Silenced By Syrah (4 page)

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Authors: Michele Scott

BOOK: Silenced By Syrah
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Maybe Lauren was Georges’ lover? None of her business anyway. He was so intent on making certain that Lauren took time out for a spa treatment.
“I know. Georges is cool and Baron is the best. He’s gonna run the restaurant in the city, so maybe I can go back and forth and help both of them. I don’t know. Well look, I need to make sure the oysters are here and being refrigerated, and Georges wants only lilies on the tables, so I’ve got to check and make sure the florist will be on time. Do you think you can write up a list of those wines and leave it at the hostess’ desk? I’ll pick it up on my way out. The menu for tonight is right here.” She flipped back a few pages in her notebook and took out a piece of paper with a handwritten menu on it. Some pages fell out. Nikki bent to pick them up and hand them to Janie. She couldn’t help notice that they included Georges’ day-to-day schedule on them for the past week, today included. “Jeesh, thanks. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost this. I keep track of both my and Georges’ schedules in here. I tried one of those Day-Timer things, but they’re so bulky and complicated. I have my own system, but I don’t know, maybe the spiral notebook thing isn’t the best idea. Look, I’d stay, but there’s still a ton to do.”
“Not a problem. I can do this for you and Georges.”
“Nice talking with you and thanks for the help. Georges can sometimes drink too much and that would be bad for tonight. So, it’s good we didn’t do a
Besides, it would have run into his bath time at the spa, which he kind of needs. I’m really glad they’re on the spa schedule. I’ve arranged it with Simon for Georges to take a daily bath before coming into the restaurant in the evening. He will have to meet with people since he’s the chef, and sometimes, he, well, he . . .” Janie wrinkled her nose.
Nikki stifled a laugh and held up her hand. “No need to explain. I’m sure the Syrah bath splash will take care of everything.”
Janie nodded. “Thanks again for doing this.”
The young woman walked out of the room and Nikki sighed, sinking down in her chair. What a day. And it was barely past two in the afternoon. She reflected on what had already taken place. Derek-blue-eyes Malveaux had brought Andrés out to find her. Andrés seemed to have something to hide. Simon railed her and maybe nailed it on the head when he’d told her she needed to get busy between the bed-sheets. But she did have this three-month rule. Even though she was thirty-five. Okay, thirty-six, but who’s counting? A girl still had to have some standards, even as that time clock chimed on.
Boy, what a day. It really had been a strange afternoon in a sense. Nikki couldn’t completely figure out why she felt that way. Probably the chain of events and all the
involved. But more so than feeling disjointed about the day, she couldn’t help thinking of the evening to come. There was this itch prickling at the back of her neck, as if someone stood behind her whispering a secret—and the secret was not a good one.
Beef Daube with Porcini and Orange
with St. Jean Cabernet Sauvignon
When life gets crazy, do as Nikki and the French do and fix a gourmet meal and have a bottle of
. The recommended pairing for Beef Daube with Porcini and Orange is Chateau St. Jean 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon as it is similar to the bold reds of the Bordeaux region in France. The wine is an interesting, delicious blend of berries, black cherry, raisins, chocolate, and hazelnut. It’s a complex wine with a satisfying finish. This is a wine to savor over an elegant dinner.

lbs stewing beef, cut into large pieces
4 carrots, peeled and cut into rounds
3 medium onions, coarsely chopped
2 garlic cloves
1 sprig fresh parsley
1 celery rib, thickly sliced
3 bay leaves
1 tbsp fresh thyme (1 tsp dried)

cup Cognac
1 bottle sturdy red wine

cup plus 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 tsp whole black peppercorns
3 whole cloves
3 tbsp unsalted butter
2 oz dried cèpes, soaked and well-rinsed (Cèpes
are a type of wild mushroom and can usually be
found in gourmet grocery stores or in the
specialty aisle at your local supermarket.)
1 tbsp tomato paste
salt and pepper
grated zest and juice of 1 orange
One day before serving the stew, in a large bowl, combine meat, carrots, onions, garlic, parsley, celery, bay leaves, thyme, Cognac, wine, and 1 tbsp olive oil. Tie peppercorn and cloves in a piece of cheesecloth; add to the bowl, toss well, cover, and refrigerate 24 hours. Let meat and vegetables return to room temperature. Remove meat from marinade. Set vegetables aside. Transfer liquid and cheesecloth bag to a large pot. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil for 5 minutes to reduce slightly. Remove from heat. In large skillet, melt butter and
⁄4 cup olive oil. Brown meat on all sides; with slotted spoon transfer meat to the liquid in the pot. In the same skillet, sauté the vegetables about 7 minutes and transfer them to the pot. Add mushrooms to the skillet and sauté about 5 minutes; set aside. Stir tomato paste into pot. Bring to a simmer and cook meat until very tender over very low heat, about 3
⁄2 to 4 hours. Stir in salt and pepper to taste, mushrooms, and the orange zest and juice. Discard cheesecloth bag. Serves 8.
Part II to hosting your own wine tasting party—smell. Yep, if it don’t smell good, don’t drink it! That’s what Nikki would say. She’d also tell you how to smell the wine. Swirl the glass to release the bouquet. The bouquet refers to the odors that are the result of the wine-making decisions made on blending, alcohol content, and so forth. The aroma is the odor that is associated with the grape’s varietal used in the wine. As the wine clings to the glass, more aromas are released. As you take in the bouquet, what is the first thing you think of? Pears, tobacco, grapefruit, leather, bacon, melons . . . the list can go on. Much of it is in the impression of the wine lover—as in the eye of the beholder. Cheers!
Chapter 3
Four thirty and Nikki’s day finally had that wind-down feeling to it. The festivities of that Saturday had come to a halt, and the sun cast shadows across the vineyards, giving the valley an ethereal quality. Heaven on Earth.
The spa remained open but would close soon, and the opening of Georges on the Vineyard would be in full swing within less than two hours. She needed to hustle back to her cottage to get ready to meet Andrés. She decided to first stop by the spa and see how things were going for Simon and Marco.
Marco stood at the front desk singing with Andrea Bocelli over the speakers in the spa’s lobby, which continued, like other areas of the inn, the traditional, rustic Italian theme. Marco’s voice was almost as beautiful as Bocelli’s, and she could’ve listened for hours.
Marco smiled when he saw her. “
. How are you?” His Italian accent was as melodic as the music.
“Good. Long day. How about you?”
He sighed. “It is hard to do the spa. People can be difficult. ‘I want this.’ ‘I want that.’ ‘That cream the therapist put on my face is much too oily.’ I say I am sorry. I give more of a discount. Ah!” He waved his hand in indifference. “It is a problem to make people, how you say?
. Happy.

She laughed. “Yes, I’m sure it can be difficult. What about what you learned from the Guru Sansibaba? Wouldn’t he have something to say about relaxing under stress?”
He frowned. “Thank you for reminding me.” He came around the counter to give her a kiss on the cheek. He smelled of lemon verbena and clove. His light green silk shirt made his olive skin appear almost golden. “You look beautiful today. I am thinking you know that.” His dark eyes, the color of espresso, sparkled.
What a flirt. “No. But, thank you. You always know exactly what to say to a girl. I feel frazzled.” She went on to tell him about her day, knowing that she could trust him. Simon was not nearly as trustworthy. She’d tell him something and he always blabbed it, even though she knew his intentions were usually good. But Marco knew how to keep a secret. He’d told her that discretion meant everything with friendships, and he’d held to that.
“It is hard to love two men,” he said.
“Whoa, slow down. I do not love two men. I don’t even love one man. I . . . oh crap, I don’t know.”
He took her hand and they walked outside into the garden area, where a water fountain sprinkled crystalline droplets onto the Saltillo tiles, and jasmine crept up a trellis, casting its heady fragrance throughout the area. Nikki breathed it in. Shadows of the vines on the trellis danced on the tiled ground as the descending rays of sunlight splashed through the courtyard. They sat down on one of the benches under an orange blossom tree. “What you have to do is find out why you can not or do not want to love either of these men. Have you considered the possibility that you love them both, but you are too afraid to admit that? Loving one may be frightening enough, but if you love two, you will terrify yourself in such a way that you may not have either one.”
She sighed. “Love? That’s so huge, and I don’t know if I’ve ever been in love. I know I
to be in love. I think I do, but there are so many complications. Derek is so good-looking and grounded. He’s smart and witty, very thoughtful of his employees, friends, everyone.”
“Derek is a good man. I know there is some chemistry there. I can see it when the two of you are together. Simon and I have spoken of it.”
“Yeah, I know.” The two of them had tried hard to play matchmaker, but it had never panned out. “But, then there’s Andrés.”

. There is Andrés. Beautiful man.”
She nodded. “I know. And he’s crazy, as in fun crazy. I mean, we have so much fun. We go to art exhibits. We take hikes. We play together, you know, and he’s got a joy for life.” She sighed and, clasping her hands together in a fist brought them to her chest. “Sometimes maybe too much. He can almost be exhausting.” She looked down at the tiles. “I know he wants a family and I think I want that, too, and he is so passionate. So alive.”
He took her hands and uncurled them. “It frightens you,
. You are afraid to let go with him because it is that intense. You find Derek safer and that is why you stay attracted to him. But you cannot have someone to love who is so safe that he cannot let go of whatever pains himself inside. Do you not see? You cannot love Andrés because his passion is a fire burning out of control and you need to maintain it to feel safe in loving him. Derek sees you that same way. A vicious circle.”
“You’re good. I think. I don’t know if I like what you’re saying, because that’s not exactly an answer and I want an answer.”
“Do not live life, as you Americans would say, halfassed. Live it with passion.”
“Something the Guru Sansibaba would say?”
“No. Something I would say. I can only do so much as your friend, Nikki. Your heart must do the rest.” He tapped his chest. “You will know what man you want.”
“Thanks. Thanks a lot. So, in your opinion, which of these men has my heart?”
Before Marco could answer, Simon came running into the garden. “Oh, oh, oh.” He was out of breath. “There you are. I need help now. Come on, Goldilocks.” He grabbed her hand and started to drag her. “Marco come on. You too.”
“What is going on?” Nikki asked as she followed him inside the spa and down the hall to the treatment rooms.
Simon pointed at one of the doors that had a plaque on it reading, Vineyard Bath. “He has been in there for an hour. He was supposed to come out twenty minutes ago. Charlotte, who has been giving him the treatment, can’t get an answer from him.”
“Who?” Nikki asked.
“Georges Debussey. You know him. Right?”
“Yeah. So? We all know him. He’s been coming over here for months getting the restaurant ready.”
“Exactly. But now he’s in there taking a Syrah bath splash and he won’t come out.”
“What do you mean he won’t come out?” Nikki asked.
“I’ve knocked. Charlotte has knocked. I even went outside and yelled up at him. I’m sure the French doors were open.”
“You couldn’t tell if they were?” Nikki asked.
“No. Not without climbing up a hill over there and using a pair of binoculars,” Simon replied.
The bath area had been set up to be extremely private. It was at the end of the spa, and the room was the only one built onto the second story, with French doors that opened out onto the vineyard so that the bather could take in the view while bathing. No one could see in, as the bath room was on a separate level and also situated remotely.
“His assistant and his partner have been calling, saying that he’s needed in the kitchen,” Simon continued. “But he won’t answer. I think he’s asleep. He did take a glass of wine in there with him.”
“This is not good,” Marco said. “He could drown in the tub.”
“I don’t think so, love. He’s a pretty big man and even if he did drink that glass of wine, it wouldn’t be enough to get him so schnockered that he wouldn’t know if he went under. He’s asleep, or he has the earphones on and is listening to music. I think he’s lost track of time. Go in and get him, Nikki.”
“Me? Why me?”
“Duh. He’s naked.”
“Okay. But you are a man and you have seen naked men before. So what is the big deal?”
Simon looked away. “Tell her.”
Marco shook his head. “You tell her.”
“No,” Simon replied.
“Tell me what?” Nikki asked.
“I don’t like nakedness. It freaks me out,” Simon blurted.
“What?” Nikki tried not to laugh.
“He cannot look at a naked body.”
“Oh please,” Nikki said.
Simon gave her a dirty look. “We all have our issues.”
Nikki clucked her tongue. “Wait a minute, that’s why you don’t give the treatments.”

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