Silk Over Razor Blades (25 page)

Read Silk Over Razor Blades Online

Authors: Ileandra Young

Tags: #vampire fiction, #female protagonist, #black author, #vampire adventure, #black british, #vampire attacks, #vampire attraction, #black female character, #black female lead character, #egyptian vampire

BOOK: Silk Over Razor Blades
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I was delayed.’ He thought back to
Kazemde and his curious claims about the tower at Pharos. ‘I cannot
eat with you.’

Why?’ She moved closer, running her
delicate hands up and down his arms, a touch that made him shiver.
‘Do you not love me?’

Of course I do.’ He kissed her
lips. ‘But I have other matters to attend. Higher things.’

She stiffened in his arms. ‘Higher than

Don’t misunderstand me, I—’

I don’t. You said it yourself.
“Higher things.”’ Kiya jerked away. ‘I may be a servant, but I’m no
fool. I know what happens in the palace, perhaps better than

He tried to touch her face. ‘I would

You do.’ She backed away. ‘Much
like the other men who seek my attention, you think me beautiful,
dainty and foolish. I’m not a flower to be admired, nor a child to
be coddled, I’m a woman. Remember that.’

Saar gazed at his toes. ‘I meant no
offence. I’d never insult you willingly or knowingly. I meant only
that my worries are of things higher than myself. Problems that
none but the gods can solve. I want to know the minds of men but
I’m no god. I’m mortal just as you are and these problems may not
be beyond you, but they are certainly beyond my humble

She smiled. The gesture was beautiful.
Re’s light seemed to fill her whole face and dimples appeared on
her cheeks, visible as darker shadows against the rich brown of her
sun-kissed skin. ‘I never thought I would hear you say it.’

Say what?’

That something— anything— was
beyond you, dear love. You who fixes everything.’

I don’t fix everything.’

The smile widened. ‘You try. You feel
all the troubles of the world so keenly. They touch you like no
other man I’ve ever met.’

You exaggerate.’

Do I? Why else do you fight so
passionately and walk the streets among the common men?’

Staring at the sacks of grain, Saar
clenched his hands into fists. ‘I’m captain. It’s my duty to ensure
that the people are buoyed up by the knowledge of our strength.
They must see confidence in their leaders to feel the same

While that is true, must you also
pander to the silly whims of Cleopatra?’

She’s my queen.’

And mine, but she will not touch
me. Never. My body is for you. Why can you not say the

At last, Saar turned away from the
grain. He put his arms around Kiya’s slender shoulders to pull her
against him. She sighed and linked her arms around his neck.

I love you. Nobody but you.
Cleopatra is young but powerful. I can’t afford to displease her.
Please understand that.’

Kiya pushed on to her tiptoes and
kissed him. ‘Eat with me.’

Juicy dates and warm bread lured him
towards the blanket, but Saar shook his head. ‘I’m sorry. I came
only to touch your face and kiss your lips. I’m wanted in the

Her expression darkened. ‘Cleopatra.

Yes, but—’

No, Saar, go. Stand in her rooms
and let her touch you and treat you as one of her many other toys.
I’ll stay here.’

When he tried to see her face, she
jerked away, sitting on the end of the blanket and reaching for the
bread. She tore the soft flesh of the loaf between her fingers and
shoved it into her mouth.

I’m sorry, Kiya.’

She turned away, still shredding the
loaf into inedible fragments.

After lingering for a moment longer,
Saar shook his head and walked back the way he came.


Bright sunlit hallways and cool floors
covered with rushes and rugs: Saar barely saw them as he marched
through the palace, too preoccupied to offer a nod or a smile to
those who passed. By the time he reached the doors he sought, his
stomach had twisted into tight knots. Clearing his throat, he
knocked once on the huge wooden doors and entered.

The chamber within was also bright and
warm. Statuettes of cats and symbols of the sun god filled every
available space. In amongst the treasures were coins, pots, flowers
and the occasional tapestry woven from fine silks. In the middle of
the room, reclined in a large stone bath lay Cleopatra, her thick
black hair braided and piled high on her head. She swivelled when
he entered, spilling milk over the sides to wash across the floor
and dampen the rushes. The girls attending her immediately closed
ranks to block her from view.

My Lady Queen,’ he said, stopping a
respectable distance away. ‘I had no idea you were still bathing.
I’ll return when you’ve finished.’

No.’ The voice came before he could
turn away.

The cluster of women, dressed in
diaphanous robes of white and cream, stepped to one side. Between
them, Cleopatra looked over the side of the bath, her arms crossed
beneath her chin. Thick rings of black kohl highlighted her eyes,
and across her lips some red substance gave her the look of a
perpetual pout. Though her face needed no such assistance to look

Saar gazed at her and understood Kiya’s
anger. He had to admit Cleopatra was an attractive woman, but her
appeal faded once past the face and body. She was young and
selfish, petty and fickle.

A cascade of grimy milk slid from her
body as Cleopatra stood. Two more women approached with clay jugs
and rinsed her skin with clear water. Then the queen put out one
leg and one hand, a silent order for assistance. Once safely on the
ground, she extended her arms and the women draped a gown of fresh
white linen over her damp skin. She smoothed it into place, belted
the waist with a golden cord and stepped towards him.

So modest.’ Her voice teased him
like a physical caress. ‘Will you not look at me?’

It’s not proper,’ he murmured,
watching his feet. ‘I have no place to—’

To see my body? I’m queen; I may
show my body to whomever I please. Look at me.’ She clicked her
tongue. ‘Look at me.’

When he raised his eyes, she held the
golden cord in both hands. Water dripped from the shorter strands
of hair at the back of her neck and ran down her shoulders. One
drop slid through a gap in the linen, marking the path between her

Saar licked his lips. Swallowed. Looked
away again.

Cleopatra giggled. ‘Men. So hard,
commanding and fierce, but put them before a woman and they lose
their heads. Please, Saar. Look at me.’

He dragged his gaze back to hers.
Forced it to stay there and watch as she untied the cord and opened
the sides of the robe. She pushed it back from her shoulders and
stood before him naked and beautiful.

Do you love me?’

He flinched. ‘You’re my queen.’

I know. Answer the

With all my heart, my flesh and my

She grinned. ‘Really?’

Of course, My Lady Queen.’

Then touch me.’

Saar looked directly into her eyes.
They were green, a colour brought forward and made brighter by the
incredible contrast made by the kohl. The pale smoothness of her
skin, so different to his own, was flushed.

Touch me.’

Fingers trembling, Saar touched her
bare shoulder.

She frowned. ‘Touch me properly.’

I— I’m sorry,’ he fought the urge
to look back to the floor.

Here.’ Cleopatra snatched his hand
and held it against her left breast. She splayed her fingers over
his, trapping him in place. ‘I enjoy the rough touch of your skin.
A soldier’s hands.’

Beads of sweat gathered on his
forehead. ‘I think—’

My lady, Cleopatra. What are you
doing now?’ The voice came from near the doors and, beneath his
hand, the queen stiffened.

She glared at him then shoved his hand
away, stooping to scoop her robe back into her arms with one smooth
motion. Feeding her arms into it, she then stalked past him to
reach the newcomer.

Antony!’ She paused with her hands

Saar saw the pleasure in her eyes as
surely as he felt his own heart sink.

I thought you would never return,
it has been many years.’ Her voice became breathless.

Just four.’ The man crossed the
room and swept the queen into his arms.

Saar glared at him, hating every inch
of his smug round face and short curly hair. Even his clothing, a
mix of cloth, leather and metal, made him want to punch

Cleopatra giggled. ‘I’ve missed you.
I’ve been lonely without you.’

I’m sure you found willing servants
to warm your bed.’

The look Antony shot over her shoulder
might have frozen a weaker man, but Saar merely ducked his head and
tried to look as innocent as possible.

When sure that he had his voice and
emotions under control, he spoke. ‘My Lord Antony, I thought you
were in Rome?’

I was.’ The other man stroked the
trim bush of hair about his chin and jaw. ‘And I returned. Does
that please you?’

Rather than lying, Saar cleared his
throat and returned his focus to Cleopatra. ‘You wished to speak
with me, My Lady Queen?’

Yes,’ she tried to step forward but
Antony’s arm around her shoulders snagged her back. ‘I have
questions about the latest defence plan.’

Antony’s nostrils flared. ‘What defence

Saar outlined a plan to improve our
general defences.’

I gave no order for that.’

The familiar prickle began to tease
down Saar’s spine. Four years apart clearly hadn’t dampened that
fire. ‘In your absence I was charged with the city’s defences. I
take my responsibilities very seriously and I serve the queen.’

Dark eyes, above a hard hooked nose,
narrowed to tiny slits. ‘And I, as king, take my duties very
seriously. We are strong and well prepared. Our naval fleet is
unparalleled and our infantry has no match. No one within a
thousand miles has any desire or means to attack us.’

The word ‘king’ made Saar flinch. So
did ‘us’. But he could see no way to question either without
overstepping the line he already walked with reckless abandon. He
angled himself towards Cleopatra. ‘My Lady Queen,’ he whispered,
‘these plans are essential. Without extra men on the borders and
within the palace themselves, any attack could lead to innumerable
casualties. Please consider what I have to say.’

Cleopatra, dwarfed beneath Antony’s
massive arm, gave him a winsome smile. ‘You worry too much. If
Antony says there is no need of any further defence then I’m sorry
to have wasted your time.’

He gritted his teeth. ‘Will you at
least hear me? Perhaps some part of my plans will interest

She said “no”, Saar.’ Antony
actually smiled. ‘Now get out.’

He stared at Cleopatra, silently
pleading, but she had already turned away, waving an absent hand
towards the exit.

His shoulders slumped. ‘My Lady,
Queen.’ Bowing once, Saar stepped around the pair and aimed for the

Captain Saar?’ The voice swung him

With Cleopatra still trapped beneath
his left arm, Antony lifted his free hand and pointed at his face.
‘If you touch my wife again I’ll have your hands removed.’


Cleopatra squealed. ‘You returned to
marry me?’

Of course. I would never have left
but for the small matter of the Parthians. Now that they’re dealt
with, I’ll stay with you.’

No!’ The word burst free before he
could catch it. Saar slapped his hands over his mouth but the
damage was done.

Very slowly Antony turned away from
the queen. His eyes narrowed and deep furrows formed in his
forehead. ‘Yes. In the way of
people. With ancient rites I’ll marry Cleopatra and make
Alexandria my home. Are you happy for us?’

Saar bit his lip. It was the only way
to keep the scream from bursting free. ‘Of course, My Lord.

King,’ he snapped, arching one
thick eyebrow. ‘I’ll be king, you’d do well to grow accustomed to
that fact.’

Yes, My Lord, King.’ With a last,
despairing look at Cleopatra, Saar spun on his heel and dashed from
the room.




Over his crunching footsteps, Saar
heard the yip-yapping call of a desert fox. Though the lights of
the city were small and distant, the sky was clear enough that Saar
had no need of the torch he held. It remained unlit at his side,
the moon’s white glow more than enough to light his way along the
Hepastadion. The long line of piled earth stretched from the
mainland to Pharos Island where the lighthouse watched the

Waves from the Nile washed over his
path, showering his feet with cool droplets. Half way along he
turned and trotted back towards the mainland. He shook his head,
hands shaking as he cursed himself for a fool. After three steps he
stopped. Looked back at the island.

It took every piece of strength he
possessed to once more angle his feet towards the Pharos. As he
did, his insides squirmed, a peculiar mix of fear and

He walked on.

At the tall stone wall surrounding the
tower, he took a deep breath and approached the gate. Though late,
two guards stood before it, there to defend the tower, but also to
maintain the fire at the top of the third level. Saar looked up,
marvelling at the incredible height. He could think of no other
building as tall as this one and a fierce rush of pride swelled his

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