Sinfully Summer (19 page)

Read Sinfully Summer Online

Authors: Aimee Duffy

Tags: #Fiction, #Holidays, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Humorous, #General, #Erotica

BOOK: Sinfully Summer
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‘You’re not ready,’ he said with his jaw taut, eyes half-crazed.

She smiled down at him. ‘I can’t wait.’

She rose until just the tip of him was inside her, and then sank down. This time her body opened and she took as much of him as she could. His ragged breathing drowned out her moan of bliss, his thumb on her encouraged the pressure to build and swirl. Holding his shoulders she rode him hard, digging her nails into his flesh and drawing a ragged groan from his throat.

He watched her through hooded eyes, his expression softened by arousal, his hips pumped up to meet each of her thrusts and she couldn’t take her gaze off his face. A sense of power stole through her as her orgasm built deep inside. She slammed down on him harder, faster. The scent of sweat and their lovemaking filled her senses and her heart burst open as an orgasm shuddered to her core.

She detonated like a crate of dynamite, but refused to collapse and fall like she wanted to. Instead she rode him through the waves until his thigh muscles went rigid, his jaw stiffened and he grabbed both her hips and pumped up and into her like a mad man. The pressure and heat twisted, built and released all over again and she convulsed, shuddered and fell onto his sweat soaked chest.

Ric thrust up one last time, lodging himself deep as he trembled through his own orgasm. Using the last ounce of her strength, she squeezed her internal muscles, drawing a groan and the last of his pleasure from him.

His arms wrapped around her waist, held her so tight she struggled to breathe but she didn’t care. In that moment, she wanted him to pull her inside him, so she’d never have to leave. There, she’d finally admitted it to herself and the world hadn’t swallowed her up. She wanted to stay with Ric, there in his arms, and never let go.

Chapter Twelve

‘I need a shower,’ Alexa grumbled.

She sat up on the bed, taking her body heat with her. Ric grabbed her around the waist and dragged her back to his side, pleased with her lack of protest. ‘Later,’ he whispered against her sweat-damp hair.

Snuggling into his chest, she let out a contented sigh. His arms tightened around her. All week, he’d missed her so much that his mind constantly drifted from the boring meetings, the deal and instead focused on Alexa. Leaving at dawn and returning well after sunset should have tired him out, but the truth was he had been full of restless energy. The pull in his chest had become increasingly painful. He thought having her in his arms, sated and sleepy, would ease the feeling. After an afternoon of spectacular sex, it only seemed to intensify.

Ric was beginning to think a measly week with her wouldn’t be enough. His chest tightened and he hugged her closer, panic racing his heart. It would have to be enough. She was leaving for London. His life and routine would return. A few weeks ago, that would have made him happy. But now…

Now his old life looked empty. There was no fun, no joy, no Alexa.

She lifted her head off his chest and smiled at him. With her eyes half-mast and her hair wild and mussed, he thought she looked more beautiful than he’d ever seen her. His heart squeezed in his chest.

‘How did it go?’ she asked.

Ric knew she meant the building work, but he couldn’t resist teasing her. ‘On a scale of one to ten, I think your performance gets an eleven.’

She grinned and smacked his chest. ‘I meant at the site, wise guy.’

He grabbed a lock of her soft, silky hair and twirled it around his finger. ‘The new design and build contract is signed. In a month, six weeks at most, the complex should be ready for the designers.’

‘I’m glad it went okay.’ She kissed his chest.

‘How has your week been?’

The feel of her lips on his chest had his tired body wanting things it should know it wasn’t in any state for.

‘Good. I have all the details for the party hammered down. And I got a few more clients for Together

He stroked her hair as she continued to plant butterfly kisses on his chest. Goosebumps rose on his skin.

‘What kind of business do you have?’ The fact he still didn’t know made him feel like a selfish bastard. It wasn’t that he hadn’t asked her, but every time something else had come up.

Her lips began a torturous trail down his abs. ‘I match up travelling business men and women who don’t want to dine or sightsee alone with people with similar interests.’ Her teeth nipped his hips and he gasped. ‘It’s quite popular.’

Confusion shot through the lust in his mind. ‘And these people who dine or sightsee with the business men and woman, who are they?’

‘Students mostly.’ She licked the head of his erection and sucked the tip into her mouth. His hands fisted on the silk sheets. ‘People who are available at a moment’s notice.’

In other words, people who needed money so badly they’d do anything to make a quick euro. People who would reject their pride and self-respect in order to survive. People like him, who’d been trapped at the bottom looking desperately for shelter, food and a way to live through another day. His whole body ran cold and stiffened, except the part she coaxed with her tongue.

‘Ric, what’s wrong?’ Those eyes, seemingly innocent and kind, turned his stomach. He rose from the bed. ‘Where are you going?’

He pulled on a pair of briefs, then his suit trousers. Just as he’d shrugged into his shirt, she was in front of him, hurt clear in every line of her face. But he didn’t feel guilt, he felt numb.

‘Talk to me.’ She reached out a hand but he backed away.

‘Don’t touch me.’

Her mouth dropped open. ‘What did I say?’

Her voice cracked and for a second the pull toward her intensified until he thought the force of it would bring her close, but he ignored it. He closed his eyes, focused on every shred of emotion and forced it down into the dark recesses of his being. It was a skill he’d learned years ago, a skill that kept him strong.

‘I think a room has become available. I’ll arrange to have your luggage taken there.’ Yesterday the receptionist had informed him a room was free, but he hadn’t known then what kind of person he’d invited into his home.

‘I don’t understand why you’re acting like this.’ She blocked the door, defiance etched on her face and something he refused to acknowledge shone from her eyes.

‘I’d rather not have the owner of an
company in my home.’

Her eyes grew wide. ‘Together isn’t a bloody escort company!’

‘No, it’s a classier version disguised as something innocent, but you sell people to others to make a living. Women like you disgust me.’

Ric ignored the tears glittering in her eyes and shoved passed her into the hall. He stalked to the lounge and buzzed down to reception. Once he’d given orders to have Alexa’s things moved to another room, he turned to find her watching him. She’d dressed in a silk robe that fell down to her knees. She hugged the pale pink material tight to her body.

‘It’s not what you think, Ric. I don’t set people up for sex, just company. I’d sack anyone who did otherwise.’ Her eyes pleaded with him but he didn’t feel a thing. Didn’t allow himself to. ‘I’ll move but I don’t want this to be the end.’

He forced a harsh laugh through the lump in his throat. ‘What do you want Alexa?’ He stalked toward her, pulled his face into his hardest expression. ‘Marriage, kids, forever with a man like me?’ She swallowed, and he went on, ignoring every instinct inside him screaming to shut his mouth. ‘A man who grew up on the streets? A man who was forced to sell his body for a warm place to stay for the night? I’m sure the great Robert Green would welcome me to the family with open arms.’

Tears welled in her eyes and spilled over. His heart squeezed again, but he refused to acknowledge it. She should know how tainted he was. Maybe then when he threw her out, he wouldn’t feel the guilt.

‘Ric, I—’

‘Save your pity for someone who deserves it. I want you to pack your things and leave.’ She stepped back, away from the fury pounding out from him. ‘What you’re running is sick, the kind of thing that destroys people and you don’t care as long as you have money for a new pair of skyscraper heels.’

She wiped her face with her hands, but more tears fell. ‘That’s not what I do.’

‘I expect you to stay away until you leave and I don’t want to see you at the ball on Friday.’

He saw the pain replace itself with anger in her eyes. ‘Are you kidding? After all I’ve done—’

‘I do not want the charity to be tainted by the reputation of someone who earns money by destroying people.’

‘You know, you are an arse. An arrogant, pushy, thick-skulled, arse.’ She stormed through to her room then emerged a few minutes later with the suitcases and holdall. The realisation she hadn’t yet unpacked hit him like a blow. ‘You can’t see the truth about anything because you’re so scared to open up. I get that, I was there too. But to accuse me of this is a step too far. You know me. You know I wouldn’t hurt anyone.’

‘I knew the act you put on, the woman who agreed to do this to help herself, her reputation and her illicit business.’

She stared at him hard but not with disgust or pity, it was disappointment. His stomach clenched. The elevator doors opened and a bellboy came in. Alexa handed over her luggage and followed the man to the door. She turned back to him, pain so clear on her face that it knocked the breath out of him.

‘That’s why I did all this to begin with. But when I went to Santos grovelling, and when I called in a favour to my father, it wasn’t me I was thinking about.’ She stepped into the elevator and the doors slid shut behind her.

Ric stalked through to the kitchen, telling himself that it was a lie. No one could be a good person and run an escort agency, no matter how they tried to dress it up. He hadn’t been part of an agency, his clients had come from word of mouth, from suggestive comments he’d made to women on the street. The thought almost made him double over with nausea.

But he’d changed. He’d shoved all the memories down and was trying to become a better person. A man who worked hard for the people who saved him. He paused in front of the fridge, a picture of himself and Alexa shooting out of one of the tube slides at Water World stuck there. His face looked young, like a twenty-eight year olds should, and Alexa looked happier than he’d ever seen her.

Her pale, tear soaked face before she left was a sharp contrast, and he’d done that. He couldn’t fight the guilt. But he had dedicated his free time to help vulnerable children and Alexa made money from selling people like that. People like he had been.

He opened the fringe and pulled out a bottle of wine, unscrewed the lid and brought it to his lips. None of it mattered. She was out of his life now and it could return to the way it was supposed to be, with him paying for his past by helping others and not enjoying life.

Friday arrived and Alexa couldn’t stand the confines of her tiny room any more. She kicked at the sand with her flip flops as she sauntered along the beach, watching the tourists sunbathe, play football and splash around in the sea. It seemed everywhere she looked people were happy.

He had ripped her heart out, stomped on it, and then handed it to her on a skewer. She’d been so terrified of falling for someone who would rule her life, she hadn’t considered the ramifications of being rejected.

How could he think she’d pimp people out? Every time she’d thought of his past, of his confession, tears welled in her eyes and a lump lodged in her throat. She could understand why he might assume that at first, but he
her. How could he think she’d run an escort company after all the time they had spent together?

She didn’t know any of the answers by the time she reached a fenced off part of the beach. Looking up, she saw the Castillos’ boathouse and her heart skipped a few beats. Turning, she started to hurry away when Maria called her name.

‘Alexa. What are you doing here?’

She turned back to see Maria walking towards the fence in an elegant sundress. After popping the lock and swinging the gate open, she stepped aside to let Alexa past.

‘I was out for a walk, I didn’t mean to intrude.’

‘You’re not intruding, sweetheart. I’ve been meaning to call you.’

Alexa turned to her. ‘Why?’

‘Take a seat.’ She gestured to a chair and Alexa slid onto it. ‘Can I get you something to drink?’

‘Water would be lovely.’

Maria waved at a man shuffling furniture about and fired instructions at him in Spanish. Alexa guessed that’s where Ric got his domineering side from. Maria sat down next to Alexa and turned to her, a serious expression on her face. ‘What happened with you and Enrique?’

Tears welled in her eyes at the mention of his name and she had to choke back a sob. ‘Nothing. We’re…not seeing each other.’

Maria grabbed her hand and ran her thumb over the back. Alexa felt some warmth seep into her skin from the touch, but her insides still felt icy cold.

‘But he loves you.’

Alexa couldn’t fight the tears this time, they poured from her eyes like water from a tap. ‘He…I…he doesn’t know what love is.’

She was wrapped in Maria’s embrace before she knew what happened. Her sobs turned into soft sniffles as the older woman rubbed her back. The expensive perfume and motherly touch reminded Alexa of the comfort she’d felt when her own mother hugged her. When she relaxed enough to stop crying, Maria released her.

‘Sweetheart, he doesn’t think he deserves love. He never has, but I know he loves you. He’s been miserable all week.’

‘He was here?’ she asked, wondering if they were talking about the same man. He hadn’t looked miserable when he’d horsed her out.

‘He’s been here every night. Alexa, I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but he was happy. You’ve gotten him to open up to us, and my husband and I are forever in your debt. Can’t the two of you work things out?’

‘He thinks I’m a pimp,’ she blurted. Tears welled up in her eyes again and by the shock on Maria’s face, Alexa wished she had better control over what popped out of her mouth.

‘My business, Together, he thinks it’s an escort agency, but it’s not.’

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