Silenced By Syrah (11 page)

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Authors: Michele Scott

BOOK: Silenced By Syrah
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The following morning, Nikki, still irritated over Derek’s reaction to Andrés wanting to take her to Spain, decided to take another day off and continue seeing what she could find out about Georges’ murder.
At a little after nine she headed to the spa. Janie was still asleep, and Nikki figured that was the best thing for her. She would have to do some more follow-up on Rick Moran today, but there were a few other things she wanted to check out.
She really needed to get the personnel files at the spa, which she was sure the cops already had. She didn’t want to go back to the office to access anything via the computer.
Even though she knew she’d get grief for going about it this way, she decided to ask Simon for the information she needed. He answered his cell right away. “Halooo, Goldilocks. I could see on my caller ID that it was you. What’s shakin’, bacon?”
“Cute. I need something.”
“You do? Why do I have a feeling this isn’t good?”
“I don’t know. It’s not a big deal. I need Charlotte’s address and phone number.” There was silence on the other end of the phone. “Simon?”
“I heard you. You mean Charlotte, the therapist who ran the Syrah bath splash for Georges?”
“Yes, that’s exactly who I’m talking about.”
“What do you mean, no?” Nikki asked. “I need it. I want to talk to her about a facial.”
“You can’t lie to me. I so know you. And, no. I know what you’re up to. Charlotte didn’t take out Georges. She didn’t even know him.”
“That’s what you say.”
“Nikki, for once let the cops do their job. I’m sure they’ve already been to see her, and honestly I don’t want you bothering her. She’s a good therapist and aesthetician. I don’t want her quitting on me because you think it’s your job to be a vigilante.”
Nikki sighed. New tactic must be taken. “Simon, you should know me.” She switched the phone to her other ear as she made it to her car. “I won’t bother her. Besides, if that Detective Robinson has been to see her she might already want to quit on you. I can smooth out his rough edges. Let her know that we as a company support her and know that she would not in any way have been involved in this.” No reply. “I’ll buy you dinner.”
“Dinner in the city?”
“Yes, in the city.”
“A night at the W?”
“What? I don’t make that kind of cash! And you know if you don’t give me what I want, I will find a way.”
“Oh okay, fine. But you be careful, dammit. You always go and get in these messes and then Marco and I have to come to the rescue.”
Please. “Yes, I know. I promise, I’ll be careful.”
She clicked off her phone after writing down Charlotte’s address on a piece of paper.
As she drove to Charlotte’s place she made two more calls. One to Janie, who told her what she needed to know about the interior decorator, and then to the interior decorator herself. The woman, a Ms. Redmond, was in and agreed to see her that afternoon.
Nikki pulled into the apartments where Charlotte lived on F Street. They were nice and looked pretty new. Granted they weren’t five-star, but Nikki had lived in some dumps while “acting,” and this place beat them hands down.
She found number 23 and rapped on the door. A young woman with red hair pulled back in a long ponytail opened it. She wore workout clothes. “Hey,” she said.
“Hi. Charlotte?” Nikki asked. She didn’t recognize her, and didn’t know if she would anyway. She hadn’t met all of the aestheticians at the spa yet.
“No. I’m Monica. I’m her roommate. Can I help you?”
“Maybe. I’m Nikki Sands. I work at the Malveaux Estate. Charlotte works there at the spa.”
“Not anymore,” Monica said.
“What do you mean?”
“Not after what happened on Saturday with that murder out there.”
Nikki took a step back. “Have the police been by?”
“Oh yeah, and they had poor Charlotte in tears. She’s pretty sensitive. Some cop named Robinson was here late Saturday night when Charlotte got home from her other job.”
“Other job?” Nikki asked.
“Yeah. She works at Auberge du Soleil in St. Helena.”
“I know the place. Nice.” Real nice. Simon, Marco, and Nikki had taken a trip up there when the spa was being built. It was a
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
hangout all the way. But not exactly what they wanted at Malveaux. They wanted something a bit quainter, plus the kind of cash it took to run Auberge was far more money than even the Malveauxs had. “Well if she’s working there, then what about Malveaux?”
“I don’t know, but she was freaked about what happened. Said there was some weird stuff with that guy who was killed. I think she told the cops about it, but I don’t know.” Monica glanced at her watch. “I gotta go. I have a class to teach at the gym in fifteen.”
“Right. Sorry. Do you know if Charlotte is working at Auberge today?”
The woman shrugged. “Don’t know. She’s my roommate, not my kid. It’s not like I keep tabs on her.”
Nikki backed away as Monica came out and locked the front door. Well, she had to go to St. Helena anyway. The interior decorator’s place was up there. Hopefully she’d kill two birds with one stone. She called Auberge and discovered that Charlotte was working. Nikki asked if she had any openings. It turned out that they’d just received a cancellation, so Nikki took it, knowing that getting a facial might be the only way to get to speak Charlotte. She then called Stacey Redmond back and asked the interior decorator if she’d join her for lunch at Auberge. Nikki appeased her by adding that she so much liked the decorating she’d done at the spa, hotel, and restaurant, that she was interested in having her do some work on her place. Hey, whatever it might take to get the answers she needed. Ms. Redmond agreed to the lunch date.
Half an hour later she made it to Rutherford Hill, where the gorgeous hotel and spa were located. The place had a French influence to it, but with a California flair as it sat atop the hill with amazing views of the valley below. The cottages were done in earth tones, all with French doors leading out onto terraces. It looked like a wonderful place to stay, but at five hundred a night for the least expensive room, Nikki figured it might be some time before she soaked up the luxury between the sheets at Auberge. She’d take the more rustic, homey feel of the Malveaux spa and hotel any day, even though they weren’t in her price range either. The rooms at Malveaux started at three hundred. Lucky for her, she had an in.
She recognized Stacey Redmond waiting for her at the hostess area. Today Stacey didn’t have any red blotches on her face from crying over Georges’ demands. No one would be crying over Georges’ demands ever again. Stacey looked calm, even vibrant. She smiled when she spotted Nikki, her hazel eyes reflecting a genuine happiness to see her. She tucked her shoulder-length blonde hair back behind her ears. She reminded Nikki of one of the good girls. The kind guys cheated off of during tests in school, the kind who used Noxzema, and wore Izods and Top-Siders. Not exactly square, but smart and just a good girl whose mom surely bragged about her.
Nikki smiled back and approached her. “Hi. How are you?”
“Good, good.” They made small talk before being seated.
Once at the table, it was Stacey who first opened up the conversation about Georges. Nikki noticed that her manicured hands trembled. She fiddled with the large diamond on her ring finger. “I heard about Georges. I read it in the paper this morning. It’s terrible.”
“It is.” Nikki did not tell her that she was the one who found him.
A waiter came over and set down glasses of water. Once he left, Stacey quickly changed the subject. “You said that you wanted some decorating done?”
Nikki nodded and took a sip from her glass. She wanted to get back on the subject of Georges, but could tell by Stacey’s nervous behavior that she’d have to make her comfortable first. “Would you like some wine?”
“Oh no. I’m pregnant.”
“You are? That’s wonderful.”
“Thank you,” Stacey replied. “Damon and I are very excited. It’s taken quite some time for us to get pregnant again.”
“Good for you. And your little boy? Is he okay? I remember the other day when you were so upset, you said that he was sick.”
“He’s much better, thank you. We should look at the menu.” She smiled, but her hands still shook when she lifted her water glass.
Nikki glanced over the menu and ordered the yellowfin tuna with roasted beets, radish, and lemon oil. Since her lunch partner wasn’t imbibing she decided to have iced tea with her lunch. Stacey ordered the scallops, then directed the conversation back to decorating, and Nikki decided she’d appease her, maybe get her to open up. “My room is so feminine right now, which I love. It’s pink and black toile, but I think I’d really like a change. I like the colors you used at the restaurant. They are perfect for a vineyard. Did you choose those colors or did Georges?”
“I did. But of course, he didn’t like the colors.” She looked away.
“I think the colors are fantastic and so does Derek.”
“Thank you. I tried really hard to please Georges, but he was kind of difficult to work for.”
“Yeah, he seemed to be pretty hard on the people who worked for him.”
“Hard to please. Very. But I’m sorry he’s gone. I am. No one deserves to be murdered.”
The waiter brought their orders, and throughout lunch Nikki felt like there was something more that Stacey wanted to tell her. She asked her questions about her son, her husband, and her pregnancy.
“I’m three months along,” Stacey said, and she smiled wide. “It’s great. We finally started telling our friends and family. We had a couple of miscarriages after Jacob and I started to think it wouldn’t happen again. But now, I’m past the real scary zone and with some prayer we’ll make it all the way.”
“That must have been difficult for you,” Nikki said. “How have you been able to work?”
“It is hard, but Damon is starting a new business. He left the architect firm he worked for and went out on his own recently, and my business is growing, and we really need that dual income.” She stabbed a scallop and took a bite.
“Working with someone like Georges must have been very stressful.”
Stacey set her fork down. “You know what, it was. And, can I ask you something?”
“You’re not really here to ask me about decorating tips, are you? You keep bringing the conversation back to Georges. I know you saw me upset last week and I was, and for good reason. Georges was not easy to work with. But if you’re thinking what I think you are, then you’re wrong. I had nothing to do with Georges’ murder. I’m not a killer, Ms. Sands. An emotional, pregnant woman who would like to
pregnant, if you know what I mean.”
Nikki shook her head. “Not exactly.”
“Fine. I’ll spell it out.” Suddenly Stacey Redmond turned into a lioness. “You were the only one to see me break down last week. I fell apart in front of you because I was so frustrated with Georges’ demands and you happened to be there at the time. I’m sorry about that now. I went home and told my husband about the way Georges treated me, but only he and you know. In other words, Damon and I have wanted another baby for a long time now, and it looks like we’re finally going to have one. The police have no idea I had a falling out with Georges and they don’t need to, because I didn’t kill him.”
“Okay. I’m sure you have an alibi.”
Stacey shook her head. “No. No, I don’t. I read in the paper what time they thought the murder occurred, and I happened to be on the road at that time. Here’s what I’m trying to tell you: I don’t need the stress of the police coming around my home or my business and questioning me. I don’t need your questions. I am a mom and an interior decorator. I didn’t murder Georges, but it would send up red flags if someone told them that I had a problem with Georges and found him difficult to work for.” She lowered her gaze and twisted her napkin around her fingers. “Please, Nikki, keep what I told you between us. I don’t need the stress and neither does my family. I have to go.” She set down a twenty. Nikki tried to give it back. Stacey refused and left.
Nikki sat there dumbfounded, not knowing exactly what to do. Stacey Redmond had motive and opportunity to murder Georges. The man stressed her out and she wanted to keep that baby. Nikki couldn’t blame her. But would she go so far as to kill him? Nikki didn’t know that either, and because she didn’t, she decided to keep Stacey Redmond’s secret. For now.
Sautéed Diver Scallops with
Cauliflower, Capers, and Almonds
with Robert Mondavi
Private Selection Pinot Grigio
There are quite a few places that Nikki would recommend you visit while in the wine country, and one of them would be Auberge du Soleil. It is divine in every sense of the word. However, if you don’t have a chance to do so, you can create your own Sunshine Inn. You and your loved one can make a wonderful dinner together. Choose from one of these recipes, compliments of the restaurant. The diver scallops pair wonderfully with a glass of Robert Mondavi Private Selection Pinot Grigio. A dry, fresh fruit-flavored wine combined with mineral and spice notes, which make it a wine to be paired with many different foods.
⁄2 cup balsamic vinegar (reduced)
2 cups cauliflower florets

cup cream
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
8 fresh scallops (dayboat, if available) 2-3 oz each
salt and pepper

tbsp unsalted butter
2 tbsp capers
2 tbsp slivered almonds (toasted)
2 tbsp golden raisins
1 tbsp chopped parsley
In a small saucepan, bring vinegar to a boil, reduce by half, and reserve.
Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil and season with salt to taste. Add the cauliflower florets. (Break apart one head of cauliflower into equal pieces. Reserve 1 cup of the better looking florets for garnish.) Cook until tender (about 60 seconds). Drain and plunge florets in ice bath to stop the cooking process. In a saucepan, cover the other cup with the cream and cook for 8 minutes. Purée and put through a fine mesh sieve. Keep warm.

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