Single Ladies (5 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Single Ladies
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Chapter 8
“I don't wanna go home!” Lisa whined, cuddling up closer to Ralphy as they lay naked in the bed.
It was the end of the weekend, and checkout was in a few hours. For the most part, Lisa enjoyed herself, except for the juggling show she had to put on all weekend in order to please two men. It was hard, but she pulled it off, even though her pussy was swollen from all the fucking she had done.
“We gotta do this again,” Ralphy suggested, gliding his hand down the center of her back.
Yeah, but next time just with you!
Lisa thought. “Yeah, babe. I think we should come back in the wintertime to see how it looks with snow on the ground,” she said.
“I agree,” he replied, and lifted her chin to kiss her. “You know I love you, right?” he said, looking her in the eyes.
“Of course I know you love me, babe. And you know I love you, right?”
Ralphy chuckled then kissed her again. The passionate kissing eventually ended up in Ralphy rolling over on top of her. “Let's get one more for the road.” He smiled, and leaned over to take in a mouthful of Lisa's breast.
No matter how swollen her box was, it still got wet at the touch of Ralphy's mouth anywhere on her body. He began kissing her down the center of her stomach until he reached her pussy. Lisa's hand rested on the top of his head, and once he was down there she pushed his face into it, spreading her legs apart so that he could taste it all.
Ralphy did just that, starting by stuffing his warm, wet tongue deep within her tunnel. His lips caressed her outer walls while he did his best to curl his tongue up into her G-spot.
Lisa was going crazy. She grabbed his head with both of her hands and began rotating her hips to the rhythm of his head swaying from side to side. She could feel herself about to cum. It felt so good that she started fucking his face unconsciously. “Oh yes, daddy!” she screamed while reaching down and rubbing her clit while his tongue remained inside of her. She wanted nothing more than to cum all over his tongue and into his mouth, which she ended up doing. Her legs locked around his head, her back arched up, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Ralphy could feel himself swallowing her juices as she went through her act.
As she was cumming, Lisa did the unthinkable. She didn't know how she allowed herself to do it, but she did, and just like a drunk driver who fell asleep at the wheel, she crashed. “Oh, Dre!” she whispered in pleasure.
Ralphy's head stopped moving for a split second, long enough for her to realize what she had said. He didn't stop though, and kept eating her pussy like nothing ever happened. That confused the hell out of Lisa. She really didn't know if he heard her, seeing as how it was only a whisper.
But Ralphy did hear her, loud and clear. He just didn't feel like making a scene about it right then and there. His dick was still hard so he wanted to finish what he started. Instead of making love to her like he had planned, he picked his head up from the pussy, put Lisa in the doggie-style position, and began fucking her like she was a two dollar whore. He pulled out from the pussy, and then slammed his dick into her asshole with force, something he never did before. It hurt like hell, but Lisa felt like she deserved every bit of it.
“Dumb bitch!” he mumbled under his breath as he continued to pound away in Lisa's ass.
She heard him, and it was at that point she knew that Ralphy had heard her whisper Dre's name. She wanted to cry and almost did, but instead, she just planted her face into the pillow and let Ralphy finish crushing her insides.
* * *
After changing into a visiting uniform, Chris headed out to the floor to see his family. This was the best time of the week for him. After dealing with the jailhouse politics each and every day, it was refreshing to hug and kiss his woman, even for the short period of time that he had in between playing with his kids.
The visiting room wasn't as packed as it usually was on the weekends, but that wasn't what caught Chris's attention at first. It was the fact that Tammy was sitting there with her face balled up like she was mad at the world. That, along with the fact that she didn't bring the kids with her, had him thinking that something bad had happened.
“Damn! Wassup, babe?” he asked as he walked over to her with his arms outstretched for a hug.
Tammy didn't even get up out of her seat. Instead, she just rolled her eyes. “I don't feel like all that right now,” she replied with an attitude.
Chris cocked his head back and twisted up his face. He didn't expect to be greeted in this fashion.
A female visitor sitting next to them while waiting for her man peeked over to see what was going on, but she quickly straightened up and looked away after seeing the look in Tammy's eyes that said it was going down.
Chris was embarrassed, but he sat down in a calm manner so that he wouldn't draw any more attention to the situation. “Fuck is yo' problem?” he asked.
“Yo' ass, nigga! I was on the computer yesterday, and I searched for your name on the FBOP Web site, and it said that your earliest release date was June 22, 2020!”
Chris just sat there with a dumb look on his face. He thought about lying to her, but there was no need to. He always knew that Tammy was going to figure it out. “Tam, I'm sorry,” he said, reaching out to grab her hand.
Tammy snatched her hand away before he could reach it. She didn't want to be touched at that moment. Her blood pressure was through the roof. “What da hell am I supposed to do for seven years while you're stuck in jail? I got two of ya kids I'm tryin' to raise, and every gotdamn day it's a struggle! You got me thinking you're coming home soon, and I'm putting my life on hold for you!”
“Tam, you're trippin' right now,” Chris tried to cut in.
“I'm not fuckin' trippin'! You're trippin' if you think that I'ma sit out here by myself for the next seven years!”
“So what da fuck are you sayin', Tam?” Chris asked, becoming angry at what she was insinuating. He sat up in his chair and scooted closer, waiting for her to say the wrong thing. He never put his hands on her before, but she had him so hot that he wanted to smack fire out of her ass.
Tammy, on the other hand, felt the same way. She was about ready to set it off in the visiting room. That's the reason why she didn't bring the kids, just in case she felt froggy. “Look, I'm not gonna hurt ya feelings and say what I'm going to do, so I think it's best that I just tell you that it's over. Don't—”
Before she got another word out of her mouth, Chris smacked the shit out of her. It happened so fast that the guards watching over the visiting room didn't even see it.
Tammy sat there stunned for a second, and licked the blood coming from the inside of her bottom lip. She couldn't believe he just did that. Anger quickly covered her face.
Chris could see it, too, and knew that it was about to go down. “Act like a fool if you want to!” he threatened.
Tammy wasn't trying to hear any of that. She jumped up out of her seat, but so did Chris. Before she could even start swinging he wrapped his arms around her tightly, and pinned her arms down at her sides. The guard still wasn't paying them too much mind because he thought that they were only hugging.
“Listen to me, Tammy, and listen to me good! If you cause a scene in this visiting room, I swear on our kids that I'ma break ya fuckin' jaw before the guards make it over here!” Chris whispered in her ear as he held on to her tightly. “You want it to be over, then it's over! Let's not make this uglier than what it has to be.”
Even though Tammy was mad as hell and wanted to get off a couple punches, she really didn't want to have her jaw broken. Chris never swore on their kids before, and never set out to do what he said he was going to do. Even if he didn't manage to break her jaw before the guards came over, he sure as hell was going to try. Either way, Tammy was going to be the one getting the short end of the stick. “Just let me go, Chris!” she said in a low, nonthreatening tone. “You're right; it is over,” she said, and pushed away from him. She reached down, grabbed the locker key from the little table, and then walked off.
Chris just stood there and watched as the guard escorted her out of the visiting room. He didn't want to show it right then and there, but he was sick.
* * *
Lamar lay in the bed flicking through the channels, trying to find something else to watch. Visiting hours were over at three o'clock, so Falisha should have been back at the motel by now. And, just like clockwork, as he was thinking about her she was pulling up in front of the room.
“Whoooo, shit, it's hot out there!” she said, coming through the door. “I thought it only gets hot like this down South.”
Lamar sat up on the edge of the bed and motioned for Falisha. “Come 'ere,” he said while holding his hand out.
Falisha walked over to him, took his hand, and then straddled him as she sat on the bed. The air conditioner behind him blew cold air right in her face. It felt refreshing.
“Wassup wit' Mac?” he asked, resting his hands on her waist.
“He's good. He told me to tell you that his workout game is crazy. He said he'll be ready by the time he gets out, whatever that means,” Falisha said. “What's he talking about?”
Lamar chuckled at the message. “You know Mac, young'un. While he was on da block, I was at the gym getting right,” Lamar said, and pulled his T-shirt over his head. “He's still tryin' to get to where I'm at.” He smiled and flexed his muscles. “I told him I would get him a job working with me whenever he gets right.”
“Boy, you ain't got no damn job!” Falisha joked. She hopped up and walked over to her overnight bag.
Lamar jumped up and walked up behind her. “You're just mad 'cause you and Kim can't ever seem to keep up when y'all follow me to work,” he said, and smacked her on her ass, then wrapped his arms around her.
She turned around and playfully punched him in his chest. She was shocked that he knew that they had been following him. “Why you can't just tell us where you work at?” She giggled, and draped her arms over his shoulders.
“If I tell you, then it won't be fun anymore. Y'all are just gonna have to wait until I get caught slippin',” he responded.
Falisha just smiled and shook her head at the thought of knowing that he was aware of them tailing him. She also knew that she had to come up with another way to crack the mystery. She leaned in and pressed her lips up against his, pulled back, and then kissed him again.
Her full, soft lips tasted like she just got finished drinking strawberry juice, even though she hadn't. Lamar's dick woke up and rose to attention.
“I think we can work something out,” Falisha said in a seductive manner.
“Oh, yeah? What do you have in mind?” he shot back, pulling her body up against his.
Falisha pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Lamar looked up at her while grabbing a hold of her waist. She looked into his eyes while removing her tank top and then her bra, exposing her large, firm breasts. He reached up, grabbed her by the back of her neck, and pulled her face down to his. He began kissing her passionately, accepting her tongue into his mouth. Falisha reached back and began pulling her shorts off. Lamar did the same while neither one of them broke the kiss.
They both looked into each other's eyes the whole time, and before she knew it, Lamar grabbed the top of her ass and pulled her juice box down onto his rock-hard member. She gasped at how much of it she took in. Her walls caved in around his dick, and once she completely devoured it inside of her, she sat up, looked down at him, and began rocking back and forth, taking his dick like a champion bull rider.
From the way they were so into each other, anybody in their right mind could tell that what they had was more than just occasional sex.
* * *
Neither Ralphy nor Lisa said one word to each other after they checked out of the cabin.
Lisa drove home in her car in total silence, thinking about her rookie mistake. She still couldn't believe that she called out Dre's name. He didn't even eat pussy as good as Ralphy did for her to be thinking about him.
She reached over and grabbed her phone. Being that they weren't too far from home, she wanted to call Ralphy just to check the temperature in the atmosphere. She wanted to see how much damage she had done, and the only way that could happen was by hearing his voice.
“Yo!” Ralphy answered his phone in his normal tone.
“Hey, babe. I was wondering which one of us was going to pick up Naomi,” Lisa said while looking in her rearview at his car behind hers.
“You can go get her. I gotta take care of something once we get back into the city,” he responded while watching her car in front of him.
“So, are you going to make it home for dinner tonight?” she asked, still not able to get the read she was looking for.
“I don't know. I'll call you and let you know,” he answered, and then hung up the phone.
Lisa didn't have time to think about it because the exit to their neighborhood was coming up. She pulled over to the exit, but Ralphy didn't. He kept going down the highway. She turned to see his car speed past her and was tempted to call him back to see where he was going, but decided against it. She figured that more than likely he was going to need his space.
* * *
Lamar sat in the bed with his back up against the headboard. Falisha sat in between his legs with her head resting up against his chest. They were both completely naked and exhausted from the sex session.

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