Silver (18 page)

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Authors: Talia Vance

Tags: #teen, #teen fiction, #ya, #ya fiction, #young adult, #young adult fiction, #Talia Vance, #Silver, #charm, #Celtic myth, #Ireland, #Irish, #heritage, #Bandia, #Danu

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I get ready for school, even though I feel naked without my bracelet. I'm not afraid. Blake's already introduced me to Micah and Jeremy, and I doubt I'll run into Jonah at R.D. High. But it doesn't really matter—I want Jonah to come after me. It will save me having to hunt him down myself.

Still, it's awkward when I walk into the kitchen and Dad tells me how nice I look today. I'm not sure how to react, so I just grab a muffin from the box on the counter and pretend I don't hear him.

The walk from the parking lot into school is more bizarre. I'm used to guys never looking at my face, never looking at me. It's a shock when Mark Briggs grins at me and waggles his eyebrows as I get out of my car. “Looking good, Paxton!”

“Dude, you're smoking.” Rob Schrader sidles up next to Mark. The two have bonded over their mutual love of PlayStation and porn.

Not being noticed by guys like Rob and Mark has never been a problem for me. I walk by without acknowledging them. Welcome to the invisible zone, guys.

A low whistle assaults my ears with an ominous ring. I stop, the hair rising on the back of my neck. I'm torn between turning to look and forcing myself to keep walking. It's probably just a couple of dorks like Rob and Mark, feeling the need to publicly comment on my transformation.

I'm lying to myself. The fire that flows through my veins tells me everything I need know.

I turn my head to the right, craning my neck toward a cherry-red truck with custom black stripes. It takes up nearly two parking spaces with its oversized tires and huge wheel base. Jonah Timken leans against the bumper, sipping from a cardboard coffee cup. A pair of crutches rests against the tailgate. So much for Christy's banishment spell.

I turn all the way around and march toward him. The fire inside me is already tickling my fingers, and I want retribution.

Jonah looks up from the coffee. His Adam's apple slides up and down as he swallows. For a second I have the upper hand. I shouldn't hesitate. I should burn him up now, before he realizes what's coming. I only have to picture Dart lying in a pool of his own blood.

But I don't attack him. Maybe it's because Dart is alive. Maybe it's because Jonah's relaxed body language tells me he's not here to fight. A small part of me hopes it's because I'm not the same kind of monster he is.

Jonah's eyes are thirsty, despite the drink in his hand.

I stop a few feet in front of him. “What are you doing here? Slumming? Shouldn't you be out getting your rich girlfriend wasted or something?”

Jonah can't hide the surprise in his voice. “Where's your disguise,

“Who am I hiding from? You and I don't have secrets.”

His smile is sickening. “What game are you playing?”

My eyes go to his right hand, remembering how it closed around my neck at Joe's party. I have to fight not to back away from him. “I don't need to hide from you. I'm not as weak as you think.”

He laughs at that. “I never thought you were weak. The magic that surrounds you is crazy strong. It's what makes you such a hot mess.”

Bile rises in my throat as his gaze rakes up and down my body. I've never wanted to disappear more. I paste on a smile of my own.

“I think I get why Blake wants to keep you around for a while. I may decide to do the same once he's out of the picture.”

“What, you don't want to kill me now?” He's the worst sort of coward. “Of course not. Why would you go after someone who could burn you to a crisp? Defenseless animals are more your thing, is that it?”

Jonah sets down his coffee and reaches for the crutches. “Animals? I don't know what you're talking about. Sounds a little kinky, but I'm open-minded.” He licks his lips. “You and I have some unfinished business.”

“You won't touch me again.” I summon as much strength as I can.

Jonah laughs like I've said something funny. “You're not mine to kill. It's only dumb luck Blake found you first. You think that means something, but it's just your DNA seeking out a mate. Soon it'll be my touch that makes you burn. My soul that mates with yours. My hand that spills your blood.”

My stomach heaves at his words, the muffin threatening to come back up. “How do you know about the bond?”

His smile gets wider. “You were born with the same curse we all were, this sick connection that forces us together and tears us apart. I didn't realize Blake got to you first until he jumped me. Blake was smart to seal the deal before you caught on. I only wish I'd found you first. I bet you're pretty hot in the sack.”

I know Blake didn't bond with me on purpose, even though it's what I accused him of myself. But Jonah makes it sound so much more twisted. And if Blake wanted me dead, I would be dead by now.

Jonah hobbles forward on his crutches, closing the gap between us. “We didn't think there were any
left. And then there was that blue fire. I'm surprised Blake didn't kill you first thing, after what you did to his house. But here you are, dripping with magic and sexy as hell. My money's on you—I can hardly wait until the bond is broken and you're up for grabs again.” He makes an obscene gesture with his hand.

I'm filled with a mixture of hope and dread. “You know how to break the bond?”

Jonah raises an eyebrow. “I understand it's quite painful.”


“It's simple. One of you dies.”

Not the answer I'm hoping for, but about what I expect. “If I die, you'll never get near me.” Not a great option, but an option.

“Who said anything about killing

He can't be implying what I think. “Blake is one of your Circle.”

Jonah shakes his head. “You think
cares about alliances? If he did, he would have told the Circle about you. He kept you to himself, assuming you'd be dead before any of us even knew you existed.”

I don't want to hear this. I want to cover my ears and sing at the top of my lungs like a five-year-old. I can't let him see how much he's affecting me, but I'm shaking with rage and something darker.

“Even if you somehow killed Blake. I would never let you near me,” I tell him. “I would sooner die than bond with you.”

He shrugs. “It's your call.” He winks at me, then turns back toward his monster truck, leaning on his crutches.

My blood is hot. A fireball appears in my hand before I can even think to conjure it. It's just there, as natural as a sneeze or a tear. The part of me that wants to take him out is right there with it, as much a part of who I am as breathing. But there are people here, bystanders who've done nothing to me.

I take a breath and start counting.
5. 25. 125. 625.

Before Jonah can take a step, I send the blue flames sailing over his head into the bed of his truck. Instant car-b-que.

“What the hell?” He scrambles to get away from the truck.

“That's for Dart.”

“Who the hell is Dart?”

I close the distance and slap him. Hard. “If you so much as go near my horse again, it won't be your truck that's burning.”

A group of students gathers, staring at the fire as it grows bigger. A siren wails in the distance. The first bell rings. I step around Jonah and walk the rest of the way toward school. Mark Briggs starts to say something to me, but wisely shuts up when he sees the look in my eyes.

I'm smiling by the time I get to class. I didn't kill Jonah. I should be disappointed, but instead I'm hopeful. If Jonah can live, maybe Blake can too.

My first four classes go by without incident. I catch a few curious glances from some of the guys, but no one tries to approach me. Which is fine with me, because my life is complicated enough at the moment. I meet Haley at her locker just as Braden Finley comes by for his daily ritual of asking Haley out to lunch.

“Hey, gorgeous.” Braden opens his locker without looking at her. When he shuts it and leans against it, he grins at Haley appreciatively. Then his eyes move past her. To me. “Who's your friend?”

Haley has to turn around to see who he's looking at. When she turns back to him, her cheeks are red. “You mean Brianna? Haven't you guys met?”

“I think I would remember meeting Brianna.” He's talking to Haley but staring at me.

I can't stop the smile that grows until I'm sure I'm grinning at Braden Finley like an absolute fool. He raises his eyebrows speculatively. “A few of us are heading off campus for lunch. You should come.”

Whoa. Braden just asked me to lunch. I'm not seriously considering saying yes—I know the game. I've seen it played out enough. I also know that Braden is currently dating Gia Davidson. And I have a boyfriend, even though it's kind of twisted and messed up at the moment. Still, it's nice to be asked. Really nice. I wonder if this is how Haley feels all the time. “Sorry,” I say. “I have plans.”

“Next time.” Braden starts to walk off. As he walks past me, he leans in so close that his shoulder touches mine. Then he stops and whispers in my ear, “Don't make me wait too long.” As he walks away, a laugh escapes my lips before I can stop it.

“What was that?” Haley stares at me like I'm an alien, complete with a third eye and slithery tentacles. Her expression slowly changes from disbelief to contemplation. “Do you think he's trying to make me jealous?”

I force myself to stop smiling. “Obviously.”

Haley doesn't catch the hint of sarcasm in my response. “Is it bad that it's working?”

“I think that's the point.”

“Yeah, you're probably right.” She puts her hand on my shoulder. “Sorry about that.”

“Sorry? Why?”

“It was kind of rude of him. Flirting with you to get to me. I mean it's not very nice for him to play with your feelings like that.”

It's not enough that the only possible reason Braden Finley would flirt with me is to make Haley jealous. No, now she has to assume that my poor feelings are hurt because of course, I must have thought he was really flirting with me.

“What a jerk.” I don't even try to conceal the sarcastic tone this time. “He must've gotten the idea from Austin.”

Haley's lips twitch for a second before she can mask it. “What are you talking about?”

I shrug. “Well, it explains why Austin showed up at the ranch yesterday and tried to get me to go home with him. He must've assumed I'd tell you and then you'd be jealous.”

Haley's eyes narrow to points. “You're lying. Austin doesn't need to make me jealous. Besides, he asked me to meet him at McMillan after school today.”

“Austin is not who you think he is.”

“I think I know who my own boyfriend is. It's you I'm starting to wonder about.”

I close my eyes, instantly regretting calling Haley out. By the time I open them again, she's gone.


I fall back against a row of lockers, exhausted. I didn't mean for the stuff about Austin to come out like that.

“Jesus, Paxton.” Sherri Milliken grabs my arm and pulls me down the hallway. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“Let go of me.”

“Where's your bracelet?”

“Why do you even care?” I'm not in the mood for a lecture.

“Because you're putting us all in danger. You think the Sons won't find you here? Hell, there might even be a few on campus.”

“There's not.”

“What do you mean, there's not?” She searches my face.

Crap. I've said too much.

“Wait. You know who they are, don't you? I
it. It's the only reason you survived the weekend.”

I shake my head. “You're not wearing your talisman.”

“That's different. I'm seventeen. I can control my powers. They can't tell what I am just by looking at me. You, on the other hand, are a flashing beacon of magic. You might as well be wearing a neon sign that says ‘kill me now.' ”

“Fine. I'll leave. As soon as you tell me what happens when I turn seventeen.”

Sherri spins around in a circle, her arms wide. “You get to be beautiful.” A group of guys stops a few feet away to watch her. “Well, you always got to be beautiful. But now people will notice. And it's fricking awesome! All those guys that wouldn't even look at you before will be drooling at your feet.”

I'm not so sure it matters now. “Tell me about the power.”

“Believe me, Brianna, beauty

Was she always so shallow? “That's not what I meant.”

Sherri rolls her eyes. “Okay, okay. I told Sasha we should tell you from the beginning. I knew what you were from the first day of ninth grade, when you walked into class with that fricking bracelet on. I couldn't believe it at first, because you looked amazing, like you weren't hiding at all. But the guys didn't notice. They didn't even look at you. It was like they didn't see you at all. Meanwhile, I looked like Supergeek.”

“Tell me what happens.”

“It's like you can feel it inside of you. Fire, water, air, even the earth. And then you want to use it. Almost like you have to.”

I've felt it. In my veins. In my blood. How it wants to be unleashed. Has to be. “How do you control it?”

Sherri looks at me like I'm crazy. “It's part of who you are. Just embrace it, Paxton. It totally rocks. And you'll need it when the Sons find you again.”

“You sound so certain they will.”

“Oh, they will. Sasha says they date a lot of girls, always looking for potential breeders. And let's face it—we have the traits they're looking for.”


“Beauty, strength, power.” Sherri glances over her shoulder at the group of guys hanging back to watch her. Watch
“Our kind was almost exterminated. As far as the Sons were concerned, we were all dead. So they won't be expecting more of us.” She eyes me skeptically. “Will they?”

“I wouldn't know.” I clasp my hands in front of me, worrying my thumbs. She wants to blame me for outing us, but I'm not the one who started a magic blaze that took out two hundred homes. “How would I even know if I've found one?”

“You'll know. Supposedly, it's really hot when they touch you. It sounds amazing. I can't wait.” She looks back over her shoulder at the group of guys and waves her fingers. “Not that I'm not enjoying the trial and error.”

“Then what?”

Sherri shrugs. “Then you do what you were born to do and reel them in. Once you confirm their identity, you take them out.”

“You make it sound easy. Like you could just kill someone?”

“And you make it sound like it's going to be hard. Like you're not what you are. We were made to do this, Brianna. This isn't some grand moral dilemma. It's simple. Kill or be killed.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.”

“You don't. You never did.”

I finally get to the question I've wanted to ask since we started talking. “What do you think would happen if you didn't … take them out?”

Sherri's eyes flash. “What do you mean?”

“You said, yourself, that they're supposed to be hot?”

“You can't mess with them, Paxton. If you wait, you run the risk of getting killed, or worse, bonding with the murderer. Which is not only sick and twisted, but will hurt like hell when you finally do kill it. Or worse, when it kills you. You can't afford to let your soul get bound up with a Son of Killian.”

Sherri glances back at the group behind her. A couple of the boys have given up and presumably gone in search of easier prey. Sherri flashes me a look of annoyance. She's waited years for this, after all.

“Why is the bonding thing so bad?”

Sherri blows a perfectly straight bang away from her face and looks longingly over at the last boy, who's lingering a few feet away. “Sleeping with the enemy is always dangerous, but in this case it's suicidal. Don't kid yourself about them. They might be hot, but they're murderers who will cut you to pieces at the first opportunity.”

“And we're different, how?”

“Easy, Paxton,” she says, then turns her back and moves toward the remaining boy, her hips swaying. “We're the good guys.”

I try to imagine a world where Sherri Milliken is one of the good guys. I swear. I try.

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