Read Silver Spoon Online

Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #contemporary adventure erotic romance

Silver Spoon (15 page)

BOOK: Silver Spoon
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Riley tugging at his shirt broke through the haze. Stepping back a few inches, he obediently lifted his arms, assisting her in removing the material, leaving him bare from the waist up. Green eyes met his before she glided closer, placed her hands on his ribcage, and proceeded to kiss and lick a trail across his chest. Standing quietly, he forced himself still, allowing her all the time in the world to explore at her own pace, to build confidence in herself, before they progressed to the highest level of intimacy.

Her lips wrapped around his nipple, sucking for a fleeting second before shifting to the other side and repeating the action.

Unable to resist, he patted her bottom, then lifted his arms to trace the length of her back before curving to her front, working his way over and around until finally molding her modest breasts. He both felt and heard her breath catch before she pushed firmly into his hands, blatantly pleading for more. Tenderly squeezing, he learned their shape and size, then palmed her nipple and rubbed, causing it to pebble.

She groaned, a low sound full of lustful pleasure, one that sent his libido into high gear. Grabbing her shirt, he removed it with ease, then dropped it on the floor beside his. A plain white bra greeted his gaze, outlining the objects of his attention. Leaning in, he mouthed the junction between her shoulder and neck, lightly biting along her collarbone. He placed kisses to the upper swells of both breasts, one hand rubbing her flat stomach, the other working on the clasp to her bra. A second later, the garment loosened, revealing raspberry nipples. Riley dropped the bra on the growing pile. Spoon took advantage, instantly covering her pale orbs with his large tanned hands, feeling and weighing her assets.

Wide green eyes locked with his. Yanking back on the reins of his control, Spoon forced himself to hold steady.

"More. Please," she whispered, her hand covering his own.

Jumping back into the fray, he meshed their mouths for another intense display.

Riley's hand tugged at his waistband, attempting to slip her fingers under the material as she followed the ridges of his six pack downward. Sucking in his gut, he granted her enough space for a small glimpse of what lay underneath. Fingertips brushed over his pubic hair, then retreated, only to boldly press against the blatant bulge from the outside of his pants.

"Bedroom." He bit out between pants.

Her focus returned to his face for a moment. Sparks of passion flickered in the depths of her eyes. With a nod, she grabbed their clothes, took his hand, and led him through the apartment to her bedroom. As she tossed their discarded clothes on the end of the bed, he shut the door quietly, and took a much needed breath.


A pink blush rose on her cheeks as she squirmed under his scrutiny.

Recognizing her shyness, he closed the distance between them, sealing his lips over hers once more.

After another hot kiss, she returned her attention to his jeans, using both hands to work at the buttons. When she fumbled, he reached down to assist, flipping the fly open with ease.

"No underwear?" she asked breathlessly and glanced up at him.

He grinned wickedly. "Not today."

"Ohhhhh." A smile of need appeared on her face as she tugged his pants downward until they pooled at his feet. Once he stepped out, her hands reached, wrapping around his jutting erection and sending fire through his blood.

Setting his back teeth, he granted her a few seconds to investigate an elemental difference between men and women. Her light caress jacked up his lustful cravings. She measured him once, twice before her thumb gently brushed over the top, smearing the drop of fluid.

"My turn." He pushed her hand away with an apologetic look. When she frowned, he explained. "I can't take more without going over the edge. I don't want to do that until I'm buried deep inside you." He returned to her breasts, giving them a once-over before heading south, caressing as he went, not stopping until his hand cupped her femininity.

Riley startled, but didn't retreat. Instead, she latched onto his flanks, smoothly running her clipped nails over his hips and around to his butt. Giving the area a moderate squeeze, a grin flashed on her face.

"I bet a quarter would bounce far off your hiney."

He snorted and smiled, the teasing providing a much needed distraction for a moment. "You've thought of that, huh?"

"Oh, yeah." The blush returned to her face.

Massaging between her legs, he used both hands to pull the zipper down and release the single button.

Riley pushed the jeans down herself, gracefully moving away from the puddled denim at her feet.

Spoon took in the sight before him. A scrap of pink covered the promised land, adding to the sensual pull.

"Maybe later you can test your theory." He stalked her.

She blinked up at him in confusion. "What theory?"

His lips twitched. "Your quarter theory. Later. Much later." Sweeping her up in his arms, he deposited her in the middle of the bed. Following her down, he leaned over her supine body, raining kisses over her face. Settling at her side, he trickled his free hand over her exposed skin, enjoying the softness, and tiny quivers as he flicked over her sensitive areas. Finding her underwear once more, he tugged them down in order to provide more room for his intentions. Riley lifted her hips, easing the removal of the cotton. With an absentminded flip of his wrist, he sent the final article of clothing to join the others.

He slid his hand between her thighs, using his fingers to softly seek her depths. "Open for me."

She complied, scooting her legs into a wider angle.

Spoon rewarded her by tunneling his thumb through her short reddish-brown curls until discovering her small nub. Brushing the area ever so tenderly, he watched her face.

Her mouth opened on a gasp, as her legs parted farther, an invitation to continue. Feeling the moisture under his fingertips, he pressed a finger into her core, both testing and teasing. Once he lodged deep, he circled his thumb again. Pulling back, he doubled his presence inside her, still working over the tight nubbin each time he pushed in.

His cock throbbed with impatient need. His control wavered as primitive instincts grappled with his steel-forged determination to go slow and easy, to allow Riley to set the pace.

Glancing up, he sucked in his breath. Riley lay with her hair spread out on the white pillow, the crimson locks glowing like a fiery sunset. Her emerald eyes peeked at him from lowered lids. Both hands clenched handfuls of comforter so tightly her knuckles whitened. A woman on a rack of pleasure if he ever saw one.

"So beautiful."

"Please. Spoon. I need…"

He moved his hand twice more before withdrawing. "Condom."

Jumping off the bed, he found his discarded jeans, dug through pockets until he held his wallet in hand. Finding what he wanted, he crawled across the bed to rejoin her. The foil package tore easily and in a flash, the condom was rolled into place.

She welcomed him with open arms from a sitting position, tugging him back to her, running her curious hands all over his exposed body while licking the column of his throat.

"I need you. I love you."

Bending, he braced his arms beside her hips, lowering to mesh his lips with hers. She responded in spades, mirroring the aggressive mating of his mouth with hers.

Lifting, he broke the kiss to whisper against her lips. "Are you sure?"

She cupped his cheek, lifting until his gaze bore into hers. Only then did she answer in a whisper, "I've never wanted anything more in my life."

The dam burst with her spoken words. Relief, desire, and emotions he didn't take time to name coursed through him.

He nudged her backward, coming over her as she reclined on the bed once more. Teeth worried a tight nipple then sucked. Shifting, he kneeled between her thighs. "Wider, baby."

Riley's legs fell open, revealing the glossy, damp, pink folds. He groaned low at the delicious sight.

Bracing his hands by her shoulders, he lined up their bodies, easing into her tightness. Heat and snugness wrapped him in a glorious cocoon, spurring him onward and inward. He continued to press slowly and steadily, not stopping until he felt her flinch and watched as her face turned from an expression of longing to a painful grimace. The reason stretched across his path, blocking him from complete entry.

"Riley?" He already knew she lacked sexual experience from her skittishness after their first wade into the pond of passion. However, the fact she remained a virgin in this day and age amazed him.

She met his gaze strongly. "I want you. I need you. Please." Her words panted out between breaths, her chest expanding and contracting at an increased rate, drawing attention to her dark nipples at the summit of each pale breast. Like a ripe cherry topping an ice cream sundae, both provided a tasty treat that made his mouth water.

Covering her body with his own, he licked her neck, nibbled her chin, and finally placed his lips over hers. With a hard thrust of his pelvis, he broke through the barrier, and caught her muted whimper in his mouth. Riley's body arched in an innate effort to escape the momentary discomfort.

He remained motionless, allowing her body to adjust to his novel presence. Raining kisses over her face, he apologized for causing her discomfort and worked hard to bring her back to the level of excitement before he'd penetrated her core and took her virginity.

Only when she echoed his pants with tiny mews and an insistent grip to his lower back that demanded he press closer, did he begin a snail paced rhythm of back and forth motions, small movements at first that tempted and teased. Riley twined one leg over his hamstring, using the leverage to meet his downward thrust. Adjusting his angle a shade, Spoon tilted just enough to give her room to maneuver and enough space for his questing fingers to delve between their bodies, finding the location where they became one. He sought and found the bundle of sensitive nerves, the key to her increasing tension and headlong drive to rapture.

Her teeth lightly bit into the muscle of his chest as she dug for purchase into his bunched shoulders. "More. Need more." Her whispery voice broadcast loudly in the quiet room, carrying easily over the sound of their rapid breathing.

Discovering her pleasure button, he stroked with exquisite care, lengthening his strokes at the same time. His pace gradually increased as did the flicking of his fingers, pushing her to greater heights, needing her to reach that almighty peak.

Her neck arched as her mouth opened wide. Great gulps of air sawed from her throat. Nails latched onto his perspiration-slickened skin, clawing for an unbreakable hold as if she would fall into the cyclone of ecstasy if she didn't cling to him for salvation. Tautness wracked her body as she neared the threshold.

"Let it come, Riley."

His hips pounded into her willing body, seeking the very far reaches of her depths. Wetness and heat greeted him with each entry, tight muscles clamped down as if begging for him to stay with every retreat. A tingling in his lower spine warned of his impending climax.

Gently plucking her engorged clit between his finger and thumb, he growled as her feminine channel clenched down with power before a rapid series of contractions milked his erection, sending his overheated body into rapture's free fall. Slamming into her once more, he sealed their hips together, riding out their combined orgasm with relish.

Sucking in great gulps of air, he lay over her, unmoving, and soaking up the tiny ripples that still flowed through her body. Spoon rested for a couple of minutes before garnering the strength to lift himself off her smaller frame. Emerald eyes met his. Her relaxed expression along with her arching eyebrow told him of her immediate thoughts. She wore the look of a woman well-loved and quite happy with her man.

He licked her bottom lip, then sealed his mouth over hers in a lazy kiss. She returned the gesture, her hands massaging his arms and back, smoothing where her fingers dug in earlier. Before either of them could get carried away, he put a stop to the after play.

"Hold on." Placing one hand on the condom, he steadily pulled his now deflated cock from her body, feeling her twinge in the process.

Leaving the bed, he headed into the bathroom and disposed of the condom. He completed the task and promptly rejoined Riley on the bed. Wrapping his arms around her body, he flipped them over, allowing her to straddle his hips and rest on top of his larger frame.

She squirmed until comfortable, then, with an impish grin, circled his nipple with her tongue.

He sucked in a breath. "I take that to mean you enjoyed yourself?" He had been with other women more well-versed in the field of sexual fulfillment, but his time with Riley left them all in the rearview mirror. Her innocence only added to her allure, the sincere responses, and wide eyed curiosity at each newness she discovered along the way. Never would he forget this first time together and eagerly awaited further intimacy to plunder each and every morsel of hidden pleasure from her beautiful body.

"Oh, yeah. Much better in real life than in my books."

Pride washed over him with the knowledge that not only had she enjoyed the experience, but he'd also brought her to climax. The first of many, he vowed.

Speaking of books, a sudden thought struck. Though she lacked any experience in the area, her sex scenes flowed like she'd written of recent happenings, play by play and filled with detail.

"Just how, pray tell, do you write romances when you're a virgin?" His muddled brain couldn't quite wrap around the idea.

She grinned and wiggled, sending shivers of renewed need through his recently spent body. "Research and imagination."

He stilled her movements by grabbing her rear. So soon after her first experience with sex, he felt it better to hold off rather than chancing considerable soreness in the morning.

"Although… I now have this wonderful sex consultant that might be able to help me with certain scenes in my books." Her eyes flashed mischievously.

He smiled widely. "Do you now?"

BOOK: Silver Spoon
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