Read Sins Brothers [1] Forgotten Sins Online

Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

Sins Brothers [1] Forgotten Sins (12 page)

BOOK: Sins Brothers [1] Forgotten Sins
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“We’re family, angel. Have been since we said our vows.” Shane glanced at her ringless hand.

“Straight for the jugular, huh?” Typical of Shane to slice right to her heart. To the heart of a kid raised in foster care who’d prayed for a family. But she’d developed excellent instincts in that system, and she’d married the man with her eyes wide open. So that could only mean he was better than most predators—much better. She’d never even seen him coming until it was too late. Now was the time to be smart. “I’m not leaving with you.”

“I know.”

His easy acceptance bothered her more than it should. She bit her lip. “Why are you here?”

“There were seven bugs planted in your house, angel.”

What a complete jerk. “You planted

“No. Three matched my equipment in the bungalow.” His gaze stayed steady and watchful on hers.

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“Someone else planted the other four—which makes my theory that I was watching you more credible. Maybe I was trying to figure out who had bugged your house.”

Panic had her mind fuzzing. “Who the hell is after you?” She hadn’t seen the man in two years. Who would go to the trouble to bug her house on the off chance he showed up after so much time? Or was she in some sort of trouble? Nobody would be after her, though. She was an accountant, for goodness’ sake. “Well, at least we know how those men knew where to throw the grenade.” She bit her lip, squirming on the chair. “Were there any bugs in the bathroom?”

Shane barked out a laugh. “No. None in the bathroom.” He stretched his neck. “While I think these guys were after me, we need to make sure they weren’t after you. Is there anyone who would want to hurt you?”

“Besides you?” she whispered.

His eyes darkened. “I’m an asshole, I know. But I’d rip off my own arm before hurting you.”

He just didn’t get it. She shook her head. “Nobody wants to hurt me.”

“Everything’s okay at work?”

“Yes.” She leaned back, picking at a string on her skirt. “I do have some accounts that aren’t adding up, but they were a drug addict’s files, and he’s in rehab right now.”

Shane leaned forward. “What kind of accounts? Anything people would want to hide?”

“No.” She pursed her lips in thought. “Nothing illegal or dangerous. If anything, they’d all have a good claim against the firm for money. Most people just want money.” She’d figure out where Billy screwed up, and maybe when he returned from rehab, she could help him get back on his feet.

Shane nodded. “Who’s the addict?”

“Bill Johnson—he’s been an accountant for about twenty years. Seemed like a decent guy.”

“So you didn’t know him well?”

Josie rolled her eyes. “No, I only know him professionally. I didn’t even know he had a drug problem until he was admitted to the hospital, and I was assigned his files.”

Shane nodded slowly. “We should check him out just in case. For now, I spoke to the man who survived the raid on your house. Someone named Denny hired him, but he didn’t know why. They were supposed to kill us.”

Dread slammed into her stomach. Kill? She narrowed her gaze. “The police let you talk to the guy in the hospital?”

“Not exactly.”

Fear. It thrummed through her head until her ears rang. “Did you kill him?”

“Nope.” Shane looked her right in the eye.

Was he lying? She had no clue.

Her mind flashed back to her wedding day, and how he’d looked her right in the eye as he’d said his vows. The moment had been the happiest in her entire life. How could she be in love with a man she couldn’t read? He was an accomplished liar… and yet she wanted to trust him. But she didn’t, and the desire to do so ticked her off. Her head began to ache. She glanced at her watch. “Well, thanks for the update.” “I said I wouldn’t force you to leave with me today, but I’d like you to come with me voluntarily. Somewhere safe until I can figure out what’s going on here. Until I can remember.”

“No.” Curiosity had her tilting her head. Had he spoken the truth? Would he try to force her? Did she want him to?

He sighed. “Right now you’re fairly safe at Marsh’s. I can keep watch periodically, but I need to do some research.” He stood and prowled toward the door. “Do me a favor, will you? Call Detective Malloy for an update and see if he’s found out anything about me. About my past.”

“I’ll call him after lunch.”

“Now… please, Josie,”

She rolled her eyes and punched in the number.


She wiped her sweaty hands on her skirt. “Detective. It’s Josie Dean calling for an update.”

“Ah, yes. Well, Mrs. Dean, I can tell you that the military is quite hushed about your husband. Sealed files. Four years of service. But one interesting thing…”

She raised her gaze to Shane’s. “What’s that, Detective?”

“His unit worked
the United States. When you said he was out of the country, well, he wasn’t.”

She frowned. “Of course he was. While we were married, he left the country all the time.”

“Not according to my buddy, the one person who’d tell me anything. Apparently your husband worked exclusively within our borders. They won’t even tell me what it was that he was doing. He lied to you.”

“I see.” The news shouldn’t surprise her. Nor should it hurt. Yet her stomach ached. “Any ideas where he is?” She glared at the quiet man by the door. One word from her and Malloy would know exactly where the lying bastard stood.

“No. My guess is that he’s taken off.” A rustling of papers echoed across the line.

Josie sighed. “You don’t believe that.”

Malloy coughed. “No, I guess I don’t. He went to a lot of trouble to track you down and bug your house, Mrs. Dean. He’s here for you. I doubt he’ll give up that easily.” More papers rustled. “I can put you somewhere safe, if you’d let me.”

Dread pooled in her abdomen. What should she do? “Thanks, Detective. I can take care of myself. Please call me with any updates.” She clicked the phone shut, focusing on her husband. “You’re a liar.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“You never left the country. No overseas missions. Just here.”

“Are you sure?”

Josie shrugged. “Malloy is sure.” Anger increased her heart rate. What else had Shane lied about?

“I’ll have to check that out—though I’m starting to remember missions out of the country.” Shane opened the door.

“Maybe you didn’t only work for our military.” Could he be some sort of spy? Her stomach lurched.

He stiffened. “Maybe.”

God. Who was this man?

“Don’t go anywhere by yourself, angel. Stay in a group and stay safe.”

She was safe so long as he was out of her life. They both knew it. Now if only her body and heart would get the hint. She should’ve told Malloy the truth. But what if he was wrong? The military kept secrets, right? There was no doubt Shane was a soldier. But he kept secrets, too. Families could never survive secrets, that much she did know.

“Good-bye, Shane.”

Chapter 9

Josie clutched the bouquet of flowers to her chest, the sweet scent of roses churning her stomach. She leaned back in the front seat of Tom’s Chevy, her gaze on the rainy dusk outside. “Thanks for driving me.”

Tom nodded, his concentration on the wet road. “Not a problem. No reason to work late tonight, anyway.”

Maybe she should tell Tom that Shane dropped by the office. But why worry her friend? Great. Now she was lying and hiding facts from people in order to protect her killer of a husband. Her life had become a movie. And not a good one. “No work, huh?”

Tom grimaced and shrugged his flannel-covered shoulders. “Not so much. And it’s weird being on my own now. I mean, I had a company of six people back in Texas. When I went under, I thought I’d end up hiring people here as the business took off. So far, it’s just me.”

“The construction business is picking up, finally.” She forced her problems to the back of her head. “Right?”

“Yes.” Tom flashed her a goofy grin, good humor settling once again on his attractive face. His unkempt hair made him all the more boyishly handsome. “Still, I wish you could’ve seen our offices and my company when things were good. I was quite the catch.” He snorted, turning back toward the road.

“You’re still quite the catch.” And he was. Good-looking, smart, hardworking, and even better, he made her laugh. At first it bothered her that he was a couple years younger, but now she usually forgot about the age difference.

“Do you think I could catch you?” He lost his smile and his voice deepened, but he kept his gaze straight ahead.

She stiffened. “I, ah, I think you’re great.”

His shoulders jolted, and then he threw back his head and laughed, deep and loud.

Unable to help herself, Josie joined in. “I mean, I…” She gasped for breath, trying to speak. Her shoulders shook as she laughed, tension escaping her for the first time in days.

Tom wiped the corner of his eye. “Yeah, okay. You figure out the deal with your soon-to-be ex, and then I’ll make my move.” He chuckled again and then sobered. “But in all seriousness, if you’re in danger, I swing a mean hammer. I can keep you safe.”

Was it her smaller size that had men reassuring her they’d keep her safe? She’d been alone her whole life, and yet here she was. Perfectly capable of keeping herself safe. Even scared, she could think and plan. “Thanks.”

Tom nodded. “Are you and Daniel still sparring?”

Josie stiffened. “We’re competing for the same promotion. Plus, the guy’s a jerk.” A condescending jerk. Guilt hunched her shoulders. “I’m sorry. I know you’re friends.”

Tom shrugged. “You two would like each other if the situation were different.”

“Not likely.” The car’s headlights flashed on the stone pillars that flanked the cemetery entrance. “Turn right once inside the gates.” She hated to ask Tom for such a personal favor, especially since Shane probably wanted him dead. But without her car, she’d needed a ride to the cemetery to visit Mona on the anniversary of her death. Josie had failed to be there for her friend in life… she wouldn’t screw up in Mona’s death, too.

Tom maneuvered his truck through the entrance, winding along the manicured drive. “All right. Who are we visiting?” He eyed the overgrown foliage.

The paper around the flowers crinkled as her grip tightened. “A friend named Mona Wilson. We were in foster care together in California.” Time rarely healed all wounds.

“When did she die?” Tom followed the road, as overgrown branches scraped at the truck’s cab.

“When we were seventeen.” Josie pointed at a fork in the road. “Go left.”

Tom nodded, maneuvering the truck over several potholes. “How?”

Drugs. They killed. “When we were sixteen, she was sent up here to Northridge, which is a drug rehabilitation center that takes indigent kids as well as people who can pay. After a year, she got out and was put in the foster system here. She got back into drugs and overdosed.” Mona had attended the same drug rehab center Billy was now in because it was supposed to be the best in the Northwest. Hopefully Billy would succeed and beat the drugs.

Tom stopped the truck when a stone wall ended the road. “Is Mona why you moved to Snowville?”

Josie shrugged. “Maybe part of it.” Everyone should have flowers put on their grave on the anniversary of their death. “Do you think our childhoods create our adulthoods?”

“Absolutely. One hundred percent… whoever we were as kids shapes us as adults.” Tom’s face held a new seriousness.

Josie nodded. She was alone as a kid, and maybe that was the only way she knew to live. Her shoulders sagged at the thought. She opened the door and slid to the ground. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Quietly shutting the door, she stepped over a mud puddle and onto the grass.

Winding around several headstones, she arrived at Mona’s. Rain pattered down, matting her hair to her neck. “Hi, Mona.” Gently, Josie leaned down and placed the flowers next to the weathered headstone. “I brought red roses this time. Something to brighten the day.”

Memories of the tall, curvy brunette washed through Josie’s mind. She and Mona had lived together in a small apartment owned by a lady named Judy who worked two jobs. Judy was nice but was rarely around. Josie had missed Arthur and Claire, and Mona had tried to cheer her up. But Mona had already been hooked on crack at that time, and after three months had been sent to Northridge. Even so, during their brief time together, they’d bonded as wanna-be sisters. “I miss you.”

The wind picked up, scattering pine needles across the roses. Josie wiped them away. “I have another friend who’s having problem with drugs. Don’t worry, I’ll help him.” Like she should’ve helped Mona. Somehow. She cleared her throat. “I’m really scared, Mona.” Saying the words made the reality all the more stark. While she couldn’t admit the truth to all the tough men wanting to protect her, here she was safe. “I’m not sure who to trust. Or who’s after me. Or Shane. It’s so confusing—so terrifying.”

The small tombstone stared back at her silently.

Josie shivered in the rain. Making Tom wait in the truck probably wasn’t nice. Plus, she needed to figure her life out. “I’m not sure where you are, or if you can hear me. But if so, take note, will you? I could use all the help I can get. Especially with which man to rely on. Tom is safe and trusts me, but I’m putting him in danger. Shane, well…”

She couldn’t find the right words. “You know Shane, if you’re watching me. And… say hi to Claire for me. I mean, if heaven works like that. I’ll be back.” Turning in the damp grass, she hustled through the rain.

Reaching the truck, she climbed into warmth and safety where Tom’s clean scent of Irish soap calmed her. She sent him a grin. “I get to choose the movie tonight.”

* * *

Shane settled into the sleeping bag overarched by the thick awning of pine branches. The moon filtered through a smattering of clouds. Wildlife rustled around him. Nothing in the forest was as dangerous as him. He knew the truth in his bones, even if his brain hadn’t kicked in yet.

Since awakening, he’d wanted his memories back. Now, he wasn’t sure. The new ones, of pretty Josie and her strong spirit… those were good and right. But what if his memories proved he’d used her? What if the old him didn’t love her? Because the new Shane did. This pounding in his chest had to mean something real—even if it was new.

BOOK: Sins Brothers [1] Forgotten Sins
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