Sins of the Demon (27 page)

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Authors: Diana Rowland

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Epic

BOOK: Sins of the Demon
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My spirits lifted slightly at this reminder that I did have people around who I could trust—which was most likely Eilahn’s intent.

“Sounds good. Let’s rock.”

She paused with her hand on the passenger door, gave me a quizzical smile. “You are teasing me?”

“A little,” I said.

She chuckled. “Now we unleash mayhem.”

*  *  *

I wasn’t terribly surprised to see two Crown Vics and a Beaulac PD Crime Scene van parked in front of my aunt’s house. I made the appropriate greetings and expressions of thanks—which earned responses that were variations of, “Don’t be stupid. You need help. Of course we’d come.”

With that out of the way, our posse trudged up the steps of the house. I gave a desultory knock, waited for the answering yell, then pushed in, with the others following behind.

Tessa was in the front room in practically the same position she’d been in when I last saw her, though today she was dressed in a bright red caftan and the book in her hand was
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
. She took in the sight of us, eyes finally resting on the carrier in Eilahn’s hand. “You’re bringing me a cat?”

Shaking my head, I flopped into a chair and pulled the cuff off. “It’s my cat. Well, technically it’s Eilahn’s since the cat hates me.” The others took seats as Tessa moved to crouch by the carrier. It was small consolation to my mood that the cat snarled and tried to claw her.

“Lovely creature,” she said with an arched eyebrow as she resumed her seat.

I stood up from the chair and shifted to sit on the floor on the other side of the room. “She seems to hate people who have arcane ability,” I told her. “I thought that the mayor might be my big bad summoner since he seems to have such a hard-on for me, but the cat loves him.” I glared at the cat.

“Kara,” Ryan said, frowning, “why did you just get up and move?”

I opened my mouth to answer, then closed it. “I’m not sure,” I replied, abruptly unsettled. There were seats available on the other side of the room. Jill and Zack had taken up the loveseat on that side, while Ryan, Tessa, and Eilahn occupied the available seats on the side that faced away from the lake. But there were two armchairs facing the other way that stood empty.

My throat felt oddly dry. “It feels more right to face this way,” I said.

“And you sat in the chair you don’t like at your house,” he pointed out.

“Moreover, you changed seats after you removed the cuff,” Eilahn added.

Tessa set her book down and tilted her head. “Perhaps this summoner wants you to find something for him,” she said.

I got to my feet. “I need a map!”

“I have one in the kitchen,” Tessa said, and scurried off.

Closing my eyes, I pivoted very slowly, trying to feel which direction felt the most right. “There,” I said, opening my eyes. “It’s super faint, but now that I’m looking for it, there’s definitely a…pull, so to speak.”

Jill stood and handed me her smartphone. “Compass app,” she said. “Point where you think you need to go. You can’t actually go look for whatever it is, but we can triangulate. Right?”

“Jill, you’re a fucking genius.” I took the phone from her and allowed her to note down the bearing. “My house, the PD, and here are all places where I either tried to rearrange the furniture or I changed my seating preference. And, in some welcome good news, they’re all warded.”

Zack frowned. “Can you get into the PD?”

“Sure,” I said with a breezy assurance I wasn’t sure I felt. “I’m on leave, not fired.”

Jill carefully marked the points on the map where the three bodies were found, and then took a pencil and drew a line from my aunt’s house with the bearing she’d just taken. “All right, saddle up, folks. Time to do some triangulatin’.”

Zack, Jill, and Fuzzykins stayed behind at my aunt’s house while Ryan, Eilahn, and I sped back to my house to take a bearing. It felt weird to close my eyes and let myself feel which way was “best” but when I opened my eyes I was once again facing my back door. Ryan took note of the bearing and texted it to Zack.

“Next, the PD,” he said as we all piled into his car again.

Even though I knew I was allowed back into my office, I still felt a silly fluttering of nerves as I stepped through the door marked Investigations Division. With Ryan by my side I walked down the hall to my office, breezing past my sergeant’s door without glancing in. I didn’t want to put him in an uncomfortable situation, plus, the sooner we got these bearings, the sooner we could figure out what all this was about. At least I sure as shit hoped so.

I slipped into my office and closed the door as soon as Ryan was all the way in, then moved behind my desk—mostly since that was the largest “clear” area in my tiny office, and that was only if you defined “clear space” as about two feet by two feet. I pulled off the cuff, closed my eyes and slowly turned, relaxing and allowing myself to feel which direction felt right.

I finally opened my eyes, took the phone from Ryan and told him the bearing. I put the cuff back on and waited for him to send the text to Zack. At least now I knew why I’d been struck by the urge to rearrange furniture in here.

“Okay, done,” Ryan said. “Jill’s factoring in some margin for error, so even with three readings we’ll still probably have a good sized area to search.”

Grimacing, I nodded. Even one or two degrees would probably make a big difference over such a large area. “All right. Well, let’s head back and see what we have.”

We left the office to make our escape, but my sergeant was standing in the hallway by his door, a cup of coffee in his hand.

“Hi, Sarge,” I said brightly. “Forgot a couple of things in my office. Just came by to collect them.”

He gave me a slight nod that told me he wasn’t fooled one bit. “Everything all right?”

“Sure,” I said. “It’s been a perfectly
day. How’s everything going here?”

He snorted. “Well, gee, my best detective is on leave, and somehow Pellini and Boudreaux haven’t been able to pick up the slack.”

“You know I’d help you if I could,” I said.

He took a sip of his coffee. “I figure whatever it is y’all are up to will help out. Then he gave me a sour look. “Please tell me that you’re close to figuring all this shit out?”

I shoved my hand through my hair. “I don’t know if we’re close, but I think we’re on the right track.”

“Well, hurry the fuck up,” he grumbled. Then a whisper of a smile crossed his face. “Oh, by the way, you
might be interested to know that the mayor went to the emergency room a little while ago.”

I gave him a guarded look. “Um. Why?”

“Somehow, the mayor accidentally ingested a substance he thought might be poisonous.” His eyes lit with a fierce amusement. “And when I say ‘ingested’ I mean ‘inhaled through his nose.’ ”

I allowed my eyes to widen. “How awful. How on earth did he accidentally snort what he thought might be poison?”

He shrugged. “It’s a mystery. I’m sure that the fact that the alleged poison was a white powder is completely beside the point.”

“Gosh! That’s so odd!” I started to grin, then sobered. “Is he going to be all right?” That was actually a serious question. As much as disliked the man, I didn’t want to see him hurt. Would snorting powdered sugar be dangerous?

“He’s completely healthy,” Sarge assured me. “But I’m not sure his tenure as mayor will be doing as well. Twitchy fucker. I’m not surprised he’s a cokehead.”

“I’ll be sure to send him a get-well card,” I said. “Maybe even a Christmas fruitcake.”

“Remind me to stay on your good side,” he said with a wink, then he stepped back into his office and we continued on out.

Chapter 19

We raced back to my aunt’s house, ready to finally figure out what the deal was with the portals, but the triangulation hadn’t been as miraculous as we’d hoped, mostly due to the margin of error that Ryan had mentioned.

“The problem is that each location you triangulated from is fairly far apart,” Jill explained as she showed us the map. “And there’s no way to know if you were holding the compass
in the direction where you felt the pull. Therefore, I went ahead and charted it for the bearings you gave us, then with a two-degree margin for error, and also a five-degree margin.” She grimaced. “Even with only a plus or minus of a couple of degrees, it still gives us a pretty large area.”

She’d drawn colored cones extending from each triangulation point, giving us an intersection of what looked like a diamond several blocks long, located on the northeast end of town in what looked like a mix of homes and businesses. “Crap,” I said. “There’s something in there that I’m supposed to open or activate or find or whatever.”

“I’m betting it’s more than just a portal,” my aunt said as she peered at the map.

“I concur,” Eilahn said. “This summoner made the effort to have you drugged, most likely because whatever is in this location requires someone with extensive aptitude or innate talent in utilizing potency.”

“Great,” I muttered. “So what could it be?”

“I would imagine it’s something that uses the portals,” Tessa said, lifting her shoulders in a light shrug. She straightened. “But no matter what it is, I think it’s best if you don’t go anywhere near it.”

“Again,” Eilahn said, “I concur.”

“Look, I’m cool with that,” I said, then fell silent. Something about the whole thing was bugging me, and I needed a minute to tease it out. “This drug,” I said finally, “it’s not just making me point in a particular direction. My impulse control seems to be shot to hell. And I think it might have been the same with the victims as well.” I thought back to what Pellini had said about Barry getting into his face. Maybe his impulse control had been slipping? Why else would an ex-con take a chance on antagonizing a cop?

Zack cleared his throat. “I have a theory about that, actually.”

I looked over at him, suddenly realizing with a stab of embarrassment that he’d surely been aware of what had happened between Ryan and me the other day. I didn’t know the precise dynamic between those two, and I had a feeling it wasn’t quite the same as the arrangement Eilahn and I had—wherein she was always within touching distance of me—but still, I had no doubt he knew what was going on with Ryan at all times.

But more importantly, I remembered that he’d reacted when we first mentioned the drugs. If he had any
information, putting forth a “theory” would certainly be the best and easiest way to share any knowledge he might have.

“The reduction of impulse control is probably as vital as the enhancement of sensitivity to the arcane,” Zack explained. “What good is it if the recipients become more attuned to portals—or whatever it is you’re being drawn to—if they can simply resist the desire to go see for themselves?”

Ryan frowned. “Shouldn’t this drug wear off at some point?”

“I do not know,” Eilahn confessed. “Theoretically, yes, but the cuff is shielding its effects, and also possibly increasing the time it takes to degrade.”

“It’s also possible,” Zack added, “that there’s a link between you and the portals, since you had a strong emotional connection to the victims.”

Damn. Now that made a hideous amount of sense. “So this summoner might not even need me to find whatever this is?”

Zack shifted uncertainly. “It’s only a theory,” he qualified. “But I would imagine he already knows where the, um, focal point is.”

I shot him a look of pure gratitude. From the look of tension on his face it was clear he was skating hard and fast over the thin ice of breaking the oaths that bound him to secrecy.

“I’d love to know what the hell this thing is that I’m supposed to go find,” I said, “but I’m well aware that finding out would probably involve bad things happening to me. However, I do wish we could pinpoint the location a little better. Maybe we could find some locations
closer to this area and get them warded so that I could take the cuff off and take new bearings.”

Jill nodded. “That would work, but,” she looked over at Eilahn, “how long would that take to do?”

The syraza pursed her lips. “Wards of that design and strength are not simple. Even if the chosen locations were small, it would likely take much of a day.”

Did we even have that long? I rather doubted this summoner intended to blithely sit back and wait for the drug to wear off. He or she surely had a backup plan in mind. “Okay, so we can try to narrow the location down. In the meantime, we need to figure out how to track down this other summoner.” I stood and began to pace the length of the sitting room. “I swear, if I ever get loads of free time, I’m going to create a directory. Or a social network.”

Jill snickered. “What, like MagicSpace?”

Tessa’s lips twitched. “Somehow I doubt that the ones engaged in illicit activities will be eager to sign up.”

I waved my hands. “Details! But I can’t help but wonder how the hell Peter Cerise was able to get six summoners together for his summoning of Szerain.”

“Perhaps they had the same mentor,” Tessa suggested.

“Maybe,” I said. “But…” I stopped pacing. “Wait. That’s six summoners we haven’t checked out.”

“Aren’t they all, yanno, dead?” Jill put in.

“True,” I said. “But if any of them had kids, maybe they became summoners as well.” I turned to my aunt. “I mean, you did. We know there’s a genetic component.”

Tessa’s expression was shadowed as she nodded, and guilt swam through me for making her relive painful memories. However, when she looked up at me she had a smile on her face.
She has my back
, I reminded myself.

“You really only need to check out four of them,” she said, “since you already know about Peter Cerise and your grandmother. Your best bet will probably be the married couple. I’m blanking on their name, but I seem to remember something in the news about them being survived by a son.”

“I’ll head back to the office and pull up the report.…” I trailed off, frowning as Jill grinned and pulled a ridiculously small laptop out of her purse.

“The lab gets all the cool new toys first,” she said as she opened it and set it on the coffee table. “Remote access to the database. I can pull up the report from the fire here.”

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