standing there, nude and with a rampant erection, his arms crossed over his chest as his eyes glittered in the darkness. He had been so silent she hadn’t even known he was there. Pressing her hand over her racing heart, she laughed, “Holy crap, you scared me; I didn’t even know you were there. Are you hungry?”

Always,” he growled, his eyes moving over her body, smiling slightly as he saw her nipples stiffen beneath his regard. Meeting her eyes once more, he rasped, “Wanna play a game, Lexi?”

This was a new side of Duncan she hadn’t seen before; darker and more primal. Her stomach quaked and she found that she liked this new Duncan. “Yes.”

He moved then, slowly, predatorily, stopping in front of her and putting his hands on the tie around her waist. His silver gaze glowed as he loosened the tie and then slowly pushed the robe from her body until it pooled on the floor. “You are so beautiful, Lexi… Alexandra.”

She inhaled sharply at the use of her given name; she hadn’t known how sexy it would sound when growled in Duncan’s voice. Her belly tightened in anticipation and her thighs grew damp. She held her breath as he took her hand in his and led her through the house to the living area that looked out over his vast backyard. He never took his eyes from her and she was damned if she could have torn her eyes from his. Trusting him to lead her through the darkness, she followed.

Pushing the French doors open, he stepped outside, pulling her with him. The moon was nearly full, bathing the world in its soft light and making it easy to see. Duncan's voice rumbled through her skin as he commanded, “Run.”

Startled, a little confused, she looked up at him and met those wild, silver eyes. “Run?”

Run,” he repeated. Reaching out, he drew his hand over her breast, cupping the heavy weight in his palm as he brushed his thumb over the hard tip. “Run and I’ll catch you.”

A slow smile curved her lips as she understood the game he was playing; her body was burning for his possession and she knew the sex was going to be primitive and hot. Without a word, she took off at a dead run towards the heavily wooded area, naked and barefoot and utterly free. When she didn’t hear anything, she slowed down and glanced over her shoulder to see if he was following.

He was standing where she had left him, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip; his eyes glowing even from this distance. He was so preternaturally still she wasn’t sure he was fully awake. But then she looked down and she saw his thick cock sticking straight out from his hard belly and she knew that he was giving her a head start to make it even more thrilling.

With an soft sound of delight, she sped back up, feeling the cool night air against her overheated skin, caressing her bouncing breasts, her damp sex. Keeping to the grassy path, not knowing what creatures were watching her mad dash through the woods, she laughed out loud. She was so damned aroused she could barely think straight.

The sounds of the night added to the adrenalin pumping through her system; the crickets chirping, an owl hooting, and the wind softly blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves. Light from the nearly full moon filtered through the trees, giving her enough light to see the path. The woods at midnight smelled like Duncan.

Then she stumbled out onto a meadow bathed in moonlight and she had to take a moment to appreciate the beauty; the grass was silver and the trees were shadows. Inhaling deeply through her nostrils, she breathed in the scent of grass and woods and Duncan. Spinning, she gasped as his large form came barreling out of the woods straight at her. His arms were around her waist and she was flying backwards when he spun and landed on his shoulder, cushioning the fall with his body. She landed on top of him with a hard exhalation of air.

Laughing breathlessly, she looked down into Duncan’s handsome face; the tightness of his features as he looked up at her with predatory hunger was exhilarating. Brushing the wild black hair off his face she asked, “Now that you’ve caught me, what are you going to do with me?”

He simply smiled and in a move so quick it took her breath away, she was on her hands and knees and he was behind her, surrounding her with his body and his heat. The grass was soft against her knees as she looked over her shoulder, a little startled by the hunger on his face. She tried to turn around but he held her still with a heavy hand on the small of her back. “Duncan?”

He clasped her around the waist with his large hands as he bent forward, rubbing his cheek over her back, “Hands and knees, Lexi. I’m going to steal your soul.”

The heat of his body disappeared for a moment and when something warm slid between the crevice of her bottom she jerked. His large hand ran down her spine as he leaned over her, “Shh; it’ll be all right.”

I’ve never….”

I know,” he growled. “You came to me a virgin; of course you’ve never.”

She swallowed, not knowing how he knew or why he didn’t say anything before. Glancing over her shoulder, she inhaled sharply as she saw him rubbing something onto his larger than normal cock with his hand, making it glisten in the moonlight. She had no idea what it was or where it came from as fear and anticipation raged through her body; she wasn’t sure she wanted this. But then he lifted his head and her protest caught in her throat at the stark craving gleaming in his eyes, “Relax, Lexi; let me claim you.”

Her lips parted as he rubbed his slick cock over the curve of her bottom, her nerve endings screaming in fear. In excitement. Grabbing her hips to hold her steady, he slowly pushed into her, easing past the tight muscles. Fire raced outwards, burning her up as he pushed forward. “Relax.”

With her neck aching from the awkward position, she faced forward, putting her head down as he claimed her inch by slow, decadent inch. When he was buried deep within her, his body came over hers once more, dominating her completely. His breath was hot in her ear as he growled. “You have the most delicious body, Alexandra.”

A little squeak came from the back of her throat and beads of perspiration broke out across her forehead as he slowly moved in her, slowly in; slowly out, stealing what was left of her mind. The heat of his body was blistering and she knew she was never going to survive such dark pleasure. With one hand holding her in place, the other roamed over her body, touching her wherever he could reach: her thighs, her belly, her breasts. As he cupped a breast in his hand, as he captured a nipple between his fingers, sharp teeth sank into the curve of her shoulder and she screamed as ecstasy bombs detonated throughout her body, filling her with pleasure and taking everything.

Her arms trembled, gave out, and she fell forward onto her elbows, sending him even deeper into her body. Inhaling sharply, he paused for just a moment before he pulled his teeth from her neck and clasped her hips with both hands, pounding into her until her world was destroyed and nothing was left of her.

You’re mine,” he growled savagely as his body stiffened and she felt the heat of his orgasm deep, deep within her body. It set off another round of explosions and she came again.

When he released her, she collapsed onto the ground, barely having enough strength to push herself over and look up at the man who dominated her so completely. The crushed grass emitted a deliciously green scent and the gentle breeze cooled her overheated skin. She didn't know if her heart would ever beat normally again and she was pretty sure all of her muscles were now jelly. “Wow.”

Tenderly, he scooped her boneless body up in his arms and stood up. Her arms automatically went around his neck as he carried her back to the house in silence. His silver eyes continued to glow as he held her gaze, never wavering even as he took the stairs up to the bedroom. She was too overcome with emotion, with pleasure, to speak; she simply wanted to stay in his arms forever. But she knew that she couldn’t; tomorrow they would go back to work and a few days after that it would be over. And she was going to let him go knowing that it wasn’t real, at least for him.

My lovely, little Siren,” he rumbled as he gently lay her down on the bed, brushing the strand of hair from her face. His gaze was tender as he caressed her face and whispered, “You’ve claimed my soul, Alexandra; will you be able to give it back?’

In horrified silence, she simply stared at him.

Never mind, my delectable sweet; I know you will do what you think is right,” he chuckled, climbing into bed next to her, wrapping his body around hers and keeping her close. “And forgive me for letting you go; I’m a fool.”




Still reeling from the experience in the woods, Lexi left Duncan sleeping on the bed when she woke up early Monday morning. Her thoughts were still all over the place about what happened; that had been a much darker, more dangerous side of Duncan than she had been prepared for and it terrified her how much it intrigued her, aroused her. He had thoroughly claimed her body and she still felt the imprint of him.

Her fingers went to the bite mark on her shoulder and she smiled slightly; that was definitely unexpected and so damn erotic that memories of her orgasm still made her shudder. He had been so possessive, so primal, and it had delighted her more than she cared to admit.

Grabbing a bowl of strawberries and some heavy cream, she closed the fridge door and set the ingredients down on the counter. Searching through his cabinets, she found sugar and vanilla and the hand held mixer. “Perfect.”

Her stomach rumbled so she grabbed a strawberry to tide her over until her masterpiece was finished. Humming to herself, she went about whipping the cream, adding the sugar and vanilla as required. Dipping her finger in the bowl, she was about to taste it when strong fingers wrapped around her wrist and brought her hand to another mouth. Soft lips enveloped her finger and her body melted. Looking over her shoulder, she smiled at Duncan, “Well?”

Mmm,” he murmured appreciatively. His hair was damp and his sleeper pants hung low on his hips; he must have taken a quick shower before coming downstairs and joining her in the kitchen. “You taste wonderful.”

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