Read Sintown Chronicles I: Behind Closed Doors Online

Authors: Sr. David O. Dyer

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy

Sintown Chronicles I: Behind Closed Doors (49 page)

BOOK: Sintown Chronicles I: Behind Closed Doors
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“I thought you were okay with that."

“It's going to take some getting used to.” He washed down the last of the hamburger with a big gulp of Pepsi-Cola.

“Then stay here, Bo. Nobody is forcing you to move to Dot."

“You'd like that wouldn't you? You think you don't need me anymore and would be glad to get me out of your life."

“I didn't say that, Bo. Be fair. I don't want you to be miserable. We could be together on weekends."

“If I stay at Tanglewood, I'll be working on weekends. Remember?"

“True, but we could work something out."

“I promised you last night I would move for your sake, and I will. The decision is made."

“I called Rita this morning and told her I would take the job,” Betty said. “I gave my supervisor at Tanglewood a two-week notice when he came to relieve me for lunch. Rita wants me to come down Monday to look over some projects and decide on furnishings for my office."

He nodded. “Two weeks, huh? Big Willie says we might get away with a two-week notice, but Mr. Hathaway could require a full month."

You haven't turned in a resignation yet have you, Bo?"

“No. I'll do that tomorrow."



She sucked heavily on her straw, stopping only when the slurping sound began. “Bo, I know this is crazy, but I think I may be in love with Rita. I've never felt this way about anyone before. It's all so strange to me."

“Are you dumping me, Betty?” He tried unsuccessfully to hide his watering eyes from her.

“I want you both, Bo. Is that possible?"

“I don't know if it's possible to love two people at the same time, Betty. But when you think about it, why not?"

“Are you willing to give it a try, Bo?"

“I said I would last night. I won't change my mind."

“But what if it doesn't work out? You won't be able to get your Tanglewood job back."

“No, but I'll still have the job in Dot, if I don't screw it up."

Neither knew what to say next. Instinctively they held hands across the table until finally Betty said, “I'll need the car to drive to Dot next Monday."

“Maybe I'll go with you. I want to look over the course again, have a look at the town, which you pointed out I didn't do yesterday, and maybe we could look for an apartment to rent. I want to meet Rita, too, if you will let me."

* * * *

Big Willie dried and put away the last supper dish and joined Louise in the den. She had parked her wheelchair next to his recliner and he sat down heavily in the comfortable chair.

“You into that sitcom?” he asked.

“It's a rerun. Don't tell me you want to talk."

“Yeah, I do."

She clicked off the TV and twisted her body slightly in order to look at him.

“I sent everybody home before noon today and spent the afternoon trying to figure out how to tell you this. There just ain't no good way.” He shifted the ever-present unlit cigar nervously.

She looked at him and the trouble she saw in his eyes frightened her. “The Dot job fell through?” she asked.

“No, nothing like that.” He looked at the darkened TV set. “You see, I met this woman on the Internet."

“Oh, no,” she cried out. “You've gotten Sarasue pregnant."

“Hell, no. I've never even met the woman. Besides, you know I shoot blanks. Wait a minute. How'd you know her name?"

“Do you think you could have that computer in the house all this time and I wouldn't learn how to use it?"

“You've read my e-mail? You couldn't have. I deleted all the messages."

“Willie, you're good at hitting a golf ball and you are good at growing grass, but you've never learned how to use Windows 95. I read the manual. You don't actually delete a file until you ... I'm not going to tell you. Then I couldn't spy on you anymore."

He looked at her carefully. He could hardly believe the twinkle in her eyes.

“You read them and didn't say anything?"

“I haven't been the best bedmate for you in a long time. I know that. If swapping fantasies with that white women meets your needs, why should I complain?"

“I don't believe this. I've been going out of my mind trying to figure out how to tell you about Sarasue and you already knew. By the way, she's not white."

“You called her like she asked in her last message?"

“Yeah. She's a black woman in her thirties and she's in a heap of trouble. I believe she's not far away from killing herself. Until her husband died a few years ago, she never had a job. She went to work as a housekeeper, but the other day the woman she worked for accused her of stealing some jewelry. The police arrested her, but they didn't file charges because they could find no evidence. Of course, the woman fired her and Sarasue says her reputation is ruined. There's no way she can get another job in that town. Oh, her landlady is kicking her out too."

“And she wants you to help her. How much money does she want?” Louise asked.

“She says she has enough money to live on for a while. She wants me to find a job for her in Winston-Salem."

“What kind of job?"

He laughed. “She said something about moving in with us and looking after you while I am at work. I told her there was no way for that to ever happen."

“Why not?"

“You're kidding?"

“I think it would be—what do they call it—poetic justice for your lover to wind up waiting on me hand and foot and wiping my butt every time I sit on the throne."

“She's not my lover and you can wipe your own butt."

“Yes, but she doesn't know that. I won't tell if you don't."

Big Willie put the remains of his well-chewed cigar in the ashtray, pulled a fresh one from his shirt pocket and stuck it, unlit, into his mouth. “You're really not upset about this, are you?"

“Frankly, I'm relieved that we don't have this secret between us anymore."

“Louise, honey, you know I love you, don't you?"

“I know,” she said softly. She rolled her chair forward, then to the left and then back so that her knees almost touched his. “You know,” she said placing her hands on her knees and pushing them slightly apart, “it's been a year or so since I've spread my legs for you..."

“It's okay,” he said while thinking that it was probably closer to four years.

“Let me finish. It's been a long time since I've spread my legs for you and now I can't..."

“Honey, don't do this. It's okay."

“Damn you, Willie Donaldson. Let me finish. I can't spread them for you anymore, but

“What?” He looked at her eyes. They were still twinkling. “You're kidding me."

“Hey, I'm helpless. You can do anything with me you want to, now."

He pushed the chair backwards, picked her up and gently deposited her on their bed.

“Oh, please don't hurt me, stranger,” she teased as he struggled to remove her clothes.

“Oh, Mr. Stranger,” she said as he pushed down his pants. “It's so big. Please don't put that thing inside me."

Gently he pushed apart her legs and positioned himself over her, being careful to touch no more of her body than necessary. He slowly rubbed the head of his penis between her vaginal lips until he was satisfied she was sufficiently lubricated. He moaned loudly as he entered her.

“Oh, Mr. Stranger, please don't put your hands and mouth on my boobs."

He propped on his elbows and alternately fondled and kissed his wife's soft breasts.

“Mr. Stranger, please don't move that thing inside me any faster."

He pumped faster, doing everything he could think of to delay ejaculation.

“Stranger, oh, Mr. Stranger, Sir, please don't kiss me on the lips."

He lowered his head and sucked her tongue into his mouth.

“Stranger, please don't ... Oh, God, Willie. Something is happening. Willie ... I'm ... Oh God ... Willie ... Willieeeeeeeeeeee!"

It was a first and completely unexpected. It scared him so badly he lost his erection. He made up for it later—twice.

Chapter Sixteen

“Get a load of the pair of legs that just slithered out of that old white Ford,” said Tim Dollar, standing inside the Dot Super Save office.

Billy Frank wiped the grease from his hands with his red mechanics’ rag. “Wow, that skirt's so short I wonder why she bothered to even put it on?” he laughed.

As the tall beauty bent over to insert the gasoline hose nozzle into the filler pipe of her automobile, Tim grinned. “Damn, red panties mostly crammed into the crack of her shapely little bottom."

“Must be close to six feet tall and as skinny as my pecker,” Billy joked. Without averting his gaze he said, “Tim, I put a new tailpipe in your Mustang as well as a new muffler. The thing was pretty rusty."

“Put it on my tab,” Tim replied. “Damn,” he continued as she turned towards them, replacing the hose in the pump. “Flat-chested."

“I thought you liked ’em small."

“Since Sandra had the baby and her boobs are full of milk I've changed my mind.” Tim stepped aside as the center of attention paraded into the office and, wordlessly, offered Billy her credit card.

Her blouse buckled as she bent over to sign the receipt. Looking up at Billy she snarled, “Get an eyeful?"

“Sorry,” he mumbled, handing her the receipt copy and her credit card.

She glared at Tim who was craning his neck to get a better view of her panties as she bent over the desk. “I am looking for the Holder Advertising Agency."

“I'm Tim Dollar."

She ignored his extended hand. “I didn't ask your name."

“The Holder Advertising Agency is in the first building on your left behind the station."

“Thank you,” she said icily.

The two men appreciatively watched her hips rising and falling as she undulated to her car.

“I'd like to get my hands on that chassis,” Billy said.

“I'll bet you would,” Tim laughed.

“I meant her car, Tim. Didn't you see how the whole right side was caved in like she'd scraped it against something?"

“I'd like to be the something she scrapes her chassis against,” Tim joked.

Jan noted that the placard on the front of the structure read, “Dollar Building.” The bulge in that guy's pants may come in handy one day, she thought as she pushed through the heavy glass door.

Rita was searching a file cabinet in her outer office and jumped when she heard the familiar voice call her name.

“Janine! Oh my God Jan, is it really you?"

They embraced as the lovers they used to be, and then, her head pressed firmly against Jan's breast, Rita let her hands flow up the back of Jan's thighs, under the black skirt, coming to rest on the familiar tight buttocks. Jan fondled Rita's breasts gently; then held her companion's face between her hands and kissed her ardently, full on the lips.

Jan pushed the clinging woman away and surveyed the room. “It's not as nice as your office in Charlotte,” she said, “but it'll do."

Rita held her breath.

“I didn't go through with it,” Jan said, returning to Rita and answering the unasked question while fondling her sensitive ears. “The first time I saw him naked I nearly puked. The old fart's fat, flabby, and even when erect you need a magnifying glass to find his dick. He had the gall to complain about the size of my tits,” she laughed. “I wanted his money, but not bad enough to marry and live with him."

Jan sat on the edge of the desk, pulled a cigarette from her purse and lit it sensuously. “I read about Max's accident in the paper. How'd you do it?"

“Janine!” Rita exclaimed. “It was an accident!"

“Yeah, sure it was."

“Look, I know I talked once or twice about how nice it would be if Max were out of the picture, but I would never..."

“Of course not,” Jan sneered. She crossed her legs, left ankle resting on right knee, giving Rita a generous view of her formfitting red lace panties. “How much life insurance did he have?"

“Two hundred and fifty grand,” Rita replied. “It came as a real surprise. I didn't know there was any insurance. I'm going to invest it towards the kid's education."

Not if I have my way, Jan thought. “I want my job back as your administrative assistant,” she said, uncrossing her legs and slowly sliding the panties down her shapely tan thighs. “I figure you'll be glad to have me share your new house, and if I don't get some relief from that talented tongue of yours right now I'm going to explode."

Rita knelt and worked the panties over Jan's sandaled feet. “Not here,” she said. “My office."

* * * *

“Hi, I'm Betty Nading. This is my husband, Bo. Rita is expecting us."

Jan carefully looked over the couple in front of her. Betty looked pretty much as Rita had described and the husband wasn't bad looking from the neck down. Without letting her expression show it, Jan was pleased to see Bo gawking at her and the budge in his pants pleased her. She turned most men on and was glad that Bo fell into that category.

After Bo exchanged the obligatory greetings with Rita, he announced that he would leave the women to discuss business while he became acquainted with downtown Dot. They agreed to meet at eleven o'clock to look at the efficiency apartment he and Betty were interested in renting.

“Bo,” Jan said when they were alone in the outer office, “there's no need for you to wait to see the apartment. If you are interested, I have a key."

He agreed and together they rode the elevator to the third floor. “This is it,” Jan said as she flung open the door.

Quickly she showed him the living room, kitchen area, small bedroom, master bedroom and bath. Although Rita had moved to her new house, she had not yet removed all of her things from the furnished apartment. The bed looked inviting with Rita's pink, satin linens.

Bo could not take his eyes off this gorgeous lady. He felt hypnotized by her beauty. Three times he managed to look down her blouse at her tiny, but fantastically shaped breasts. He stared in disbelief as she slowly unfastened the buttons on her blouse and let it drop from her braless body.

“I know what I like, and I usually get what I want,” she said as she moved towards him. “Your wife has huge breasts. What do you think of my petite boobs?” she asked as she drew his face to her chest. She smiled thinly when she felt him greedily suck her nipple into his mouth.

BOOK: Sintown Chronicles I: Behind Closed Doors
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