Sin With Cuffs (23 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver

BOOK: Sin With Cuffs
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“I can keep a secret, Liam. Discretion is my middle name.” The words stumbled out of her mouth like a choking kitten.

“I’ve learned long ago that secrets hurt those you care for.” He turned and reached for the knob, but Vicki wasn’t finished yet.

“Are you suggesting you care for my daughter?” Her words could have torched a gas station.

He looked at her. Revulsion rolled through his veins. “I’m not suggesting anything. I’m telling you I not only care for Holly but I love her. I also know you’re not her mother. Doris was the only real parent Holly knew. I’d say she already realizes you have no standards.” He kept his gaze hard and steady, enjoying the look of exasperation spinning through Vicki’s shallow eyes. “And forewarning, If I find out you had anything to do with the vandalism, I’ll see that you serve time. Do you understand?”  

She reached for an object, which happened to be a crystal vase and lifted it high. Before she could toss it at him, he said, “I’ll warn you not to throw it, ma’am. I’d hate to arrest you. Jail wouldn’t be your cup of tea.”

Instead of throwing it at his head, like he was sure she wanted, she threw it hard against the wall. “Go to hell, Liam. Your relationship with Holly won’t last. Go ahead and kid yourself in believing you two have a future.”

He chose to ignore her words. He put on his best smile and said, “Good day, Vicki.” Then he was gone.

Liam descended the stairs and was at the door when Sue called out to him. “Chief?”

“Yes, Sue.” He had one hand on the door, ready to get back to the office.

“Did Officer Hartman catch up to you?” she asked.

“Officer Hartman? Was he here?”

“He came in right after you went upstairs. I figured he was looking for you,” she said.

This surprised Liam. Hartman was supposed to be at the office. “Is he still around?”

“No, he left.”

Liam wasn’t sure what the young man was doing at the bed and breakfast, but he’d sure find out. “Thanks,” he said to Sue and left.

Things were crazy. He had a feeling the truth would unravel very soon.







WHEN HOLLY OPENED the door to find Liam standing on the porch, her heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t expected to see him tonight. “So what do I owe this pleasure?” she asked.

“I’m sorry it’s late.”

“Your charm would get you past the threshold at any hour of the day.” She wriggled her eyebrows. Pushing the door open wide, she stepped back as he passed. Shutting the door, she locked it then brought her attention on him. In the light, he looked tired. “I’m getting the idea this isn’t a night for kinky sex.” She started to laugh but choked it back when she saw his frown. “What’s wrong, Liam?”

He rubbed his palm across his forehead. “I’m not sure how to say this…”

“Then just say it. You’re making me worry the longer you stand there.”

“Vicki was found dead an hour ago.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” She searched his expression for any sign of humor, or anything to prove he was only testing her. Her throat tightened and her stomach turned. “I don’t understand.”

“Sue, the owner of the bed and breakfast, found her when she took up Vicki’s food order. The door was ajar and Sue walked in. She called an ambulance but it was too late.”

Holly’s knees grew weak as she stumbled into the living room and to the couch. “She’s dead?” Her brain spiraled. She couldn’t comprehend what he was saying.

He sat down next to her and placed his hand on her knee. “I’m sorry. “

“How did it happen?” she asked.

“I don’t know all of the details,” he said.

She looked into his eyes, searching for truth. “I want to know what happened.”

He hesitated, as if he combed for reasons not to tell her. “She was found drowned in the bath tub.”

The air seemed to vaporize from the room. “Did someone murder her?”

“I don’t have all of the details,” he repeated.

“And I know you better than that. You’re keeping things from me. Was it self-inflicted?”

“No. She had a scarf around her neck.”

A moan snapped through the air and she realized it came from her. Holly was at a loss. Her mother had her issues, but Holly would never have wished her any harm. “She was killed by the same person who killed Danielle.”

“We don’t know that. It’s still under investigation.” His voice was gentle.

“I want to see her.”

“No you don’t,” he said.

 “Don’t tell me what I want. I have the right to see her!”

He rubbed his eyes and sighed. “There’s more I need to tell you.”

She leaned back against the cushion as her heart raced. “Okay.”

“I’d seen Vicki earlier today. The night Danielle was murdered Vicki and James were at the restaurant eating. I was interviewing anyone who’d been there that day.”

“Is there more?” she asked.

“Another guest staying at the bed and breakfast overheard Vicki and James arguing during the night.”

“Have you arrested him,” she asked.

“Slow down, Holly,” he urged.

“So the answer is no.” She jumped up and paced the floor. Walking helped her relax. Stopping at the fireplace, she looked inside the decorative mirror. When her grandma died, Holly had cried for days. Where were the tears now? She felt only pity.

Liam came to stand behind her. Watching his reflection in the mirror, she saw his gaze slant and the lines at the corners of his mouth became noticeable. Turning on her heel, she looked up at him. “Is there something wrong with me?”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Shouldn’t I be crying?”

“I know you’re upset.” He reached up and gently ran the pads of his fingers along her jaw. “It’s shock.”

“Shock or am I numb? She was my mother, Liam.” The words caught in her throat. She swallowed but the tightness remained.

“Was she?” he said.

 “We’d never had a mother and daughter relationship, and any chance of bonding is gone,” she whispered.

“You can’t feel guilty. She was the adult and made bad choices.”

Lowering her eyes, she couldn’t look at him. “We had a fight the last time we’d spoken. I was hateful and turned her away. I was just so tired…” She couldn’t find the words to describe what she’d felt.

“You gave her opportunity after opportunity. Her death has nothing to do with the relationship you two shared.” His voice soothed her.

 “The deaths, they are connected. But how?”

“I’m trying to find the missing link, sweetheart.” He looped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his chest. Fulfillment blanketed her. Laying her face against his chest, she listened to the comforting beat of his heart. The rhythm lulled her. She didn’t want the moment to end. If only she could forget all of the past and pain and stay right here.

Yet, there was no forgetting. Her life was plagued with misfortune. Now, she needed to know why her mother died.

“Hey, you’re crying.” Liam brought her face up and touched her chin. Holly didn’t respond. A sudden feeling of solitude raced through her.

“Vicki wasn’t much of a mother, but she was all that I had left. Now they’re both gone. Vicki and Grandma. I’m alone now.”

“You’re not alone. I’m here,” he said.

His words didn’t bring peace. She once thought he would be there forever. Then he’d chosen to marry someone else. Loving Liam was a risk and she wasn’t sure she was ready for it. After all, she was her mother’s daughter. Her mother had never been good at any relationship. Holly wasn’t any different. Her life was all about losing. Since Liam, she’d dated men who’d never touched her heart.

Losing Liam again would break her.

Holly moved away.

“The person who did this belongs behind bars,” she said as she dried her tears.

“You’re not safe,” Liam said. “We need to take necessary precautions to protect you.”

“Do you think Vicki and Danielle are dead because of me? Is someone sending me a message? Am I next?”

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said. Wrinkles of concern appeared around his eyes.

“I know you’ll find the killer. I’m certain of that.”

“Do you know anything about your mother’s husband? His family history? Where he grew up? Jobs he worked?” he asked.

“No. Nothing,” she said.

“We have an APB for his arrest, but that’s a wait and see game. I looked him up and I can’t find any information for him.”

Holly wrapped her arms around her waist. The sickening churning in her stomach spread. “They were only married a short while. They moved around a lot and I don’t even know if he had a job.”

He ran his hand along his jaw. The severity of his expression told her the depth of his alarm. “You need to pack a bag.”

“What?” Had she heard right? “A bag? For what?” she asked.

“You’re going to stay at my house for a few days.”

“That’s not necessary.” Her home was her private sanctuary.

“Why don’t you allow me to decide what is and isn’t necessary in this situation,” he said firmly.

 “Yeah, that tone makes me want to stay with you.” She knew he was tired, but so was she.

His features softened. “I’m sorry. I’m only worried for you.” There was a new tenderness to his voice.

“I’m flattered that you’re worried, but how will I be any safer at your house?”

“There’s a killer on the loose, Holly. Chances are if he’s still around here he won’t take a risk by searching the entire town for you, but he most certainly will target your house. Can we try and not make this simple and easy for him? We have two dead. We certainly don’t need a third.”

The harshness of his words sent a chill through her. “I get that you’re doing your job, but please don’t allow obligation to be the deciding factor.” Once the words were out, she realized how ridiculous they sounded.

He just stared.

She swallowed. “Okay. I’ll pack a bag.” She had to choose her battles. When someone encouraged her to do the right and safe thing, she shouldn’t make his job any harder.

* * * *

Holly had been in Liam’s childhood home many times as a teenager. Being there brought back memories of her and Liam watching movies, eating popcorn and making promises on forever. They had been kids. What did they know about love and the future? They had no clue. Everything seemed fancy and glorious until true life interrupted their fantasy world.

Although there were no framed photos of Liam and his late wife, her mind conjured up images of the pretty, petite brunette, Tiffany. She’d been everything Holly wasn’t.

Holly forced her mind to dissect the situation.

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