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No. 1050: Jane Singeon, Harbour Grace, North Side. Jane received this property “by her mother's will.” Jane was occupying it in 1783.

There were other women owners of plantations whose names do not appear in the
Plantation Book
. One of these was Catherine Thistle who is mentioned in
Chapter 3
in the section on “The Eighteenth Century.” From court records it is noted that in 1757 Catherine went to court and received legal action against Jersey men who were encroaching on her plantation at Harbour Grace. In the same year, Mary Dinn of Musketta sent a petition to the governor of the day stating that her family had an established right dating back more than 50 years to harvest grass on Carbonear Island for her animals. The commander of the fort at the island had refused Mary permission, but the governor overruled the commander, and Mary was allowed to continue the practice. No doubt there were many others.

There are 1,062 entries in the
Plantation Book
. A total of 147 women are mentioned in connection with 156 of these plantations. In addition to the entries listed previously, there were several plantations that were left to men through their father-in-law's will, uncle's will, and so forth.

Thus a total of 163 women (and possibly 172 properties) may be involved, if all these wives were still living. The prevailing dominance of the patriarchal line would account for inheritance through the
wife's husband. In fact, it seems surprising that there were not more of these in the records. There are a total of 16:

No. 16: Bay de Verds. Daniel McCarthy, Thos. Lynch and Jas. Blunden inherited this property “By deed of gift from their wives' uncles.” Date is not given.

No. 147: Oaker Pits Cove. Richard Halfyard received a plantation with one stage, two flakes and four houses in 1761 “By deed of gift from his father-in-law.”

No. 555: Brigus. This plantation came to John Morgan, “bequeathed by his father-in-law's will” in 1805.

No. 556: Brigus. John Sparks received a plantation with one stage, four flakes, one wharf, and four houses in 1785, “bequeathed to him by his father-in-law's will.” It had belonged to the family for 60 years.

No. 567: Brigus. Wm. Antle, Sr., had a plantation “bequeathed to him by his father-in-law's will.” Date is not given, though from No. 574 we may deduce that it was about the 1780s.

No. 588: Brigus. John Plowman received this plantation as a “deed of gift from his father-in-law.” Date is not given.

No. 604: Cupids. Joseph Anthony inherited this plantation “by deed of gift from his father-in-law.” Date is not given. See No. 600 for a possible connection to Mary Anthony, in which case it would be about 1770.

No. 659: Bay Roberts. Daniel Norman received this plantation as a “Gift from his father-in-law.” He was occupying it in 1802.

No. 756: Island Cove. Thos. Merser received this plantation as a “Gift from his father-in-law.” Date is not given.

No. 896: Carbonear. Hugh Penny, Jr., received this plantation by “his father-in-law's will” in 1790.

No. 925: Crocker's Cove. Martin George received this plantation as a “gift from his father-in-law” in 1785. He was leasing it.

No. 930: Crocker's Cove. Daniel Canlan received this plantation as a “Gift from his father-in-law.” Daniel was occupying it in 1785.

No. 966: Harbour Grace, North Side. Garland Bradbury received this plantation as a “Gift from his father-in-law” in 1805.

No. 972: Harbour Grace, North Side. Jas. Cawley received this plantation from “his father-in-law's will,” and James was occupying it in 1715.

No. 992: Harbour Grace, North Side. Wm. Parsons received this plantation from “his father-in-law's will.” Date is not given.

No. 993: Harbour Grace, North Side. Wm. Lilly, Esq., received this plantation by his “father-in-law's will.” Date is not given.

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