Sinful Deceit (14 page)

Read Sinful Deceit Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #sexual exploration, #kinky erotic games, #sexual enslavement

BOOK: Sinful Deceit
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"And I'll have
a quick blowjob in return," he smiled, his penis rising as he
jutted his hips forward. "I love to begin the day by being sucked

"Go to hell,"
I returned, leaping up from the chair and storming into the

"No blowjob,
no breakfast or bathroom," he called.

Returning to
the patio, I grinned at him. "I'll have a swim," I said. "I don't
need your shower."

"Swim with
your arms chained? You can try, but I don't think you'll manage

I looked down
at my cuffed wrists and sighed. He was right; there was no way I'd
be able to swim. Wandering away from the pool, across the soft
grass, I walked around the grounds. Staring at the high wall, I
again pondered on escaping. Making my way along the wall, I decided
to check the entire parameter. I came across bushes, but no
overhanging tree branches. Walking on, I stopped dead in my tracks
as I noticed the end of a ladder emerging from the bushes. Was this
real? I wasn't dreaming, I knew as I dragged the ladder out.

This was my
chance, I knew as I propped it up against the wall. Clambering to
the top of the ladder, I looked over my shoulder. There was no sign
of Reece. So far so good, I thought, my heart banging hard against
my chest, adrenalin pumping through my veins. My mind flooding with
thoughts of returning to England, of loving Sharon, I managed to
lift my leg over the wall. I was a long way up, about seven feet.
There was only one way down, and that was to jump.

Falling to the
ground rather than jumping as I'd planned, I lay there for a
moment, wondering whether I was in one piece. I could hardly
believe my luck as I clambered to my feet. I was free. At least,
free of the grounds. But where to now? Hurriedly making my way
through the olive trees, I had no idea where I was going. It was a
small island. No matter in which direction I headed, the coast
wouldn't be far. Running barefoot across the rough ground, I could
see blue water sparkling through the trees ahead of me. The blue
water of the sea, of freedom.

emerging from the trees onto a sun-baked sandy beach, I looked
about me. No boats, no people... There wasn't a sign of life.
Wandering along the shore, I knew that it would only be a matter of
time before Reece caught me. Either that, or I'd have to return to
the villa to eat. And to be punished for my misbehaviour. But I
wasn't going to allow despondency to set in. I'd got this far, and
wasn't going to give up. There might well be a passing boat or
plane. I had to remain positive.

resting beneath a palm tree, I looked out to sea. Wondering how far
the nearest island was, I was tempted to swim out to sea. I wasn't
a strong swimming, but the weather was calm, the water like a
millpond. I might be able to make it if I could free my arms, I
reflected, looking round for something to break the chains with. A
stone or...

"Hi," a girl
smiled, walking towards me along the sand.

"Oh!" I cried.
"You made me jump." She gazed at the collar around my neck, and
then lowered her sea-blue eyes to the clips holding the soft pads
of my vagina wide apart. "You have to help me," I breathed,
clambering to my feet.

"What... Who
did that to you?" she asked, her wide eyes staring at my blatantly
exposed vulval flesh. "What's happened to you?"

"I was caught
by... It doesn't matter. How did you get here?"

"By boat," she
murmured, unable to take her eyes off the glistening pink flesh
within my wet vaginal valley. "What's happened...?"

"Where is

"What? Oh, my
boat's on the beach. Just around the bay."

"You must take
me away from here. I need to get off this island and go to the
police and..."

"OK, follow
me," she said. "I have some spare clothes in the boat."

As we ran
along the sandy beach, I prayed that Reece wouldn't come looking
for me until we'd made it to the boat. I'd make sure that he and
his friends were locked up for what they'd put me through. The
tables always turn, I reflected, following the pretty girl. She was
about my age with long blonde hair and big blue eyes. A red bikini
veiling the most intimate parts of her curvaceous body, she was
also very attractive. Eyeing her gentle curves, her rounded
buttocks wriggling as she ran, I imagined the swell of her pussy
lips, the wetness of her vagina. My clitoris sent ripples of sex
through my naked body.

"It's gone!"
she gasped, breaking my reverie.

"What has?" I

"My boat. It
was here. Look, there's the log I'd tied it to."

Looking out to
sea, my heart sinking, I imagined that the boat had been washed
away. But there was no tide in the Mediterranean. It crossed my
mind that Reece had taken it. Had he been watching me from the
trees and seen the girl arrive, he could have taken the boat.
Wondering whether he'd dragged it into the bushes, I looked down at
the fine sand. There were no marks, nothing to indicate where the
boat had gone.

"I don't know
what I'm going to do," the girl breathed sullenly.

"Does anyone
know that you came here?" I asked hopefully.

"No. I took
the boat without telling anyone. Where's the nearest house?"

"The only
house isn't far from here. But we can't go there."

"Why not?"

"The man who
lives there is... He posed as my uncle and lured me here."

"God," she
gasped. "What are we going to do?"

"Hide in the
trees until... until what, I don't know. Perhaps someone will come
looking for you."

"More than
likely. The island we're staying on isn't far from here."

"How far?"

"Only a mile
or so."

"Can you

"No," she
sighed. "Well, I can, but not that far."

"Let's get
undercover. If Reece finds us he'll take us back to his villa, and
as you can see by what he's done to me, you don't want to go there.
My name's Kirsty, by the way."


We hid in the
trees for an hour or so. Donna tried to remove the collar from my
neck but it was held in place by a small padlock. She couldn't
remove the belt around my waist, but she managed to release the
clips holding the inflamed lips of my vagina open. Placing a large
stone on the ground, she told me to position the chains so she
could break them with another stone. It worked. At last, I could
stretch my arms. My sex valley closed, affording me a little
dignity, I found a large leaf and wrapped it around my middle. The
flesh of my vulva concealed, I felt a little easier until Donna
began to panic.

"We can't stay
here," she breathed shakily, her face turning pale. "We have to get
away before night falls."

"There's no
way of leaving the island," I said firmly. "We'll just have to wait
until someone comes looking for you."

"I'm going to
have a look round," she murmured, clambering to her feet.

"No, Donna. If
you go wandering around, Reece might catch you."

"I can't sit
here waiting. I've got to do something. I won't be long."

As she walked
through the trees, I didn't really take too much notice of the
direction she was heading in until she was out of sight. Only then
did it occur to me that she was walking straight towards the villa.
Leaping to my feet, I chased after her. I daren't call out in case
Reece heard me. Dashing through the trees, I thought I was nearing
the wall. When I finally emerged from the bushes and found myself
standing by the wrought iron gates, I froze. I hadn't expected to
be standing at the entrance to the villa again. Why Donna had gone
off I had no idea.

where she'd got to, I peered through the gates. I couldn't see the
villa, only the sweeping drive. There was no sign of Donna and I
thought that she must have still been in the woods somewhere. The
nightmare was getting worse. Not only was I marooned on the island,
but another girl was in danger of being captured by Reece and the

Leaping back
as the automatic gates opened, I dived into the bushes. Reece might
have decided to head down to the beach to look for me. Unless he
was going to another island for supplies. As the minutes passed,
the gates remaining open, I wondered where he was. He must have
realized that I'd gone, I mused. To my horror, I realized why he'd
not appeared as I happened to look up. There was a TV camera
mounted on a pole close to the gates. He was watching, spying,
keeping the view. He'd obviously seen me and was waiting for me to
go through the gates. My hands on my hips, I flashed a salacious
grin at the camera. I'd never return to his villa. Turning, I
wandered back into the woods to find Donna.

Making my way
through the trees in my vain search for the girl, I finally flopped
to the ground. I was feeling hungry again. My legs ached, my body
needed rest. Gazing at the lush vegetation, the huge green leaves
of plants unknown to me, my thoughts turned to England. What was my
mother doing? Fluttering around the house like a butterfly? Was
Sharon sitting in the pub? Perhaps she was thinking about me,
wondering where I was. I wanted to be a butterfly.

"Help!" The
scream came from the direction of the villa. It was the cry of a
female. "No! Please, no!" Sure that it was Donna, I leapt to my
feet and raced through the trees to the wrought iron gates. "Let me
go!" Dashing through the open gates I knew I couldn't leave the
girl alone to fight Reece. I had to do something to help. "Please,
let me go!"

Racing up to
the villa, I rounded the building to the pool and stopped on the
patio. Hovering, wondering what to do, I stepped back as Reece
emerged from the lounge. He was grinning triumphantly, his dark
eyes transfixed on my vulval flesh. The leaf shrouding my intimacy
had dropped off during my race to help Donna. The shaved lips of my
vagina were once again blatantly displayed. Wondering where Donna
was, I turned as the clanking of metal reverberated through the
trees. The wrought iron gates had closed.

"We have a
visitor," Reece grinned. "Another young beauty."

"Let her go!"
I stormed. "She has nothing to do with..."

"Let her go?"
he echoed mockingly. "A lovely girl like that, and you want me to
let her go?"

"Where is she?
What have you done with her?"

"She's in the
den. Why don't you go and join her?"

Again I knew I
was walking into a trap. But I couldn't leave the frightened girl
alone to face Reece. Walking through the lounge, a tear rolling
down my cheek, I felt awash with despondency again. I'd almost made
it. I'd climbed the wall and got to the beach and... I might have
known that I'd be forced to return to the villa. I'd have to forget
about England, about Sharon and my mother. David? If his love for
me was real, he'd eventually come looking for me. If it was only my
pussy he wanted, then...

"Donna," I
breathed as Reece pushed me into the den. She was completely naked,
her cuffed hands above her head, her curvaceous body chained to the

"I'll leave
you to have a chat about the things we do here," Reece said
sarcastically. "I'll be back in a while to... to enjoy your naked
bodies." He grinned and winked at me. "Why don't you tell our
visitor what's expected of her?"

"Are you OK?"
I asked Donna as the door closed and the sound of the lock
reverberated around the basement.

"I suppose
so," she replied sullenly. "I should have listened to you."

"Why did you
come here? I told you about Reece and..."

"I just
thought that there'd be a phone or..." She locked her blue eyes to
mine. "What will he do to me?" she asked.

"Don't think
about that now," I smiled. "I'll get you out of here, don't

I couldn't
tell her of what lay in store for her. Looking down at the blonde
pubes, I knew only too well of the nightmare ahead. No doubt Reece
would remove her pubic hair and attach metal clips to the fleshy
lips of her pussy. The girl would be forced to endure the
humiliation of parading around for all to see.

"How did you
escape?" she asked me.

"Escape? All I
did was get to the beach, which was hardly escaping."

"Have you been
here long?"

"Only a few

"What did he
mean by, what's expected of me?"

"Donna, I...
You'll be expected to have sex with men. Basically, we're nothing
more than sex slaves."

"How many
men?" she asked fearfully.

"I don't know.
Six, seven... There's a woman, too. She's a lesbian. Well, she's

"Kirsty, I'm a
virgin. I've never..." She hung her head and sighed. "I want to go

"I know you

Perching my
whipped buttocks on the table, I didn't know what to do. Fate was
cruel, I reflected. I'd got away from the villa, Donna had arrived
by boat... There was no point in dwelling on what might have been,
I knew as I gazed at the sweet slit of Donna's pussy. A virgin?
Reece and his cronies would soon change that. I didn't think she'd
be able to endure the extreme sex. I had to do something to help

"Kirsty," she
murmured. "I'm desperate for the loo."

"Oh, God," I


"No, don't be
sorry. You'll just have to go where you are."

"In front of
you?" she breathed. "Over the floor?"

"Donna, that's
the way it is here. If I were you, I'd do it before Reece comes

"I... I can't.
Not like this."

"You'll have
to try."

Turning the
other way as tears steamed down her flushed cheeks, I knew that she
wouldn't be able to endure the degradation. I at least had some
strength. So far I'd been able to cope with the situation. But
would Donna? "I can't do it," she murmured. Turning and facing her,
I didn't know what to say. If she found pissing on the floor too
humiliating in front of me, then what would she do when half a
dozen men were watching? They'd ridicule her, laugh at her.

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